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G Building


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Sho took a moment to smooth her before heading through the doors. One advantage of being able to control the wind meant that your hair never got windblown unless you let it. In fact, she was doing her best to keep tabs on the breezes between here and the dorms for the sake of the other girls as well. Once she was inside, though, they were on their own.

"Should have had him escort me," she muttered to herself. "Ah well." She handed over her ticket, letting it be plucked from between two fingers as she scanned around, looking for her date, not that he was hard to miss. Shock of light hair against a lot of black.

Weaving her way through the crowd and the tables, she finally slipped up next to him, slipping her arm in his. "Hey, handsome. Need a date?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Kyle gestures towards the window. "They're going to be visible through the window over there...And they've been set up almost a full kilometer away from here. Quite distant. And..." Here he pauses to consult his pocket-watch. "It's still going to be a few minutes before they start."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: G Building

"So wait, why are we coming here again? You don't seem the type to enjoy noisy gatherings like this..."

Sly, the unfortunate "partner" of a demon had been forc- requested by the alter ego of the girl, who had managed to humiliate him six times throughout the morning alone (not counting the awkward stares he received every time he exited Ima's room),to "humor her. As he was to be an "outstanding young man", he had ended up not only accompanying her to the prom but ended up in stiff suit complete with tie. Of course, with his spiked hair and dilated pupils, he looked to be a member of some illegal syndicate... once again drawing many more unwanted stares from the other students. Naturally though, there was one person in particular who was enjoying his discomfort with all too much enthusiasm.

"To play of course... You didn't think I would let my pets have all the fun now did you?"

The manner in which she said "play" caused a shiver to run up the snake magus's spine. Chances are if all went as pleased, some poor sap would be reeled in by her for a "night of fun" and end up missing the next day. Especially considering the mesmerizing way she looked in that unnaturally flowing white dress she had donned...
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Siphon chuckled slightly before smiling back at her. "Oh I think my date is standing right in front of me already."

He gave her a quick hug then stepped one step back before adding, "just so your aware, Kyle has some kind of fireworks prank set up, so we'll get a lovely light show in a bit, and yes I already told him to warn Aya. I don't think we want the whole place combusting."

Aya nodded at Kyle. "Ah I see, alright well that should be more than ample distance not to be too surprising then. I look forward to it."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Oooh. I haven't seen a good fireworks display in a while. Hopefully he does it seriously and not, well, I'm not rightly sure how you could prank fireworks." She chuckles. "You look good. And no tie. Much more relaxed. I like." She gave him a peck on the cheek.

Ian made his way inside after spending a few moments chatting with some of the other students at the entrance. Every so often, he can be seen tugging at the sleeves of his jacket, which seem just the slightest bit too short. Everything else about him, though, is casually formal: shined shoes, grey slacks and matching jacket, a blueish-grey shirt, and a bolero-style tie rather than a more traditional one.

Making a slow circuit of the room, he takes in the students he knows and some of the newer faces that seem to be sticking out, like the blonde in red talking to Kyle and not to mention the couple that were prowling around. Okay, so the girl was prowling. The guy looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but here. On some levels, he could sympathize, but he was bound to make the most of the situation.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Siphon returned the quick kiss on her cheek and chuckled. "Yeah, I feel a bit more relaxed right now, though as Grace said, I do sort of look like a M.I.B. Ah well, we're here to have fun, so lets. As for the fireworks, this should be interesting."

Aya barely caught the other man, ((referring to Ian)) looking over at them, and smiled and waved to him. She didn't know him, but she was hoping he'd take the wave as an open invitation to come over and say hello. After all, she was here for the rest of her life, it would be nice to make some more friends.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Kyle glanced over at Ian, then waved as well. "Greetings, Ian."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"So long as you don't have the sunglasses and neuralizer, we're good." Though at his words, she gets a bit of a grin on her face, obviously plotting something by that expression. "Aye, let's mingle. Or you can get me something to drink." Innocent enough subject change, especially coupled with the expression she's currently giving him.

And making the most of it I might be. He grinned as he caught the new blonde waving to him. The gesture seemed a little shy, but also like she was taking a bit of a step. Far be it for him to ignore a lady, or leave one in Kyle's company for too long.

Aside from Kyle, she did seem to be by herself. The other students had either paired up or were chatting in groups. Making his way over, he greeted the other fellow with a nod. "Kyle, good ta tanight. Who's yer lovely friend heah?" As he asked, though, his attention, and his smile, went to the blonde, more of an invitation for her to introduce herself rather than wait for the other man to do it for her.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Siphon knew she had something planned, but he wasn't about to turn around and ask. Nodding he said, "yeah I am kind of thirsty myself, let's go see what they have to offer here."

He took her hand then led her over to an area they could scout out drinks.

Aya smiled back at the other guy before answering him. "Aya Morioka. I'm not exactly from around here though, but staying here. Yourself?"

