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Family Matters (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = The pain, it feels like stinging.

The handmaiden snuck a few glances at some of her lady's more personal assets after Elizabeth was undressed. The looks seemed to be born more of curiosity than lust, though the latter seemed to have at least a little influence in the maid's wandering eyes. Alice tried her best to make her looks seem clinical but the occasional flicker of admiration was noticeable in her expression, masking her feelings was another trick that the nervous maid would need to learn if she were to serve House Silver. "I'm sorry milady, I don't have the materials to make a better wash for your wound. It's impossible to tell what those creatures had on their talons so this will have to do. It's going to sting." It was the only warning the maid gave before taking the bottle up in her hand. The graceful limb moved to pour a small amount onto the wounds that Elizabeth had sustained. Stinging was an understatement. Alcohol mixed with blood as the wound was opened anew by the disinfecting process and ran freely onto the sheets.

Next, the maid-turned-nurse took a small instrument out of a bowl that she had previously filled with the liquor. The maid's next step was a little stranger than that. The skinny girl placed her free hand below Elizabeth's breasts but away from the cuts that her medical tool hovered over. Alice's eyes never left the cuts but the way she focused on them seemed as though she might have been trying to stare them into submission. The soft hand pushed harder against the heiress and Elizabeth found that her flesh had begun to tingle. The sensation wasn't like the one that the tentacled beasts had bestowed upon her, it felt infinitely more natural and even enjoyable. Suddenly, a minute into the process, skin started to regenerate over the cuts as though they had never been there. It was unlike being healed by a mage, however, as the skin did not meet and reform naturally. Alice seemed to have been prepared for the way that her mistress was healing, however, as she clamped the skin together using the metal instrument in her hand. As bad as the alcohol had stung, the clamping was a hundred times worse. The throbbing pain became less noticeable as the feelings emanating from Alice's hand increased. Elizabeth's skin began to knit itself back together. When it was done there was no scar, no sign that the lizards had ever touched her.

The maid wasn't done yet, however. Placing the clamping instrument back in the bowl she put both hands onto the previously wounded area, Elizabeth felt the tingling begin anew. The effort lasted for another few minutes before Alice stopped, rather abruptly, and looked at her handiwork. Unfortunately, as the pleasant sensations left the pain returned in full force. Elizabeth's side throbbed with an ache so fierce that it felt as though she had broken a rib. "I'm sorry, milady. I know a little bit of healing magic but I'm not learned enough to rely entirely on it so I have to mix it with more traditional means. It will hurt for a while but it won't reopen on you during a fight and eventually it will heal completely." The mousy girl took a look at some cloth that she had obviously intended as bandages and then back to her nude mistress. Alice seemed to decide that it would be okay without bandages. Turning, the girl went to rummage through the soldiers' goods again. Eventually she came back with a respectable set of black clothing including a tunic and pants. The whole process, including scavenging, had taken less than fifteen minutes. "I think it might be a little big, milady, but it should do." If Elizabeth agreed to the clothing then Alice would immediately move to dress and reequip her armor, leaving the assassin to decide what the duo and their two less-than-loyal guards needed to do next.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth regretted not downing more of the barrack swill as Alice groped and squeezed twisted and mended her bare pale flesh. The healing magic was a pleasant surprise, though the stinging stabbing, on and off of the pain was, less pleasant. It would’ve have been one thing if the pain was just there, that was simple enough to get used to, to some degree anyway, but when it was replaced by that warm tingling, and then came searing back. It was hard even for the Silver Heir not to squirm in her seat.

She caught the glances the handmaid gave her; she would have been remiss as a member of house Silver if she hadn’t. Though she didn’t think much of it, she was an attractive woman and at the moment very naked, she couldn’t blame the girl for stealing a few glances, were the situation reversed Elizabeth may have taken a few herself.

I assume there’s a belt? Then those will be fine Alice.” At least this time she’d go into battle wearing pants. She really preferred pants for combat. “But before I get dressed again, I want my arm wrapped.” Her arm may not have needed bandages, but keeping Alice’s healing magic a secret seemed like something that could be useful down the line, and besides, bandages were always an excellent place to hide blades, in this case throwing knives. “Once I am dressed, you’re to direct myself, and the remaining guards to the ballroom. You’re to stay out of the way, and do whatever you can to support us both.” With any luck, Captain Derrick would already have his men engaging the enemy. It was beneficial in her line to arrive just after the battle had begun, easier to slip in unnoticed and slit the throats of, well, anyone she deemed needed their throat opened.

She ran through what she remembered of the ballroom in her mind; large entrance doors, a few smaller side doors for servants and caterers… The creatures would have likely entered initially from the large doors nearer the front, which meant they would have pushed the guests back toward the rear of the ballroom, if the Captain was intelligent, which he seemed to be, he would have his men enter from the main entrance, come in behind the enemy and flank them… but that would only hold as long as the guests could defend themselves, if they were too near to faulting than the Captain and his men would likely enter from the servants’ doors and attempt to bolster the failing line.

