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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius blinked. Okay, now she was a bit worried. "I think they made the right decision.... uh, just... don't use that on me, okay?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria smiled again, warmly this time. "I won't, promise. Unless somehow you become one of those.... fallen... things. Then I think any of us would want to be put out of our misery. Don't have to worry about that though thank god, not like vampires or anything that they can turn you. Your safe. At least from me. From those things.... well.... not so much."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She grinned at the device. "I was made for search and destroy, you really want to give me an advantage here?" she said with a grin as she crouched to all fours, her gun arm still held in position.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda laughs out loud, shifting over to make sure she has enough room if she needed it. "I meant you spot something and tell me where to shoot it, but this is even better. And you may be built for it, but I've trained for this. You think you can keep up with me at this range?" Throughout her whole speech, her tone is flighty and bragging. Its easy to tell that's she's hoping for a challenge.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"My only disadvantage is this thing don't do good at range, thus, I gotta do pulses. Big dif then one shot," she pointed out as her antenni twitched. In a twitch-motion, she raises her gun and fires at an I-beam twice, having it crash to the ground- sending two fallen scurring out of cover. "Let the games begin!" she announced, moving her gun barrel with the Fallen in the lead.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Left one, temple, either side!" She calls out, waiting for her target as she changes ammunition to one that won't make a foot cube of flesh disappear when it hits. She waits until after the bug lady takes her shot before continuing the banter. "Only disadvantage? Aren't compound eyes horrible for depth perception?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She gives her a sideways look, her yellow eyes focused on the sniper, gun still training the target. "Compound? What are you talking about?" Blindly, she takes the shot, knocking the Fallen back. "Right arterie, concentrated shot. Should be bled out before hitting the ground. Your turn."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Sorry, I haven't gotten much of a look at your face yet." She says, taking a shot which passes through the right jugular like it was supposed to, and passes through the spinal cord as well.

"Does it still count if they're dead as they bleed out?" Linda asks with a laugh.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

As Machine sees that the department is rather spacious he switches back to the grenade launcher, making his way down the hallways.
A clunk behind him alerts the soldier, and he spins around just in time to come face to face with a Fallen pouncing him. They both fall to the ground, Miller on his back with the Fallen above him. It's about to claw him, but a grenade launcher across the face quickly discourages it. It scampers back to it's feet - only to have one knee taken out by another swing with the grenade launcher. The fallen lands on his back and tries to get back up. . . only to find a boot firmly planted on it's skull. It's claws start to scratch along the armor, but it finds no purchase.
"Hm. Now that I got you, what am I going to- oh wait." Machine shifts weight and caves in the Fallen's skull, eventually making it burst like a ripe tomato. Miller hmphs and opens a hatch on the armor, pulling out a fat cigar. Lighting a match on the armor he fires it up and turns around, continuing down the walkway.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Remember Rule, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar)

366... hadn't entered the ship. In fact, the enigmatic Operative had retreated to a quiet corner to open her helmet once more, safely out of view of her erstwhile comrades. A cloth, stained with what certainly wasn't strawberry jam, is quietly incinerated, then she too hurries through the airlock.

"Commander. This is 366. Situation?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa, having taken her time going down the elevator shaft due to a small but rational fear of falling down an impossibly long pit to a painful death, arrives at the entrance of the hangar. She stares up at the ship, or at least what she could take in. Her eyes widen at the size of it and she mutters, "Holy shi..." as she approaches. Hearing the chatter on her radio snaps her back to reality though, and she pumps her shotgun at the mention of Fallen running around inside it. "Time to do some cleaning up," she says as she runs forward through the nearest opening... and right into the back of 366. The impact causes her to stumble, falling forward on top of the black clad woman.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 starts imperceptibly as the footsteps approach, then dismisses them as she hears the crackle of radio static. It could only be a friendly - none of the hostiles were carrying radios.

It came as a surprise when the person rounded the corner at a dead run, cannoning straight into the slight Operative, and taking them both for a tumble. 366, though, moved like a cat, legs scissoring around her unexpected attacker's, and twisting to land straddling Melissa, a blade poised ready to..


366 pauses, then glances down the corridor at the sound of approaching voices. Fallen voices. A kick took out a nearby grating, then 366 yanks both of them into it, and the grating in after them. The helmet snaps back to reveal feminine features, and dark, tightly curled hair. Blue eyes shine in the darkness, and 366 holds a finger to Melissa's lips. Owing to their position before taking evasive action, the two were now.. a little... entangled, but that was of no matter.

Two pairs of boots stop on the plating directly outside their vent, but 366 remains quiet. Instead, she reaches to click the volume off on Melissa's radio. Now would be a bad time to be given away.

