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Jungle Girl
Feb 16, 2010
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Not that this is aimed directly at Toonpimp, but, he fits a stereotype that annoys the piss out of me on a consistent basis.

Fuck it, though, I'm going to use TP as an example. Other people do this, and I want to get some input as to why the hell people put up with it - hopefully some of you can answer this question because I cannot fathom it.

Toonpimp, and these other game developers (Who sometimes are even larger companies (Here's looking at you EA, for what you did to Command and Conquer), make sub-par games for their genre, but people eat it up. In TP's case, he demands and gets very, very large donations (Hundreds of dollars at a time), then screams 'You're not donating enough so I'm not gonna finish this game', or throws other tantrums up to and including saying he's gonna stop making games, et-cetera.

No one seems to say it over there (If for no other reason than, any post railing against him is deleted by him saying 'This is my forum. You respect me on my forum') but his games are shit. No, I can't make a better one myself right now because I have no artistic capabilities, but I have the capacity to recognize a piss-poor game when I see one. Most of his stuff involves very, very basic motion-tweens and animations for everything. His level design is simplistic, his art-style is mediocre at best - Hell, even LineMarvel's stuff isn't great, but at least it didn't come with a 'PAY ME OR I WONT MAKE YOUR GAME' stamp.

Which brings me to another point - some of these games, like Nykka's, were PAID for, actually COMMISSIONED, and he never finishes them. He has finished only a precious few games, and those that are finished still arn't very good on a scale of things.

Go to Newgrounds. Look at the games there. There are developers who can churn out games a hundred, a thousand times better than his games on a monthly basis while they have a real job, and get no payment out of their work at all except the adoration of the Newgrounds people there. TP, on the other hand, makes shit games, demands money, and still doesn't finish half of his.

To be sure this isn't all about TP, I'll use EA as another example.

EA is...schizophrenic in its quality control. C&C4 is, for example, paradoxically, both good and bad. Had it been a new IP instead of C&C, it would've sold great and made a great leap for Real-Time Tactical games. But, instead, they put a C&C label on it and tried to sell the grandfather of RTS games to us as an RTT game with a story that didn't live up to its even cheesy predecessors. Kucan made an excellent use of his acting capability even with what he was given, and really seemed to enjoy his role, but, Kucan alone cannot carry the C&C title - and according to EA, C&C4 was supposed to be the 'epic finale' for the Tiberium timeline.

In both instances, TP, and EA, they release something far worse than what was expected, and then act shocked and angry when people complain about it, and demand large sums of money regardless.

This brings me to my question:

Why do people put up with TP, and developers that do shit like EA did there?
(inb4 'lol TP raeg')
Re: Game Developers

1. Shouldn't this be in the rant thread? I'll let you off because this SEEMS like a 'made on the spot' rage post though.

2. Those newgrounds developers don't make Run or Rape games. TP does.

3. EA sucks but people are suckers for Command & Conquer games simply due to fanaticism.

Toonpimp is a Run or Rape game creator that speaks english. Now, recently, this is becoming more common in his forums (and now even ours thankfully) game development thread. Thus, he wont have much to stand on soon. The reason people put up with him before was because a filled a niche. He filled it SHITILY, sure, but he did. I doubt people will be dealing with his bullshit much longer though, so don't worry.

Someone else will have to answer for EA's bullshit though as I don't really pay attention all that much to big game companies.
Re: Game Developers

1. Shouldn't this be in the rant thread? I'll let you off because this SEEMS like a 'made on the spot' rage post though.

2. Those newgrounds developers don't make Run or Rape games. TP does.

3. EA sucks but people are suckers for Command & Conquer games simply due to fanaticism.

Toonpimp is a Run or Rape game creator that speaks english. Now, recently, this is becoming more common in his forums (and now even ours thankfully) game development thread. Thus, he wont have much to stand on soon. The reason people put up with him before was because a filled a niche. He filled it SHITILY, sure, but he did. I doubt people will be dealing with his bullshit much longer though, so don't worry.

Someone else will have to answer for EA's bullshit though as I don't really pay attention all that much to big game companies.

Apologies, did not see the rant forum. Mod can move it if they want!

And, I fell for C&C, I still do. I love it to death. I <3 every game with a C&C name on it, every last gorram one of them. Even C&C 4, though thats more of a love-hate relationship. You know, the kind where you get jiggy with it then feel dirty afterwards.
Re: Game Developers

I'm too fucking lazy to link all of them, but believe me when I say that we've had plenty, PLENTY, of discussions on TP. Mostly in the Hentai section.