Assuming there were no creatures between the barracks and the ballroom’s doors, she’d enter from the main hall; bring herself and the guards given to her behind the enemy. It would make for an easy retreat if the fight was going obviously poorly, and if they were winning she could ride in like the cavalry and strike the enemy from behind; which in her personal opinion was the best place to strike from.

It was a lot of assumptions, but if half of them held true…
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

(The encounter dice have failed me for the last time! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )

Alice did as she was told and bandaged the assassin. The handmaid nodded her understanding to every order as she aided Elizabeth in getting dressed, not that the heiress needed the help. The girl didn't even question the hidden knives or armor by that point. When all was said and done the two made their way out the door of the barracks and met with the two guards. Although a little perplexed at the idea of having Elizabeth's newly acquired handmaid direct them, they went along with it. Perhaps they simply didn't care if they never found their way to the ballroom.

The trek back to the ballroom was relatively peaceful, all things considered. No monsters seemed to be left in the halls of the estate. It was relatively easy to discern why, Elizabeth could hear the ever-increasing sounds of struggle coming from that room she had been in not hours before. Screams filled the air and the sounds were that of steel on flesh rather than attempts to batter through doors, the invaders had obviously breached the ballroom.

Alice directed the group with some sense of urgency and they cut through the estate as quickly as possible. It wasn't long before the unlikely team had found themselves at the ballroom proper. It was there that they found that the main door had been destroyed, offering a peak into the giant room. It was a scene of chaos inside as monsters, soldiers, and nobles intermixed in panic and fighting. A few of the nobility had picked up swords and joined the melee, others cowered. Armored guards fought and died in the crowd. Monsters that seemed to be of all shapes and sizes, some Elizabeth recognized and others she didn't, were in the room. Dying men and raped women littered the floor. There was no safe flank, the melee was hectic and scattered all across the room. It was very likely that there was no true way for Elizabeth and her small retinue to rescue the former party guests. It could become a scavenging mission, however.

"For House Dreslin!" A voice boomed in the hall. If she looked towards it, Elizabeth would find Captain Derrick and one of the guardsmen he had left with fighting a desperate battle against several of the taller tentacled beasts. A table being picked up and flung across the room brought Elizabeth's attention to Karina, struggling to ward off several of her own aggressors. Another scene caught the assassin's eye in the otherwise unreadable chaos, somebody was engaged in hand-to-hand with several of the monsters and somehow managing to hold their own.

Elizabeth had a finite amount of time to decide what to do. Every action she made would come at a toll taken from the clock and potentially from one of the three, or her own retinue. Any attempt to make a path into the maelstrom might end with her being caught up in melee with some of the invaders, too. The noblewoman could still try to save the entirety of the estate but it would be difficult. Or, if she thought it best, Elizabeth could choose to simply flee.

Captain Derrick & Guard: Uninjured, Fighting
Karina: Uninjured, Fighting
???: Uninjured, Fighting
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth drew two fistfuls of her throwing knives. “Alice, you’re on look out. Keep a weather eye ready for any shift in the field, and keep out of the way.” She had hoped the Captain at least would have had the presence of mind to establish a line, keep himself and his men from being flanked, but if she had to cut down the stragglers herself she would.

It was nice to see Karina holding her own, a little magic on their side was a nice thing to see. Though as the House Silver heir scanned the field, she failed to spy the mage Captain Derrick had mentioned, Lilly, though she could have already fallen.

Elizabeth had to be careful; she needed to strike quickly, but without drawing too much attention to herself, or her compatriots. The nimble assassin choose to strike at the creatures between herself and the spiritist Karina. Even Elizabeth knew that moral could be a powerful thing, and though she had little knowledge of how spirit magic functioned she knew Karina. Elizabeth raised her arm back, staying near the edge of the room, wary of being overwhelmed herself, and let fly three throwing knives, all aimed toward the same creature. Her left hand rested on the hilt of her Long Knife, just encase the flying knives failed to hit or kill.

What’s the limit on throwing knives? One place they say they come in sets of 6 another place says that ranged ammo is unlimited.
Shouldn’t there be 2 guards + the captain, since there were 4+Captain with the lizards and two came with Elizabeth?
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Elizabeth: Action: Attack Enemies
Stealth: Elizabeth wins.
Damage: 16 + 8 = 24 * 2 = 42. Dead. 8 + 8 = 16 * 2 = 32. Almost dead.

Karina's Action: 10 energy Mind Cutter
Damage: 16. Dead.

Tentacle Creatures Actions:
TR1: Grapple Karina. Hit. Karina has been grappled. 10/19 resistance.
TR2: Move towards Elizabeth.
TR3: Move towards Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's knives cut through the air and, as they had so many times before, punctured the tentacled invader's flesh with enough force to bring them down, or close to it. Karina seemed to notice the opportunity that Elizabeth had created for her and focused herself on the beast that Elizabeth had only wounded. Suddenly, the thing was decapitated, as if by a hundred invisible razors, ooze and fluid sprayed out of it's severed body. There was no time to rejoice, however, as a tentacle wrapped around the buxom noblewoman and lifted her into the air.

