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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Viking: Battle for Asgard was a mediocre but still fairly enjoyable game.
Ryse if you play on PC or Xbox 1. Again, mediocre reviews, but I loved the shit out of it and its combat.
Shadow of Mordor just came out, and its combat is exactly like the Arkham games... cept bloodier, with decapitations and such.

That's... unfortunately all I can think of off the top of my head, but there's nothing at all I can think of that'll match Bayonetta or Devil May Cry.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Glad I wasn't the only one to see the correlation between 360 launching with Viking and XBO launching with RYSE

Honestly hope they continue the trend in the next console...

Xbox Xeno launching with MARCH: Mongolia are We!

As for Shadow of Mordor being a bloodier Arkham...

So... It IS Assassins Creed 4 with a Tolkien skin, huh? Haven't seen any boat sim parts yet though...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Combat is Arkham. Like, exact. Exploration is Assassin's Creed. Though, I've yet to see someone from either game come roaring back at me after I thought I killed them, wearing only a bloody sack on their head cause they didn't have a face anymore screaming "Look what you did to me!"

I'm having fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nope, Ubisoft deletes any defeated parties from the animus as soon as they aren't relevant to the current memory

Rocksteady Studios however... Thats the Batman... You don't fuck with the goddamn Batman a second time...

But burning an asshats face off and having him come back for revenge later... Sounds like an interesting way to make a recurring villain/futurepawn
Re: Games Discussion Thread

But burning an asshats face off and having him come back for revenge later... Sounds like an interesting way to make a recurring villain/futurepawn

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam sale on Paradox titles

Known for the grand strategy stuff, but there's a some more on sale. That's some nice games.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

All Paradox games have the OAMP seal of approval ;)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just hope they don't simplify Hearts of Iron 4 too much, so far it's looking pretty good. Stable internet games would be just great to have

And in other news, Intel pulls ads from the corrupt idiots at games journalist websites

Also, some more emails as their mailing list is preparing to stop

I don't really care, they're a bunch of corrupt fucks and corruption is alright with them anyway. Without email list they'll likely find some other way to be idiots

And also Totalbiscuit ranting on stuff

edit: So I just got this linked

Another edit:
Majesty original is only 2 euro or so in the steam sale, and comes with HD edition if you can't stand old graphics. Worth it
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

HOI2 is still one of my favorites. HOI3 seemed... sluggish and unresponsive. Maybe it was just ironing the kinks out of the new engine at that time. HOI3 ran like crap for me, and everyone I knew, yet CK2 runs pretty damn well even the times I've had to use a spare machine to play it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

All my friends are hyped for Smash on the handheld, and I'm just sitting here waiting 'til I can get my hands on Hyrule Warriors. I've got one person I watch on Twitch who's been playing it, and I want it so bad T.T
Re: Games Discussion Thread

With The Evil Within on the Horizon I am a little torn.

Should I get The Evil Within or Shadow of Mordor?

I can only get one at the moment while I may get the other during Black Friday when it is on Sale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Shadow of Mordor

Apparently actually not that great as it's shown to be, but with a new kind of advertising to make it seem that way

They pretty much went directly to youtubers to have them push the product and set terms that one would expect of an EA lawyer on meth

Pretty much any youtube showing of it posted around release date can be assumed to be marketing
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Evil Within and Shadows of Mordor....

I'd personally say Shadows of Mordor (I'd say the game deserves the metacritic average of 8, but not the 10/10s it's been getting. Still, mileage may vary), but then I'm not the biggest fan of horror games... which is why I would say that.

Also, if you enjoyed the Assassin's Creed titles, or the Arkham games, I recommend Shadows of Mordor.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know there's little love for Origin around these parts, but it has come to my attention that they are giving away free copies of Dragon Age: Origins if you have (or make) an account as part of their "On the House" promotion and to help drum up hype, given Inquisition being launched next month.

Like I said, I know Origin's got a bad rap, but figured I'd at least share the information about the free game.

Also, Bejeweled 3 is free as well, for those that like that sort of thing, too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd also recommend Styx: Master of Shadows to anyone that's into stealth/infiltration games reminiscent of the Thief series (the games before the newest ones) and to a lesser extent Dishonored. It's a really excellent third person stealth game with emphasis on sneaking around, sticking to the shadows, and killing when you know you can get away with it. There's also alternate routes along each mission as well as environmental hazards to incorporate in the act of murder should you choose to kill your enemy. I'm not sure it's just because I can't help but make sure I've checked every little part of the map or because I sometimes mess up but I've put at least 12 hours into it since it came out yesterday and I've only just finished the third mission.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thanks for the Help Everyone :)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Has anyone heard of Nosgoth, its kinda like L4D meets Gears of War. But if not check it out on youtube and PM if you want a Beta Key I have a handful and if you wana support the game... Check out humble bundle for it or just get it on Steam.

It takes place in the Legacy of Kain world for anyone that played those games on the Ps1 and Ps2
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh cool, I was unaware that it was set in the LoK universe. I did buy it on steam when they were doing that deal and public beta test thing but for some reason even then I couldn't connect to the servers to even get onto the main menu.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh cool, I was unaware that it was set in the LoK universe. I did buy it on steam when they were doing that deal and public beta test thing but for some reason even then I couldn't connect to the servers to even get onto the main menu.

You had to link your square enix account to steam and restart steam.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm fairly certain they're already linked together because I bought FF7 on steam and played it on there way before Nosgoth came out. Though I will check that out again because it does look like a fun game.