EA just has a big damned rubber stamp that it likes to use on every game it can get it's hands on. They're a company that's out to make money, and make money they do. The good games wind up out-weighing the bad for them, so for as much shit as everyone gives them - including me - they still come out on top at the end of the day.

I can see where you get the TP/EA comparison, but remember - EA DOES have to answer to the gaming community. TP does not.

ALSO: EA doesn't act shocked when a game isn't received well or when people complain. Pretty sure TP doesn't either.

Also ALSO: As far as Game Devs in general, yeah, there are some shitty ones out there, but then there are also the ones who get rushed by the publisher to push a game out, and it comes out shittier than it could have been.

Also ALSO also: Pretty sure EA is a Publisher, not a Developer. Not that they don't develop games, but they don't JUST develop games.
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Re: Game Developers

I'm too fucking lazy to link all of them, but believe me when I say that we've had plenty, PLENTY, of discussions on TP. Mostly in the Hentai section.

EA just has a big damned rubber stamp that it likes to use on every game it can get it's hands on. They're a company that's out to make money, and make money they do. The good games wind up out-weighing the bad for them, so for as much shit as everyone gives them - including me - they still come out on top at the end of the day.

I can see where you get the TP/EA comparison, but remember - EA DOES have to answer to the gaming community. TP does not.

ALSO: EA doesn't act shocked when a game isn't received well or when people complain. Pretty sure TP doesn't either.

Also ALSO: As far as Game Devs in general, yeah, there are some shitty ones out there, but then there are also the ones who get rushed by the publisher to push a game out, and it comes out shittier than it could have been.

Also ALSO also: Pretty sure EA is a Publisher, not a Developer. Not that they don't develop games, but they don't JUST develop games.

Oh, EA pisses me off so much sometimes, but then they do stuff that just makes me hope that the people who truly love games still have some say in that company. They're annoying sometimes, and do stuff that just boggles the mind, but at this point I've come to consider their actions based upon two players - the Lawyers and the Devs. Spore's DRM setup? Lawyers. C&C4? Lawyers, though more apt to call them the corporate drones in this instance. But stuff like helping out smaller dev companies? Devs, for sure.

TP needs to either seriously, seriously ramp up his capabilities, pump out much more of these crap games, or release really, really good games. Because RoR is, honestly, my favorite H-game genre, and it seems like more people here on the forums (and there, on his, too) are picking it up.

People much, much nicer than him, too.
Re: Game Developers

EA is a publishing company, not a developer. They're the ones that distribute a game and finance it, not actually create it. While they have some creative control, they don't have as much as the developers.

Now choosing Command and Conquer, especially Tiberium Twilight specifically, as your example is interesting. Yes is was developed by "EA Los Angeles" however they are not the large publishing company. This particular branch was known as DreamWorks Interactive until they were purchased by EA, and merged with Westwood Studios and EA Pacific later on. Despite all this, EA Los Angeles is not really EA, they are a developing company that happens to be owned by the publisher.
Re: Game Developers

EA is a publishing company, not a developer. They're the ones that distribute a game and finance it, not actually create it. While they have some creative control, they don't have as much as the developers.

Re: Game Developers

The audience just needs to wise up in many ways. They won't though, thanks to selfish intentions and all around ignorance.

It's the same thing I complain about with art. How can artists who draw nothing but western cartoons get more praise than artists who actually put effort to draw something amazing looking? It's because those guys are putting an ass & tits on whatever popular character, versus someone who doesn't do any popular characters.

The viewers want what they want and they'll go with every little amount they can grab. Even if it's just a spec in size, if it relates to their needs, then they'll want it.
Re: Game Developers

The audience just needs to wise up in many ways. They won't though, thanks to selfish intentions and all around ignorance.

It's the same thing I complain about with art. How can artists who draw nothing but western cartoons get more praise than artists who actually put effort to draw something amazing looking? It's because those guys are putting an ass & tits on whatever popular character, versus someone who doesn't do any popular characters.

The viewers want what they want and they'll go with every little amount they can grab. Even if it's just a spec in size, if it relates to their needs, then they'll want it.

Desire versus Quality, desire always wins.
This is why, despite TP's shitty games, I love them because they're RoR.
Re: Game Developers

Ehh, maybe not. Even when the general rule is desire over quality, everybody has a limit. Your standard accepts TP's games, despite their shittiness. My standards say that I will continue to despise TP and the terrible quality he churns out, despite my love for RoR games.
Re: Game Developers

It's the same thing I complain about with art. How can artists who draw nothing but western cartoons get more praise than artists who actually put effort to draw something amazing looking? It's because those guys are putting an ass & tits on whatever popular character, versus someone who doesn't do any popular characters.