A few other creatures, much like the ones she had first encountered but about five feet tall, had noticed Elizabeth in the chaos and moved to engage her even as Karina struggled against her captor. The appearance of new enemies made it more difficult for her to get her third knife off so the assassin stayed her hand until she could get a grap on the new situation. At that point the guards moved to the heiress' side. Alice hadn't called anything of note yet but the House Silver noblewoman could see that the melee was only becoming more and more frantic. Any semblance of a line against the monsters had dissipated and the fighting was done in clusters of groups that filled the ballroom.

Karina: Grappled, uninjured, fighting.
Captain Derrick: Uninjured, fighting.
Guard: Light injuries, fighting.
???: Minor scratch, fighting.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Two down. Elizabeth smirked slightly, drawing her knives, and charged; soldiers at her sides. The Silver daughter rushed the two tentacle things coming toward her. She knew these beasts better than the lizards, they were quick, fluid, but softer, and it was about time to find out how good their reflexes were. Elizabeth charged one of the things, heading straight for it, lining herself up perfectly with its wriggling bending boneless torso, and then when she got within a few feet of the stringy beast, she ducked.

She had tried over with the lizard, it had gone poorly, and these had four times the arms. This time she was trying something a little different; diving low, to slide across the ballroom floor beneath the four spindly legs of the grey thing above her, slashing and stabbing out with her knives as she moved. She knew her momentum could only carry her so far, but had high hopes for the results of slashing at a quadruped’s skinny legs. If she could cut clean through even one of them, she could significantly slow the creature down, and even if her offensive proved completely futile, her sudden charge and rapid dive could at very least disturb the creatures at least enough for them to turn their heads, and not see the blades of the Dreslin guards behind her.

Duel Wielding basic attacks with her Long & Short Knives.
Should all go well, Elizabeth’s intention is to wind up behind the creatures moving toward her, (nearer Karina?) and to possibly distract the tentacle rapists to either turn their backs on the guards who came with Elizabeth, or turn their backs on her and face the guards.
Taller creature means greater distance between their tentacles and the floor right? ;)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Grappled, 4/12 Resistance

Attacks: Hit & Miss
Damage: 5+9 = 14 damage.

Guards: Hit & Hit
Damage: 18 + 10 = 28 damage. 3+10 = 13 damage.

Grapple: Enemy Wins.
Karina has been stripped. 11 Resistance damage to 0/19 resistance. Karina becomes Horny.

Enemy Attack: Hit.
Elizabeth is grappled. 8 Resistance damage, 4/12.

Elizabeth sprinted at her opponents with daggers at the ready. At the last moment, she dived under her target's legs, steel lashing out to try to cut at the spindly appendages. The way the creature's legs moved to dodge seemed unnatural even for an alien invader, the spastic movement caused the heiress to completely miss one of her swings. Still, the assassin adjusted better for the second and her longer blade left a deep gash in one of the limbs. The tentacled creatures turned in an attempt to capture the rogue, even with all her training the woman couldn't dodge all of the tendrils attempting to entrap her. Eventually, one succeeded in wrapping two of it's tentacles around the rogue's middle. The arousing sensations were more intense than when the smaller ones had grabbed her. Elizabeth's companions took the opportunity offered to them to hack the other one to death, however, offering some hope in the situation.

The heiress could see the noblewoman she had attempted to rescue from her grappled position. Dishearteningly, Karina hadn't managed to escape her own situation. Tentacles snaked their way under the curvy girl's gown before suddenly pulling outward, the action ripped the clothing to shreds and left Karina exposed to the world. More worryingly, Elizabeth could see the arousal painted on the face of the daughter of House Silrocio. Karina's chocolate eyes were full of longing, even towards the various tentacles that were preparing themselves to penetrate her. The busty woman's small nipples had stiffened against the air in the ballroom. Elizabeth could even tell that Karina's womanhood was dripping wet, something that might have slipped the assassin's notice had the arousal present from the tentacled creature's slime not been in her own system.

Karina bucked her hips, trying to get the monster to fuck her. The creature seemed inclined to indulge the girl, though apparently not as quickly as she desired it. At the same time, the daughter of House Silver realized that she might end up in the same manner before long, a threat which also reminded her of how unreliable the guards would be in truly saving her.

Karina: Grappled, stripped, horny
Captain Derrick: Uninjured, fighting.
Guard: Injuries, fighting
???: Light injuries, fighting.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

The sudden warmth spreading across Elizabeth’s skin disturbed her, as did the unsettling slickness developing between her own legs. This fight needed to end, quickly. She dropped her blades, both of them, grimacing up at the tentacle thing wrapping her waist. She pulled the last of her throwing knives from their hiding spots, and in one swift and sudden volley, pitched them toward the two wriggling beasts above her.

They needed to die; they need to die so she could end the fight and then… Kill her cousin! Yes, that’s exactly what she wanted to do after the fight, kill her cousin. She’d seduce him, lure him into someplace obscure, murder him in cold blood, open a window, lure something monstrous into the area, escape; blame the monster and then… Return to her father! Her father; leader of house Silver, the man to whom she was beholden as leader of house Silver, since she as a woman was beholden to all men… Which was a bad thing!

