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Game Developers

Re: Game Developers

Regardless much of your work was done in the Kim Possible style, which still makes you a raging hypocrite. And you want to improve by moving onto a more anime style? To me that's a downgrade as you'll never be as good as the 'popular' artists. Of course I'm referring to the actual Japanese artists whose style stands out from the rest of the generic bullshit people are passing off as 'art' and westerners such as yourself who try to imitate it. Sure, there's a handful of westerners who do really good art in the anime style but from what I've seen of your work you'll never be one of them. Yes, this does paint me a hypocrite because I too draw much of my stuff in the anime style and I won't deny that, but I have never said nor do I aim to be one of the better western anime artists out there I simply continue to use it because that's what I started myself off with. In fact I'm currently trying to carve out a style for myself that strays away from my current shit because a) I don't want to be stuck using a bullshit style and stand out from the rest of you sheep and b) I don't intend on just drawing hentai or 'risque' pictures.

Well, before your argument begins to make sense, you'll first have to stop assuming this is some western toon versus anime thing. My argument boils down to greedy people being greedy. Hazzah!

I guess all I can say in that case is shame on you for suggesting that artists have to be categorized as western toon or anime (or whatever bullshit you conjure). For many artists, honing the craft is an independent thing that comes from A. your knowledge about what you're drawing and B. your ability to place a interpretation on that knowledge. If you stop to think about that, you'll probably become 100x better than you already are.

Now excuse me while I pop a percocet and subside this enormous pain from trying to pass a 7mm kidney stone.
Re: Game Developers

What, you didn't think God Hand was a work of art? Shame on you.

God Hand was the only one in that list I have never played. Sorry. I won't blindly say a game is art, or good. I hafta play it first.
Re: Game Developers

Re: Game Developers

God Hand:

Created by the guy behind Killer 7;

Doesn't try to take itself too seriously;

Created by the late Clover Studios;

Wow. I need to find this game.
Re: Game Developers

nunu has it. its quite hard but plenty of fun.
Re: Game Developers

It was nothing short of the actual hand of god. Personally, the mad midget five is what got me