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Fantasy of Mana

Re: Fantasy of Mana

It seems in the same vein as Project X
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Oh sure, it 'seems' that way. But as more of it is fleshed out, it might be tantamount to something similar to the actual Mana series. I'm not saying it will, but the possibilities intrigue me.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

can i suggest a smaller screen it cuts off all the bars. also i'm sure this has been asked before but will there be clothing damage? btw love your bunnies
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Project X? No not really. I have no intention of forcing you to watch all rape attacks regardless of wither or not you like them, and as you've seen, the enemies have actual attacks. I'm probably gonna head more in the Seiken direction as RJ said. Again, we'll see.

can i suggest a smaller screen it cuts off all the bars. also i'm sure this has been asked before but will there be clothing damage? btw love your bunnies

I suppose you mean the top title bar? I mean, if you need to close the game, I think pressing the escape key should work, unless you're talking about the health bars and what not, in which case, why's your screen so small?

Oh, and clothing damage....well not necessarily clothing damage, but I'm thinking exposed titties in the very least.
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Re: Fantasy of Mana

I dunno if this is my comp, or the file, but every time i open the application, the window pops up. at the bottom of the screen. half of it offscreen. It's weird...
Re: Fantasy of Mana

I personally found the Rabites rather amusing.

On an unrelated note, I've played the mana series of games(all of them! they were amazing).
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Project X? No not really. I have no intention of forcing you to watch all rape attacks regardless of wither or not you like them, and as you've seen, the enemies have actual attacks. I'm probably gonna head more in the Seiken direction as RJ said. Again, we'll see.

I suppose you mean the top title bar? I mean, if you need to close the game, I think pressing the escape key should work, unless you're talking about the health bars and what not, in which case, why's your screen so small?

Oh, and clothing damage....well not necessarily clothing damage, but I'm thinking exposed titties in the very least.

i'm using a notebook laptop so thats whys my screens so small and i'm talking about the health bars sorry for the confusion.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

The first time I double click to start this, nothing will come up.
When I double click it again, a window comes up, but it's a white screen..
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Same problem I had. This needs your computer to be set to English for it to run properly.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Same problem I had. This needs your computer to be set to English for it to run properly.

The Region setting? I've tried setting it all to straight English and United States and it won't change from the white screen everyone else is talking about.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

The only thing I can think of, besides the obvious technical stuff that are the guts of your computer...

Windows compatibility? Mine is 7.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Mine's XP.

I had to go in and change the Non-Unicode Language to English which forces you to restart your computer.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

I have XP. And it runs pretty good if you put your pc into US English.

However would it be possible to not limit this to only US op in the future? There is no US English option in applocale so you have to set your pc no matter what and thats an annoying process not to mention tedious...
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Re: Fantasy of Mana

I can download it fine, but everytime I try to extract it, it tells me that the file is either broken or damaged. Any suggestions? Or maybe a re-up could help, I dunno.
Re: I'm so pissed...(Title subject to change)

Sadly, I have a feeling I know exactly what he's talking about.

He's been looking at on a near constant basis, hoping for an update to ROA or another action-type game. He finally saw a file over 1MB in size, got hopeful and DL'd it, then got disappointed when it was yet more add-ons for RyonaRPG. I feel for him a bit, since I too hope to see more of ROA.

But to ???, good luck with your game.

i cant even find ROA to download. i got a new pc and wanted to see if the game will work now @__@
Re: Fantasy of Mana

So ???, can you go ahead and just tell me what post of yours is actually the first one in this thread about the game so I can delete everything before it? Cuz the first half of this thread is a piece of shit.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

If you're just looking for ROA, try

(might be on the second page)

From what I recall, that version didn't have one particular ROA variant I remember,
but it does a pretty good job collecting "finished" releases that work,
as opposed to /up/ that's a much more work-in-progress exchange.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

It HAD been dead for 4+ years, pretty sure you could prune pretty much anything at this point and not be losing too much.