She needed things dead; dead and bloody, before the warm haze in her head got any worse.

Sudden Shot x2 one targeting the one grappling one targeting the other one.
PS: Low resistance Elizabeth amuses me.
Drew a picture of Elizabeth.
Last edited:
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Grappled, Horny

(Note: The guards actually killed the second tentacled creature that was fighting Elizabeth, it's just the one grappling her and the one on Karina.)

Grapple: Elizabeth wins. (Elizabeth's luck strikes again! A 20 vs it's 3. D:)
Stealth: Enemy wins. (... and then her luck ends, if only barely.)
Attacks: Miss & Hit
Damage: 10 + 4 = 14 damage.
4 Resistance damage. Elizabeth has become Horny.

TR1: Penetrate Karina
TR Pleasure: More than enough to orgasm.
Karina Pleasure: Same.

Elizabeth managed to keep her wrists away from the tentacled thing which, even as she took aim on it, worked to restrain her. The invader's strange avoidance maneuvers spoiled her throw, causing the assassin's first dagger to miss entirely. The second dagger struck home in it's grey skin, causing it noticeable pain. It wasn't enough, however, as the daughter of House Silver felt more of the slime work it's way into her system. An insatiable need washed over her entire body and she knew the fight was all but done.

The feeling was so intense that when she saw the treatment Karina was receiving, the slickness between her legs only increased. With the busty noblewoman suspended in the air, the tentacled monster was, even then, penetrating her with a delicious slowness. Inch after inch of the tentacle pushed into the curvy girl, eliciting a low, continuous moan. After what seemed like an eternity, it had pushed as far as it could into Karina. That did not mean it was done, though, even as it started to piston the first tentacle-cock in and out of the girl, another of it's appendages moved to her face. It did not have to push itself into her mouth, however, as Karina took it eagerly, sucking on the thing of her own volition. Elizabeth could see the third tentacle moving up before Karina could, even if the other noblewoman had been able to see it she was too lost in the feeling of being fucked senseless by the tentacles to have noticed it. With a sudden push, the creature had penetrated the girl's ass.

The sudden stimulation sent her over the edge. Not more than seconds into the ordeal, the aphrodisiac intoxicated Karina shook as orgasm, possibly the first of several, overtook her, her stifled moans became louder. The orgasm finished the tentacle monster off as well, Elizabeth could see the appendages bottom out before they began to bulge and twitch, expelling the invader's seed deep into the noblewoman's orifices. The idea did not seem as worrying as it should have to Elizabeth, who was even then being prepared by her own captor for a similar fate.

The Guards & Alice (Not all of this happens within Elizabeth's perception but I felt it should be noted, at least.)
Unfortunately, the guards would not be much help either. They had seen Karina's act with the tentacled monster, they had put two and two together and guessed at what would become of the lady of House Silver, and they obviously did not believe that their captain could keep them in line anymore. "I do believe our service with House Dreslin is at an end. What say you?" One guard addressed the other. "I'm inclined to agree. However, I propose we take a little bonus for all our years of loyal service." The first guard raised an eyebrow toward the other. "I've always wanted to fuck one of the maids," he clarified. The logic seemed to be enough for the first guard and they began to advance on Alice. The maid did notice them, she noticed Elizabeth's plight, but once again she had failed to notice their ill-intent. Before anything could be done, the guards had deserted the ballroom with a maid of their very own slung over one's shoulder.

Karina: Penetrated, Horny
Captain Derrick: Minor Injuries, Fighting
Guard: Bad Injuries, Fighting
???: Light Injuries, Fighting

(I'll fast forward through the rounds that Horny lasts after your next post.)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth’s breath came to her hot. Her eyes hazed over and even as she felt the tentacle creature’s limbs upon her she couldn’t seem to find the mind to resist them. Laying out on the floor beneath the remaining quadruped the dark haired noblewoman arched her head back, hissing through her teeth as her legs quivered. Watching the usage of Karina, the slow shunting of the rhythmic tentacles, Elizabeth’s hands reached for her belt, unclipping the buckle as the beast release inside her ‘friend.’ The Silver daughter couldn’t help herself but to bite her tongue, wondering what the monster’s ejaculate tasted like.

She looked up to the creature holding her. Then gritting her teeth down to where the guards supporting her use to have been. She cursed in the back of her mind, she would have preferred something with a face, but at the moment she was in no mind to be picky, floating her hand up across her breasts, opening her top a little more than was decent, and biting her tongue in her cheek. Elizabeth’s hips swayed beneath her of their own accord, waving slowly from side to side as she rubbed her dampening thighs together, and pressed her supper rear back down into the tiles of the ballroom floor.

Bastards they kidnapped my maid! Hope something outside eats their asses.
Also this
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Pregnant

Round 1: Elizabeth gets stripped.

