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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

THQ pretty much did EVERY Warhammer licensed game. This kinda seals any more race expansions to DOW2 though, and depending on if all of THQ's licenses were included, it may be a long time until they see the Space Hulk reboot.

THQ was pretty much torn apart. Koch Media, a German company, and its subsidiary Deep Silver own the developer Volition, Saint's Row and Metro 2033 now. Vigil Games, the developers of Darksiders, wasn't picked up and will close down. The IP will likely be sold to somebody else. I can't find a detailed setup about just what IP is now in the hands of whom, but > < may provide an overview.

Crytek picked up Homefront. Why somebody picked up Homefront, yet nobody picked up Darksiders is beyond me.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So... what I'm about to say may be heresy to some people but...

I played the new DMC, and enjoyed it. Combat was slick and fast paced and rather enjoyable. Being a fan of hack and slash games, I found they did the combo system very well. I was jumping from weapon to weapon with ease. The only downside was that the majority of the enemies were a bit too easy. Though on the plus side that'll make it possible to get through the "you die in one hit" difficulty setting.

I liked the story. Especially the straight up parody of Fox News. I laughed so damn hard.

As for Dante himself, I suppose it helped that I never played the older titles very much.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So... what I'm about to say may be heresy to some people but...

I played the new DMC, and enjoyed it. Combat was slick and fast paced and rather enjoyable. Being a fan of hack and slash games, I found they did the combo system very well. I was jumping from weapon to weapon with ease. The only downside was that the majority of the enemies were a bit too easy. Though on the plus side that'll make it possible to get through the "you die in one hit" difficulty setting.

I liked the story. Especially the straight up parody of Fox News. I laughed so damn hard.

Not a big surprise. It's still DmC.

As for Dante himself, I suppose it helped that I never played the older titles very much.

That's the only thing that I know of that fans were angry about.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I didn't mind how they presented him in this one. He's a kid essentially, but he's not emo, despite what everyone's saying.

What I did hate though, was the portrayal of Lillith and the Succubus. That, I did not like. At all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They changed him up to have very little personality, because of all the outrage that they'd make him emo
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I'm not going to start raging because this isn't the appropriate thread, but the fans aren't angry just because of the design change for Dante. It's the poor battle system, how getting a SSS rank is piss easy when in the earlier games it took effort to actually achieve, how most weapons are useless compared to the axe, the limitation of six (I think it was that many anyway) enemies at max on the screen, how even the most difficult setting is easier compared to the normal setting of DMC 3/4. I could go on but I'd rather not get so angry this early in the morning.

I will say however that despite its many problems it is an average game. Would have probably been received better if they made it as a new IP instead of just slapping Devil May Cry all over it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I will say however that despite its many problems it is an average game. Would have probably been received better if they made it as a new IP instead of just slapping Devil May Cry all over it.

Ironically enough, the originally Devil May Cry was supposed to be Resident Evil 4, but the guy in charge of Resident Evil at the time said they would do better with their own IP.

Funny how that works.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah I know it was, and the reason being it was changed was because it strayed too far away from what RE was about.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah I know it was, and the reason being it was changed was because it strayed too far away from what RE was about.

And then, we have Resident Evil 5. Goddamnit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah well. Guy in charge wasn't in charge at that point.

Also: Cyberpunk 2077
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

War Thunder
A new(Ish?) (FREE!) game that seeks to combine tanks, with aircraft, AND fleet warfare...In a multiplayer game.
Of course it is. Right now only aircraft are in for players, but they seem to be working on fleets and ships. Support systems and the framework for interactions between aircraft, ground units, and ships seems solid, and the flight model for aircraft isn't half that bad(If only people were to play with realism settings instead of arcade..)

And for a free game, it doesn't seem to have a lot of pay to win. Or, well, any big pay to win. There are a few aircraft you can buy with real money only, but you're still going down if you can't fly the things.
And if you know how to fly them, you can do just as well with normal aircraft.(Seriously though, 20 dollars for aircraft that don't give exceptional increases in performance compared to the normal stuff? That's something you buy to support the developer, not to win with)

Worth a try at least.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, I've bought Borderlands 2 on Steam, and without spoiling too much? That moment on top of the dam was AWESOME. Easily the most tense moment I've seen in a video game since I've first charged for the beam in Mass Effect 3 (not knowing what would come afterwards).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And this is why we can't have nice things.
Also, possible spoiler warning for those who haven't done the mission "A Train To Catch" in Borderlands 2.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And this is why we can't have nice things.
Also, possible spoiler warning for those who haven't done the mission "A Train To Catch" in Borderlands 2.

Some people really are more papal than the pope.
If they really did make Borderlands 2 politically correct, you would have to negotiate with every single enemy before being allowed to open fire, using your pink rubber pellets. Sad, sad, sad...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In less depressing news: It looks like the for STALKER CoP might be out sometime this year. Provided they don't push it back again. it's happened like, twice before.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, looks like CD Projekt have theirs hands full, first with Cyberpunk 2077.
Now we also have . Although it's just a title reveal... it's something atleast to be coming next year.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


This is the problem with video games anymore. Noone wants to stay with the cool ideas and just want to go for the money route...

And something completely different- Warframe is awesome. It's the first game I've exploded my laptop with, so I guess that says I should really play it less?

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, looks like CD Projekt have theirs hands full, first with Cyberpunk 2077.
Now we also have . Although it's just a title reveal... it's something atleast to be coming next year.

Well, Cypberpunk 2077 isn't looking to come out until 2015 or later. That's a long time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yea, considering their promises with customization being strongly to the plot, having non-linear story, different classes and stuff. You kinda expect they want to really fill it out to the bloody bone marrow.