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G Building

Re: G Building

((Just so folks know, it may not actually be midnight.. Al was just making a joke....))
Re: G Building

((it's most likely about 10:30-ish))

Isabella had been knocking back the spiked punch faster than she'd admit to, her face now completely flushed.

"It's, it's alright. I don't mind," She says, stuttering occasionally. "My family, they were reeeeally boring. They didn't even, even have any parties." She then paused for a couple of minutes. "I'm Isabella," She then suddenly says, completely forgetting she'd introduced herself before whilst offering a hand to Grace.
Re: G Building

Autumn had had a fair amount of the punch as well, and felt the need to relieve herself. She stood slowly, leaving her cup under her seat, and walked in a mostly straight line to the washrooms. Tidying herself again after, she had trouble focusing in the mirror for a moment. hands on the sink, she leans in to help her adjust, and just about has it when she feels the sink come loose from it's fixture on the wall underneath her. Letting out a yelp of surprise, she simply flees the bathroom, looking calmed down again by the time she's in sight of anyone else. Swearing off the spiked punch for the rest of the night, she instead grabs a soda and moves to a different seat, sipping quietly...
Re: G Building

"Cool. I'm Grace." she says enthusiastically accepting the shake for a second time. "Ehm, wait I think I've already said that. Hah, I introduced myself twice! How silly." It was about then Grace remembered to release Isabella's hand. While Grace had been permitted small amounts of wine in the past, it evidently didn't much compare to whatever is was of Matt's that had ended up in the drink.

"Aww Izi look, people are sneaking away already! An no ones dared to ask for a dance yet either. Cowards, is what they are."
Re: G Building

Isabella hiccups. "How, How about we dance then?" She smiles, get's up unsteadily and offer's Grace her hand.
Re: G Building

"Fair enough," Siphon replied. Unless she wanted another drink though, he made no move to garner one himself, content right where he was.

Aya took the offered glass and seat, sipping slowly at her drink. "Hmm, why do I have the sudden feeling I'm going to regret drinking this later?" She grinned slightly then shrugged. "Ah well, all to fun."
Re: G Building

No drinks for Sho. Enjoying the dance, however, that was top priority. She'd never held much interest in alcohol anyway.

"Cause ya probably will," Ian replies with a soft laugh. "Don't drink too much, now. Wouldn't want ya ta wake up with a thumpah in the mornin', given that Ah've a feelin' Sho would be merciless to ya 'bout it." He sips his own, making a bit of a face. "Then again, this could stand ta be a bit bettah. Ah'll get us something unleaded ta chase it with." Clearly the whiskey and the punch don't taste right together for him, not quite sharing Leo's refined pallet, but at least knowing what he liked and what he didn't.
Re: G Building

She didn't make a move for the drinks, and neither did Siphon. His mind was focused on two things right now. Sho, and having a good time with her tonight.

If Aya didn't like the mixture, she showed no outward signs of it at all, or perhaps she simply was used to strange tasting mixtures? Regardless she chuckled. "Yeah, Sho is pretty playful. Though she seems to have found a pretty perfect match with Siphon, if not a counter as well."
Re: G Building

"They do compliment each othah, don't they? That's the term, iddin'it?" Whiskey and fruit punch is not Ian's ideal poison, so his cup stays mostly untouched, outside of the initial few sips. "Me mum always said that the one for ya fit with ya like a puzzle piece. Apaht, ya might not seem like much, but tagethah, ya showed the world somethin' great." He chuckled a little. Who knew he had a bit of drunking philosopher in him? Even if he really weren't that drunk...
Re: G Building

Autumn got up for another soda, and returned to her seat, looking around once again. By the looks of it, the party was pretty much winded down, but the music was still playing, and there was still soda on the table, so she was resolved to stay. A good share of the people had left, so she was feeling a bit more comfortable than before, though not enough to go and introduce herself to anyone yet. Ian and Aya were still around, last she checked, but she couldn't spot them at the moment, so she shrugged, leaned back, and started sipping her soda once again.
Re: G Building

"Hah, why not. We'll show em how it's done!" Grace says grinning widely and grasping the offered hand. Taking a few steps swiftly towards the dance floor, then suddenly doubling back to put down her drink. Making sure she hasn't just pulled Isabella over, she proceeds to the floor again. "Right, ehm, like this. I'm the leader." She says immediately stealing the lead without much thought. Though perhaps lacking a degree of elegance or precision, she seems to know what she's doing, her steps coming out quite naturally.
Re: G Building

"Heee, this is fun," Isabella says rather loudly as she tries to follow Grace's steps without stepping on her, the drink has clearly gotten to her. "I've never really done anything like this before!"
Re: G Building

Aya nodded at Ian, somehow understanding him. "Agreed. Oh dear, looks like the music is getting ready to stop. Still an hour before curfew .... any ideas?"
Re: G Building

Sho giggles a little and nudges Siphon as she catches sight of the two girls dancing. "And Al worries about me," she mumbles, all in fun though, and, of course, not very loud.

"Well, we could share another slow one or we could enjoy what's left of the night before they hustle us back to our beds. Ah leave the choice up to the lady."
Re: G Building

"And.. spin! Hee, the boys are just scared of us is all. We're too pretty see?" Grace says in a light hearted manner.
Re: G Building

Siphon chuckled once more. "They certainly are having fun though."

Aya thought for a moment, then leaned in closer so others couldn't hear her. "Have you been out to the hot springs since I arrived last year?"
Re: G Building

Isabella spins around upon Grace's command and almost trips up. Righting herself before she knocks Grace over she continues to dance with her partner. "Right! Maybe that's why they all picked on me,"
Re: G Building

Recovering from the spin, grace frowns a little, "They picked on you? That's not the right way to do it. Who are they? I'll beat the cowards for you."
Re: G Building

"Oh, um...Not from here..well at least not yet. From my other schools." Isabella's face flushes even more red, if that was possible, and she hiccups a few times.
Re: G Building

Autumn stared at her hand for a moment. The alchohol had made her a bit more tipsy than she had planned, and she couldn't tell if the distortions she saw were her vision going blurry, or... Something else. Either way, it was probably time to leave.

Standing slowly, she kept a hand on the wall to balance herself as she left the building, heading towards the girls dorms at a slow stagger. If anyone was watching carefully, they'd catch subtle undertones in her dress that they hadn't noticed there before, a deep red in the black, quite similar to her hair.