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Games Discussion Thread


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I very much like that the general appearance of the various races is less... comic-y this time. Like how the Orcs are no longer bright green, and how the Dunmer look like Sith Lords this time around.

Oh yeah, and I also fancy that there are now actually some boss fights, apart from dragons, even.
Tell me about it. Random Bandit chiefs that are apperantly bosses who weild ungodly Power apart from his shitty Men. Also, i like how the new khajits look. Badass.
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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Article on the CoD:MW series.

Worth a read, I think.



Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can now Decapitate people since ive upgraded my 2 handed so far. Let the heads rollllll! *Swings greatsword merrily*


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And yet I've been doing it with my Demoman for several months



Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread


How dare you, Sir.
I's sorry. I had a troll complex for a second, it barely comes out except to nitpick at people who say modern shooters multiplayer are only thing work playing >,>;


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I's sorry. I had a troll complex for a second, it barely comes out except to nitpick at people who say modern shooters multiplayer are only thing work playing >,>;
Or that any shooter/rpg for consoles of today are traded in instead of treasured and loved for discounts and price drops on other games. The days of a great and wonderful story to keep forever have came and passed.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ya... now if you excuse me, I'll go back to RPing and debating kicking up the original Spyros now ya mentioned good games ^^;


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And I'll go back to playing my she's copy of terranigma.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Article on the CoD:MW series.

Worth a read, I think.

Also, random observation I just made:

With MW3 coming out, good or not, all the COD fanboys will be leaving the other shooters almost immediately. We may be seeing less 'how I shoot boolet' for at least a few months. Huzzah!


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also, random observation I just made:

With MW3 coming out, good or not, all the COD fanboys will be leaving the other shooters almost immediately. We may be seeing less 'how I shoot boolet' for at least a few months. Huzzah!
Lols. I'm so busy. Skyrims sucking away life, Super mario 3D land is being awesome for a 3DS title, and Skyward collectors edition will come out the 20th. I'm booked for this month.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So apparently dragons can attack you when they feel like it. So carry Good shit, as in potions. Because they will randomly swoop down and be like HAI BITCH and smack you with their penis. I Killed him, but still, dragon fire breath hurts like a mother fucker.
Dragons have been pussies for me so far. Out of the seven I've come across (including the first story dragon) two of them have fled. The first was when I was wandering around and came across an Imperial fort, they peppered it with arrows and it flew away and the second was when I was when I was wandering around the land. It circled around me for a bit and flew off into the distance. One of the other dragons initially attacked a herd of Mammoth's before attacking me.


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dragons have been pussies for me so far. Out of the seven I've come across (including the first story dragon) two of them have fled. The first was when I was wandering around and came across an Imperial fort, they peppered it with arrows and it flew away and the second was when I was when I was wandering around the land. It circled around me for a bit and flew off into the distance. One of the other dragons initially attacked a herd of Mammoth's before attacking me.
They used to do that for me until i reached a certain part in the story to whence now they want my soul. Luckily, My dwarven greataxe of Frost says Fuck you on the handle.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

They used to do that for me until i reached a certain part in the story to whence now they want my soul. Luckily, My dwarven greataxe of Frost says Fuck you on the handle.
I don't bother using enchanted weapons at the moment because I can't upgrade them, though I do have Lydia wielding an axe with a fire enchantment. And I've given her the Wolf Armour. I haven't done much of the story yet, the point I'm at I need to go to the Greybeards though I've been putting that off to run around the land doing quests for the Companions and Thieves Guild. And the old side/misc quest. Currently lv.16 I think with my four main stats as One-Handed Weapons, Light Armour, Smithing and Blocking though I do use Stealth, Lockpicking, Alchemy and Archery as my secondary skills. I've barely bought any perks in them though.


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't bother using enchanted weapons at the moment because I can't upgrade them, though I do have Lydia wielding an axe with a fire enchantment. And I've given her the Wolf Armour. I haven't done much of the story yet, the point I'm at I need to go to the Greybeards though I've been putting that off to run around the land doing quests for the Companions and Thieves Guild. And the old side/misc quest. Currently lv.16 I think with my four main stats as One-Handed Weapons, Light Armour, Smithing and Blocking though I do use Stealth, Lockpicking, Alchemy and Archery as my secondary skills. I've barely bought any perks in them though.
I can upgrade Enchanted weaponry because my smithings 75 as of now. To level it, i spent a lot of time going from whiterun, to windhelm, to almost all around skyrim buying ingots to smith with. Why purchase? I recently killed a lich who dropped his mask that gives 20% off purchases, so i can get ingots by the dozen for reasonable prices without mindlessly searching for ores.

