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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Good girl, Linda... calm... relax..

Linda drifted in a field of black, listening to the calming voice, not a fare in the world.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Melissa finishes patching up Linda just before the Fallen ships fired their second volley.

Great job Linda... you were great...

As the ship shakes again, Melissa instinctively throws her body over Linda, to shield her from any debris that might break away from the ceiling. With her face so close to the unconscious woman, Melissa is surprised to find herself noting how attractive the other woman looks. Now not being the time for something like that, Melissa focuses back on the battle and hopes that emotion didn't cross over the link. She sends one last message to Linda as she unplugs the jack.

Rest now, Linda... Everything's going to be fine...

Pushing herself back to a kneeling position over her patient, Melissa calls, "Linda is stabilized, she'll be back with us soon, though she probably won't be doing anything strenuous anytime soon." She looks over the room, annoyed that Michael had run off, but yells to Adria, "What's our situation?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Situation is we've lost contact with Ava and a couple other people. Also taking fire from three Fallen ships, two of which I have destroyed, however I believe the third one intends to ram us. We do not have the maneuverability to escape them at that speed fully. Doing what I can, but they will still impact us. Brace for collision!"

A moment later, the ship shook massively, the shields flaring as the Fallen ship literally did ram into them. Unfortunately for the Fallen, it appeared the larger vessel's shields were much too strong for that to do any appreciable damage, and for all intents and purposes the Fallen simply blew themselves up, impacting uselessly against the shield.

The lights on the bridge did however dim slightly before coming back online, and Adria corrected her report. "Correction, all three enemy vessels destroyed. Shield is holding for now, there appears to be no appreciable damage to the ship."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

"Looks like you're in a bind, little bug." the Stalker says, walking forward and looking over Xerberis "You'd make an excellent plaything for the General." he says, smiling and punching her right in the chest, most likely winding her "Just go to sleep. I promise it won't hurt. Much."

Maintenance Area

Michael arrives at the Maintenance area, only to find the large group of enemies and Ava laying on the ground "You bastards. What did you do to Ava?" he asks, his energy katana clutched in his right hand as the Fallen aimed their guns at him. "No matter. I'll kill you all anyway." he says, dashing towards the nearest piece of cover, then stowing his energy katana away "I hate using this. But it looks like I have no choice." he says, his right hand drawing a Colt .45 Custom Peacemaker. His expression then changed to a massive grin as he lept out from behind cover and fired a shot from it, not a bullet coming out, but an energy blast, flying directly at the nearest Fallen. It impacted directly on the left side of hhis armor, piercing a hole right through it and through the back. "How do ya like that, you bastards?" he yells, the entire squad of Creepers dashing towards him. All eight would turn a corner, then a loud screaming could be heard from each, before silence.

Blast Doors

One of the Fallen approach Xerkan and whisper in his ear, his left hand forming a fist and smacking the Fallen full on the face, sending it flying into a wall "Whoever this fool is, I shall break him." Xerkan says in his deep voice, turning and walking towards the Maintenance Area with a scowl on his face. Obviously, the Fallen had called for help there.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The punch caught her just enough in the soft spot of her chest to effect her, causing her to give another twittering scream, her body falling limp under the pile of bodies.

The last thing that went through her mind... was fear.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Going to jack control of the Fallen for the maintenance area, let me know if this is unacceptable.)

And so the Fallen were like lambs to be slaughtered... until the remaining Behemoth came over. Shrugging off the energy blasts as if they were nothing as a result of its massive size and supreme defensive capabilities, the towering alien hefted up his minigun... and opened fire, letting fly an enormous storm of bullets as the rest of the Fallen took cover behind him and began firing off their weaponry as well. There were many reasons, why encountering a Behemoth was said to spell doom. This was one of them. Extraordinary stamina, unnatural endurance, armor matching that of tanks, and the ability to use massive weapons... The things were truly hellspawn.

Contributing their rifle fire to force Michael to take cover, the rest of the Fallen helped to surpress the commander until reinforcements could arrive. And amidst that concentrated fire, was a timed grenade... which happened to land right next to the Reaper's hiding spot...
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Crew Quarters

"Out so soon, eh?" the Stalker says, grasping her body and yanking it out of the pile before slinging his prize over his shoulder "Xerkan will surely be pleased with my find."

