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Games Discussion Thread


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I haven't read any of the Space marine novels. But I have read a few on the Imperial guard. I think 'Death World' is my favorite.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

From an observers view point on the Warhammer world, I've always preferred the Tau, as they seem like the only ones in the galaxy that don't wear their own races skulls as a cod piece. Plus fighting via strategic and technological ingenuity rather than zealotry and guns powered by shouting.

But I guess that probably sums up why I describe myself as an observer actually. '-'


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

To be fair, noone in the 40k universe is really the 'good guys'. Closest to white more or less is the Eldar (who are just trying to survive, though directing hive fleets into human-colonized worlds or instigating wars to try and deal with the Necrons by themselves may not be the best way to deal with it), and the Tau (I've not know much of the Tau, beyond they're basicly a mix of samurai and comunism). The most nutral of course is the Tyranid, who are basicly doing it because it's all they know, nom noming. Orks could technically be called nutral too, as they don't care who they beat up, as long as it's beating someone up. Pretty much everyone from there is on varying stages of utter ebilness.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mmm, it's not so much 'good or bad' that I'm fussed about, more just personal tastes regarding the attitude and feel each faction gives off. The Space Marines and the rest of the Imperium seem to go to special effort to look as grim and moody as possible. Their maintenance robots are built into the shape of a skull, their librarians seem to use steampunk quills dipped into a skull shaped ink pot, and their spacecraft have cathedrals and castles on top, with skulls on the front. I can appreciate the style, but it's never quite been my style.

The Tyranids would also actually be a faction I prefer, which although possibly the polar opposite of the Tau, it's just the way they're made. Animalistic with an alien hive mind intelligence behind them. Notably they also don't wear their own kin's skulls.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tyranids for life.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Prons for the prons gods!


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I agree, the Tau seem like the only race that aren't on the darker side of gray. But I have no love for the Eldar, it's pretty much their fault that the eye of terror exists.

Heh, I loved playing Tau in Dawn of war. Send massive squads of drones into your enemies base and watch it burn! Or just make all the firewarriors you can and fully upgrade their rifles, and you've got an unstoppable force faster than you opponent can get out enough armored vehicles to defend themselves.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

But I have no love for the Eldar, it's pretty much their fault that the eye of terror exists.
Partly true. That was because the Eldar community split between the Craftworld eldar, and pleasure-cult extremeists. The extremists would eventually screw everyone over, and the survivors become the Dark Eldar. The eldar that survive are mostly either Craftworlds, or wanderers like the Harlequins.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

... Heh, I loved playing Tau in Dawn of war. ...
I can second that. I particually enjoyed denying Chaos and the Necrons the friggin souls they would endlessly claim they would steal from my forces. Attacking the central Necron territory, sent a unstoppable swarm of soulless drones at them. Didn't lose a single man, and so not a single soul for them to munch on. (or whatever they do)

And during that mission involving some kind of chaos god/demon that required a certain amount of carnage to grant an instant win, I gave it the middle finger by swiftly rushing the enemy base and finishing the fight before the death toll counter was anywhere near full. Tactical domination, with no favours from dark beasts needed.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

How do orks get through space anyway? I was told they basically travel on meteors powered/enabled by their latent psychic abilities. But do they actually travel through the warp?

I love that idea for an ork sandbox game. You could even put a crafting system in, tin can + stick = grenade!


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Indeed. They used hollowed meteors with rockets and a couple hundred gun turrets, however they have thier fair share of spaceships as well, all of them being rickity of course.


