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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Melta is good for quickly dealing with swarms of anything smaller than CSM and similarly one only needs something bigger than the normal bolter rarely so the lascanon one hitting them helps a lot.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The storm bolter is a good deal of fun, but I didn't really feel that it was terribly effective, and it ate ammo goddamn quick.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've gotta agree with you on that. Getting it so late in the game doesn't really help with the amount of usefullness it has, it would have been awesome for dealing with the swarms of orks with 2 blades. While I did use it on a couple of daemon swarms, it really didn't do any better than the upgraded bolter and I would'nt have taken it into the final battle if I had known how they were going to go about it.

Kind of a cop-out, but you know chaos players would have had a shit-fit if a lowly Space Marine Captain had killed a daemon prince on his own in any other way. Also, I love how the inquisitor can't possibly fathom this 'warp resistance', it has been established in the 40k universe that there are 'anti-pskyers' that have that exact ability. And while I can understand the lower-rank marine not knowing about it, an inquisitor definately should.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

3DS or Vita. Which would you choose if you can have only one and why?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

3DS or Vita. Which would you choose if you can have only one and why?

If they make a remake of FFVI with full 3D support, I'd get 3DS. Otherwise, I'd just save money for a better PC :p Playstation stuff is okey, but I prefer the old school playstation stuff. Like Growlancer :p or some other dead series that was epic back in the days. And if they skip 6, and just make FF7 remake, I'll go kill every worker at Square Enix in retaliation.... well ... meybe not ... but at least I'l keep boycotting Square Enix products till they bring back nostalgic memories of old day epicness.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

HaHA, yeah FF6 is my favorite of the series. To be honest, I think squenix should re-make all the FF's up untill X for modern consoles. Then maybe they'd be able to see that the last couple of games they churned out were utter garbage.
XI was the only one I've really enjoyed playing since IX.
X would have been better if they'd had a world map, X-2 was just an excuse to whore out the series (though I did like the fact that they brought back the class-change system)
XIII was just... awful, I cannot convey the amount of disappointment I felt as I played this game. And now they're making a sequel!

In short, unless the developers go back and look at what made the pre-X FFs so great (it certainly wasn't the graphics you fucking whores, though they weren't poor) the series will degrade even further.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

FFX is getting a HD re-release.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

FFX is getting a HD re-release.



So they're going to re-release FF-X in HD, but they didn't do it (and haven't ACTUALLY SAID they have plans to do it) for FF-VII.
I mean, fuck, I'd like a total graphic overhaul, but I could live with HD. BUT NO.


Do people in the game industry who work for major names NOT WANT OUR FUCKING MONEY? I mean, would having more money than they already have be a detriment, or something?

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

FF7 needs more re-releases..

Honestly, I'm a little taken back by these things since a lot of companies don't actually know what HD means and throw it on everything because there's nothing that says they can't and people like to see that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was horribly mistaken when I typed in that I'd enjoyed FF 11, I had meant 12. Honestly, they should'nt have even put the FF name on an MMO, and even after that they definately shouldn't have put it in the 'main' FFs. IMHO Tactics deserves to be a numbered far more than an MMO (I don't like MMOs in case you can't tell).

As far as an FF 7 re-release, they've most likely got it in the works already and are waiting for a lull in profits to announce/release it. Or perhaps it's the one they're saving for the original FF situation, where they're almost compltely bankrupt and need something to pull their asses out of the fire.

Or worst of all, it could be one of those situations where it's just western gamers that want it and they're going to be like 'fuck you because you're not japanese' (seems to be happening alot anymore). Which makes me wonder how the last FF did in the japanese market, if it did well that would explain the sequel.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know, I know double post. But this is about something completely different.

Saw Hard Reset on demonoid the other day and decided to give it a try. (I mean NOT pirate it)

It took 4 days to download, mostly because of 4k leechers, and about 4-5 hours to beat... with smoke breaks. Now granted I went throught on easy mode, but I also searched everywhere looking for pickups and stuff so really that should balance it out.

And I'm sorry, it's an awesome fun game, good looking too, but I'm certainly wish I didn't pay for this. I just looked up the price on steam and it's $30. NO FUCKING WAY is the amount of content in this game worth $30 IMO.

I can see how games like COD black ops can charge $60 for a 10 hour singleplayer (unless you like dieing 1k+ times on above normal difficulty, then it's 50-100 hours), but the multiplayer makes up for it. I've spent at least 90 hours playing multiplayer on black ops, admittadley waaaay too much time, but I sure got my money's worth. And this game doesn't have ANY multiplayer.