Maintenance area

The grenade would explode, and what went flying was not bits of Human, but those of Creepers. Michael turns the corner, holding four Creepers in his tendrilos in front of him as a shield with his Tendrils, before aiming and firing a shot through the head of the Behemoth, dropping him instantly, the other Fallen in his sights as he slowly walked forward, the four Creepers serving as shields against the bullets and energy blasts that are directed at Michael, a smile on his face as he begins firing left and right, each shot downing a Fallen, before a low roar is heard behind the Fallen "What are you doing to my men?!" Xerkan roars, his sword drawn and in his right hand "Your men? You must be the king bastard of this force." Michael says cockily, the Fallen having stopped firing "This one is mine. Attack their last stronghold. Crush them while I deal with this worm." Xerkan says, the Fallen doing as ordered and dashing past Michael, he himself ignoring them and sliding his pistol into his weapon disc, then drawing his energy katana "A fight to the finish, then?" he asks, taking up a stance with the handle of his katana at the left side of his head "It will not be a fair fight." Xerkan says, walking forward, then picking up speed into a charge, slicing at Michael, he himself blocking and holding back the General's sword "I......Refuse to lose!" Michael yells.

With that yell, Michael pushes back the General and extends his four back tendrils up to hang from the ceiling, a smirk on his face as he flips the General a bird and laughs. "Once I'm up here there's no stopping me." he says, swinging forward into a horizontal slash, followed by a long series of stabs and slices, the General not even blocking them, just letting the katana bounce off his armor with a loud laugh. "That little toothpick cannot stop me." Xerkan says, punching Michael full on the face with his free left hand and sending him flying back into a wall. "You had me worried for a moment. I actually thought you would put up a better fight." the General says, walking up to Michael, sheathing his blade and stepping on his right leg, causing Michael to cry out in pain, every bone in the lower portion of his leg broken. One might even wonder if Michael was even alive after all that pain. "I will enjoy breaking you into pieces." the general says, kicking the katana away from Michael and grasping the human by the right arm with a smirk before grasping the same arm with his other hand, twisting the arm and breaking several more bones "I can end your suffering. Just say the word and I'll crush your skull." the general says, tossing Michael into a wall and sighing as he turns away from the human and crosses his arms. "Or perhaps I shall leave you to wallow in despair at the fact that I am going to destroy this ship." The general begins laughing after this remark.

Michael simply chuckles as he looks down at his broken right leg and his broken right arm "You got me good. You broke my bones. Time to see how well you break." Michael says, standing thanks to the help of his tendrils, albeit in tremendous pain. The general would turn at this and smile even more evilly. "You do have more in you. Good." the general says, walking towards Michael, the human smirking as four tendrils lash out quickly and grasp the General by his limbs, holding him up in a 'spread eagle' pose as Michael limps towards him "Be scattered by the four winds, and find peace in death. Goodbye." Michael says, holding both arms out to the side as the tendrils begin to pull, slowly stretching the General's limbs, before ripping all four off in a blood shower which covers Michael "Rest in peace, you bastard." he says, reaching his right hand up and turning on his radio "I think I just got their leader, people. He broke both of my right limbs, though, so I'm going to retreat back to the Bridge. Michael Out."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberis was quiet, her body limp, her face with a very pale palor. She was probably unconsious from the Stalker's strike. Thus, she didn't fight against the creature, though inside her, somewhere, was a small microchip, which even now was beaconing a distress signal back to basecamp...

(Consider me unconsious until mentioned again, Burrito)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had been working furiously on a console, having had a good look at one of those Jammer packs the Fallen had been using. Finally she let out a triumphant noise, a grin on her face as roughly a hundred red dots suddenly popped up on the ship sensors. "GOT Them! Sensors work again!"

This was short lived as she let out a growl, noticing about thirty or so heading for the bridge now, less than twenty meters away.

Smirking she turned to Melissa and said, "wait here."

Adria then waved a hand over the pendant she wore, and then stepped outside into the hall. This of course caused the Fallen there to open fire with their energy blasters, and the blasts seem to stop short of hitting her, as if impacting some invisible field. With a smirk, Adria's eyes glowed once more and she spoke several words. "Your dead."

There was a glow of energy from her right hand, pointed out to face the Fallen, and then suddenly a wave of energy unlike anything they had ever seen before rocketed towards them. Hiding behind containers did nothing, the wave of energy simply incinerated the containers, the Fallen, and anything else it touched, rendering the weapons they had been carrying into little more than melted slag.

When they were dead, Adria staggered back to the bridge, sealing the doors again. "Ok, that took a lot. Only got one more of those left for the day, then it's going to turn hairy."

"Michael, internal sensors are working again, and there appear to be about seventy or so Fallen left by my count. A bunch of them are heading here for the bridge, but you should be able to make it here before they do. I think."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Maintenance Area

"Roger. I'm on my way." Michael says over the radio, limping forward. His tendrils would allow him to walk, but he couldn't walk fully on the leg. He would groan as he stood up straight, walking as fast as he could on his injured leg "Whoever that guy was, he had some strength. All he had to do was step on my leg and he shattered the bones. If we ever fight another one, we're in trouble." he says, looking down at his blood-soaked coat and wiping the blood off of his goggles with his left hand
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Great job Linda... you were great...

