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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

So in all the guides I can find for Chiitrans Lite I run into trouble at the Atlas V14 download and crack.
I've never downloaded the trial before recently, and when I download the trial I can't even get it to finish installation because it says my 30 trial period has expired. No installation, no folder in which to place the crack files. I've tried downloading it and installing several times after and the only other similar issue I've found people having was where a guy did have it once before and turned his system clock back. That doesn't work for me obviously (though I tried it anyway just for the hell of it).
One guy said it might be something in the registry, but that's literally all he said.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated. My ability to play RPG Maker games is severely gimped.

Edit: I tried rolling back the system clock again. This time I rolled it back several years (2009 worked for me) instead of several months. That got it to finish installation.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Sorry my English is little good so I will come up with some questions
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Got a question, is there anyway to lessen the lag aside from tinkering the F1 settings on RPG maker? Some games have a huge ass map with npcs and events at times that it makes the game laggy with low fps or something.

Never honestly seen that. I've seen it when you go full-screen with the RPG Maker XP - VX Ace games but that is a problem with DirectX I believe and not the games themselves.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

As there been any update to Wolf Editor?
I would like to try make Partials to Wolf Games, but the editors
have been only minor translated.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

set your computer date 2 jan 2010 then install trial then paste in crack before running it 4 the 1st time. after u open it close it and reset date back to correct time it should work then
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Someone knows how to reduce the game´s screen size a little??????
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

My issue is:

All games work fine until I press alt+enter and then all I see is a black screen besides a tiny lit up area in the top left that flickers. There seems to be an issue with maximizing any game with Alt+enter. Thinking it's something to do with the size the game is trying to maximize it too but I'm no expert.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Someone knows how to reduce the game´s screen size a little??????

I use to make rpgmaker games bigger, you can modify it to be whatever dimensions you want though (it will stretch if you change aspect ratio).

Does anyone know how to pack rgss3a files? Like what the rpgmaker decrypter does in reverse. I want to change a few file names to use an unimplemented graphic instead of the one that is used, but Maiden Snow Eve doesn't run off of loose files.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hello I am currently running into a problem with RGSS3 games. When i load up any RGSS3 game in full screen the whole game is squished into the top left hand corner of the screen which makes it unplayable. It is fixed by going to windows mode but im wondering how to fix it. This problem only happened recently and i re downloaded all the RTPVXACE programs. anyone know how to fix it? Thanks
Re: Help with Chiitranslite

Hmmm, well there was a tutorial that I used when setting up VNR so I'll post it here when I find it.
Edit: Can't find it, so I'll just tell how mine is set up. In your preferences, go to Dictionaries in the Downloads section. You need to install 2 dictionaries here, they are UniDic modern Japanese and Vicon Japanese-English, it's around about 500mb in total. Then go to Dictionaries in the Translation section. Prefered MeCab dictionary should be set to UniDic modern Japanese, Preferred Japanese furigana should be set to Romanji and Preferred Japanese phrase should be set to Vicon. Once you install the dictionaries and set up Translation, you should start up your game. VNR should automatically detect the running game. If not, click on the icon that looks like a rocket ship, if that doesn't work, click the magnifying glass next to it and it will open up the Game Wizard which will allow you to manually select the game, there are three options on how to do that but they're all obvious how they work. Once VNR syncs with the game, a side bar will open to the left of the game window, it disappears when not being used but you can open up again by waving your mouse in the area it pops up. Select options, and in the menu that opens, delselect game text. If game text isn't being detected, click on menu in the side bar then select text options. This should open up the menu which allows you to change the text hook being used as well as change the encoding being used. Remeber RPGmaker games should be using UTF-16 whilst WolfRPG uses SHIFT-JIS. Now whilst the text menu is open, talk to someone and the text hook will detect the dialogue and a new text hook should appear, above each hook should be the options Dialogue, Name, Other. Set the hook that has dialogue matching the one in the game as Dialogue. If that still doesn't work just say so and I'll look into it to try and fix it.