However, I will say again that this game was very fun, ran great on my computer, and only crashed it once, during a chain reaction of explosions I coudn't even count. Which makes it all the more unforgiveable that the game just ends after 4 hours.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can see how games like COD black ops can charge $60 for a 10 hour singleplayer (unless you like dieing 1k+ times on above normal difficulty, then it's 50-100 hours), but the multiplayer makes up for it. I've spent at least 90 hours playing multiplayer on black ops, admittadley waaaay too much time, but I sure got my money's worth. And this game doesn't have ANY multiplayer.

while it was nice hearing about cheaper games that don't get advertised so much, I found you playing COD more interesting. Why? Because I forgot COD existed >.> I'm hooked on this online FTP FPS that's amazingly quite balanced, called AVA, and I think I sunk more than 250 hours in. But yea, cool find with that 30 dollar game that you dl for free man. Who knows, someone on this forum might have wasted money on it :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ohhh, I had originally thought it was a continuation of the Modern Warfare storyline. I know, I know, but the fuckers have me hooked. I play it, or did, on the xbox. Once I'd beaten the singleplayer (not that great) I picked up the multiplayer I found it was a hell of a lot less laggy than MW2, and even though sniping has been gimped, it's fairly more balanced. Untill I get a 12 killstreak and let loose attack dogs, the pilotable heli, and a chopper gunner afterwards.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Series of videos briefly detailing the Gears of War story via a cube of rock having its sides detonated to show a mural. Rather well done.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

enjoying my recent purchases of some games such as magicka and Mount and blade warband Greatly. I also recently purchased Samurai Warriors 3 for the wii, and i have to say, of all the reviews Ive read before purchasing, this game got shit tons of negative feedback, and i don't see why. At all. Graphics are fine, killing hundreds of things Repeatedly is there in full force, and the voice actors don't make me grind my teeth as hard as they usually do, and the amount of characters and reward in its very appealing and enjoyable. So...wheres the fault again? its what i expected honestly, i cant say i expected Koie to blow my socks off, but it looks great and plays great, so i think it suits the warriors series perfectly.

I also recently purchased RE1 archives for my wii, RE2 remake for the GC (in the original GC game case, which doesn't sound like much, but fucking sexy to collectors) and i got RE3 remake on GC. Now i can replay them all in their remakes and see whats in store for me. I have a shit ton of gamming to do and little time to do it in!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing Portal 2. I'm enjoying it, but some of the stuff makes me feel like a moron right up until I solve it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I recently bought Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad for under $5.

I was fully expecting it to suck major ass after listening to friends' accounts of the game, as well as looking at and listening to reviews of the game - both 'pro' and 'amateur'.


I was actually pleasantly surprised. It's not a 10/10 by far, but at least a 6 or 7 out of 10, IMO.

Basically, it's a Hack-n'-Slash, and all of the enemies are some sort of zombie.
And they're not just shamblers, either. Some of them are shamblers... WITH CHAINSAWS!
And then there's this one human-shaped cloud of blood that I have NO FUCKING IDEA wtf it's supposed to be, or if I can even kill it... so I just avoid it.

So far, my only complaint is that sometimes the camera doesn't want to co-operate correctly.
It's confined to the same walls that you are, so if you're in a narrow hallway, you can kiss rotating the camera goodbye.

Otherwise, I'm loving the game.
I kinda like that you have to wipe the blood off of your blade every once in a while.
Makes each swing feel like it carries more weight, since for every cut you make, you get more blood on the sword, so you try to make your hits count.
That, or you use your kicks more, which there isn't a lot of variety, but if you mix in kicks with swinging the sword, GLORIOUS COMBOS.

Then there's the 'rage' meter.
Basically, as you get blood on yourself, your rage meter fills.
Once it's full, you go Berserk. You deal much more damage, and you run and attack much faster.
The downside is that you're losing health while in this mode.
You can end it by finding and touching a statue, which completely cleans you of blood.
You can also use a pick-up to decrease your 'rage' meter, which will end it as well, though you'll still have some of the meter filled.
What's nice, though, is that there are pick-ups that can fill your meter, but you can use them WHILE going berserk to restore health instead.
So, if you're low on HP and normal HP pick-ups, go berserk and heal yourself like that, then find a statue or use a pick-up to end it.

