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Game/Console Developers


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Game/Console Developers

If someone asked me: "If you had to choose one company to stick with between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft" I would smack them and ask them to not be a dick! Each company clearly had its flaws and its strong points. In fact by owning only one system you are missing out on some killer games from the other systems. But if I was continuously pestered until I gave an answer I would have to go with Nintendo. They have a much better track record and a greater variety of games when it comes down to it. Sure you gotta cut through all the bullshit games to find a true gem, but isn't it the same with every system? The Wii just has colorful and truly FUN games. Yeah... fun... remember that? When a game wasn't about story and visuals and the game play was like a bag of puke? I remember a day when a game focused on colors and game play. Not shades and head shots.

Not to say that other systems don't have good games (I loves mah GoW...) but I just get sick of playing games that seem like the same FPS all the damn time!

I'll take my Mario Galaxy (U R MR GAY... please tell me at least someone gets that...), LoZ, Metroid, and Starfox (DAMN IT NINTENDO! PUT HIM BACK IN THE COCKPIT!) against Halo, Gears of War, Resistance, and such.

But... still... I like all of the consoles... and lastly am I the only one who prefers to use a controller over a mouse and keyboard on FPS games?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Game/Console Developers

I wouln't want to choose either, but I would tend towards Nintendo or PC because I have more experience with them. Most FPS I prefer the controller, because I always mash the wrong button on the keyboard. Unless you're referring to Dudditz I don't get the reference.


Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Game/Console Developers

I would have to agree with you two, Nintendo generally has some excellent games and PCs have a massive selection dating back years and years of really cool games(Anyone remember Dungeon Keeper(Think that's what it's called)?). "Your imp is performing impressions of you, it can even do the face!"


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Game/Console Developers

I like my x-box 360, and my PC. I like the various games that the 360 offers, though I don't have a problem with jumping over to other consoles to play their games. I still want to play the God Of War series on playstation (currently playing the prequel on PSP and its great). However, lately I havn't liked what's come from Nintendo personally. I mean there are some fun games, but I prefer what is offered from the other systems. Mass Effect, Oblivion, GoW, Dead Rising (I know its coming out for the Wii, but I ain't played that one), N3, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bloodrayne (I have kept the original x-box for this game alone), Mercenaries 2... there's lots out there, and I find the gameplay quite enjoyable in all of them.

It also helps that I don't like bright colours as much as the dreary blacks, grays and browns of the sci-fi and apocalyptic genre. That's just me though, I'm a dreary person.