Finally, after an eternity of forced intimacy, the boots turn, and recede in smart military step, doubtless heading off after one of the others. 366 waits, then removes the grate, and yanks herself out, helmet closing up.

"Be more careful next time."

With that, the Operative was gone, sprinting down the hallway after the Fallen.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I..." Melissa begins as the operative runs off, then is left standing alone feeling like an idiot. Well, she was an idiot for not watching where she was going. She blushes a bit at that thought, and hits herself on the temple. "Stupid girl," she chides herself, then reaches into the vent to grab her shotgun. Looking in, Melissa thinks back to the seemingly endless moments she was stuck in there, entangled with the operative. The woman was obviously responding on pure instinct to a dangerous situation, but Melissa can't help but remember how it felt to be wrapped up by her, arms and legs entwined. "Shit," she grumbled, forcing herself to stop thinking about such things.

Melissa breathes out, and clicks her radio back on, then looks around. She came in here looking for Fallen, and there were some in the direction 366 had headed. Black Ops or not, a group of Fallen was a dangerous thing to take on alone. Melissa headed down the hallway after 366, being a bit more careful not to run into any stray people this time. As she moved, she spoke into her mic, "Command, this is Dietrich, I'm in pursuit of multiple hostiles on the lower decks. 366 has already moved to engage. Over."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Following a period of walking, going through transporters, and engaging in melee combat with multiple Fallen, Ava managed to finally arrive at the corridor leading to the ship's living quarters. With fresh wounds littered across her body struggling to regenerate, it was a wonder how she could continue walking so nonchalantly despite the fact that she dripped blood as she walked. Had any other living creature suffer the same wounds and be forced to press on without rest, they would surely be screaming in agony. Even upon reaching the living quarters, the wounds continued to bleed freely for the most part. Voice slightly hoarse from a regenerating cut along her throat, Ava reported to her commander while looking upon him with a single eye, the other closed to allow the regeneration to take effect.

"... I have arrived. Orders?..."

Of course, it probably didn't help the already sick Michael to present him a sight seemingly out of a horror movie.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The Fallen hadn't gone far. As Melissa rounds the next corner, there they stand - about twenty meters away. One of them is just going into a small side room, weapon first, and the other, watching his back. They don't appear to have noticed her.

A strangled scream is cut off by the door's closing, trapping one Fallen inside. His team-mate bangs frantically on the keypad, hammering at the digits to no avail, crying out in some alien tongue the whole time. One imagines that because of the shared psychic link, this one can feel everything currently happening to his brethren on the other side. He stands back, and takes aim, intending to blast the door open.. this would be an excellent moment to intervene.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She grins a bit. "I did specify dead before they hit the ground at least," she joked as she crouched down, antennai still twitching.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had heard enough. With more Fallen making their way to the airlock, and the rest of her team finally on board, the closed the door, then focused, her eyes glowing once more. "All hands, this is flight. We have more hostiles trying to board, I'm taking us up and away from their reinforcements, brace yourselves for a little shaking."

With that, the mighty ship began to rise off the ground, towards the sky. While her team mates had warning, it was likely the fallen did not, and as such, any who weren't prepared for the ship lifting off would likely be slammed to the ground, hard.

"Whee, we're flying again. Sorry for not waiting Michael, but I didn't think you'd want an additional hundred or so Fallen storming us from behind. Now, where the hell are they all coming from?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Taking advantage of the Fallen's distraction, Melissa stalks up behind it, then levels the shotgun at the base of its skull just as it raises its weapon to the door. "Knock, knock," she says, just before pulling the trigger, the Fallen's skull exploding against the closed the door. Using the shotgun to give the corpse a shove to the side, Melissa slides up against the wall on the other side of the door. She bangs on the closed door and yells, "Six? You okay?" She keeps her eyes open for anything in the hallway. She thought there were more than two when she and 366 were in the vent shaft, but didn't see anything else out here. She yelled again, "Six?" before moving her hand to the keypad to try opening the door.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Finally, the door hisses open, to reveal a small, darkened room, and 366 standing in the doorway. Her visor glows gently, the only part of the Operative that could be easily seen.

She steps out, brushing past Melissa without a word, then leans back against the wall once more, in what seems like a preferred position for her.

"My thanks. I believe, that would be all of them."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"No problem," Melissa says as the woman takes up a position across from her. She looks back at the darkened room, making out the body of a badly mutilated Fallen corpse lying in a pool of blood, then looks back at the operative. "Like your job, I take it," she says with a grin. She reaches to her radio and reports, "Command, hostiles on the lower deck neutralized. Orders?"
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