Round 2: Triple penetration begins!
Elizabeth orgasms (By a large margin.)
Tentacle Rapist orgasms.
Damage: 6

Round 3-6. Basically, same. Karina suffers much the same. Both are knocked unconscious at some point in here

The tentacled creature seemed to feel that Elizabeth wasn't undressing quite fast enough for it's tastes. It's tendrils slipped under her clothing and wrenched outwards, ripping armor and cloth alike free of her form and leaving her nude on the floor. Tentacles grasped around her legs and wrists, pulling at the girl and repositioning Elizabeth so that she was facing away from the creature on her knees, her wrists pulled behind her towards the creature, the assassin had a good view of Karina from her position as well, though it was impossible to tell whether the invader had done that on purpose. Elizabeth's rapist did not seem to have the same patience as it's brethren, still using Karina just tens of feet away. It hastily pressed two of it's appendages against the assassin's holes, the slime coated things causing tingles to run through her body. The tentacle-cocks were pleasantly warm against her nethers. A third tendril wrapped around to her mouth, apparently intent on allowing Elizabeth to take her taste test.

The tentacles only waited at her entrances for a moment, however. With a sudden thrust they pushed into her, as deep as they could go into the woman's formerly virginal orifices. Pleasure overwhelmed the assassin immediately, causing her to orgasm on the creature's cocks immediately. As it had been with Karina, Elizabeth's orgasm caused the tentacle creature to release it's seed, it filled her womb, stomach, and bowels. The daughter of House Silver found that the creature's cum was quite salty in her mouth. That wasn't to say that having the appendage in her mouth was unpleasant, the slime caused her mouth to tingle and made her upper lips feel almost as sensitive as her lower ones, which in turn caused Elizabeth foreign new pleasures with each rope of it's seed that hit her tongue.

Elizabeth's lust hadn't been sated after the first pair of orgasms and, almost thankfully, the tentacle creature never stopped. It continued to pump into her, the depth of it's thrusts increased as Elizabeth's body grew more accustomed to it's appendages. Another orgasm soon overtook her, it's intensity increased by the amount of slime in and on her body. The tentacled creature released even more of it's seed into her, causing her to feel slightly bloated. Dimly, the heiress realized that Karina was going through much the same, though she was now more empathetic to the pleasure that her counterpart was feeling. The battle for the ballroom seemed to be going worse and worse but Elizabeth was a little too involved with sating herself to help out.

The next several minutes continued much as when she had first given in to the tentacled creature. Orgasm after orgasm rocked Elizabeth's body, to the point where pleasure began to intermix with pain. The slime never stopped replenishing itself on the appendages, however, and intensified every sensation that she felt. The tentacled creature filled her with a copious amount of fluids, causing her to truly bloat, yet every ounce of cum released into her waiting body made the next touch feel infinitely better. Near the end of the ordeal, Elizabeth was so sensitive that even the press of the thing's cock against the inside of her mouth gave her minor orgasms. Elizabeth barely even noticed that Karina had passed out. Though, the busty woman was still being used by the other creature, bloated to a point beyond even Elizabeth herself.

Finally, Elizabeth felt a release building up in her, intense beyond anything she had felt up until that point. The tentacles hastened in their thrusts, she could feel one in the back of her throat, the ones in her ass and pussy buried at least eight inches into her, they bottomed out in Elizabeth again and again. Then it happened, all in a blur, the beast buried it's tentacle-cocks in her as far as they would go without breaking the heiress, supported in their efforts by the rapist's lubricating slime, and released a final load of it's seed in the abused heiress. The feeling sent Elizabeth over the edge, robbing her of muscle control, causing her body to shake. It filled every nook and cranny that was had been unfilled by it's appendages with it's seed. Elizabeth couldn't breathe for the spunk and tentacle in her throat but was too overcome by pleasure to try to pull the thing out. After what seemed like hours, though in reality was probably closer to seconds, it withdrew, allowing her some gasps of air, but consciousness began to slip from the woman as her orgasm drew on even after the creature was done with her. The invader's seed began to ooze from her battered orifices as the tentacles pulled free with a pop, Elizabeth couldn't seem to regain control of her body, however, and passed out on the floor in a pool of mixed fluids...


Suddenly, Elizabeth awoke, quite sore from her encounter with the tentacled creature. The ballroom was a mess but the invaders appeared to be gone. She could see corpses littering the floor along with rubble and destruction from the melee. Looking carefully, she spotted the occasional woman who had been raped into submission, including the nearby Karina who was still unconscious. Worryingly, the other noblewoman's stomach had a bulge. More worryingly, Elizabeth's own stomach was similar. The assassin's "borrowed," and now torn, clothes were nearby, along with her armor, and could still potentially be salvaged. There was no sign of Alice and she'd have to look harder if she wanted to find out what had become of the others. Additionally, there was no telling whether danger was still present in the room.

(Alice & The Guards will continue next week at it's regularly scheduled time! :p

Also, murder seems to be quite a popular like in Badaria!

