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Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Elevator Shafts

It suddenly got a lot harder. Lillius turned her shots to the snipers below only to realize that she needed to reload. She backed up to avoid the fire of the snipers as she ejected the empty batteries. This left her open long enough for a Creeper to make is up the elevator shaft and launced itself at her and tackled her to the ground. It clawed out a chunk of Lillius' stomache, splattering slime on the wall, and took a bite into her shoulder.

"AAAHH!" She shrieked in pain. A knife quickly appeared in her hand, which then flashed towards the Creeper's head. It was blocked, pinned down, and was retailiated against with another clawing across Lillius body, tearing through 'flesh' and her clothing. Parts of her body were beginning to became softer as her strength faded. Another knife in the other hand and this time it found its mark. The Creeper roared in pain, at the knife sticking out of its side. This gave Lillius just enough of an opening to use the first knife to slit the Creepers throat. A few moments and it slumped over.

"Nnnnn..." The goo-girl groaned as she was barely able to push off the corpse. There was no way she could run like this. She retrieved her pistols, putting one of them away, and quickly reloaded it as she was on her knees. She could hear the Creepers approaching still as she raised the pistol.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


As Melissa works feverishly on the injured woman, she hears... no... feels the questions asked in her mind. She had used her bio-neural interface dozens of times before on injured soldiers, but none of them had ever made this kind of link with her before. Taken aback, her hands falter and stumble, causing her to lose hold of the sutures she was still working on. Melissa could feel the injured woman panicking, and the emotion floods into her mind as well. Her vision blurs, and her hands shake, while she struggles to calm herself. But it's no good, she realizes. As long as she is... connected... to Linda, Melissa would feel everything she felt. Melissa had never been one for bedside manner. Most soldiers are too busy writhing in pain or struggling to regain consciousness for kind words to matter to them. But she wouldn't let the woman die. She had seen enough people killed by the Fallen. No more.

I... It's Melissa... Be calm, Linda... I'm trying to help you...

Melissa tries to think calmly and kindly to Linda, even summoning up some soothing memories from her own past.

A day in the park with her family, listening to birdsong and enjoying a cool summer breeze.
Curled up in front of a fireplace with a good book.
Relaxing in a warm bath.

The soothing thoughts calm down her own mind, and allow her to finish up the suture she is working on, but she can feel the panic from Linda welling up again. Realizing she will never be able to save Linda if she can't control her own body and mind, Melissa reaches out again.

Please, Linda... You need to be calm... I can't do this without your help...
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

I... It's Melissa... Be calm, Linda... I'm trying to help you..

A wave of images comes from Linda's mind: Two girls, maybe eight years old each, playing catch in a yard. The same pair, maybe eleven now, riding pedalbikes down a street, laughing. Again, fifteen or sixteen now, watching a movie in a bedroom, one sitting on the edge of the bed while the other, now noticeably Linda, sits on the floor between the first's legs, getting her hair braided. A wave of emotions follow this, threatening to rise up completely...

Please, Linda... You need to be calm... I can't do this without your help...

Calm? Calm...
Another wave of images: Linda, twenties now, alone, sitting on a stump and enjoying the view of a mountainside. Sitting on the porch of a shoddy-looking log cabin, watching deer graze not ten feet in front of her. Laying on a rooftop, looking at the night sky and picturing the stars as just that, points of lightso far away they might as well not exist...



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria was not pleased with the radio chatter coming through. From the sounds of it, everything had gone to hell with this plan, and that couldn't be allowed. "Enough of this. Those of you who have breathing aparatus, I suggest you get ready to use them and hang on tightly. If your in any section with an outer hatch, hold on to something HARD."

At the likely questioning look she'd get on the bridge, her only reply was to bring the engines back to full power, and the ship suddenly lurched upwards toward the skies, the clouds flying by before suddenly, they began thinning rapidly. It would soon be clear, the ship was heading into space.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Melissa exhales as the wave of panic passes out of her mind, her hands stop shaking, and her pulse slows to a normal rhythm. She immediately goes back to fixing up Linda's wounds.

Good girl, Linda... calm... relax...

She repeats the words every so often, trying to make herself sound as comforting as possible, even motherly. The dressings were mostly done. It wouldn't be long now.

Just then, the ship lurches as Adria rockets it out of the atmosphere. Melissa stumbles, falling back and catching herself with one hand. Despite the sudden movement, she managed to keep herself calm. Keep Linda calm. She straightens up and begins finishing the sutures.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Screaming like a madman, Ava hurled herself at the Behemoths, who had become unbalanced as a result of the sudden lurch. Taking full advantage of their imbalance, Ava cleaved the closer of the two as she brought her blade swinging up as hard as she could. Narrowly dodging the falling machete of the Behemoth that had just been killed Ava advanced on the other one. By the time she did however the other was already back on its feet, and charging at her. Returning its mad rush, Ava did likewise as she dashed towards it with her good arm extended, katana in hand. In an all or nothing blow she put on a burst of speed beyond what her damaged legs could safely withhold, narrowly dodging the machete as it came down and slicing the remaining behemoth cleanly in half. Her price? She couldn't walk anymore. At least not for a good period of time.

