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Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa sighs again. "Yes, sir," she says as she punches in the buttons to begin the process. The Medtank slides closed with a hiss, and a clear green liquid fills the tank as Michael starts to fall asleep. After the tank is full of the liquid, Melissa hits the keys on the control panel again and the various robotic arms swing to life inside the tank. Two move to Michael's face and begin sealing up the wounds there, while another four arms get to work on his broken arm, first cutting and peeling back the skin, then resetting the bone, and finally fusing it together with a almost imperceptible laser. Smaller apparatuses extend from the main arms to work on the damaged muscle and skin tissues. The lower four robotic arms do not budge from the wall.

When the woman enters, Melissa turns to Adria and responds to her question, "The big baby is getting his arm and face looked at. The man over there is who we found in the stasis pod. Seems he can't speak."

The entire procedure is much faster due to Michael's insistence that his leg be left untreated. A mere half hour has passed. The robotic arms soon finish the task and retract back to their original positions as the liquid drains from the tank. As Michael slowly awakens, Melissa stands ready at the door to help the drug addled man over to an examination table where she can affix a splint to his damaged leg. "Wasn't so bad was it? Maybe when you're a big boy you'll be able to suck it up and do the whole damn thing."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Upon exiting he chamber, Michael smiles, raises his right hand and gives Melissa a one-finger salute at the 'big boy' comment before sitting down on the examination table "I prefer it if you don't see what happened down there, thank you." he says, while feeling his face and smiling "Hand me my goggles." he says, feeling around the edge of the empty left eye socket "Hurts like a bitch when exposed to the outside air."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa gives a slight laugh at Michael's comment while handing him the goggles. "I'm a combat medic. I'm sure whatever it is wouldn't bother me," she said, then fell silent for a second, before continuing. "That doesn't make me sound too good, does it?" She looks at his eye before he puts the goggles back on and asks, "Why not get that treated? Get a prosthetic eye, or just sew it shut?" As she speaks she places two halves of a metallic cylinder around the damaged area of his leg, then hits a few small buttons on them. The two pieces lock together with a click and a light foam quickly fills the space between the splint and Michael's leg. He wouldn't be able to put weight on the leg, but at least it would be protected from further injury. Melissa then grabs a collapse-able crutch and hands it to the man. "Use this, and go slow."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Think of this open hole as a promise to a friend." Michael says, the goggles flipped around, the broken lens over his right eye now, his left protected as he looks down at the splint "Times like these I really wish I wasn't mostly human." he says, taking the crutch and using it to stand "Whoever that being in the stasis pod was, he might prove useful." he says, using the crutch to walk towards the door out of the Medlab "Keep the 'hole in my eye' thing a secret, will ya? Command won't leave me alone if they find out about it."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa smiled and said, "Yes, sir." After Michael had left the room, Melissa turned back to the silent man from the stasis pod and approached him again. "Hey there, feel like talking yet?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Once again, there seemed to be no response.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria studied their guest, trying to figure out just what he was. "Well, he doesn't register as alive, but he clearly isn't dead. Perhaps some kind of undead reanimation?"

She noticed the symbol again, frowning. "Hmm, Omega symbol. Strange."


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

A groan came from a storage closet. It slid open ever-so-slightly, an eye poking out. Apparently, Lillius had passed out after she had found a hiding place, though it was fortunate she was able to do so before everything was vented into space. "Ughn... what's going on now?" she asked over the comm as she opened the door the rest of the way. She stepped out on quite the shaky pair of legs.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Ack, lots to catch up on here...))

Linda had spent this entire time in the back of the command room, hiding while she waited for a shot. She watched as Michael took out the two juggernaughts, and if she hadn't activated her active camoflage, her expression would have shown a mixture of fear, sadness, and outrage.

After the battle she simply stayed put, though she did make herself visible again. She busied herself with stripping and cleaning her rifle, re-examining the stock bent on her encounter with the creeper before tossing it away in disgust, determining it beyond her ability to repair for the time being.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria tilted her head slightly, then blinked. "Melissa... I don't think he CAN answer you. He clearly understands us, but if he could speak he would have done so already. My guess is either part of his brain is damaged, the part that controls speech, or he's completely mute, though I might be wrong. Was he carrying anything with him that might give us some kind of clue?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael stops on his way out of the Medlab to pick up the data disk and then examines it "He was holding this when we found him. See what you can find out." he says, then sets the disk back down on the table and exits the medlab for the bridge


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria takes a look at the data disc, an unreadable mask on her face now. Finally she says, "well, it appears to be compatible with the reader in this medical bay, probably for a reason. Give me a moment to take it offline from the rest of the ship and route it independently and we'll see what comes up on this bad boy."

It took her three minutes to reroute the reader properly, and then she inserted the disc into it and fired up the reader, not sure what would come up.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Most of the data disc was encoded. However, there were sections not encrypted. These sections revealed that the project involving the man was codenamed "Omega", and that this project seemed to coincide with the ship's construction.

