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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not me, but I can possibly put you in touch with my cousin (who is slightly more insane than I am) and my one friend, who are also in a Guild. They've been playing in incessantly since midnight Monday. And before. Pre-release stuff and all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ha. Well I may have to take you up on that Copp... though I've not gotten it yet, and will be rather behind...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't think they'll mind so much. Lemme know and I'll talk to them about it and we'll go from there.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

... aaaaaaaaand welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of 'Genius Ideas'!

Today's Genius Idea has been brought to you by NCSoft.
"In a realignment of company focus and publishing support, NCsoft has made the decision to close Paragon Studios. Effective immediately, all development on City of Heroes will cease and we will begin preparations to sunset the world's first, and best, Super Hero MMORPG before the end of the year."

Upon further investigation, all I could find was speculation over it possibly being because going 'Free to Play' didn't increase revenue as much as hoped. Again, though, just speculation.

There is, however, a petition you can sign if you want to persuade NCSoft to keep it. No guarantee it'll actually keep CoH afloat, but hey, can't hurt.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Underrail seems pretty neat, but damn I didn't manage to kill 5 or 6 enemies before I got myself killed. Was quite hindering that I only found 2 healing items and as a ranged specialist I couldn't manage to kill enemies before they were in melee raping my face.

Edit: Fuuuu me, forgot I'd had bandages

Edit 2: FUUUUUU them! bandages only work at 40% health or more? retarded, espc when there's no possible way to engage enemies outside of melee combat
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Welp, another NCSoft title going under :< I still miss Exteel, but at this rate they'll probably be going under a lot sooner because of all of this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Re: Games Discussion Thread

I brought that up on the last page silly.

although it has gotten me back into supreme commander... been playing on FA Forever
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone else unable to access steam at the moment?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone else unable to access steam at the moment?

Same, at least for friends list and store access. Down for maintenance?

...And as soon as I start typing this reply it starts up again :S
Re: Games Discussion Thread


dear god a game that would allow me to re-enact the moon is a harsh mistress.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

you're comming late to the party, fortunantly it got all its funding and things went fine. all stretch goals reached.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So War of the Roses is finally out and I've given it another shot after nearly a month away from the beta that had left me wanting more.

Well... the full release didn't fix many of my issues. Controls are still fairly awkward and clunky. My swings are still "missing" opponents even if I see the blade's arc pass through their avatar, and even if I do hit them, their armour always stops my attacks (a technique which never seems to work for me). I don't mean they blocked the attack, I mean their armour just plain stops it, which is annoying when your charging an archer in flimsy leather with a long sword, and it just clinks off of him.

I'm really trying to find the fun here, the game's been getting good reviews, but it's frustrating beyond belief (while I looked at scores that seemed high, the one review I did read mentioned that he was playing as a long range class, which controls more akin to a typical FPS) for me.

It also lacks a single player campaign which is annoying. Wish I had known that before buying a $30.00 game that only had multiplayer, with only a handful of maps that mostly look the same (all being in the English country side, they would all look similar).

It also has one of the shittiest tutorials I've ever seen in a video game ever. You spawn as an archer in a field and are told to kill five enemies, with a brief comment on how to use your bow. In the meantime there's a battle happening, and the enemy is trying to kill you. The AI was pretty shit (only used for this one singular part of the game, so I'll hand wave it) but they still manage to kill you a few times as you fiddle with movement and controls. After you kill the five enemies you're told to capture the next points, and CTRL is crouch. The game tells you nothing else, not how melee works, or crossbows, all the various perks... nothin. Could have left the tutorial out and focused on making the core game better.

At the end of the day, I feel like I spent too much money for this title, and it makes me want to play Mount and Blade some more. I'll give it a few more shots, but I have a feeling it'll soon be forgotten especially with X-Com enemy unknown coming out soonish, and Borderlands 2 sitting on my shelf.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Haha, had almost forgotten. Stopped playing when the economy broke from part/item damage and salvage.

As a side, it seems like the majority of people on the MWO forums are just plain assholes. More people than not were bitching because the losses weren't steep enough (before, I'm not sure now). I'm not even going into why that's foolish IMO, but damn, you're already winning why do you want the losers to go bankrupt?

Which brings me to another topic: Why the fuck haven't games started implementing a feature in matchmaking that would allow me to not join games with premade teams? I like to play on my own untill I find a good team, and getting stomped game after game just isn't fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh cool. We're allowed to talk about it now huh? I can't help but laugh at how the featured videos there showed those "Kaos Legion" guys losing twice to a corp of bronies. They must really be kicking themselves for that one. I want to see some videos from the goon squad guys with their inhuman 50/1 kill death ratios. Those would be interesting to watch I'm sure.

I'll be honest that the game hasn't gone in the direction I hoped and expected it to go, and have largely stopped reading the beta forums due to the non-stop amount of repeated conflicting complaints, delusions and bad suggestions posted there, but I'm sure it'll get past those beta teething pains eventually. The economy regarding repair bills seems to be largely fixed now, with no more obscene 3'000'000c repair bills anymore. You don't seem to be able to outright lose money anymore, but your potential earnings are still limited by your performance.

My main gripe with the game is almost purely with the maps, which whilst nicely designed on most part, are simply far far to small to really achieve the type of tactical play they've been trying to sell. I'm just praying that it's a design flaw and not a game engine flaw/limitation. I was expecting 20 to 60 minute long 'Arma' style engagements, rather than these 10 minute rapid fire brawls. There is still the territory wars part of the game to be implemented and look forward to, though that sadly won't be done till some time after open beta. I get the impression that the devs must have hit a considerable set back at some point, since they seemed to have it all fairly well planned out at first, with regular info updates, and then it suddenly all went quiet.