Collapsing onto the floor shortly after the alien had, Ava gripped at her weapon weakly, restoring the field back to normal as her vanished. Footsteps approaching in the distance, the Unit sent what would appear to be her final transmission.

"Ava... reporting... the maintenance area has been... compromised... *BANG*"

The girl knew nothing more as the bullet collided against her synthetic skull, and slipped her into the seas of unconsciousness...

(No, she's not dead. Her skull can take a normal bullet at any rate... more than that?... Yeah. Anyway, anyone up for saving Ava? ^^;; Or at least retrieving her?)


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


"What the hell is going on?!" Michael yells over the radio, losing his balance as the ship lurches, then hearing Ava "Ava? Respond! AVA!" he yells, hearing the sounds coming from outside "Dammit! I'm going out to go find Ava and 366!" he yells, wrenching open the doors from the bridge and dashing down the corridor, heading with great speed towards the blast doors

Crew Quarters

The Stalker was already out of the way of Xerberis' claws, his right hand grasping her right arm suddenly and his left hand grasping her left arm "You cannot escape from my fury." he says, hissing and twisting her arms, causing great pain to her

Blast Doors

"Well, well. A new opponent." the head of the groups says in a very deep, raspy voice. If one could see him through the darkness, they would see a seven-foot tall Fallen with pale 'skin', long black fingernails, three long black tails covered in a strange form of metal, as well as a black suit of armor covering his arms, legs, chest, and abdominal areas, as well as a long cloak hanging down behind him and a large sword hung on his left waist. His face was something from a nightmare. A maw lined with multiple sets of teeth and a chin that stretched forward, one set of large red eyes which stared down at 366 mercilessly, and something no Fallen had ever been recorded having. Hair. Long, Black hair, braided into dreadlocks that fell to the sides and behind his head, as well as a small red 'jewel', embedded partially in the middle of his forehead. The creature would nod his head back once, then reach for his sword on his waist, drawing it slowly, revealing a very jagged, almost band-saw like blade lined with uncountable amounts of small teeth, designed for ripping and tearing through flesh and causing the most pain "This one is mine. The rest of you, complete your mission." he says, his large black boots thumping as he walks forward towards 366


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The ship suddenly cleared the atmosphere, and Adria once again calmly opened a radio channel to her team mates. "All hell breaks loose, NOW."

With those words, no time for any fallen to react, every area that had an outer hatch suddenly burst open into empty space, jettisoning whatever was in those rooms out into open space. Luckily for her, none of her team mates were in an area that got jettisoned, but unfortunately for the Fallen, most of their troops likely were.

Anyone who could see it would probably be slightly amused at seeing any of the fallen on the ship suddenly flailing about trying to get back into the ship, unsuccessfully, as they were vented out. Then of course, they got caught in Earth's gravity well, and began entering the atmosphere. Shortly after, they began to burn up in it.

With that done, Adria closed the hatches and returned them back to normal. She then activated the shields, an unreadable expression on her face. Most likely she was praying to god she hadn't just vented any of her team out as well.

The ship shook violently from a sudden shot, shield flaring up in front of the main window on the bridge. Looking out, they could spot three Fallen ships of unknown class, firing at them. "Anyone see a weapons console?"

As if answering her, there was a sudden hum of energy, and then a massive yellow colored laser shot out from the ship, impacting the Fallen ship shields.... and punching right through them, obliterating the first offending vessel with one shot. "HOLY SHIT!" Adria exclaimed. "I don't remember THAT kind of weaponry from last time!"
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus screamed, the vocal sharp enough to break a nearby glass apart, and hopefully injuring the creature's ears. Her limbs kicked and scrabbled, trying to cut at him no matter what. "LetgoletgoletgoletgoletGOOOOO!!!" she yells in a small mantra.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

A hand falls on Lillius shoulder. "I got it", Machine growls as the other arm rises, the grenade launcher in hand. At a surprisingly low speed the grenade arcs into the elevator shaft, bounces off the opposite wall and quickly descends down to explode into a chaos of fire and blades. That should take care of the snipers.
The large man quickly changes to his Gorgons as he hears the Creepers approaching. "I hate these fucks."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Maintenance Area

Meanwhile, back at the maintenance level, a Fallen was standing over Ava's "allegedly" dead body, rifle smoking from having shot her in the head. Kicking her with his foot, he checked for vital signs. No response, asides from a faint glow. Looking back towards his squad leader, a short distance behind, the alien seemed to request further orders from him, before leaving the fallen Unit behind and continuing his advance. Behind him was a good sized combat squad of 10-20, all armed to the teeth as well as a small pack of creepers. A massive towering leading up the rear, it was obvious that things were going to become even more messy very soon...