Wave of emotions, and another scene:
Linda and that other girl, late teens, in the same bedroom as before. Naked on the bed, Linda curled around the other girl, who is gently stroking her hair.
"You were great, Lin..."

Rest now, Linda... Everything's going to be fine...

((I'll wake up next post, kinda busy today))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

A brightly lit stadium, the wild cheering of the crowds, the scent of blood in the air. Her blade was crossed with another, deadlocked. The opponent's face wasn't masked, yet all that wasn't hidden was her long black hair and crimson blade. Blows were exchanged simultaneously, none of them reaching their target. The duel would drag on forever, at least that's how it should have been. However at the very end, something had distracted her... why? What was it that caused her to not follow through with her attack? The sickening sound of flesh being cut, the spraying of crimson, the crowd's roars, a whistle blowing.

"Winner! Valicia Raes Mathers!"

Ava's eyes flickered to life as she returned to consciousness, to find her head bent at an almost impossible angle, her body unresponsive to her commands with the exception of her right arm, whose movements were still dull compared to that or normal. It was apparent that she wasn't going anywhere soon, at least without help from another person. The transmitter having been destroyed from the shot to her head didn't help much either. Opting to twist her neck back into place with the help of her remaining arm, it was then that she saw her commander, who had apparently gotten into a brawl of his own...

(Too lazy to think of more...)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Maintenance Area

Michael sighs, then remembers what he had come here for. He had come to rescue Ava. But that train of thought was cut short as a low growl is head and an energy blast whizzes past his head, the Stalker from the Crew Quarters having walked all this way with Xerberis on his shoulder. "Don't move!" the creature yells, setting down Xerberis and aiming a crudely made energy pistol at Michael with a look of shock at the blood covering him. "What the? Is that blood from........No, it can't be!" the Stalker yells, wildly firing at Michael and missing every shot, Michael simply smiling as he turns around and looks at the Stalker, his red goggles still slightly covered in blood. "That's right. I killed your general." he says, drawing his own energy pistol and aiming it at the Stalker "Say hello to Satan for me." he says, firing a shot, his right arm kicking up from the recoil that is unable to be contained with his injured arm. The Stalker, however, got off a lot less luckier than a broken arm. The energy blast from Michael's gun pierces clean through the monsters head and killing it.

With the Stalker dispatched, Michael walks over and hefts Xerberis onto his left shoulder, then notices Ava laying on the ground, her eyes open "Unit Ava, respond. Status report." he says, walking over towards her in a slight limp "Can you stand?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The insectgirl groaned a bit as she got up. "Man, what happened?" she groaned, scratching her head.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Synthetic skeleton damage at 89%... energy field production at 10%...estimated overa-"

Bringing her only working arm to her mouth as she retched blood, the Unit paused for a while before reassessing her report.

"... overall health at 12%. I will reengage the enemy as soon as I am able to walk to make amends for my failure as persay my original instructions.

That being said, with the fact that her legs had been horribly mauled from the overexertion to the extent that one could even see the metallic skeleton at one point, it was clear that she wouldn't be able to walk anytime soon. And even if she did, any attempts to chase after Fallen following that would result in her own destruction.

"Sir, could you please hand me my bow?"

The girl indicated the weapon that had been knocked behind an ammunition crate as she spoke.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs and sets Xerberis down before walking over and picking up the energy bow, sliding it onto his right arm for easy carrying, before walking over to Ava and groaning as he picks up her body and hefts her onto his left shoulder "No sass now. I'm taking you back to the bridge where you will be safe." Michael says, looking over at Xerberis. "You too. We're heading back for medical treatment." he says, then walks towards the Bridge with as much speed as is possible for someone hefting Ava around.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria contacted Michael once more. "I'm tracking the three of you now on the grid, your still on pace to arrive a minute or two before the Fallen do, but just barely. Reading about forty or so in that group, though I haven't gotten it working enough to tell me of what class."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda sits up suddenly, gasping as her eyes jump open. She looks very confused for a second, then calms down and checks her injuries, running a finger across the stitches.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus winces a bit as she moves her way along the ground on all fours, her chest still sore from the powerful punch. "H-how did so many manage to hide fom us? I don't u-understand..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

After wandering in the ducts for some time.. 366 was lucky enough to overhear Michael talking to Ava just beneath her. She had been right about one thing - these ducts were a complete maze. With a deep breath, she closes her eyes.. and ports from the shafts to the deck, materialising soundlessly behind her commander.

"Operative 366.. reporting in. No damage.