She had no idea if he knew Siphon or not, so she wasn't tipping her hand there, instead a small questioning look went to Kyle that only he should be able to catch, as if to ask him if he knew if this other guy knew Siphon's unique circumstances.

However, she had a small necklace and pendant on her neck that had been covered from before, but now wearing this dress it was cleanly visible. If Ian did in fact know Siphon's origins, then he would probably note almost immediately that Aya's necklace was not the type you would expect to find on Earth. No, the necklace would probably strike him as identical to one that one would expect an Ancient to be wearing.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: G Building

Swirling his drink around near the refreshment table, Sly gave a sigh as he looked on as Mia stood a distance off, "amusing" herself with two... "simple-minded" boys that had taken a fancy to her. Now had the the demon's amusement only extend to simply flirting and seduction, the snake magus could honestly care less. However, as her "fun" generally ended up with people dead...
Letting out another audible sign of his exasperation as it appeared the two humans had agreed to meet Mia later that night, the reptilian being began to grumbling to himself.

"A late night rendezvous with her eh? Hell as if I'm cleaning up your corpses idiots..."

This was not going to end well...


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Kyle's response was merely a half-shrug, from a single shoulder...Something that would look to most like someone trying to discreetly adjust a seam. He seemed to not know himself if Ian knew about Siphon's nature. "It's my understanding that she's a relative of Siphon's. Well, if you will excuse me...Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."

With that, he wandered off, and seemed to almost vanish into the crowd.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya blinked, having not expected that. We look back on this with fondness? He speaks Ancient?

Aya nodded to him anyway then, without thinking rattled back, "Aveo Amacuse, shen ja ventrah zevek."

Kyle might recognize it as an Ancient dialect and offshoot of Latin, not quite Latin, but close enough.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

For the time being, Sho was happily content on Siphon's arm. Obviously whatever she had in mind wasn't going to happen any time soon, at the very least, not until after Kyle's surprise.

"Now comes the sixty-four dollar question. He looks good, but has he got the moves to back it up?" She nudges Siphon's side with a grin.

"Ian Montrose, and what a co-inky-dink, ah'm not from around heah eithah." Aya would probably pick up that his accent is a little different than the rest of the students, or at least most of whom she's been hearing the most of. He does seem to understand what 'relative of Siphon's' means but as for the necklace, he doesn't exactly seem to be picking up on that subtle clue, nor the not so subtle one of the exchange between her and Kyle, given that about the only thing he seemed to recognize was the parting. "I have to imagine you just enrolled, though, and you're not just visitin'. Am I roight?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Guess we'll find out sooner or later hmm?" Siphon smiled again.

Aya nodded. "Yeah, I just enrolled really this morning, last night really, and yeah I'm staying here a while. Don't really have anywhere else to go, the area interests me and I have someone here who can actually help me adjust."

By this point she figured from Kyle's words to Ian that the young man knew at least a chunk of Siphon's history, but with as crowded as the area was getting, chose not to say anything more just yet for fear of the wrong ears hearing it.

"So, how long have you been here and known Siphon then?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Hopefully sooner." She steals his punch cup and gives him a sip before allowing him to take it back again.

"Always good ta have fam'ly around, especially in a new place. Hope ya like it heah. Lots ta do, lots ta see, lots ta meet, too. Some of it more interestin' than othahs, but then, that's life, right?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Siphon again smiles, then gives her a solid hug.

"Indeed," Aya replied. "I'm pretty sure I'll like it here. Hell, this really is the only place I can go to be honest, not like anyone else around would even know what to make of me. But I won't dwell on that, I've got a few people here, and Siphon I think is going to be a big help getting adjusted to new living styles. How long have you known him for?"


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: G Building

A window squeaks shut as Yoshio closes it... Finishing his infiltration with:

"Stupid ticket dude... Stupid late... Arh! Now the swords stuck! C'mon... C'mon!"

Wearing his former schools award ceremony uniform. And his katanas decoratively on his back.

After taking a seat near the corner, he makes note of some new faces.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Ian inclines his head in what could be taken as a gesture of agreement. "Island's a nice enough place. Ev'ry now and again a little excitement kicks up, but for the most part, folks are pretty laid back around heah." He exhales, looking thoughtful as she asks how long he's known Siphon. "Since, well, Ah'd seen him around since enrolling, but I really got ta know him early on last yeah. Maybe tail-end of the one before that. Time tends ta blur when it comes to mates like that."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

Aya nodded appreciatively. "Yeah Siphon was telling me of some of the things that have gone on around here since his arrival. Have to say, in a way I'm glad I missed them. I'm sorry though, if you have someone waiting here for you tonight and I'm keeping you from them?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: G Building

"Eh, it makes the day a little more excitin', but in the end, Ah'd rathah have the peace and quiet. Just in my nature, I reckon." As she asks if she's keeping him, he shakes his head. "Just a few folks I prolly should pay my respects to, but no one that's goin' ta have my head if Ah don't. Much prefer the current company." He gives her a little smile.