Speaking of items... the only thing I don't like about items is the amount you can carry of each item. 3 is pathetically low, IMO.
It doesn't hurt too bad, but it's definitely led to some 'AW FUCK' moments.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recently DID NOT PIRATE, E.Y.E divine cybermancy. And... hrm I definately don't like this game.

First thing is you ABSOLUTLEY MUST PATCH IT, or a ton of places are going to be too dark for you to see what is happening/where you are, and of course the flashlight is shit. Now, I normall wouldn't take points off for this, I'd just go to the menu and up the brightness/gamma, but THAT'S NOT ALLOWED. Following a seeming trend of some recent games, you are completely unable to adjust the brightness, there's just no option in the menu. Bullshit I say.

I guess the main reason why I don't like this game is that it is constructed like a psuedo MMORPG shooter. Most of the RPG part is not unforgiveably bad, the system works and that's all you need really. However, the MMO part really hurts what I felt could have been a decent cyberpunk game. And of course it killed the FPS part.

I'll give you an example of one of my play sessions to illustrate the things I dislike.

I start out in the 'home base' area, and go out on a story mission. Get to the area and I'm told my objectives, and that I should try to go unnoticed. So I look around a little bit and find the only path that isn't covered by snipers is through the sewers. I drop down there and CANT SEE ANYTHING, so after fumbling around in the dark for 10-15 minutes to find the way out I re-load the damned mission. This time I just go kill all the snipers. As for the mission itself, it's you standard kill this, find that deal. No big, everythings easy to find with the quest arrow. Oh, did I mention that enemies re-spawn almost infinately? I've only ever gotten a map down to a small (relatively) mob of enemies that respawn over and over.

Upon completing the mission I'm awarded with XP and money. So I go to the Stats screen and use up my leveling points, nothing too problematic. Untill I get looking around and click on the research button, where I find that I've picked up some kind of object that needs to be researched to gain benefit from it. And the research costs money to make it go faster using a slide bar to denote how much you spend, I've got the option of going for the minimum amount of money which will take a couple of days in game time, or the maximum which will take a single day. As I don't have that much money I take the minimum. So I decide to waste some time taking a side mission.

Load up the side mission and I'm given 3 objectives, kill _____, Find____, and close all the doors. Not too bad, kill___ is marked on my map so I go do that. And have no idea what to do after that, after about 10 minutes I figured out that the kind of garage door things around the level that have turrets in front of them are what I'm supposed to be closing. Got that one done, now onto Find. And that's where I was stuck for an hour, god knows where that thing was because, even though the objective marker will highlight when you're 10 ft away, the levels are too big and the objects hidden in such obscure places you're never going to get within 10 ft.

Okay, so I've wasted an hour and a half and ended up with a half-completed mission that I quit out of, time to check on my research... 55% done. And that was one of the research's that took relatively little time. Granted, I chose the minimum amount of money. But you'll find that unless you're willing to spend days upon days doing side missions over and over, you're not going to have anywhere near enough cash to research items at their quickest. Oh and another little thing, I was able to find a bug later on to get researches done at the fastest for free, however some of them took up to and over 5 hours IRL time. NOT COOL.

Which nets this game a whopping 3/10, the game gets a 1 for running without crashing, another 1 for model design (some of the weapons look pretty cool, along with a couple environments and enemies), and a last 1 for making the placement of ammo in your limited inventory easy, instead of the drag-and-drop for weapons once you do so with ammo you can simply right-click and it will place another in the spot you clicked on. Once they've fixed the darkenss problem, and some objective bugs it'll be a 4/10.

I could go into further detail, (I'm not even gong to mention the WTF story-line) but this is a big enough post already. To sum things up, E.Y.E. suffers greatly from being tailored to MMO players. And while I don't have anything against MMO players, I do have something against aspects of games that take up a large amount of time, just for the sake of taking up large amounts of time. So if you've got lots of time and enjoy MMORPGs this game could be for you (Seriously go play WoW or Ragnarok), or similarly if you are a masochist (as I must be, I actually finished this damn game).
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Er, ya might wanna not mention the 'p' word so openly, it's rather frowned on by both the board owners and most governmental laws...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not to be too much of a dick, you're just offering some friendly advice after all, but there's quite a bit of "p" supported on this forum example here. Besides, I'm not promoting the act, or helping people commit it. Just saying that's how I acquired the aforementioned games.

And the government needs "p"roof, which would mean my comp, and since I'm going to be able to see anyone coming up my road from literally a mile away...
Also I think it's safe to say that the overwelming majority of people prosecuted under the DMCA are distributors, not leeches like me!