Oh, and you can spend XP now. You gain an additional 2 XP for the 2 kills you got before getting resistance murdered. Also, you gain 2 mutations, which were capped at 2 because otherwise Elizabeth might have ended up nearly warped from this. >.>)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

-8 EXP for “Skilled” Talent. Sudden Strike, Scissor Defense, Whirling Death.
Mutations Soft Skin & Shadowy (I appreciate it’s limited to two, fuckin’ tentacle rapists gonna get their asses handed to ‘em next time he still has a throwing knife in him I can track him down!) >:)
Character sheet should be updated accordingly.

Elizabeth groaned deeply, blinking up at the ceiling groggily before the sudden rush of adrenaline had her bolting upright. The sudden wave of nausea and discomfort that caused had her groaning and holding a hand over her mouth. She was sore all over, and in places she’d rather not thing about, plus something in her stomach felt, gooey.

The reality of her situation returned to her as her gaze fell upon her stomach, and she grit her teeth silently cursing the creature that had done this to her. She’d find it, kill it, mutilate and torture it. She’d need her knives. Elizabeth played back what she could remember in her mind, cursing herself several times again, before recalling she’d simply dropped her knives before planting a throwing knife in the creature that had done this to her.

She looked around she seemed to be in the same place, her armor and vestments were, tattered but nearby, her knives should have been on the floor somewhere, Karina was. She kept quiet and kept her ears open for the sounds or signs of any remaining monstrosities, or frankly at this point she’d take a sign of those cowardly ‘men’ who’d left her to her fate. At least she’d know where to stab them to cause maximum pain.

Then she’d hunt down the thing that had done this to her, it should have still had her throwing knife in it, it couldn’t have been impossible to find, unless it was already dead in which case she’d hunt down whomever had killed it and do, something, to them, probably something unpleasant.

Alice didn’t appear to be anywhere either, girl had probably run off with the guards. The thought of murdering her came to mind, but if Elizabeth was going to ‘deal with’ her recently acquired pregnancy in the manner she had in mind, stabbing herself in the stomach with her short knife, as soon as she found it, she was going to need a healer to patch her up afterward, and it probably wouldn't be the best idea to 'deal with' her pregnancy until she was someplace she could receive immediate medical attention there after.

The noble girl made a quick list of priorities in her mind: #1 find her knives. #2 assess the situation locally. #3 get dressed, armor was a priority but clothes would be nice too. #4 kill something, anything. #5 kill the abomination left inside her. #6 kill her cousin, it was still something that needed to be done. And #7 work more killing into the other six.

The Silver heiress sighed softly, there was a lot more to do than just murdering a relative now. Next time aliens invaded the Necropolis she was just going straight to her mark's house, murdering them quickly and quietly and then taking a nap someplace safe. Let the rest of the world fend for itself. She tried to help people and she got raped and knocked up but a oceanic reject for her troubles, someone had to pay for that, someone had to bleed for that...

Oh, and she should probably see if Karina was still sane at some point. The girl may have been a sap but she could ventilate those creatures from a healthy distance and that seemed like an ability that could come in handy and should be encouraged, plus who knows, she might need someone to distract the next batch of creatures she encountered, or the guards, she really wanted to settle up with the guards.

Even the idea of cutting one of those fools in the gut, then leaving them to bleed in an alley or back hall of the manor put a sinister smile on the nude woman’s face. Who knows, maybe if she put enough holes in them, when a creature found them they’d get to ‘enjoy’ the treatment they’d left her to.

And why where the lights so damn bright all of a sudden?!

Questions for the future: Scissor Defense says that attacks automatically hit if I’m hit while using it, now, would I be able to combine that with Sudden Strike, which is basically Sudden Shot for melee weapons, to insure that, regardless of the result of the Stealth Roll, my attacks will hit, but should the Stealth Roll succeed they would deal double damage?
Also, I’m correct in assuming I can take “Skilled” a second time, cause it didn’t have a * or a ** next to it
I’m also vaguely confused as to the purpose of “Strong Of-“ Talents, since a talent costs 8 exp and for that you could just add 8 directly to your stat without cluttering up your talent field
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Pregnant

The search for her weapons didn't require Elizabeth to go far, she found them scattered not more than ten feet away amongst a scattering of debris. The assassin got dressed quickly. While her pregnancy was easily noticeable to herself, the lithe woman's stomach was not so distended that it affected her ability to replace her armor and clothes. The tunic and pants were, as expected, mostly ruined, but at least they covered her nudity. After her clothing situation was taken care of, the rogue replaced her knives, readjusting the straps that held them so that they were hidden as best as they could be under destroyed fabric. There were only three throwing knives left of her original six but she still had her up close and personal knives.

Deeming that an early improvised removal of the thing growing inside her might be too risky without an immediate source of healing, Elizabeth moved onto checking Karina. A few nudges later and the noblewoman stirred. The busty girl awoke with such laziness that it would have seemed that she had only been napping if her body wasn't laying in a pool of mixed sexual fluids. The still-nude Karina looked at Elizabeth through squinting eyes. "Lady Elizabeth...? What are you doing here?" She seemed sane, at least, if a little slow to remember what had happened. Karina would likely be able enough to aid Elizabeth in whatever she chose to take on next.

