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For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

There isn't much to Mike's thoughts, he's merely enjoying dancing with a woman he thinks as beautiful and focusing on the rhythm. The dancing continues for a long while, but all too soon the music stops, leaving Mike and Deidre exhausted in each others arms. "That was fun. How about I escort you to your room?"
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Seeing that Mike's thoughts have been fairly decent, and acknowledging that she's had a good time, Deidre nodded her head. "Yeah sure, I'll just let Willow know I'm leaving."

She stepped over to Willow and gave her a heads up that she'd be heading back to her room and that she'd catch up with her later, before stepping out of the lounge with Mike in tow.

When they got back to her room she turned around and leaned against the door, eyeing him.

Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow barely notices Deidre as she is apparently listening Jack telling her jokes, and laughing quite a bit. She barely nods at Deidre when she does notice her.

Mike follows Deidre to her room, true to his word. As Deidre turns to face him, he leans closer, his lips mere inches from Deidre's.

Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre pulled back a little, checking herself. She was buzzed, but not anywhere near drunk, which was fine. Mike had been a fine dancer, but he hadn't blown her away or said anything particularly interesting that had grabbed her fancy. He was decent looking, true, but so were a lot of guys. She decided to play this one cool.

"Uh huh," she said, crossing her arms. "I hope mirroring what I say isn't your 'A' game move."

She grinned, knowing what he wanted and letting him know that she knew.

"Go on. Impress me. I'm worth it."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Mike takes a step back, smiling widely. "Good night." is all he says before throwing a quick salute and turning to walk away.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre's smile became a derisive snort. Fine. If he wasn't going to make an effort.

Deidre opened her door, intending to shut it behind her and lock it. Then she'd flop over onto her bed, sigh with boredom and then roll over and inspect her room some more. What was there to see? Was there a computer? Something she could do a little down time research on and figure out more about this world she'd suddenly been cast into?
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

There's a small terminal next to the bed. Not the most comfortable arrangement, but it should be fine is Deidre put a pillow behind her back.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre undressed and got ready for bed, putting on a thin, brown duster to hang over her body before lying down on her bed, propping herself up with a pillow and loggin on to the computer terminal. She'd spend a little while researching about the ship, and the mercenary company that ran it in particular. She'd also want to know what the company's relationship was with the government that had tried to train her to the point of torture.

Being soldiers of fortune, she knew that they'd probably work for whoever had the coin - unless the head of the group had something against the government.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Search for the information about the company leads Deidre to mercenary registry, which seems to be international organization governing mercenary companies. Silver force is marked as unaffiliated, meaning they don't work for any particular government. There are a number of black marks on the register, most from Deidre's government, so it would be safe to say that they're unlikely to get much work from there any more.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Finding that bit of information to her liking, Deidre decided that if nothing else was happening immediately, she'd turn in for the night. She set her alarm to wake her up in time for any early morning role call or breakfast hour and then did her best to nod off to sleep.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre's alarm wakes her up twenty minutes before breakfast in the mess, leaving her with enough time for washing and other morning routines. The cabin's shower turns out to be rather cramped, but that's only to be expected. As Deidre opens the door to the hallway, she finds that someone has hanged a small bunch of flowers from the door. There's a card included, telling her that the flowers are "to the best dancer on this ship."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre read the card, looking to see if it was indeed from Mike or if it was from someone else just teasing her. Eitherway, the flowers were a nice thought and she found a container to put them in, setting them down beside her alarm clock. After that she made her way down to the mess hall, having done all her early morning routine and getting dressed in her uniform again. When she got to breakfast she looked to see if any of the familiar faces from last night were present, if so, she'd take a seat with them, setting her tray down in front of her and digging in.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre finds that the dancefloor has been replaced with large tables, one of which is reserved for her squad. Indeed, she finds Willow sitting near the end with a free space opposite of her, reluctantly eating her breakfast.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"What's the matter, Willow? Something in the breakfast rubbing your stomach the wrong way?" Deidre said as she placed her tray next to her female comrade in arms and started to poke around in it with her fork as if examining it carefully for dangerous materials. "Or did you just drink more than your fair share last night and now you're paying for it?" She grinned, thinking that that last one might be more likely.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow gives Deidre an annoyed glare. "Good morning."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"And a good morning to you too," Deidre whispered, still grinning, but she didn't pester Willow with any more teasing, instead getting down to her own breakfast and eating it quickly. She looked around for the mess hall for signs of the other familiar faces and looked to see if anything interesting would catch her eye.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

As Deidre is finishing her breakfast, the loudspeakers turn on. "All hands, prepare for insertion to combat zone in two hours. We've just secured a new contract. Insertion zone is jungle and we've been tasked with protecting a village from a raiding party."

The announcement gets everyone's attention and people start getting out to check their equipment and prepare, though no-one seems to be in hurry.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Nice. More work. That was pretty quick," Deidre said, before patting Willow sympathetically on the shoulder. The loudspeaker probably hadn't done her hangover any favors. "Get some more coffee in you and take some ibuprofin. I don't want you getting killed out there because of a headache."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow smiles at Deidre. "Thanks. I will." She quickly finishes her breakfast before heading for her cabin.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre left the same time as Willow, having completed her breakfast and going swiftly to her own cabin, where she donned her combat gear and hustled swiftly to the briefing room.