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GameDev: Tools & Help


Demon Girl Master
Oct 12, 2010
Reputation score
The purpose of this thread is to give information on Game Engines, Tools, Sound Effects Generators, DAWs, etc. I would also like any other members to chime in on things they use (or avoided) to help other members decide what is best for them.
The only things I ask is that the engines recommended be in a stable usable state. I'll be updating this post for any changes. All engines are assumed to be Windows/DirectX compatible unless otherwise stated.


Programming; Click & Create, Custom Script (GML)
Price: Free for non-commercial use (Lite/Trial Version), $40 for Full Version

Programming; Click & Create
Price: $130

Programming; Click & Create
Price: Free for Commercial Use

Programming; ???

Programming; Click & Create
Price: Unknown. The Translated Version cannot be used for commercial use,

[Sound Effects]

This Tool allows you to make simple 8bit sound effects.
Price: Free for Commercial Use


Interface: Tracker
Price: Free for Commercial Use

Interface: Piano Roll/Standard Piano Keys
Last edited:
Re: Game Development Tools

Can't forget RPGMaker and Fighter Maker!
Re: Game Development Tools

I know Construct 2 is probably used as much as any other tool, but has anyone had any problems getting a Windows exported game to work on their system? The only game I tried to run was a game robdelobe exported and it wouldn't run due to an error.
Re: Game Development Tools

License: Free
Re: Game Development Tools

This list already exists.

Re: GameDev: Tools & Help

So no one but me has had trouble playing Construct 2 games exported for Windows?

@ Zynax
While those lists probably have everything and more in there, I wanted this thread to be more about tools that the community has used and would like to recommend to others. I've touched and/or used most of the programs that I personally listed and wanted to avoid just listing everything I've seen under the sun.

More to the point, most of those that check this list probably want to make a hentai game and would like to know what some of the other H-developers use rather than the usual "All Engines do the same thing. Pick one and get started" that you usually get at every other game development website.
Re: Game Development Tools

I know Construct 2 is probably used as much as any other tool, but has anyone had any problems getting a Windows exported game to work on their system? The only game I tried to run was a game robdelobe exported and it wouldn't run due to an error.

That's too bad. I couldn't help you with the error, though. Since it worked fine for me and those I've uploaded it to personally. I had real big plans ofr it up 'till I got lazy. Maybe Octogon can help. They gave a pointer when I asked about a bit of scripting I was having some trouble with.
Octo is one of the Devs on Hidden Eden. Though They might be busy, given the scope of their game and all.
Re: GameDev: Tools & Help

I`ve been using Construct Classic for 2 years now and I love it :).

The H-Games I`m currently making also using Construct Classic, a definitely recommended engine for game artist.

I know Construct 2 is probably used as much as any other tool, but has anyone had any problems getting a Windows exported game to work on their system? The only game I tried to run was a game robdelobe exported and it wouldn't run due to an error.

what browser do you use?