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Re: Fanfiction

Naga Eyes.

If you don't know, a KH Sora/Riku slash 'fic where Riku is a naga. Sora finds him, is raped by him, and then the vore starts...
Re: Fanfiction

Hah, my friend has a friend who wrote this pokemon fanfic. Nothing too horrible, except that my friends' friend had her type it up for him. So she was going "Ugh" the entire time through a few schooldays, cause she was typing it up in class. She had be read part of it, too. It made me laugh; especially since it was a self-insertion story, and he was fucking his pokemanz, went into detail, and then just completely breezed over the blowjob from Crystal.. Like three sentences.
Not OH MY GOD WHY, but I personally thought it was funny Lol

Quite. I watched all five in succession. I love the way he does the magic, particularly stop and haste and I *loved* the Sephiroth moment that Tifa has in 3. A few of the comments that I read complained about certain things (the Aeons, the ending of 5) but given that "It's not over," I think one of the arguments is invalid. I loved the Jackie Chan fight in 5, and personally, I thought seeing the Aeon's kick ass was amazing (though I don't think Bahamut should have gone down as easily as it seemed to, but then, I'm sure I could also find ways to justify it). Was so *not* expecting that end to 4. Rather a "Holy shit!" moment for me but in a good way.

The only thing that bums me about it is that he does about one a year and premieres them at Anime Boston and AX. Worth waiting for but I don't think I can live up to my comment of "If good things come to those who wait, this will have me patient as a stone." *laughs*

((Unrelated note: total deja vu moment just then. Don't ask me why, but just happened.))

It seems that I'm the only one that is glad the Hitomi kicked Tifa's ass. Tifa was munchkin the shit out of everything, and it annoyed me how often she used magic. I actually counted it, and including the credits and intro for the two episodes she had materia, and excluding the one she used when she first entered, she was using magic 2.5 times a minute, on average.
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Re: Fanfiction

I read a Halo fanfic once about a Sniper team in New Mombassa who had to fight through a city block thick with Covenant... they got killed in the end.

Wait, that's nothing like what you folks are talking about.
Re: Fanfiction

I read a Halo fanfic once about a Sniper team in New Mombassa who had to fight through a city block thick with Covenant... they got killed in the end.

Wait, that's nothing like what you folks are talking about.

I've read Elite/Human fics >.>;;
Re: Fanfiction

What about grunt or hunter fics with romance? Grunt would be funny and hunters are colonies of worms.
Re: Fanfiction

I read a Halo fanfic once about a Sniper team in New Mombassa who had to fight through a city block thick with Covenant... they got killed in the end.

Wait, that's nothing like what you folks are talking about.

So? When do we ever keep to one topic? This is us. You're talking about fanfiction, it's the fanfiction thread.

Reading about Goldstein's KH one reminds me I should repost my KH ones. Maybe I'll do that tonight if I don't get too distracted.
Re: Fanfiction

Snape: "How dare you both cum before me and then have the gall to say you're too tired to continue?!"
Grunt: "Little people first!"
Snape: "Now I'll have to masturbate myself to cum."
Grunt: "The demon is cumming! Run away!"
Re: Fanfiction

Snape: "How dare you both cum before me and then have the gall to say you're too tired to continue?!"
Grunt: "Little people first!"
Snape: "Now I'll have to masturbate myself to cum."
Grunt: "The demon is cumming! Run away!"

Someone needs to do a quick 2-3 panel comic of this XD
Re: Fanfiction

I got my H/S meter filled last night. I'm good now.
Re: Fanfiction

So, widespread media coverage of one of Marvel's first man-on-man liplocks pulled me back into reading X-Factor again. Like many fans, even from back in the X-Force days, we knew what the hell was going on between Rictor and Shatterstar even if the comics didn't go there (though apparently a few of the writers *wanted* to. It's all in a bunch of articles all about it on the net.) And since I like my boykissing and I like those two, and I have been waiting, oh, christ, how long has it been? 2009...college...hell, high school...we'll say a LONG ASS TIME for this to happen, I decided to see what other people thought about it.

Now, most of these were written before their being a couple was canon, but I still like them. Mostly it's because I like relationship development stories as much as I like smut.

This is the fanfic portion of the website, but it also has links on the side to more about the articles covering the story, talks with the writers, and background info for those unfamiliar with the characters.

, , and - A trilogy that made me laugh from the get go and throughout, not to mention some really enjoyable reading. Disclaimers at the beginning.

- One shot smut, but nice writing.

- Just read part 1 of this and I like it already. Feeling lazy and if you want to read more, just use the SE links.

- This one's not on SE. Found it surfing. Liked it.

May link to more, or at least just list the ones I like as I continue to read. If you read and like, score. If you read and don't like, ah well. And if you don't read, well, not much I can do about that.

*Goes off to find more smut*
Re: Fanfiction

. . .

I shall just leave this here...
Re: Fanfiction

Wait wait wait.

Media coverage? Link?

Well, this is one of the bigger articles on it - - but here's the page on Shattering the Earth that links to a good majority of the coverage.
Re: Fanfiction

Well, this is one of the bigger articles on it - - but here's the page on Shattering the Earth that links to a good majority of the coverage.
Well I'll be damned.

Don't you love it when fanfiction is surprisingly Canon? *Points to all the Severus loves Lily fanfiction that started showing up around book 3*
Re: Fanfiction

Technically, if you read the articles, it was canon almost from the get go, they just didn't/couldn't publish it. I'm kind of glad we're starting to get past the fact that comic books aren't just for kids and people can actually handle *gasp**shock* MATURE subject matter in their books. It's there, it happens. For the longest time, likely since I was old enough to be aware of it, I've seen the mutant situation as a parallel to the situations of same-sex couples. Mutie = Gay; Legacy Virus = AIDS. There was one old X-Factor where a young mutant is showing off his powers in the park and a bunch of mutant haters beat the living shit out of him and I remember thinking "Y'know, change one little word around and you're making a parallel of society." I think Ian McCellum (sp) even talks about it in an interview on the first X-men movie.

Sorry *sits down on the soap box instead of standing on it* Not really trying to rant or make this a big debate/discussion, just getting some thoughts out of my head. One of these days, when our attic isn't frigging negative temperatures, I'm going to have to camp up there for a week and a half and read and sort through my comics again and see all the back issues/graphic novels that I'm going to have to get. I know I'm missing a lot of the crossover stuff and given how much I enjoyed the books back in the day and I'm coming to enjoy them now, I really want to get into them again. *pauses* Shhh. Hear that? It's the sound of my bank account weeping *laughs*
Re: Fanfiction

I'm kind of glad we're starting to get past the fact that comic books aren't just for kids and people can actually handle *gasp**shock* MATURE subject matter in their books.

Now if only people can do the same for animation. There's only so many times that Heavy Metal (and 2000) and Black Freighter can be watched before they get old.