Sex Demon
Jan 4, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

dont orks also pirate human ships? I coulda sworn I remember reading something about that


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I finally completed Deus Ex: Human Revolution today.
Had to go with the Darrow ending as I didn't track down Sarif or Taggart while I was heading to the last boss. Speaking of, I was somewhat disappointed with the last boss as it didn't really pose much of a challenge. Though that may have been because I had a grenade launcher which I used to take out the three turrets circling the Hyron system. I have a save that's just before the elevator to the Hyron system so I'll probably go back to that and find Sarif and Taggart just so I can see all the other endings, though if they are like Darrows then I'm ging to be annoyed because that one didn't really have any closure for Jenson as a character.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I finally completed Deus Ex: Human Revolution today.
Had to go with the Darrow ending as I didn't track down Sarif or Taggart while I was heading to the last boss. Speaking of, I was somewhat disappointed with the last boss as it didn't really pose much of a challenge. Though that may have been because I had a grenade launcher which I used to take out the three turrets circling the Hyron system. I have a save that's just before the elevator to the Hyron system so I'll probably go back to that and find Sarif and Taggart just so I can see all the other endings, though if they are like Darrows then I'm ging to be annoyed because that one didn't really have any closure for Jenson as a character.
what is your opinion of the game, now that you finished it once?


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

There's really only one with any closure (which is just a side-effect really)and that's the one you probably don't want to pick in the least when you're told of it.

Finished space marine in one sitting today. Really liked it. Felt everything but the orks stayed true to what I know of the 40k universe. Lollin at the orks though, they speak waaay too ummm...not like a big dumb ork?, they use cover, and manage to hit you with their guns from more than 10-15 feet away. Soooo these must've been some kind of 'smart' orks.

As far as gameplay, I was a little dissapointed that in alot of sections I had to stand in the doorway for any sort of cover. And the fact that they were very persistant in trying to shove the Stalker-Bolter down my throat. I'm not sure if there was a single weapons 'cache' that didn't contain one. For fucks sake, I have a LAS CANNON why would I want a Stalker-Bolter?


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never got the impresion they were trying to shove the stalker bolter down your throat. any of the other bolters are good enough to snipe orks.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

As far as gameplay, I was a little dissapointed that in alot of sections I had to stand in the doorway for any sort of cover. And the fact that they were very persistant in trying to shove the Stalker-Bolter down my throat. I'm not sure if there was a single weapons 'cache' that didn't contain one. For fucks sake, I have a LAS CANNON why would I want a Stalker-Bolter?
I haven't played it, so I could be totally wrong, but it could be more of a
"look, if you really need a gun because you wasted the ammo on the other ones, here, take this gun,"
kinda like most Pistol-type/Assault Rifle-type guns in most other games. Sure, you could have the best gun(s) in the game,
but that usually comes at the price of low amounts of ammo, so they'll oftentimes just give you not the worst gun,
but one that there's a giant surplus of ammo for, whenever they can.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, that's exactly it. Except that weapon is usually one of your standards, your pistol doesn't run out of ammo, and you can't switch out the standard bolter. And to be honest, I didn't want to switch it out. I used the Bolter for most of the game happily, but every time I'd get to a weapons cache, there'd be stalker bolters, but no ammo for the standard bolter. Granted you usually won't run out of ammo for anything, I did however resort to using the pistol quite a bit since I went for a more ranged tactic in most fights, and not wanting to use up my laz/melta ammo in case I ran into something nasty or got swarmed by a whole herd of nasty.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, that's exactly it. Except that weapon is usually one of your standards, your pistol doesn't run out of ammo, and you can't switch out the standard bolter. And to be honest, I didn't want to switch it out. I used the Bolter for most of the game happily, but every time I'd get to a weapons cache, there'd be stalker bolters, but no ammo for the standard bolter. Granted you usually won't run out of ammo for anything, I did however resort to using the pistol quite a bit since I went for a more ranged tactic in most fights, and not wanting to use up my laz/melta ammo in case I ran into something nasty or got swarmed by a whole herd of nasty.
The Stalker Bolter will drop near anything in 1 hit if you land a head shot, and 3-4 max if you don't. I rarely relied on the laz/melta, and often carried the Stalker as my secondary. It's somewhere between a matter of skill and preference. I rarely resorted to the pistol, though I did so more often after it got upgraded to the plasma pistol.