Another section confirms one of Adria's suspicions. The soldier that was used as a test subject for the project is listed as having been killed in action. It also states that certain processes, such as speech, would take time to come back, once the subject was released from the stasis.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria shook her head slightly at the information, having not heard of this project before, but getting the impression given the encoding on it that it had been massively top secret. She was tempted to try cracking the encryption, but she was willing to bet it had a failsafe to prevent that from happening. "Alright, it seems our friend here was part of some project called Omega, hence the symbol. Shows that certain things such as speech will take some time to return for him after release. Other than that... very little I can access, and I doubt this would be easy to crack. Looks like we'll have to go on whatever he can tell us, if and when his speech returns. Oh, and the soldier used is reported to be KIA. Interesting, so he IS some kind of reanimated soldier."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael, meanwhile, had made it onto the bridge, only to see two Heavy Cruisers, of the Norad class. Large and bulky, they looked more like boxes with engines and a front split horizontally, making room for a massive tube which ran the length of the ship. Michael sighs as a beeping is heard near one of the chairs, a chair in the dead-center of the bridge with a large console to the right of it. "Great. Captain's chair." he says, sitting down and pressing a flashing button, a holographic screen appearing in front of him "Unidentified vessel, you are in USLD protected space. Respond immediately or you will be fired upon." is the only sound heard from the vicinity of the chair before an image of a long-bearded old man sporting a USLD Commander's suit and merits plastered all over his suit appears on the holographic screen "Well, well. If it isn't old man Holt." Michael says aloud, the man on the other end laughing lightly "That you, Michael? I thought you were on earth looking for Project Last Resort." "Yeah. It's me, Holt. We found the ship. It's too big to land on the planet, as you can see, so we have to stay in orbit. Would you do me a favor and handle the personnel and supply requisitions, as well as put in my application for Captain?" "Sure thing, Mike. You just sit tight for a few hours while I handle all the paperwork. Good to hear you're alive." The conversation ends there, the screen disappearing "Good news, everyone. We're in USLD protected space and our supplies and new personnel will be here soon. Once that's handled, we can get some rest, and go down to Ganymede for some R&R." Michael says over the radio, a smile on his face as he sits back in the chair "I could get used to this chair." he says, putting both hands behind his head and looking down at the splint on his leg


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa frowns at the revelations from the data disc, and leans back, crossing her arms while looking at the silent man. "I hate those top secret experiments. They just fuck people up." She extends a hand to him, to help him out of the stasis chamber. "If it's going to take time for you to get back to a hundred percent, then maybe we can try kick-starting it."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The man simply shakes his head, before standing up just fine on his own. It would be immediately obvious that he had fully range of motion, perhaps only slowed by limited signs of stiffness.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well, looks the engine's running fine anyway," Melissa says, stepping back from the man. As the radio call comes over, she responds, "Roger that, Commander. Let me know if you or anyone else needs help."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The creature's coils tightened on the insect, causing it to thrash as the beast gripped with it's clawwed limbs, audible cracking being heard as Xer's carpace-and bones- started breaking.

"Release the information, monster. I'll make sure your stay with me will be mildly... comfortable...."

"I told you! AAAH! I don't know!!!" Xer cried out, her limbs thrashing, even in her heavily injured state. Even as the beast's claws began sawing into the leather covering her softer areas, more clawed appendages ready to start torturing her...

(Rescue at any time would be good)


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Ava wandered the depths of the ship, her eyes downcast and mind in the same sorry state it had been earlier, if not worse. Images of what she had experienced during her "creation" began to resurface and replace her surroundings. Having gone through immense torture and trauma to be "programmed" into the weapon she was, the nightmares she saw as reality caused her to become... "insane". In her mind, she was once again in the horrifying reconditioning facilities rather than the ship. The remaining Fallen soldiers that she happened to stumble upon? Her torturers from the past. However this time... she was armed.

"You've come to hurt me once again haven't you?... Haha...haha..."

Not sure what to make of her, the Fallen soldiers prepared their weapons, in the event she was to attack.

"Yes... hurt me like you've done so many times before when I was helpless...but guess what?"

A deranged smile forming on her face, the girl begin to shake unsteadily.


Laughing maniacally, the Unit charged with her energy blade extended at full. Dodging gunfire effortlessly, she killed each of the Fallen soldiers in an unique fashion, referencing to the pain she had suffered each time.

"Look! Your arm came off as easily as mine did! Miss that leg of yours? So did I. Do you like the darkness? No? I hated it too. How does the floor taste? Pretty awful right?"

From ripping limbs clean off to slamming a face into the wall multiple times, the crazed woman inflicted a plethora of brutalities upon the unfortunate Fallen that had been chanced upon by her. The one holding Xer was no exception as Ava began to advance upon it, who saw it as a "machine" of some sorts piloted by the one responsible for her "programming".

"And you... "Father" was it? How would you like to see how your "beloved child" grew up? Come on now, there's no need to be... SO UPTIGHT NOW IS THERE?"

Ignoring the tendrils that had pierced her from the beast, Ava raised her blade using both hands... then cleaved it into two pieces. She didn't stop there however as she moved in on the wounded insect like creature that had been held in the monster's grasp. Madness dancing in her eyes, the now insane experiment lifted the fallen body into the air with a single hand, the other pointing the energy blade straight at it.

"Let us spend some quality time together now...like a good "family" should..."

The same demented smile still upon her face, Ava prepared to strike...