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For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra hesitated for a moment, and decided against offering to help the su-ku-ta woman try on her dress. Not that she wouldn't mind watching, but that seemed a bit forward and Chocolat was a bit shy anyway. She gestured at the others towards what seemed to be the dressing room when they didn't seem to immediately follow the tailor. "Well, go ahead. Lets see how it looks."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Following with the others, Chocolat was initially surprised by the tailor's apparent expectation that they should change in full view of both him and their male compatriot. While it could certainly be said that her culture was male-dominated given the sort of garment she normally would have worn to such an event, the half-nymph was somewhat hesitant to get outright naked in front of men. She gave Terra a helpless look, the human having proven her most useful comrade at this point, at least in this sort of endeavor, before hesitantly allowing the tailor to help remove her armor, a process that actually didn't take particularly long given the construction of her gear. Beneath it she wore only a few cloth wrappings to prevent chafing, wraps that clung fairly tightly to her body at that, and she continually watched the dragon knight out of the corner of her eye while she climbed into the dress that she'd picked out.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As the ladies change into the dress in the backroom, Kelsier opts to wait in the shop. Each of them gets their chosen dress on, though the tailor doesn't seem to think they fit very well and he mutters to himself as he starts marking the needed corrections.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Not having many qualms with changing into her new outfit, the outspoken Amazon had to admit that she looked sorta nice in something fancy. The green was a good green and the trim fit all too perfectly. This was a part of her she never though she'd hear from. But before she could comment, the tailor was hard at work, making the needed adjustments that she apparently needed. "Watch the hands, boy-o. I know your a tailor, but just take it easy"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat endured the tailor's assistance with as much dignity as she could managed, her ears and tail twitching from time to time if he ever poked her with a needle or touched her in a place she might consider inappropriate. She also endured it in silence, making no comment and allowing the man to mumble through the alterations that apparently needed to happen for the dress to fit her properly without complaint.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Smiling Ahdeah quickly found a dress to her liking, it was simple yet elegant and a nice shade of blue. Waiting her turn Ahdeah looked over her battle companions almost seeing them for the first time. Smiling she simply nodded to herself deciding that all of them would look stunning in their gowns. No doubt the nobles and others honored would get quite the treat.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

While she waited for the tailor to finish his work, Terra spoke to the fifth knight. "I suppose you as well already have appropriate clothes for the feast? Or are you just waiting for the ladies to finish first?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"I have a jacket that should be suitable, miss Terra. Though I suspect I'll have to ask a maid to clean it, since it's been a long time since I last had need for it." Kelsier replies somewhat more quietly from the shop. The tailor doesn't seem particularly concerned about where he puts his hands, but he does keep mostly keep them away from the more sensitive areas. Marking the corrections doesn't take too long. "If you would take the dresses off, I'll have them fitting you by the evening. It'll be a bit of a rush job, doing them with one fitting, but they should be fine."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat had nothing to add, and simply did as instructed, removing the dress and hastily redonning her armor. She then stood in back, awkwardly avoiding looking at anyone.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"It does feel like some time since there's been a good reason. Maybe not since the Invaders left."

Eventually, she noticed the others were back in their armor, apparently done with the fitting. And, unsurprisingly, the su-ku-ta woman looked uncomfortable. Terra approached her, "So what did you think? Different than what you're used to?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat didn't let her surprise at being so approached show, offering Terra a mild grimace and nodding, "Yes... Definitely so. I'm not used to something so.... Constraining."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Finally dressed in her original attire, she breathed a welcome sigh of relief. Anything to be out of those restrictive cloths and back in her well worn suit of armor. "Don't know how blue-bloods can wear those full time. They must have learned no to breath during all their sitting around and junk." She spoke to no one in particular, knowing the others might not be a fan of her ranting. "Well, no use standing round here. Lets head back. We got time before those things are ready anyway. Might as well enjoy the free time we got."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The dresses didn't seem particularly constraining to Terra, especially not since she was still wearing her armor. Of course, she'd never seen a female su-ku-ta gown, so perhaps those were much less restraining than the Badarian sort. An image came to mind of what Chocolat might look like in a much more... free... dress. She smiled. "Well, part of that is probably that it wasn't tailored yet, but it... looks quite nice."

The amazonian woman did have a point as well. "It does sound like we're done here for the moment. I wouldn't mind a chance to get out of my armor." If nobody else had any particular plans, a chance to see her quarters wouldn't be out of line.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat's face turned a shade pinker at the compliment, but she honestly didn't know what to do about that beyond nodding and conceding to the point. When it was suggested that they make their way back, the half-nymph could only nod again in agreement, though once they were outdoors she glanced at the elf and said; "You have been unusually quiet since our fitting... What do you think of those garments?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Humm? Oh well I was never fond of such frills myself, but my twin absolutely loved such clothing. I will admit they can be pretty, but hardly practical for those that follow our calling." Ahdeah smiled at the nervous nymph kin as she walked with them.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Pursing her lips, Chocolat nodded to the elf. "I concur... Such garments seem.... Unnecessary," she said in reply, and then fell silent for the remainder of their return to the castle. Her tail swayed back and forth as she walked, flitting about like a lure in a stream, but she gave no other outward hints of her uplifted mood.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As the women get out of the back room, Kelsier adjusts his swordbelt before heading back to the castle with them. A swan flies over them as they arrive at the castle, and the guards at door recognize them, saluting the group as they pass. As they get inside, Kelsier gives each of them a small bow. "I'm afraid I must depart to my inn so I can get out of this armour for a while before getting ready for the evening."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Good day," Chocolat replied to the knight as she returned his bow in kind. After that, however, the armored Su-Ku-Ta was at a loss for what to do with herself. Much of her life had been spent with a task to do, or a journey to undertake, but now.... Well, she wasn't great at finding things to occupy her time with when there wasn't a battle to fight or someplace to go. If nothing came up to occupy her time, Chocolat would eventually opt to go and find someplace to train for a while, and then if that went smoothly (or couldn't happen at all for some reason) would get some water and go to take a nap.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah smiled at the return to the castle. "Well I think Im going to enjoy a nice soft bed this evening thanks to the kindness of the lord. No flea bitten straw mattress tonight." Waving Ahdeah left the others and headed back to her room to prep for the evening.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Back in the castle, Terra would first find her own rooms and get out of her armor. Then perhaps she could find some of the others out and about, and find some way to divert herself until the evening.