As of the actual stats for me, im currently level 27, im greatly invested in 2 handed weaponry, my sword and axe maxed but no points for blunt weapons. My smithings up to orcish armor and advanced scale and plate armor, as well as enchanted equipment, which works wonders because first you Superior up a weapon, enchant it, smith it even farther until its flawless and absolutely lethal. I most use 2 handed weapons in battle, and i occasionally use arrows and bows, in case i cant get close to my target. My companion, Lilia, is a Frost mage adept, she's extremely powerful and wields a ghost blade as a backup weapon that ignores armor.

EDIT: i said 75 up there didnt i? ^^^ Good lord I should get some sleep.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh my oh my. It's been a while hasn't it? lol

As far as dragons go... fuck em. I'm constantly being dogged by the goddamned things now, and I haven't even advanced the story past getting that horn the greybeards want :(.

Funny story though. As I'm ascending the mountain to the greybeards' monastary, I hear that tell-tale sound of an incoming dragon. And since I'm on a mountain with no cover, I instantly crouch (sneaky character, lol bow ftw!) and hide, allowing it to continue attacking the town below. Continuing along the path, no longer in sight range of the town or dragon, I run into one of those ice-elementals (their real name don't matter) that's fighting a ice-wolf, they both ace their 'find the player' checks and come running at me. I easily take them out with my bow. And three seconds later the dragon's on top of me blowing frost, proceeds to land immediately then insta-kill me.

So, note to bethesda. Player having insta-kills = time saver , enemies having insta-kills = cheap funkiller.

Game is awesome though, lot of little things that I would have rather had differently, but a. their not that important they ruin the game, and b. mods can fix this.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you want to talk about insta-kills why the fuck aren't you mentioning Giants? Fucking hate them so much. Though concerning dragons, out of the two I came across today only one stayed to fight. And because it landed smack bang in the middle of Dawnstar the entirety of the town beat the living shit out of it.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I heard in this game.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've only come across giants once. I'd needed a mammoth tusk for some woman and saw a mammoth skull mark on my hud so I went towards it, shot a mammoth and suddenly it and two giants come bolting towards me, I was near winterhold and ran back to the town (being a level 5 I knew that rape was inpending, just not for who!). Just outside of it I found a rocky outcropping that they couldn't walk through, so I abused it like a PRO and killed all 3 with my bow without a point of damage being dealt to me :) .

Also, I had heard that horses could climb mountains, but I didn't think it was that bad since I don't have a horse and haven't tried it yet. LOL at horse speed, I've got beast-form.

And on that note, being a were-wolf is entirely useless for anything other GOTTA GO FAST around the map. Low on health in combat? You'll die during the change (I actually like that touch). Find a lone soldier and want to beast them as a were-wolf? 10 more appear and rape you because you can't focus on who you want to hit. Lose some health and want to restore it? You gotta find someone and eat them, for results on that see above statement. The only positive experience I've had with beast form and combat was having a dragon swoop down as I was traveling from markath towards red eagle's tomb. It landed, I power attacked, and YOUR SOUL IS MINE. Too bad I couldn't loot the dragon-crafting materials from it, since it's corpse had disappeared by the time I returned.

Oh oh OH OH, FUCK ME. This is the last one I swear, or I'll be here all day. Anyone else have a dragon corpse inside a city that just wont FUCKING GO AWAY? There's one in winterhold that's been there since very shortly after the first story-line dragon kill, it origionally died in front of the companions' building, but the corpse has migrated down to the town gate and is constantly freaking out bouncing around now. Persistant corpses is kind of a nice touch, but this is god-awefull rediculous. I'd appreciate it if someone knew, and would tell me the console command to get rid of a corpse.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You clearly aren't using the Werewolf form correctly then. Once transformed the power on your power key is replaced with a roar attack that demoralises everyone that hears it and causes them to flee and cower giving you ample time to hunt them all down and feast of their delicious meats. I will agree it can occasionally be a bitch to target the enemy whilst in Werewolf form, though once their cowering in fear there's no real reason why you shouldn't be hitting them. Also, even if you don't use the transformation the ability comes with a complete immunity to diseases so it's good to get it just for that.