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FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A1. Just cause they're life signs doesn't mean they're friendly.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A1 - fuck em
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Because Hali convinced me to post.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Votes n' Notes
Winner A:5

Sorry for the delay everyone! I had a midterm and a paper to do, I'm putting off a little assignment, but I really wanted to post, and I hope y'all really wanna vote!

...isn't the door system disabled? If so, why is the rescuee having trouble getting out, and how are our heroes supposed to be venting the quarantine hangar anyways?
The door systems are disabled, but for this game, that requires opening the door manually. Most doors have access from both sides, but in the security room there is only access from the outside.

We'll be venting the quarantined hangar by disabling the atmosphere shield and letting people suffocate and fly into space if they're not holding on to something.

Kar'rak growled, slapping Scarlet's wrist aside and storming through the door into the oxygen room. With a scowl he pressed a pair of buttons. Scarlet lunged in after him, shoving him violently away from the control panel, her red hair flared out behind her. Red lights began to flash in the oxygen room, an alarm sounding from across the station. A deep rumble rocked through the station, and the room labeled quarantine was flashing red on the display, the word "VENTING" displayed across the whole room.

Kar'rak stood up straight, dusting himself off. Scarlet looked at the display, mouth agape as she watch the room slowly turn to a pink colour that she had never found more sickening... A shiver went down her spine as the sensors pinged "No Oxygen" after a few seconds. The red head rushed back to the sensor room, grasping the console as she studied the sensor data... It pinged a single cluster of three life signs sitting barely on the edge of the hangar. She clutched her fists tight, deep trembling breaths trying to calm herself.

Kar'rak walked calmly to the threshold of the sensor room, "There is still one individual we can save from the station," the alien glowered impatiently. Scarlet jerked her head to look at the Tutarin Hunter, her eyes glaring, dressed in tears.

"You're right." She snapped, standing up and rolling her neck, moving out of the Sensor room. Kar'rak stepped aside and allowed her to pass, but followed close behind her as she rushed down the hall. There was pounding at the airlock door, it seemed to be weakening though... Quickly Kar'rak and Scarlet bounded down the hall. Kar'rak passed Scarlet on the way there, realizing time might be of the essence. He grasped the security lock and twisted it, his wiry muscles tensing again. Scarlet was close behind, her hands wrapping deliberately around the other panel as she began to pull back. There was a powerful burst of wind as the blast doors separated, inside they saw what looked to be a girl in a green and black uniform, her long green hair battered by the wind. She was laying on the floor, her gasps for air could be heard over the rushing wind.

Looking inside the once secure room, Scarlet saw a small fracture in the blast door on the other side. Luckily it was strong enough to resist the air pressure as the main corridor began to vent.

Kar'rak reach inside and grabbed the girl by her wrist, forcing her out of the security room. As she slid across the floor, he and Scarlet began a combine effort to reseal the door. It seemed to take forever, the effort was agonizing. Inch by inch they fought until finally the door was closed, Kar'rak swinging the clamp shut, sealing the hangar again. They all took a deep breath, gasping in the now stabilizing air.

The girl with green hair stood, her legs quivering beneath her shapely body. She looked up at her two saviors with a smile, "Th-thanks, I was almost a goner in there." She spoke breathlessly.

Skorm Core of Engineers Record: Yumi Akimaru:

Kar'rak's hand was on his holster as he eyed the girl, "What was in there, why were you so frantic to escape?" He asked suspiciously.

"Th-the Marines!" She stammered, They were in there, looking for something, they were shooting everyone, anyone that moved! She gasped, her bottom lip trembling, "Please, I'm trained to work with shield systems, I could come with you!" She begged, Whatever was down there on the station, I don't have it! She continued to plead.

Kar'rak growled, but Scarlet put a hand on his shoulder, You can come with for now, we're going to help someone on the Scudo, then we're leaving on the Sparrow. She insisted, giving Kar'rak a squeeze to let him know he didn't have a choice in the matter, which he seemed none to happy about.

"Thank you so much. I'm Yumi, Yumi Akimaru, Private First Class, Skorm Core of Engineers." She said with a half smile, her eyes shifting from Kar'rak to Scarlet.

"Enough talk, now we hunt." Kar'rak said, his gravely voice humming through the corridor as he turned around to move back down the hall.

The trio hastened to the Scudo's air lock, pulling the door open to reveal a dark tunnel. The lighting had failed, save for the Scudo's insignia above the door several meters away... Cautiously they moved into the hall, each with their own firearm in hand, making it all the way to the airlock before sliding it open. The ship too was dark... And quiet... Too quiet.