Searching the ballroom was still an option, though it seemed unlikely that the rogue would find any useful survivors there anymore. Hunting down the guards and her handmaiden was another obvious option. Things had likely fallen into enough chaos that Elizabeth could try at anything she liked, if she had another plan in mind.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

"Said I'd come back didn't I?" It was a cheesy line and Elizabeth had to fight to keep from rolling her eyes but it was something the young Karina would have expected from her. "Though I wish it would have been in a better state." She nodded down to her own stomach, and then to the nude Karina's, cradling the girl in her arms before standing and looking around.

It didn't appear there were any active threats, but being quiet was always well advised. "Stay here, I'll try & find you some clothes." The Silver daughter looked about the ballroom, as quietly as she could less she draw some unwanted attention, not just for clothes as she had said, but for armor, weapons, jewelery, money, family rings or necklaces, anything and everything that met the criteria of being one day, theoretically useful and being easily carried. Also a staff or tall candle stick for Karina to hit things with or walk with could be helpful, the girl looked positively plump.

There was also the question of what had happened after Elizabeth had... um... lost track of things. She need to know who won the fight, who had gone where, and how long she'd been out among other things. She had no idea what the state outside was, if the Captain and his guards had won, or lost, and what had happened to Alice, she had told her to stay put.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Pregnant

Perception (Search): Success

"Oh, I... You..." Karina trailed off and froze in a mixture of shock and worry. Elizabeth could almost see the events replaying in her eyes. It hadn't even really been necessary to tell the pregnant noblewoman to stay still before the assassin had gone on her search.

The noble picked through the remains looking for anything of value. During her search, Elizabeth found several denarii and a collection of trinkets and rings that, if nothing else, would at least be worth some coin in their own right. The heiress couldn't find Captain Derrick, nor could she find the stranger who was managing to hold the invaders back in hand to hand. It did not look like the humans had fared well, however, easily half of those originally in attendance were now scattered about the floor. The pattern was consistent, the men had been beaten, clubbed, strangled, or stabbed to death and the women had been raped into unconsciousness and left twitching in pools of cum, used to bear the creature's offspring. It was impossible to tell what had happened to the other half, if they had retreated and survived or if they had been overrun elsewhere. Elizabeth also found one of Alice's shoes when her search brought her near the door that she had left her handmaiden at.

When she had discovered all that she could and found some practical clothing and a candlestick for Karina, Elizabeth returned to the noblewoman. The violated girl of House Silrocio merely nodded to the assassin before accepting the clothes and the stick, it seemed as if she was still in shock and would accept whatever task Elizabeth gave her. The assassin had some time to plan as her pregnant counterpart dressed and adjusted the clothing to fit over her belly.

(You find 40 denarii and 7 minor baubles which can be sold for 20 denarii.)

Alice & the Guards
"My lady will punish you for this!" Alice shouted in futile denial as the guard dropped her onto a seat in one of the numerous sitting rooms of House Dreslin. "Ha! You saw her! She's probably still getting fucked by that jellyfish, or whatever it was." He moved towards the nubile maid with lewd intentions clear in his eyes, clear enough that even the less than hawk-eyed Alice could see. The girl wasn't fast enough to avoid his grabbing hands, however, as he tore her dress free and groped at her perky breasts, eliciting a gasp and a fierce blush from his victim. "I've wanted to do this since we dealt with the lizards." The other guard stood by the inside of the door. "This doesn't seem wise. We should at least wait until we get out of the mansion." His advice only elicited a scoff. "Yeah right, they'll be too busy in the ballroom. Plus, you think I could wait for this? C'mon, just join in on this." The guard by the door said nothing and didn't move, to which the one molesting Alice merely scoffed.

"Suit yourself, more for me." He grabbed the girl suddenly under her arms and easily lifted her out of the seat, forcing her to her knees. One of his hands moved to her head as the other moved to his own breeches to lower them. Faced with a cock, Alice's first reaction was to look at it timidly as though it might shoot searing acid at her. "Suck," came the command. Something seemed to click inside the maid as the guard ordered her to pleasure him, she went to the task almost professionally. The pale girl's lips opened to slide over the guard's rod and slowly took the whole thing into her mouth, all the way to the hilt, eliciting a groan from the man this time. "She's good, you're missing out," the guard spoke through sighs of pleasure as the maid placed both hands on his legs and began to slide his manhood out of her mouth, only to lick at it and stroke it with her hand. The whole thing only caused the guard at the door to shake his head at the amount of danger his ally was putting them in for a blowjob.

Alice's ministrations continued on the man for several minutes. The guard's knees seemed close to buckling and the ferocity that he grabbed her black hair with suggested that he was nearing his limit. At least, until there was a knock at the door.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth's new priority was getting out of the mansion, picking Alice up on the way would be a bonus, as would getting the thing out of her belly. Plus if the young maid could be relocated, maybe she could show the two of them to a back door, or servant's entrance to the manor. The main entrance was too open for Elizabeth's liking, if there was a back alley or someplace dark and narrow it would be much easier to catch anything that might seek to obstruct their path off guard. "My cousin's estate is not far from here, we get out of here, that's where we head." Elizabeth set her hands on her knives, still getting used to the sudden shift in her body shape. She attempted a few sudden motions, imitating old training sequences, just to make sure she didn't catch herself off guard.