What is with the western cartoon bashing? What is wrong with western cartoons? I just watched Tangled today, and it was really quite good. Watched Alpha and Omega a little while ago and it was quite entertaining with good art quality.
Re: Game Developers

What is with the western cartoon bashing? What is wrong with western cartoons? I just watched Tangled today, and it was really quite good. Watched Alpha and Omega a little while ago and it was quite entertaining with good art quality.

Some people never get over Anime, apparently. Even though, just like Western Cartoons and entertainment in general, about 95% is absolute shit.
Re: Game Developers

What is with the western cartoon bashing? What is wrong with western cartoons? I just watched Tangled today, and it was really quite good. Watched Alpha and Omega a little while ago and it was quite entertaining with good art quality.

You do realise he used to go by the name Vuki, right? If I remember he used to draw much of his porn in the style of Kim Possible, so he's just one giant hypocrite. Which is why I find his arguments over western animation hilarious.
Re: Game Developers

Desire versus Quality, desire always wins.
This is why, despite TP's shitty games, I love them because they're RoR.

That is my point.

As for the days of drawing like those shows, that's long over. I can't stand those styles anymore, hence why I've been trying to improve. Heck, even back then I still drew realistic bodies... though with that mix of those shitty toon heads... it makes for a great laugh.
Re: Game Developers

That is my point.

As for the days of drawing like those shows, that's long over. I can't stand those styles anymore, hence why I've been trying to improve. Heck, even back then I still drew realistic bodies... though with that mix of those shitty toon heads... it makes for a great laugh.

Regardless much of your work was done in the Kim Possible style, which still makes you a raging hypocrite. And you want to improve by moving onto a more anime style? To me that's a downgrade as you'll never be as good as the 'popular' artists. Of course I'm referring to the actual Japanese artists whose style stands out from the rest of the generic bullshit people are passing off as 'art' and westerners such as yourself who try to imitate it. Sure, there's a handful of westerners who do really good art in the anime style but from what I've seen of your work you'll never be one of them. Yes, this does paint me a hypocrite because I too draw much of my stuff in the anime style and I won't deny that, but I have never said nor do I aim to be one of the better western anime artists out there I simply continue to use it because that's what I started myself off with. In fact I'm currently trying to carve out a style for myself that strays away from my current shit because a) I don't want to be stuck using a bullshit style and stand out from the rest of you sheep and b) I don't intend on just drawing hentai or 'risque' pictures.

Anywho onto the topic at hand; people, or at least from my friends and my own perspective and opinion, put up with the shitty games that developers throw out so they can pour the money into games of much higher quality. At least that's our hope anyway. Most often it isn't the case, especially with sequels of old series (much like OP's example with C&C and in my experience Crash Bandicoot and Jade Cocoon 2) though occasionally they will bring out a game that shines above all others that company has made. To date the only great game Nippon Ichi Software has made in my opinion is Phantom Brave, sure the rest of their games are good, but there's something about PB's characters and story that stands above the likes of Disgaea and Makai Kingdom.

Of course you also need to take into account the 'mainstream' audience for most of the games thrown out. It's not only the developers fault for throwing out shit after shit after shit, it's also the typical Halo/CoD fans who just want to go around blowing shit up. These kinds of people don't necessarily care about story so long as they can kill people. Now, I'm not saying these games are inherenty bad, Halo after all does have an epic (if somewhat cliched) storyline spanning a handful of games and even more novels, comics and even a DVD. Though developers will cash in on a trope or cliche if they know it'll sell well. There are however a lot of games that go largely ignored because of the mainstream audience, such as Dark Cloud (as Dark mentioned in the Games Discussion thread) because it isn't what most people expect or because of lack of advertising from the publishers. And if these games don't sell well most developers will forget about doing games in different styles for fear of losing money. I can't really blame them, but it does alienate people who do like the types of games that aren't being made. If that makes sense.
Re: Game Developers

part of how it works is that producers want to make there money back. example:

risky games: okami, shadow of the colossus, god hand, ico

safe games: madden 20XX, call of i dont care, starcraft, final fantasy

due to the people wanting their investments to pay off, creative things have to be done at a small scale or by self funded projects that aren't afraid of a loss (these are usualy epic)
Re: Game Developers

Ooh! Ooh! I saw Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, and Ico! Is this gonna turn into a "Games can be art" argument?
Re: Game Developers

What, you didn't think God Hand was a work of art? Shame on you.