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For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

As she enters the hot bath, Ahdeah notices that the curtain doesn't reach quite all the way to the bottom. Thankfully, no-one else seems to be in the other side either, at least for the moment.

Terra and Chocolat
Other than one of the soldiers loudly starting to recite a clearly exaggerated tale about seducing an elf, no-one seems to bother the two warriors while they eat.

"Only him, really. There are a few others, but they tend to favour other places." The innkeeper replies. "'It's a shame, really. He used to be quite a good carpenter, but then he lost his wife in a fire. At this rate he'll follow her to the grave soon, I'm afraid."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"My parents saw to it that I got a few lessons in self defense, and I convinced them that the best way to do that was to learn the sword." Well, she'd given her father big, sad eyes until he did what she wanted; he'd never been able to deny her when she did that. But nobody had to know that. "From there... more practice against other caravan guards and mercenaries than formal training."

The su-ku-ta woman still didn't seem entirely comfortable. So Terra continued, "What do you plan to do next? After the feast, after all this here dries up?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

This new discovery sparked her intrest. Finding the lack of other people slightly dissapointing Ahdeah instead relaxed a little further letting her mind wander into a slightly perverse daydream.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Mmmm, I guess we're not so different then, are we?" Chocolat remarked idly after Terra revealed how she'd come to take up her martial skills. "Oh, after? I... Honestly don't know. I hadn't thought much about it, but I suppose eventually I'll end up doing what I'd been doing before, unless something else came up to keep me here."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra nodded. Most people would be returning to their previous lives, it was what people did. But her previous life had been that of a mercenary. It paid the bills, but it wasn't something she could really dedicate her life to.

And she could still remember seeing the alien mothership descending over the city, raining down death and destruction, rape and slavery. And running away. The city had fallen, most of the population killed or taken away in the ships. Alone, she almost certainly wouldn't have made any sort of difference. Maybe she could have saved a few people... or maybe she would have been one more woman taken up into the ship, to bear alien spawn for the rest of her life. Those shouldn't have been the only choices.

"I'm... not sure what I'll do. Not go back to being a mercenary, I think. Maybe see if I can find people fighting the aliens. They still hold parts of Badaria, even now. If the motherships were to come back, and we still hadn't even killed the ones they left behind..." It was worrying. People fought back - somewhat, at least - but nothing like the defense they had just mounted against the orcs. The army, the organization... working together, they had done much more than if each person fought on their own. It bore consideration.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"That is an... Intriguing possibility," Chocolat replied, frowning. She hadn't considered that. The very monsters that had practically wiped out her own people were here still as well as the desert, it seemed, and while she'd known of their raiding parties she hadn't known that they were in large enough numbers that someone here might be organizing to fight them. "Are there... Many of them left here?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra nodded. "Yes. They never left the capital, they've held it since the Invasion." She frowned. "And a considerable area around it. A growing area." She pushed back her plate slightly, no longer particularly hungry. "Other places as well, smaller, scattered throughout the country. I don't think anyone even knows exactly how much of Badaria is still held by the aliens."

Another possible reason for the question occurred to the human woman. "We're not really in danger here, though, if that's what you mean. Not unless all the aliens in the Necropolis decide to march, and they haven't for years."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Only him, really. There are a few others, but they tend to favour other places." The innkeeper replies. "'It's a shame, really. He used to be quite a good carpenter, but then he lost his wife in a fire. At this rate he'll follow her to the grave soon, I'm afraid."

"Damn shame when good men hit the bottle like that and never recover. Wish I could do something to help."Alicia added as she left her tip and left the inn. Maybe she'd be able to look this fellow up some time later. Give him someone to talk to at the very least since he seemed so lonely. Maybe even give him a friend. All that aside, she'd not dwell on it forever, lest she grow depressed herself. She'd eventually return to the castle, wanting to relax after a good meal. She'd request the location of the bathing area, quick to follow the directions when given. Nice soak after a good meal was the ultimate way to relax.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

After soaking for a while, Ahdeah hears someone come into the other side of the bath. Soon enough the man, whoever he is, enters the pool.

The innkeeper smiles at Alicia sadly as she leaves, rounding around the castle to enter again. Once she asks, one of the servants gives her the direction for the baths and soon she finds herself standing in front of a thick curtain that directs men to the left side and women to the right. From the sounds of it, there is someone already inside.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah paused a moment from her own imagination as she heard a man enter the bath, or at lest she thought it was man considering how she was still alone on her side of the curtain. She was of course curious as to who entered and while she was raised in a very liberated manner she knew all to well that others did not share her upbringing. Waiting a moment fort whoever it was to get settled Ahdeah spoke up. "Nothing like a hot steaming water to relax the body."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Alicia was quick to undress, leaving her armor and underclothing in a safe place. She'd grab a towel of her own and head towards the woman's side, not wanting to create an incident by going to the wrong side. Hanging the towel over her shoulder, she'd find herself greeted by one of her fellow companions, a sight for sore eyes to say the least. "Very true. A good soak after a nice meal is the best thing a body could ask for." Alicia was not really worried about covering up in the face of her companion, her Amazon upbringing playing a small part in her relaxed attitude.