"This way." Elizabeth gestured to the door she'd found Alice's shoe. Alice was still the only one who knew their way around the mansion, and, particularly after what had just happened, Elizabeth was loath to wander the halls blindly searching for an exit she wasn't even sure existed, tracking the Maid would take priority to finding an exit for now, if it proved too difficult, or lead them someplace less than desirable, Alice would be left to her own and Elizabeth & Karina would just have to use the main gate, who knew, maybe there was an old carriage out there they could 'borrow,' though hopefully the creatures hadn't managed to find the Dreslin's stables, with the party it would probably be packed with horses, personal, carriage, maybe even a horse hand or two.

"Stay low and stay quiet, less chance of a repeat performance the less things see us." Also, and this may have played a bigger part in Elizabeth's decision than she cared to admit. She had a score to settle with a couple of meat-head house guards. "Anything comes near you, you hit it with that magic of yours or stab it with the candlestick. Kill them before they get a chance to so much as touch you."
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Pregnant

Perception (Elizabeth): Success.

Karina nodded and followed after Elizabeth, the two tried as best they could to be stealthy, though it was slightly more difficult when both seemed to be growing more and more noticeably pregnant by the hour. For the most part, the busty noblewoman was silent along their journey, still shocked by what had transpired in a single day. It was probably for the best, however, as it was impossible to tell what still remained in the labyrinthian hallways of the Dreslin estate. The search for Alice drug on for nearly half an hour, prompting the assassin to consider giving up. When all hope seemed lost, however, she found the maid's other shoe in a pool of dirty liquid in front of a closed door.

The assassin could hear moans of pleasure coming from beyond the door, though she couldn't distinguish who the voices belonged to. The pale heiress began to move closer to investigate when she noticed something, the pool that the footwear was laying in was... wrong. Something was very off about the way it had settled on the ground. There was more than one odd pool of liquid in the hallway, too, she could count at least three. Karina had halted after Elizabeth, uncertain as to why the assassin stopped but awaiting her direction.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth drew her knifes, taking the pointy edge of her Long Knife and dipping it into the liquid, testing the consistency. It didn’t seem like blood, or, the other fluids found in pools around the besieged manor. She crouched low at the door, blades in her hand, edging it open in an attempt to get a look inside after nodding back to Karina, best the sorcereress girl stay at an arm’s reach if there was any fighting to be done. “Be ready” She whispered back.

Yet preferable, Elizabeth would simply slip into the room unnoticed, come up behind someone or something, and then cleave its bloody head off, maybe strike a little lower, and sever something more sensitive.

Still, even if someone or something was watching the door with a weather eye… it might be better not to be seen immediately as hostile. Reluctantly, Elizabeth lowered her knives, not sheathing them, but concealing them as best she could. A silver tongue could be more deadly than a silver blade, but the blade often made a good plan B, particularly if they could be raised without notice.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Pregnant

Karina Attack: Hit
Damage: 3 * 5 = 15 damage.

As Elizabeth touched the pool of fluid with her long knife something happened, the liquid surged at her. If she hadn't already been on guard then it would have likely entrapped her. Instead, however, she recoiled her hand and dagger away from it with enough speed to move herself out of the way of the hostile fluids. Karina reacted quickly, focusing herself on the ooze. As with the tentacle monster from earlier, the ooze was very suddenly and violently decapitated... unlike the tentacle creature, however, it reformed within seconds. The pools, three including the one that had attacked Elizabeth, formed into amorphous blobs of dirty-looking slime which even then advanced on Elizabeth and Karina with inscrutable intent.

Unfortunately, the emergence of hostile creatures meant that the door would have to wait. Thankfully, the moaning had continued which seemed to indicate that whatever was inside the room wasn't aware of what was going on outside. At least the heiress-assassin was going to get to add more murder -- if cutting slime to pieces could be considered such, anyway -- to her to-do list, if nothing else.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

"Fuck what next?" Elizabeth cursed under her breath, raising her two blades to near her chest. She was already knocked up thanks to the thing in the ballroom, she wasn't going to let some filthy ooze grope her, or do whatever it was that these things wanted. The Silver Daughter set herself between the blobs and Karina, not out of any particularly protective instinct mind you, it simply made tactical sense to put the person who wanted badly and deeply to plunge silver metal into wet flesh in front of the person who, for all intents and purposes, had never really killed anything before.

Well there was that thing in the ballroom, but Elizabeth had softened it up first so that didn't really count.

The worst part was that these blobs, just like the tentacled beast, didn't have so much as a face. It made them very hard to read, and frankly made Elizabeth a little uncomfortable. She preferred to know where someone was looking, so she could strike from elsewhere, but with these oozes it was likely best to play it safe. She kept her blades raised and near to her, ready to defend against any liquid assault. Her eyes open and searching for any sudden weak spot or opening to exploit.

Activate Scissor Defense
Sudden Strike X2