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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The table was easy prey and offered little resistance depsite its apparent strangly clean apperance. Blasting it away Sonja herself had to step back as the door it was propped against fell forward. Looking at the door Sonja cold see fresh scratch marks as some had tried to claw at the door to get away. This seemed to catch Ambers eyes as she hurridly made a holy belssing symbol of the star god. "We should leave we can't help those fools now." Feira meanwhile looked into the room and found one corpse seemingly withered and froze in the throws of passion. His cloths apperaed to have been melted.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Once the table was obliterated, the door being seemingly propped up fell as well. What was on the other side was of no concern to Sonja as it was of no threat to her. However she noticed Amber acting strangely almost immediately after the door had fallen.

"You know something about this?" Sonja would turn toward Amber and ask her.

Whatever Fiera chose to do about this particular situation, was completely up to her. Sonja had nothing to really contribute to the here and now aside from her question toward Amber. Knowing what they are potentially going to be up against might help.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera squeaked in alarm as the door fell forwards after Sonja knocked the table aside. "Agh, the doors are rebelling after years of servitude! It's an uprising! Sonja, kill it!" The door door then hit the ground and was unmoving. "Good work Sonja."

The backside of the door was scratched, and within, there was a corpse, a rather familiar sort of corpse, one clearly that had it's soul sucked away. She'd caused that several times back when she was a succubus instead of a fire demon.

Amber seemed upset, and Sonja was staring at Amber again. Sonja must really want to grope her chest.

"No time for groping right now, or panicking. The doors already open and it's clearly an ooze. It slimed up the table, got under the door and got to them, then got out again. Just don't let them grab you and you'll be fine. They're durable buggers, but they can be boiled just like everything else. Now, let's go find those keys and maybe other prizes and then we can move on.," says Fiera, holding up an arm, before heading into the room, looking about for slimes or keys. Or maybe books with interesting titles. Or shiny things. Maybe a bit of string...
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Feira perception: 28 vs 25, 28, 34 Success vs 2
Sonja Perception: 20 vs 25, 28, 34 fail
Amber Perception: 39 vs 25, 28, 34 Sucees vs 3

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

"Wh-what happened to him....." Amber's eyes where fixed on the shriveled corpse. As Feira mentioned it being a slime she paled even more. Clearly she had no idea what had happened after she blocked these thugs in here. Still with a slight prod from Feira behind her she soon followed Sonja in. The room they entered was massive seemingly taking up the entire floor. Faint pillars could be scene scattered around the room likly holding up the rooms above them. Everwhere bookshelves had been toppled or simply broke under the weight of ages. As the trio walked paper crunched under foot as the dust of years was disturbed.

Stepping forward with her brillant hair and every cackling torch Feira's eyes narrowed. Just within the lights radius two distict shimmering naked bodies began to step towards Feira and the party. Sonja seemed oblvious her focus on Amber for potential backstabbing. Amber seemed to catch sight of them and turned quickly and yelped as another shimmering body caught her attention. Two in front and one behind it was an ambush and they walked right into it. Thankfully sharp eyes prevented a nasty surprise. Thankfully with Amber's yelp Sonja was alerted to the danger as well though she had a few targets to choose from.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was still trying to figure out if Amber was with them or against them. Now that the trio were confronted with something Sonja was not able to really see. She would wait to see what the other two would do first before picking her action.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"He was drained to death. Had the soul sucked out of him. It's not that uncommon, I'm surprised you never saw it before. I mean, maybe half of all demon kind, all invaders, fluff butts, all the phantoms, and a decent portion of all species in general can do it. Though some usually have better restraint than to go hog wild like this.,"says Fiera off handedly as she walked towards the body, "Most figure out how to not murder with it. Though invaders rarely show that... Oh, speaking of."

Invader converts it seemed. Well, time to go to work. She prepared to unleash a hail of fire when she noted the ground was literally all flammable. Not so big a deal for her, but the other two...

Fiera clicked her tongue. She hated holding back. Not much for it then. She waited until one of the Invaders was close before casting a more... Precision spell of destruction.

