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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I really hope that the kinect thing is optional, because frankly I don't want it in everything... if I hear Skyrim is using it, I'll be really pissed.

Also, more Dead Island:

Edit: After actually watching the video... the choosing dialogue bit is silly. It doesn't make any difference than if you had selected it with the analogue stick. While team commands is helpful, they've done that in End War with a regular headset...

So while I really have nothing truly negative to say, it just seems pointless.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

skyrim it will be optional at worst, due to cross platform.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't see why the kinect won't be optional. It would destroy the sales if it wasn't.

As far as voice recognition goes, mics do not work that way. You have to think of the kinect as a bridge between voice and the programming in a game. Regular mics don't connect like that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Discovered a fun platformer/shooter called . Has some RPG elements too. Basic plot is alien invasion, your character, Iji, get's turned into a partial cyborg and is thus the only human really capable of taking on the invaders. I'd say more (it's really got quite a few plot twists), but it'd be spoilerific.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As far as voice recognition goes, mics do not work that way. You have to think of the kinect as a bridge between voice and the programming in a game. Regular mics don't connect like that.

EndWar would disagree with you there.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You sure there's no third-party device that goes with it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You sure there's no third-party device that goes with it?

Yes. It uses the Xbox headset to give orders to your men. That's it, that's all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's cool.

Well, obviously this is just some lame attempt for microsoft to sell more kinects. It's also probably their way of trying to get back at EA & sony. Mass Effect was xbox exclusive, of course until EA decided to distribute ME2 to the playstation (no doubt cause they wanted more cash). Hence the stupid comic they released to get PS users up to speed on what they missed from ME1.

This whole kinect thing is a slap to sony's face. >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The use of Kinect for FPS or other such games I just dont see appealling to the hardcore to casual market. But maybe it might prove me wrong. Personally I dont feel like moving much after busting my ass at work all day.

On a more positive note a actiony hack n slash game with a really nice art style has popped up. a link to the trailer. Though I don't own a console its definitely something I am keeping an eye on.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's cool.

Well, obviously this is just some lame attempt for microsoft to sell more kinects. It's also probably their way of trying to get back at EA & sony. Mass Effect was xbox exclusive, of course until EA decided to distribute ME2 to the playstation (no doubt cause they wanted more cash). Hence the stupid comic they released to get PS users up to speed on what they missed from ME1.

This whole kinect thing is a slap to sony's face. >_>

Alternate theory: Endwar had a comparatively low number of verbal commands, especially compared to every dialog option in a bioware game plus combat commands. It wasn't the hardware decoding your talk, it was the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As a side note, I had this neat cell phone about five years ago. it wasn't a smartphone or anything, but i could tell it to call anyone on my contact list, and it would get it right most of the time, unless they were pretty similar names, i could dictate text messages and stuff too, and it wasn't from a list of pre-made text messaging options either. Should i have saved it, perhaps tried to make it a piece of hardware for a game, made a lot of money of how amazing it's voice recognition was?

Sarcasm aside, voice recognition doesn't seem to be that hard to program, for the most part. if they can fit an open-ended program for it into a cheap-ish cell phone, how hard is it to have it recognize pre-selected entries to tell soldiers to go here or there? Certainly the entirety of the english language is a fair bit larger than every dialog option in a bioware game, yes?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alternate theory: Endwar had a comparatively low number of verbal commands, especially compared to every dialog option in a bioware game plus combat commands. It wasn't the hardware decoding your talk, it was the game.

Very true. I still think of the kinect as a bridge that allows developers to explore more. Perhaps there's reasons to why the kinect is an option, but at the same time I can't help but think that microsoft pushed for this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never got the voice system working on Endwar, but then again, having it on PC I don't need to.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm sure microsoft pushed for this, I'm not sure Bioware pushed back very hard. It's a trivial addition to the game, that doesn't seem to limit people that don't have the tech in any meaningful way, if at all. The Kinect hasn't really done much of anything since it's release with the Xbox. All of the interesting stuff I've read was about third parties fiddling with the tech and coming up with cool shit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heh, the damn thing just sits in a box, collecting dust. I bought it because I'm such a Star Wars nerd. Plus they had a deal where i got to choose two kinect games with it. Course, after seeing the Star Wars previews... it's not looking too good (though I'll still buy it).

Something else about the kinect is that it reads your voice and image and establishes these boundaries based on what it read. Whereas with a mic, it's just picking up a sound and relaying it. Obvious comment is obvious.

Who knows though. Maybe if it plays out smoothly, and doing commands is easy and accurate, then perhaps it'll be the "new thing".


Here's Casey giving a little insight about the kinect.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The use of Kinect for FPS or other such games I just dont see appealling to the hardcore to casual market. But maybe it might prove me wrong. Personally I dont feel like moving much after busting my ass at work all day.

On a more positive note a actiony hack n slash game with a really nice art style has popped up. a link to the trailer. Though I don't own a console its definitely something I am keeping an eye on.

Funny you brought that one up, as I just downloaded the demo for that the other day. Very intrigued by the whole "Fallen Angel" concept, especially given what's been going on in my tabletop games lately. Find it amusing that the first comment I read is someone bitching about the misuse of the terms and "defacing something holy." It comes up with a disclaimer that, well, it was only on the screen long enough for me to read the bit about it being worked on by people with different cultural and religious backgrounds. Personally, I think you have to take this game with the same grain of salt as you take the Shin Megami Tensei games.

It's f'ing PRETTY as all hell (pun aside.) You don't see nearly as many "cutscenes" in the demo as they show in the trailer, which is amusing, since they're billing it as a "combat trailer," but the game is a gorgeous cel-shaded type of mix that's just fantastic. Unfortunately, it's a very twitchy sort of platformer that changes POV between screens. One minute, you've got a side view of you hopping along, jumping between rocks and riding along on waves, the next you're looking at your path, front on, going "Is that water or a pit...oh. It's a pit. Great." Combat is, well, I dont' want to say simple, but it's one button to attack, one to block, one to steal weapons. I think there's another type of attack, but I don't recall. Now that I'm thinking on it, it reminds me of a sub-quest sort of thing from the .hack//GU series, the arena. I know that's not a comparison most will get, but it's the best I can think of. That, and I think CRI Industries (one of the producers of this one) helped on that one, too.

Wow, babbling this long about a demo. That's gotta be either something or a problem. Well, like I said, if you like platform-style combat games, then this might work for you. Personally, I'd much rather see the story unfold and leave the playing to someone else.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The bad news: PS3 and PS Vita only.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFactually I was thinking about getting a PS3 at some point anyways. Preferably during a sale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

First thought: It's Golden Axe!
Second thought: Meets Gauntlet.
Third thought: Man, the amazon scares me.
Fourth thought: Hot wizard!
Fifth thought: Holy tits on the sorceress!

And that's about when youtube started fudging up the video, so I'll have to finish watchign the monster bashing later.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

>Old Sonic
>Using the older game sound effects
>My body is ready