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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The visor that is 366, stares grimly at Melissa for a moment, then slides back to reveal the same face from before. In the light of the corridor, her features are more obviously European - almost Greek in origin. Perhaps not launching a thousand ships, but attractive nonetheless. The light reveals more, though. Red against olive skin, bloody smears on her cheeks and face, evidence of the earlier slaughter.

The eyes, though. The eyes are dull. Mourning. Sad. A hundred words wouldn't be enough to describe those eyes. Finally, 366 speaks.

"No. Not really. I hate it."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa immediately feels bad for her glib attitude. She manages a weak smile, though, and says softly, "That's good. Means your still human. Easy to lose that in a war like this." She looks away and takes a few steps down the hallway before stopping and saying, "Uhh... We should probably link back up with the rest of the team, unless there's something else that needs to be done down here."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 watches Melissa back away without the faintest trace of surprise, then the helmeted head shakes, ruefully.

"You are correct. But I believe, the bridge is this way."

With that, 366 closes her visor, and turns away, striding off down the corridor at a fast pace.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa spins around at 366's statement. "Uh... right," she said, hurrying to follow the operative. She shoves her shotgun back into her storage disc as she runs, and tries to keep pace with her, though its difficult.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria continued to effortlessly keep the ship high up off the ground, and turned her attention back to the doors, keeping them shut tightly with her mind. She would be damned if the Fallen, if any were still left were coming through that door.

((They'll have to radio her to get her to open them, otherwise the only way through them is to destroy them totally.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 seems to know where she's going, taking a decisive left.. then a right... then through a side door and up a flight of stairs. Finally, she halts at a corner, and raises a cautionary hand.

A careful peek around the corner, then she slips back into cover, and away just a little to give Melissa the situation in a quiet whisper.

"Four. Trying to get the door open. Ideas?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Good enough for me!" Linda says. "Though I think we'll have to tie this at 1-1 for now, as we seem to have run out of targets. Our friend Machine seems to have taken out the last one, down that side corridor."

She drops her camoflage and disassembles her rifle again, standing after and giving the bug girl an appraising look. "You're pretty good at this." She states simply.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Yeah... seems that's all I'm good at," she muttered a bit sadly, her antenni lowering as the fight ends, returning her weapon to the disc. "I really don't know what to do at the moment..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well, I for one can use a snack." Linda says casually, stretching a little and heading back to the teleporter. "The living quarters have to have some sort of kitchen or canteen nearby, right?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Kitchen?" she asked, genuinely curious on the matter.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda looks back with a stunned expression for almost three seconds before shaking her head a little. "Right, a kitchen's a place where meals are prepared. Come on, we'll look for one." She says, gesturing to the teleporter and hitting the button for the living section of the ship once they were both inside.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She nods a bit, looking a bit saddened. "S-sorry, basic training only worried about combat tactics... they sorta glossed over living arrangements..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda just shrugs. "Don't feel too bad about it, every person on this squad has some demon or another about them, yours are just a little more obvious. Makes me glad I retired before they could suck me too far in." She says enigmatically as the door opens to an empty hallway. She starts down in a random direction, pistol at the ready, but not really expecting any fallen in the area.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa stares at the masked woman for a second before finally accepting what she thought she had heard. 366 was asking HER opinion on this? The operative was obviously more qualified to handle this situation than she was. But 366 had asked for ideas, and Melissa wouldn't let her down. Well, at least not intentionally...

"Maybe a distraction would help," Melissa says quietly. "If we can radio Adria to turn off the lights in this section, you can get closer to them. Then I'll distract them with shotgun fire. At this range, it won't hurt them much, but they'll come after me. Once they get past you, they'll be wide open." Melissa was a little pleased with her plan. It sounded good to her, though the prospect of staring down four Fallen wasn't something she liked. Maybe 366 would have something better up her sleeve. "How does that sound, Six?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Behind her visor, 366 smiles. Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea to ask the woman's opinion.. she hadn't really known why she did it, at the time. More of an impulse thing.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll make my own modification on the fly.. you have night-vision optics?"

While waiting for an answer, she broadcasts quietly to Adria..

"Adria.. we're outside the bridge. 4. Can you turn off the lights?"

Meanwhile, the 4 fallen seem to be discussing something among themselves, and one of them is gesticulating wildly, holding what looks like a grenade in his hand.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Since 366 had said there were 4 Fallen outside the bridge, and she had been speaking lowly, Adria didn't bother to voice back a reply.

366's only reply would be the lights in the entire corridor suddenly shutting off without warning.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa looks up at the lights as they click off, then back at 366. It takes a few seconds for her eyes to adjust, but before long she can make out Six's silhouette and basic features. If the operative looks at Melissa's eyes, she can see a dull glow, like those of a cat. "I can see well enough to pull this off," Melissa says, drawing her shotgun back out of her storage disc. She breathes in and out once, then readies herself for the attack. "I'm ready when you are, Six."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

For her part, 366 draws a pair of slim blades, fanning them in her right hand, then nods to Melissa. Like a shadow, the Operative slips around the corner, staying low, and close to the wall, approaching the Fallen.

Fallen, that are now busy fitting flashlights to their weapons, and before long, bright beams cut the darkness, and panicked voices sound in alien tongues. 366 pauses, just down the corridor from them, ducked low, and glances to Melissa wordlessly.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Poking her head out from behind the corner, Melissa nods at 366, then steps out into the corridor. The Fallen notice her boot steps almost immediately and shine their flashlights at her, but Melissa calmly yells, "Hey boys, care to have some fun?" Without pause she opens fire with her shotgun, careful to aim away from 366's position. The shotgun pellets mostly bounce off the reinforced armor of the Fallen, but a few penetrate into the softer tissue at the joints, making a squelching sound. The tough creatures seem hardly phased by this though, and charge the woman, roaring loudly, but not firing any weapons. They loved getting the up close kill, tearing people limb from limb, Melissa thought. As the creatures pass the operative, she begins to back up and round the corner, not wanting to give them that pleasure.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The Fallen passed the crouching Operative at a dead run, incensed by the woman firing pellets at them from a distance. Therefore, the three leading failed to notice the sudden disappearance of their comrade, neatly tripped, then stabbed through the eye by 366.

That left three to round the corner onto Melissa, swinging their rifles like clubs. At least, that was their intention. The creatures barely took two steps before a black line, practically invisible in the darkness, whipped around their ankles, courtesy of Operative 366. The three hit the deck, and hard.

Casually, their demise strolls around the corner, spinning a pair of knives in her hands. 366 casually glances at the prostrate Fallen, only now beginning to stir, and then at Melissa. The hint is obvious.