When the enemy draws near, she casts Disintegrate on them.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Feira Casting Check 58 vs 30 success
hit! (min roll enough) 84 damage!
Sonja: dose not act
Amber attacks: 37 vs 35 hit! 17 damage after armor and 21 posion damage
Turned 1 is dead
Turned 2 attacks Fiera! 56 vs 41 HIT! 21 damage after armor!
Turned 3 attacks Amber 56 hits 17 damage!

Fiera: HP = 30/51, PP = 61, EP = 38/52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Grinning Fiera redies her spell as the first creature approaches her. It used to be male but between the slime covering its naked body and the vacant expession on its face it was nothing more than mindless flesh. Reaching out her fingers just brush the creature sending a wave of purfiying fire along the slime, blacking the flesh of the truned as it became ash before her eyes. Sadly her retaininer wasn't sure what to do and the secound of the creatures let into her with a powerful slam. Behind her she heard Amber yelp as she recived an equally well placed blow. Thankfully with out a higher intellegence to direct them this battle would end in their favor.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja not knowing what to do previously, and Fiera failing to tell her what to do, she did nothing while the battle started. She watched as the Fiera just about instantly barbecued one of these.. things. Soon after she turned and noticed Amber attacking another one, and that they were attacking back. Once Sonja saw Fiera get hit, she knew what to do.

(basic attack against the one that had previously attacked Fiera)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera grinned as her target became so much dust in her hand. Unfortunately that left her open, as she yelped in pain as a heavy tentacle slammed down on her. "Ow, ow, ow! Ooo, that's it, the punishment for assaulting a noble is death!"

She hopped back with a growl and lashed out with her whip. She wasn't sure it'd actually hit the thing, but she needed to recover anyways. The heck was going on behind her anyways?

Doubt it'll hit but tries to swat the Gemini in the face.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera gets freaky with her whip: 36 vs 35 HIT! (lucky) 9 damage after armor 9ep drain
Sonja SMASH! 49 vs 35 HIT! 34 damage after armor
Amber attacks! 46 vs 35 HIT! 18 damage
Turned 1: ash
Turned 2: barly standing 2hp left It attacks Feira! 46 vs 41 hit! 15 damage after armor.
Turned 3: Dead
Fiera: HP = 15/51, PP = 61, EP = 47/52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Seeing Fiera getting pummeled was enough to get Sonja moving but not before the foul creature got another hit on her for maring its face with her whip. Sadly the creature proved to be very resilent and still stood even though most of the bones in its body had surely been broken. Behind them Amber seemed to have downed the creature she was fighting and was starting to turn around to help them. It wasn't needed of course as Sonja gave another quick swing and finished the creatuer off. And just like that the melee was over. The trio stood victorous over the dead creatures. Almost immidieatly Amber searched over the bodies retreving her thrown dagger and finding the key. "Got it lets get out of here! The thing that did this might still be around."

OOC: Not gonna have another round of combat for a 2hp creature.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera grinned as she cracked the Gemini in the face with her whip. The creature seemed able to take incredible blows though, and demonstrated it could dish out the same. Unfortunately it used her body as a demonstration piece, slamming her hard again.

"Ow! Damn it all! That's it, everything burns!," snarls Fiera angrily, preparing to unleash a storm of flame. Then Sonja smacked it and the creature crumpled. Fiera blinked then stared at it a moment before pouting. "Aw. Ow, this stings."

Amber snatched up the key quickly though, Fiera smiling happily. "Yay! Good, I'm stinging something fierce... Meanies. Let's go get our treasures!

Fiera skipped to go out, pausing only to cast a spell and restore her fires.

Fiera casts Heat on herself for the healings
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was not happy with how that last encounter went. Though they did win, so that is some manner of relief. Sonja would try to do a little better job in the future with not letting anything get near enough Fiera to hit her. That was probably her job all told in a nutshell to try to keep Fiera safe.

That and observe Amber.. something still did not sit right with her. Why was Amber so wanting to leave before and now she is fighting with the pair? Something seems out of place here, and Sonja would try to figure it all out if she could.