I've been playing only periodically whenever patches get rolled out. Hoping that the future will bring a bit more features (and map designs) to encourage more varied play.

Also... having just re-watched the two videos with my brother and watched the whole fight rather than glancing over and mostly just listening to the commentary, and whilst not wanting to sound elitist or over critical, I've got to say that the piloting in those two games was pretty horrendous. Doesn't seem like the best example footage to show off in an official update. : /

Running around at full speed for no reason, endless collisions into both friend and foe, barely aimed shots and no attempt to hit weak spots, heavy jump landings, friendly fire, torso twist locking, getting stuck in zoom mode and not realising, over wide strafing against a slower opponent. I'm prone to making foolish mistakes that end my games suddenly, but I know when to slow down and take a properly aimed shot.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The only problem I see with larger maps is the god awful fog effects everywhere, though river city's seems to be alot more managable so perhaps it was just to give the maps a bigger feel? (Doesn't work when idiots start firing LRMs from their base [outside their maximum range lolol])

Also seemed like adherence to tabletop rules was really hindering the balancing of weapons they're supposedly not doing (Why fuck with missiles then?).

But enough gripes from me, the game runs awesomely now that I've upgraded my rig from a dual core to a 6 core, threw in 16 gigs of ram, and installed win7. Before the game would turn into a slideshow the second I wandered too close to another mech, or was getting shot at, now no decreased framerate at all, could have the whole enemy team firing missiles, beams and PPCs at me (and have on a couple occasions) without a stutter.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The game has always ran flawlessly for me. Surprisingly few bugs even. Just lot's of work in progress content. In earlier versions of the beta the maps didn't actually have that fog or the rain effects initially, and looked fine as far as I remember, so the fog and whether effects can be turned off and presumably will be something random or variable for future matches. The game also includes that (currently) utterly useless night vision, which has most assuming that night time battles should be getting put into the game as well. I don't really understand why it's not in the beta yet if so, but we'll see.

And yeah, the misguided attempt to stay true to cannon and such by attempting to use the exact weapon values from the table top rules is one of the things that shocked me initially and I consider one of their more bizarre design choices. Despite what many of the older die hard fans would like to believe, a 30 year old turn based table top RP system is hardly the pinnacle of good game balance, especially when translated into a real time competitive shooter. They seemingly threw away all the things that the previous MW games learned and modified over the years, and decided to start from scratch again. They should have focused on maintaining the described feel and function of the weapons from the rules books and novels, but instead got fixated on the numbers of an incompatible system, and are now trying to awkwardly work up from there. I do trust that eventually they surely will get a handle on the weapon balance a bit better. You should have seen how the LRMs were in the early beta builds. You could melt the armour off an enemy mech faster using a flashlight than trying to use LRMs. They were worthless to the point that when I came 1 on 1 as the last standing against a LRM only catapult, I chose to stop and sit in range of him chatting whilst he volleyed missiles at me. Eventually he ran out of ammo and quit. They have tweaked the damage to a decent level now. I'd consider the gauss rifle the most over powered and versatile weapon currently, and large lasers and most of the auto cannons to be the most in need of some kind of boost.

What worries me simply remains to be the short sighted map design, which isn't something that can be easily fixed on the fly with a few tweaked values like the weapons can. Though I don't have time to go into detail about what I mean about that right now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Definitely agree when it comes to maps. None of them A: have a entirely tactic feel yet and it's more 'Quick, all the heavies go this way while lights bugger off to scout' (though River City is a bit lenient in that regard, as it's actually pretty big.), or are pretty much a showcase of a certain type of gameplay element or secondary feature (I'M LOOKING AT YOU WITH ALL MY HATE CAUSTIC VALLEY.) As is, we have yet to see any 'major' Urban Warfare, as I do believe it was mentioned that River City doesn't really count, or any large maps as Squid said.

Another thing that's already of concern: Gausecats and U.S.S.Atlas everywhere. We're already seeing signs of the power creep issues we have seen before, though admitted there's yet to be any Role Warfare added, it's annoying to fight a trio of K2s armed with the EXACT SAME LOADOUT. Nice that people are falling back to the minmax habits already, eh?

I'll probably play enough so I can get a Raven or Jenner in the garage (btw, testing MC Credit was removed when they did the last round of wipes, if you haven't played in ages there's a good chance you're stuck with Trial Mechs and their gimped cash gain/lack of repair costs/no experience gain until you can pick up a Light to evolve into
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The "Gausscat" issue has two separate problems really.

1) You simply should not be able to load up two gigantic primary cannons into the machine gun ports on a chasis. It just looks and feels retarded.

2) The Gauss itself is simply over powered and too versatile compared to the rest of the arsenal. Right now people will load them in anything they can, and it's really the only fair way to compete. The guns only crime is making the rest obsolete. I was able to get one into a 35 ton Raven, which including ammo made up over half my weight. It didn't matter that I had to drop loads of armour and my speed down to 50kph to do so, since the Gauss rifle is simply good enough to make up for it.

There will always be the option of double gauss load outs as soon as ballistic specialist chassis like the Jaegermech arrive. So what's needed is simply to bar tiny weapon ports like the Catapults machine gun slots from taking them, and then to balance the weapon a little (I would vote for lowering ROF a bit or bringing Auto Cannons up to scratch personally). It's really simple really. And yet there's still a fresh Gausspult thread posted on the beta forums daily. People demanding that the K2 variant is removed from the game outright and all sorts of nonsense. : /