I've been able to play a few WolfRPG fine with the VNR but this one game http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=661699#post661699 I have not been able to get it to work. I've down the game wizard thing and updating my game database but nothing still works with it. Any help with this?
VH tomfoolery


This is hella confusing. Are the "Tools for Applying Patches" stuff and everything underneath the pre-patched version just for those interested in continuing to translate or are they actual required material? I've downloaded RPGMaker Trans regardless and I know how to work with SVN update (at least on a basic level), but that's not necessarily the primary problem at the moment unless further patching is required.

There are two .exe's in the downloaded folder and both of them give some form of warning or error. There's no ping or big x though. Just a notification. "RPG(moonspeak)2000(more moonspeak)" and then nothing. The .exe's themselves are called rpg_rt.exe and rtp_rt_fatalmix2010.exe.

I have all the japanese settings and whatnot enabled and I have like three different versions of RPGmaker. All my other h-games, rpgmaker or not, work. What's the deal with this one? Is this using like a hella old RPGmaker and the current ones aren't backwards compatible?

Re: VH tomfoolery

Do you have the RTP for RPG Maker 2000 installed?

Re: VH tomfoolery

Do now. Just attempted to download/install rpgmaker2000 though and apparently Windows 7 isn't supported. Checking 2003. Damn. How many RPGmakers are there? :confused:

*edit: Ahah! 2003 worked, now only my initial problem is left, regarding all the patches and stuff. Also, what's the difference between fatalmix2010 and the other one?
*edit2:Looks like windowed vs fullscreen. Not sure if other differences.
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Re: VH tomfoolery

Do now. Just attempted to download/install rpgmaker2000 though and apparently Windows 7 isn't supported. Checking 2003. Damn. How many RPGmakers are there? :confused:

*edit: Ahah! 2003 worked, now only my initial problem is left, regarding all the patches and stuff. Also, what's the difference between fatalmix2010 and the other one?
*edit2:Looks like windowed vs fullscreen. Not sure if other differences.

FatalMix has extra commands.

Same commands below if the site is too slow.

RShift - Skip text. (Stops when dialog choice available.)

A - Increase walking speed.

S - Decrease walking speed.

F - Toggle clipping. (Walk through walls.)

Q - Forcefully brings up save menu.

W - Forcefully brings up menu.

T - Change weather.

Alt + T - Changes strength of weather.

= - +1,000 gold.

Alt + = - +10,000 gold.

; - Level up.

1 - 1x game speed.

2 - 2x game speed.

3 - 4x game speed.

4 - 1/2x game speed.

5 - 0x game speed. (Crashes game.)

0 - 1x game speed.

F9 - Open variable editor.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

VH is fun but irritating. Is there a way to reset/drop a quest? I attempted goblin queen, got my ass kicked, and then not only was I stuck with that quest and unable to progress adventure rank and whatever while I tried to grind up to be able to do it, when I finally went back to try it again the mini-cutscene won't fire again so I can't do the fight.


*also, thanks Dragon. :)
Google translate - chiitrans

Is anyone else having problems with Google translate through Chiitrans? I get this from the regular translate and the transliterate, Chiitrans 2 and Lite:
(The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.)

The normal Google translate website works fine.
Re: Google translate - chiitrans

Is anyone else having problems with Google translate through Chiitrans? I get this from the regular translate and the transliterate, Chiitrans 2 and Lite:
(The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.)

The normal Google translate website works fine.

Odd, I thought it was just me, but I have the same problem too. It appears to happen for other games of other kinds as well, even after reinstallation.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

This makes me wonder if Google changed their protocols for how Translate.Google works. They said they were going to do something like this because people were using the site as a proxy to view region locked sites. Think all we can do is wait for a new Chiitrans Lite update.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Same problem, so yeah, it's definitely Google, so I for now, just use Microsoft translator in the options. Seems to works fine, maybe even more faster and Accurate for RPG.