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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you mean XSI's suggestion, no, I had. I did a quick check, saw that I had already enabled it, probably for another site to get it working. I wouldn't have been able to even get that far if I hadn't.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hmmm, well everyone interested PM me your user name, then I'll give it a day or so, then make a game and invite everyone.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bumping, I'd like one more player, at least.

Currnetly have:


Unfortunately, the mega-map, the one with Canada, requires 15 people minimum, but the other is for 2-10 players.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can do without Canada.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah... the mega-map is kinda... weird...

"Newfoundland", "North Canada", "South Canada", "North USA", "Central USA", "South USA"... and then there's all the stuff that ought to be Russian, but kinda-sorta isn't...

Let's stick with the Europe 1914 map. Maybe after it's underway, we could use up our starter/tutorial goldmarks and do a map with the airplanes and subs and such.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, and small countries have random provinces, like Newfoundland having some of the Midwest, or Portugal having Tunisia :rolleyes:

BTW, we should decide on some settings now.

1) AI peace period, the time, in days, before war against the AI is allowed, personally I feel we should just set this to 0, let them be fought from the getgo.

2) Peace Period, same as above, but between humans. Personally, I'd rather have none of that either, but I don't know if that'll be the popular opinion.

3) Honor Period, in hours, time after making war before the fighting can offical start. At first I thought setting to 0 too, but because we won't all be online at the same time, a little warning might be nice.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah... the mega-map is kinda... weird...

"Newfoundland", "North Canada", "South Canada", "North USA", "Central USA", "South USA"... and then there's all the stuff that ought to be Russian, but kinda-sorta isn't...

Let's stick with the Europe 1914 map. Maybe after it's underway, we could use up our starter/tutorial goldmarks and do a map with the airplanes and subs and such.

Newfoundland being separate from North and South Canada makes sense, as they were a self governing dominion of Britain from 1907 until 1949 upon which they joined the Dominion of Canada.

Yeah, and small countries have random provinces, like Newfoundland having some of the Midwest, or Portugal having Tunisia :rolleyes:

BTW, we should decide on some settings now.

1) AI peace period, the time, in days, before war against the AI is allowed, personally I feel we should just set this to 0, let them be fought from the getgo.

2) Peace Period, same as above, but between humans. Personally, I'd rather have none of that either, but I don't know if that'll be the popular opinion.

3) Honor Period, in hours, time after making war before the fighting can offical start. At first I thought setting to 0 too, but because we won't all be online at the same time, a little warning might be nice.

1) Yeah 0 sounds good. If I feel like fighting the AI in the first round I'm gonna.
2) I'm okay with 0 for between human peace. While nothing may happen, lets people play as they will.
3) I'm thinking a few hours. Just to make things a little fair.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm playing in a 16 player round on the gold map now, btw. Seems good so far, though learning curve is gonna be STEEP. The stock market will be your best friend, where you can buy and sell resources freely, and anonymously. You can also give/trade to other, specific nations as well, as part of a deal or something.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

How easy is it for a new player to join an existing game? I saw this a few days bak and was really interested, but I'm just not going to have the time to react within a 24 hour period until after christmas... would there be a way I could join after I have a little more time?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You can join an existing game if there's an open slot, which we won't have unless someone drops, plus with the nature of the game, joining late leaves you missing much, and perhaps starting out already dead, so to speak.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Huh. Well that's a shame. Maybe if you guys don't get things off the ground for a while I'll try to help you fire one up when I have more time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I honestly don't have a problem waiting until after Christmas.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

General concensus seems to be we wait atleast a week.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

trailer, not sure how I feel about it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

trailer, not sure how I feel about it.

I, for one, jizzed in my pants. I think I may actually be more excited about this than Dragon Age 2.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, yeah, it does look pretty damn epic, though originally my biggest concern was that you'd end up playing as the dude from the trailer. And while that wouldn't be too bad it looks like it would've become generic FPS #9001. But I've been talking to several people about it, and what may or may not happen and I've been won over.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, yeah, it does look pretty damn epic, though originally my biggest concern was that you'd end up playing as the dude from the trailer. And while that wouldn't be too bad it looks like it would've become generic FPS #9001. But I've been talking to several people about it, and what may or may not happen and I've been won over.

You do play as the dude from the trailer. The dude at the very end in the N7 armor, of course, but still.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eh. I just don't know.

On the one hand, there's no doubt I'll buy the game. Bioware makes good games, and I want to see the ME story through to the end.

On the other hand... okay, yeah, I kinda figured Earth would be targeted at some point, but I really hope that it doesn't become the main focus of the missions. I really, REALLY enjoy being able to go to a multitude of different planets. ME is about SPACE exploration, not OMG EARTH IS BEING ATTACKED SO HERE'S 5 BILLION MISSIONS ON EARTH.

My other concern is that, as far as Earth goes, it looks like they're going for a Resistance/Gears of War look, and while I understand why they're doing it..... I'm bored with that look. Okay, we get it, shit went down, and now Earth's cities are collapsing. Doesn't mean everything has to be varying degrees of gray.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd imagine the end game will be set on Earth and the majority of the game will be recruiting a huge army to rape the shit out of the Reapers. As for the battle on Earth, I'm guessing it's because human's have been screwing over the Reapers plans since ME1 and so they've decided to take out their 'biggest threat' to universe destruction before moving onto the rest. They probably plan on turning humans into a kind of Collector race like they did to the Protheans.