"Fiera.. you dont want to stop and recharge? You look a little .. pale.."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera casts a heal: BC auto sucess. Fiera gains 24 hp, -8pp, -2ep

Fiera: HP = 39/51, PP = 53/61, EP = 45/52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Casting her spell Fiera felt the warm glow of her fire restore her body. It also made her shiver in pleasure as her nipples hardened slightly. But it quickly faded. Refreshed but still a little bruised the silly feind skipped out of the room her body leaving little cinders that quickly smothered under the foot steps of her servents.

In the middle was Amber trying desperatly to keep her modesty with her torn shirt by pulling her cloak tight around her with one hand while the other gripped the key. Her head seemed in constant motion as she scanned the celing and walls as they moved forward.

Sonja brought of the rear. Not happy about the last encounter she had resolved to keep a better eye on her employer. Amber still bothered her though and once they where out of this cess pit she would have to resolve her concerns. After all keeping an eye on Fiera and Amber at the same time might get taxing after awhile. Soon enough the three reached the ropes with Amber volunteering to go first.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera shivered pleasedly as her body felt that lovely heat flow over and repair her wounds. she glanced over at Sonja when she voiced her offer. "Thinking about it, but not here. Amber's right that there might be more things lurking around, and that sorta thing takes time. I don't wanna get interrupted."

And with that, off they went before reaching the ropes once more. Evidently they were in the clear for now. Amber seemed to be worried about her wardrobe and had a good hold on the key. She wanted to go up first.

"Nah, we'll send Sonja first. If the thing got up there ahead of us, I rather not find out the hard way. And if it didn't, she can just yank us up with the rope in hand. And if something comes up while we're waiting, I'll just call on one of my other servitors to hold the line. So go on, Sonja, up and away with you!
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was slightly puzzled.. there had to be more to this area down here, but it was not her place to go off on her own.

Sonja knew that she would be able to lift Fiera fairly easily were she to just hold onto the rope, but if she had to bring Amber as well.. that would make for an interesting decision. Notwithstanding that disaster scenario going through her head, Sonja would simply just go up the rope and then shake the rope were things all clear when she got to the top.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The climbe wasn't hard for Sonja and she easily reached the top in good time. Scanning the darkness however was a little hard with out proper light but she felt it safe enough, though who she called up first was up to her.

Amber sat in the narrow cramped hallway jittery the previous encounter having riled the girl somewhat. Though Fiera had to admit she did handle herself well. Still as Sonja's armored but pantyless bum reached the top she would have to chose who went next herself or the jittery rogue.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja just shook the rope as she had said she would when she got to the top. She was not going to say anything since that would potentially alert whatever was near her. The decision of who would go next was completely up to those two down below.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Alright Amber, up you go.," smiles Fiera as she gestures for the rogue to head on up, while keeping her eye around for any hostiles in the meantime, not wanting to get caught off. If any trouble heads her way, she had a spell just for the occasion.

If any hostiles show up, Fiera summons a Salamander then darts up the rope as fast as her little limbs can take her
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the slime that had gotten the men down the hall must have been sated for the moment anyhow and all three soon where at the top of the stairwell. Heading on Amber lead if neither woman objected and they all found themselves at the stubborn door from before. Stepping forward Amber inserted the key and gave it a twist. Several heavy thuds from the door its self could be heard as Amber held the key on place the old door shaking somewhat from the effects. "Geez come on no so loud dooor...." Finally the thuding stopped as Amber drew a her blade and opened the door slowly. Looking about she stepped in leaving the door ajar for Sonja and Fiera to follow.
Stepping past the door both woman would see the heavy iron studs in the door and the matching holes in the frame where it was secured.

With her light source glowling brigthly Feira first noticed Amber kneeling on the floor fiddeling with a plate of some sort. Looking about she saw a desk with a large gold telescope resting on it as well as several book cases with tomes in good condition.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja not having any real interest with what was in the room, aside from making sure nothing was attacking the group, would go back to watching Amber.

(sorry for the throwaway post)