Sparrow Stats:
HULL: 30

Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Drones: 2x Anti-Ship Drones

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
HP: 50
Combat: Lv 1
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: 1/10 exp

Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)

Yumi Akimaru:
HP: 100
Shields: Lv 1
Combat: Lv 1
Crew Location
Sparrow's Condition:

A- Head for the Bridge, slow and careful, stay together.
B- Search the ship systematically, SPLIT UP!
C- Search the ship systematically, stay together
D- Leave, head back for the Sparrow and get the hell out of here.
E- Head to the Sensors and fix them so our Cowardly Private can tell us whats going on.
F- Other.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

E Knowing is half the battle The other half is lasers. Lots of lasers.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

E's totally a trap.

So E.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

E Knowing is half the battle The other half is lasers. Lots of lasers.

I agree with this, though afterwards they should head on to the bridge imo to see if they can get the ship's logs and such at least.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

E - Bandwagon

For someone trained to work with shield systems, her shield lvl is at a disappointing lvl 1 :/
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Votes n' Notes
Winner E:7

Happy Singles Awareness Day, I hope you have had a wonderful day, I know I have!

The Scudo was dark, its atmosphere seemed oppressive, even standing in the airlock... Kar'rak moved first, motioning for the small group to move into the next room. According to the display, the next room was the dining hall and kitchen. The Hunter waved the door open and stepped into the dark room, the light on his bolter shining the way. The two women followed, their lights zipping about the room, studying every angle.

There was a noise.

Every gun in the room pointed to the door to the stern of the vessel, into the shield room! The door slid shut with a soft, electronic swoon before they could focus on anything. "Our quarry flees!" Kar'rak bellowed, his spines bristling across his head and back, his instincts to pursue strong.

"No, Kar'rak! We have to get to the sensors!" Scarlet whispered harshly, Kar'rak already taking a bounding step across the room. He was about to cross into the next room when they heard a scream of terror from somewhere further back in the ship... Kar'rak took pause, glancing back at the two women.

Without warning a rumble rippled through the darkened ship, the tiles quaking beneath their feet. There was no view to the outside from here, and the sensors were still down. Even if the displays were active they couldn't show them what was going on outside. "That felt like a shockwave." Yumi whispered, the tremor ceasing as suddenly as it had started.

"Of what!?" Scarlet turned, a wave of disbelief at their luck washing over her.

"If I had to say, one of the Capitols just spaced" Yumi responded, biting her lower lip nervously.

Sparrow Stats:
HULL: 30

Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Drones: 2x Anti-Ship Drones

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
HP: 50
Combat: Lv 1
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: 1/10 exp

Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)

Yumi Akimaru:
HP: 100
Shields: Lv 1
Combat: Lv 1
Crew Location
Sparrow's Condition:

A- Ignore the movement, and the scream, head to the sensors.
B- Split up in some fashion to both fix the sensors and search for the creature.
C- Cut it and run, whatever this is means business.
D- Other.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

D All of them head on to where the scream was quickly with guns at the ready, as it's just the next room over apparently. Might as well find out what's going on in there before fixing the sensors since the opportunity has presented itself, they may be able to get rid of whatever was on the ship without having to bother with the sensors this way. After which they may be able to get some scrap and supplies, and possibly another crew member.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

This is probably a terrible idea, but fucking fuck fuck send Shieldgirl to repair the sensors while Red and the Kroot go check out that scream.

I thought yon Kroot was listed as having repair skill or something? But it's just vroom vroom skill isn't it. Blerg. Well, this'll prooobably be fiiine.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

This is probably a terrible idea, but fucking fuck fuck send Shieldgirl to repair the sensors while Red and the Kroot go check out that scream.

I thought yon Kroot was listed as having repair skill or something? But it's just vroom vroom skill isn't it. Blerg. Well, this'll prooobably be fiiine.

Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

MidPost QnA

I thought yon Kroot was listed as having repair skill or something? But it's just vroom vroom skill isn't it. Blerg. Well, this'll prooobably be fiiine.

Yes, I'll start including it in the posts from now on, but the Tutarin Hunters have x2 repair speed, x2 combat effectiveness, but 1/2 health. The only other place that is currently listed is in the first post under the W crew option. Thanks Blarg!
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

If I had to think what this means: Either our highly esteemed Cowardly Private is now zerg-chow, or his companion has finally succumbed to their wounds. Either way, we're not going to run in blind. Splitting up is a sure-fire way to get our faces munched, and running back now...Sounds tempting, but no.

A. And if the sensors show practical problems? We leg it. I'd rather keep our shield-engineer than a cowardly private/half munched corpse and nobody with shield tech.