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Elevator Shafts

The distracting Fallen far below run for cover.. in vain. Those surviving the blast were cut apart by the shrapnel - razors embedding themselves in twisted flesh. There is a moment of eerie calm... then a Creeper lunges at Machine from -above- the lift doors. Apparently, they crept up through the other shaft.

Blast Doors

366 spins a blade between her fingers. Every ounce of training she'd ever received screamed that this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. It was time to run, to regroup, to conceal herself. She was a creature of the shadows, not fighting head-to-head with this monstrosity.

Who knows what compelled her to stay? Who knew whether foolish pride, or some greater moral stayed her feet? An Operative, trained for self-preservation above all else, stood to fight. And fight, she would.

A flick of the wrists brings twin pistols up, and aimed at the head of the leader. 366 flicks her head, in a taunt.

"I could redecorate this ship, you know. I've never killed something like you... I don't know what blood runs through your veins. But it doesn't matter. Any colour is better than steel gray.."

In a surprising move.. she holsters the weapons. Instead, 366 chooses a blade, with a curious pistol grip. It comes out from the blade at a right angle - allowing her to grip it, and place the blade along her forearm, pointing outwards. She spins it, then beckons.

"Come, then. Come and die."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

The Stalker would smile, albeit unable to be seens through the darkness, then twist her arms further an kick her in the right hip with his right leg "I don't like bugs like you. So I'll leave you here to die, little bug." he says, letting go and kicking her in the back of the chest, hitting her square on the spine

Blast doors

"You have some courage to stand against me." the monster says, thumping forward and sheathing his sword "I do not need my blade to kill you." he says, the thumping growing much quicker, his pace picking up as he charges forward, directly at 366 in a body slam


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

She gave a small yelp as he let go, but, probably surprising the Stalker, a sigh of relief as she got back up. "I don't die easy, freak!" she hissed, claws bared and giving a growl as her eyes roved the darkness, relying on her antennai to pick out the target through it's vibrations, pinpointing his location before pouncing, claws spread wide!


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366... doesn't even drop into a combat stance. She stands there, blade against her forearm, casually awaiting the creature's charge. Stands... stands... stands.

Far too late for the Operative to have any chance of evading the slam, she disappears. Just disappears on the spot. Between heartbeats, she was gone. Not gone far, though - reappearing on the monstrosity's back, blade slicing towards its throat.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

The Stalker simply laughs and begins to roar, his arms outstretched, several of the dead Fallen nearby literally raising from the dead from the sheer sound of his cries, their bodies reanimated for a short time as the all surrounded Xerberis and pounced, grappling her from all directions and holding her in place, the Stalker smiling through the darkness as he slowly approached. If Xerberis tried to move the bodies, she would feel that they were once again dead.

Blast Doors

The monster reached his righ arm up, te armor plating on his right arm blocking the blade with ease "Did you really think you could defeat me? General Xerkan the Merciless?" the monster asks, his deep voice still echoing around as his left arm reaches up to grasp 366 by the head, then throws her against a wall with the force of a speeding car "No one has ever defeated me in combat. Like the rest of your race, pathetic and weak." he says, stomping over towards 366


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 flips in mid-air.. but there was nothing she could do to dissipate her momentum. So instead, she simply vanishes, before touching the steel. Vanishes... and does not reappear.

8 meters above, in a vent shaft the Operative had picked out on the map for just this eventuality, 366 relaxes. A moment, then she sets off for the bridge, blinking every few meters.. heading for the Bridge


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

With even more growls of fury, she started pushing at the bodies, tossing a few aside, but the sheer number made it quite odvious that she wouldn't be unburied before the Stalker got there...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The ship shook again as the remaining two Fallen ships fired again, this time at will. Adria noted the shields were barely even being touched right now from just those two, and grinned evilly. She once more returned fire, one ship managing to evade the deadly incoming laser, the other.... not as fortunate. It too exploded as it was cut in half at the center, leaving just the one ship left out there.

What happened next was unusual. The Fallen ship that was left banked, then accelerated towards the ship, their speed suggesting they intended to ram the much larger vessel.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius looked up. "Thank you...." From her position, she could see the Fallen that launched itself at Machine. She quickly shoved him out of the way, the Fallen landing on top of her instead. She jammed her pistol into the fleshless Creeper's chest and let loose with several shots of high intensity laser, eventually burning a hole straight through, it being quite dead now.

Weakly shoving off yet another corpse, Lillius groaned in pain. This was definitely not a great situation.