"Can't tell ya how long it's been since I've had a bath. Damn inns on the road don't normally have the privacy one requires."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah's eyes quickly darted up as Alicia answered her call out instead the male voice she expected. Smiling at the new comer she moved aside to allow her fellow knight to sit next to her if she so wished. "Indeed but they do the best that they can. After such a bathhouse would be hard to maintain on a highway inn's income. In truth the clear steaming water did little to hide Ahdeah from Alicia and in turn the amazon clearly had no such calmes about herself. The sight of the woman only enhanced Ahdeah's own arousal as she very much approved of her companions figure. Though gazing at the woman't belly and sex left Ahdeah slightly frowning.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Gently tossing the towel to the ground and just in reach of her, Alicia would slowly sink into the water beside her companion, a long sigh escaping as she felt the warm water envelope her. She'd take a moment to let her body adjust, before finally speaking up. "Not asking for the world from these guys. Just a simple curtain or just bringing the tub to the persons room would be a far better improvement then a little alcove just outside the bar. Last thing I need is a bunch of drunks staring at me. Especially staring at my brands." She glanced over to see the slight look of disappointment on her face. "I take it you saw them. Long story with these things. But to make a long story very short, they're basically my marks of exile, made to be as visible and humiliating as possible"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Scooting over slightly Ahdeah looked to her companion. "A shame to mar such beauty with pointless symbols. But alas that wasn't the only thing I find my self slightly disppointed in." Ahdeah looked over and smirked slightly. Lowering her voice so as to not embarris her companion to much the elf whispered to her. "I had heard that amazon woman where just as equiped as their men." Ahdeah waited to see what her companion thought of this. Would she take it as the jest she had intended or would the woman get offended.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"You could say that, but I bear these marks with pride now. I can't let those backwards fools tell me that what I'm doing is wrong. And what do you mean you're disappointed with something else?" Alicia was a little curious as to what she meant by that, and by the glances from her elven friend. That smile and whispering didn't help clear the fog either. "If you mean just as equipped in terms of strength, then you would be correct. Amazonian women are just as strong as our male counterparts, if not more so. It especially helps when deciding whose in charge. In more ways then one." She said with a knowing smirk, stretching her arms above her head. "Or were you expecting something else?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah smiled and leaned back. "Oh nothing of importance." Inwardly she chuckled at the naivite of her companion. Then again it was likely she didn't grow up with a mother who retold her own conguests before settling down with her father. "Tel me.. Alicia." Ahdeah paused a moment before making sure she was right about to whom she was adressing after all they had barly any time to talk let alone make introductions during battle. "What do you think of the current situation? Are you going to stay or move on after this celebration?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra nodded. "Yes. They never left the capital, they've held it since the Invasion." She frowned. "And a considerable area around it. A growing area." She pushed back her plate slightly, no longer particularly hungry. "Other places as well, smaller, scattered throughout the country. I don't think anyone even knows exactly how much of Badaria is still held by the aliens."

Another possible reason for the question occurred to the human woman. "We're not really in danger here, though, if that's what you mean. Not unless all the aliens in the Necropolis decide to march, and they haven't for years."

"So long as those monsters live, nowhere is safe," Chocolat said gravely, picking at what little remained of her food idly after Terra had pushed her own plate away. "They can strike from far off, without any way to stop them. Even without the larger floating things, they have small ones that can carry their forces and their captives to and from their strongholds. They use them to strike at what few settlements and tribes remain in Anudor," she continued, her gaze growing distant.

Snapping back to the present after a moment, the half-nymph would add, "I hadn't known it was so bad.... Is nothing really being done to end them here? I had thought these lands healthier than my own, more resistant, but apparently I was wrong."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra nodded, and responded to the su-ku-ta woman's second point first. "Individual cities do what they can, but without the King to hold us together... this battle may have been the most Badaria has worked together since the invasion, and even this will fall apart after the feast."

The human fell silent for a moment. No one city could hope to face the aliens alone. And even if they made some headway, they would return to find their homes sacked and their families gone. An alliance of cities... well, nobody had managed that, not even close. And while they waited, the aliens grew in numbers. Maybe Acheron could hold the South for a time, but if the aliens began the sort of attacks Chocolat had described, the rest of Badaria would be as broken as the Su-ku-ta civilization had been.

The brown-haired knight muttered angrily. "Someone should do something." Which was a worthless sentiment. A million people thinking that wouldn't get anything done. "I won't run away again, while another city falls." That hurt to admit, but it was true. If she stood alone, she'd still stand. Even if all it meant was another womb to pump out more of the aliens. "But that's not really enough, is it?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Nothing of importance?"Alicia still couldn't quite wrap her head around what her elven companion meant and asking her would make her look rather silly. But then Ahdeah began turning the conversation towards something she could understand properly: travel plans. She hadn't honestly thought of what she'd do following the festivities. Heading back on the road was always her default choice and she was normally not in a town for too long unless she had a very good reason. "What will I do? Well, I'm normal on the road after a job or a stay in town, but honestly...I may stick around for a while. Depending on what we ask the lord for, maybe I could even find something to do instead of lazing about. Part of me just can't stay still. How bout you? Got any big post feast plans?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Humm not really." Ahdeah moved her eyes over to look at Alicia, she really did have a pretty body despite the branding. "Ive been wandering around from place to place looking for.. something.." Ahdeah shifted postion so her arms rested on the edge of the water letting her breasts remain slightly submerged. "The problum is Im not sure what it is. I guess I'll know when I find it."