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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, every extra Collector rifle you use actually will make the gun better, if the multiplayer demo with all the other weapons is any indication. I'm probably going without as well, though I may splurge and get the controller, since I'm a sucker for pretty things in my hands. Depends what it looks like, though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Edit: BOOOOOOO to urban warfare in Mechwarrior, I like being a slow-moving artillery piece!

Considering it's going the MMOFPS route, I won't be surprised if there's a variety of maps to fight on, so you'll probably have plenty of arty emplacements about. Just to be honest, there really hasn't been a true cityfight for MW as a series before, tis a interesting development.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Considering it's going the MMOFPS route, I won't be surprised if there's a variety of maps to fight on, so you'll probably have plenty of arty emplacements about. Just to be honest, there really hasn't been a true cityfight for MW as a series before, tis a interesting development.

Oh, no doubt. And after thinking about it for a bit I can't be too disappointed about urban combat, as it opens up the super-cheap tactic of sitting next to something important in a confined space with my heavy mech set to RAPEMODE. Dodge my shots now bitches!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, no doubt. And after thinking about it for a bit I can't be too disappointed about urban combat, as it opens up the super-cheap tactic of sitting next to something important in a confined space with my heavy mech set to RAPEMODE. Dodge my shots now bitches!

Well, that'll result in one of two options for me, IMO.
A) say fuck it and leave you alone, killing your buds, or B) noticing I can shoot you from an angle you can't shoot me at without coming out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, so there was a new trailer for ... I'm really looking forwards to the movie now!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, that'll result in one of two options for me, IMO.
A) say fuck it and leave you alone, killing your buds, or B) noticing I can shoot you from an angle you can't shoot me at without coming out.

Or C) Artillery Strike or Airstrike to put a hole in your armor. Your lance leader can do those now, btw :p No word on support vehicles physically ingame though last I knew.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh my, you've underestimated me a bit (my wording is probably at fault). The most effective approach, I find, is to bait the enemy into following me (I'm just an oblivious heavy mech leaving the objective, I hope no-one's behind me) and once they've sealed their fate I'll unload. Unfortunately this doesn't work on the unskilled, they either thank their luck and try to sneak past or just start shooting on sight.

Also, I'm thinking more of a short L-shaped access route instead of a dead-end. I don't like backing myself into a spot that I have no exit from.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't really assume that a focus on more urban environments means the entire game will become a CQB battle. They wouldn't be giving players a Catapult loaded with LRMs and expecting us to charge with it after all. With the extra emphasis on scouting, intel and radar management, I would imagine rather than simply camping round a corner and expecting it to work, it will be more reliant on manoeuvring your team-mates to both overcome such tactics, and make them possible.

Though I'll also add that MechWarrior 4 did have some urban maps and missions based within cities. I'll also add again that that game is free for official/legal download these days.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Maybe I've gotten too used to xbox live, where teamwork is to be avoided at all costs!, but unless I'm playing with other people I know I don't go up against teams that work together (why should I get screwed because my team refuses to?). They are, after all, far too easy to spot anymore.

But I stop pulling cheap shit when I've got a team that works together well, or at least tries to, and support them.

It'd be awesome if this had friendly fire turned on, not just for killing unwanted team-members, I find it adds a nice level of tactics to games.

edit: I guess what I'm tyring to say is that depending on monetary/system requirements for this I'd love to play on a ULMF team.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I've been playing pokemon pearl for the last couple of days and since this is the first time I've played a pokemon game since gold/silver I'm a little worried about the team I'm using. Here's what I've got:

LVL 19 Monferno - I've already beaten the rock gym so the only place he's going to be weak again is the water one, plus he's a starter so he's already overpowered.
LVL 18 Luxio - Fucker finally got an electric based attack, and his bite is pretty damned good even when it doesn't cause flinch.
LVL 18 Geodude - Stronger than I remember them, this guy fucks up pretty much anything that doesn't have a shit-ton of resistance to him
LVL 18 Alakazam - I worry about this guy because he's got 1 attack that actually does damage and it only has 25 pp.
LVL 17 Zubat - Was a bitch to train untill he got bite
LVL 18 Starvia - Fast and strong, but Ive looked at moves he learns and they're mosly normal attacks

Basically the last three are the one's that I'm a little uncomfortable with, Alakazam will obviously become ungodly strong once it learns another move to do damage. But having two flying types and no water (I do have a shellos that I could put in but training him is going to be a pain right now, I'm just inside the second city with a gym) just doesn't sit so good with me. Add that I'm going to need to teach HMs to these guys and I'm not sure if I've got a team that I can stick with.

ALSO! I'd like to know WHERE THE FUCK I can use Alakazam's teleport? I've tried it in a dozen or so different places and they all say I can't use it there. FUUUUUUUU!

Edit: I forgot to ask, what triggers the respawn of things in the underground?
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Your team looks alright for now, I'm replaying Platinum and my team consists of Grotle, Luxio, Rotom and Meditite. Though I do have a Budew in my team for Cut and I'm carting around an egg that Cynthia gave me. Currently trying to catch a Ralts and I'm not sure what my sixth will be. The thing about the main story is that you don't really need to worry so much about the weakness' of your team, just make sure you have a variety of attacks and your Pokemon are equal or greater in level to the current gym leader. The Elite Four will need slightly more variety, though I'd say you'd only really need to drop the Staravia as you already have a flying type that's also dual poison. I'd suggest swapping it out for either a grass or water type.

And by spawn rate I assume you mean the sparkly marks that appear when in the underground? They reappear at random intervals though the time isn't too long.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I figured out that burying orbs makes the shiny marks appear more frequently and they seem to be much easier to dig now too, thanks though. Oddly enough I got 3 armor fossils, 2 heart scales and a bunch of type-buffing plates after I did that whereas the first time all I got were orbs. Now I'm set to get the other fossils after the national dex.

Jesus, I just spent an hour digging up and burying orbs when I could have just easily cheated to get those fossils... and I liked it! I think something may be wrong with me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Finally got around to playing the ME3 demo. Conclusion: Copper sucks at shooters on the console. Granted, I have a feeling I'll be doing much better once I've had more time with it, but what would also help is if they'd stop making the games with HD in mind so I can actually tell what f'ing button to press to make the command work (since I can't tell which trigger button they're talking about when it pops up on the screen.) Like I said, time with the first two will likely help, but I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of restarts in my future, especially if I play through the first time in normal mode.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

ME3 hasn't corrected 2's massive flaw of lacking support for non-hd tvs? That's pretty shitty, I mean jesus all they'd have to do is have an alternate text format.

Edit: Was browsing gamefaqs me3 forum (was looking to see if they'd announced any changes to the multiplayer) when I came across this, so it's a 50/50 chance that it's just shit but eh, figured I'd post it anyway.
These are apparently the choices shep made if you don't import your ME2 save.

- It is assumed Shepard did not do any loyalty missions
- Shepard did not help Mordin, as such no chance was made to save or destroy the genophage cure data.
- Tali was exiled by her people
- Shepard had no romance
- Zaeed and Kasumi were never recruited
- Mordin is alive
- Garrus is alive
- Miranda is alive
- Jacob is alive
- Grunt was never woken up from the tank and as such is never mentioned
- Jack died during the suicide mission
- Thane died during the suicide mission
- Tali was recruited and is alive
- Tali never romanced
- Samara was never recruited, but she fought her way off of ilium and was then murdered by Morinth.
- Legion was never reactivated and never gained a name
- Shepard destroyed the collector base
- The only normandy crew members that survived the suicide mission were Joker and Chakwas. Yeoman chambers and all other mass effect 2 non-squad members died.
- Shepard did not complete optional N7 missions and assignments (such as citadel missions)
- Shepard did not complete Arrival, Overlord or the shadow broker DLC. But the events of Arrival and Overlord happened off screen, the batarian system still exploded, and Liara is still the shadow broker.

What bugs me about this is that because these are the default choices, they're not going to really do much for the people who made other choices (I know it's a gimmick to get people to buy the other MEs, but that doesn't mean they're not going to skimp on the work now that they've got an excuse).
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can already call bullshit on some of that because Legion's seen in one of the videos, and Bioware has already said that if you've romanced two people then there'll be a kind of rivalry between them to try and get your attention.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, I'm more than happy that it's wrong. Unfortunately gamefaqs is a breeding-ground for mis-information, which is quite odd considering the nature of the site was to do just the opposite.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wait, isn't it supposed to be nominal?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, Mass Effect 3 is coming out soon, and I don't think it's too early to engage in a little speculation about the future of the franchise. What do you expect/look forward to see after the trilogy will be concluded? Do you think an MMO or multiplayer shooter would be cool? Would you like to see a prequel dealing with the First Contact War, meeting characters like a young Anderson and Williams' dad? Or would you rather see the franchise end after 3, leaving it on a high note (though EA probably won't let that happen, and you know it)?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Seeing as Bioware is shoehorning all the endings to be practically similar, with technology basically gone, and stuff, I think they're going to make an rts like Age of Empires.

I think they're gonna make an Age of Empires like game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mass Effect 3 is officially out. The multiplayer feels like it's been cleaned up, there's two new sorts of enemies (Geth and Reapers, on top of the familiar Cerberus), and a bunch of new maps. I think the enemies offer difficulty levels of their own, and the difficulty levels on top of that promise to keep things exciting for some time to come.