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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

That seems to be a wiki of some kind about that? ( I hope so) game.

As to translating it from Japanese to English, you should know how to do that by now I would hope.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wrote a review

Mini Metro
Mini Metro is a subway themed puzzle game. Not a true simulator, although it does have elements of simulation in it.

A very simple game that lets you focus entirely on the puzzle without anything you don't need to pay attention to, the goal is to connect the stations and get the people to go to a station that matches their shape in an ever expanding city which just keeps getting bigger and bigger until you can no longer handle the influx of people.

There are three basic shapes- The square, triangle and circle, and you begin your game having to ferry passengers who each are one of these three basic shapes to a station with the same shape. Square passengers to square stations, triangles to triangle stations, and circles to circle stations. You then get more stations to connect, you have water you need to tunnel under with limited bridges, and eventually you will get unique station shapes to connect up to your lines.
While any triangle station is good enough for a triangle passenger, a plus sign passenger will only go to the plus sign station. This means that you will need to keep your lines connected to each other as well as to the three basic stations, and that you will need to figure out where and when to transfer passengers.
Losing a game happens when the waiting line at a station is too long, which will slowly fill in a circle around it to show you how close it is to being a game over.

Passenger AI is rather simple, but it doesn't need to be complex either. They go to their nearest matching station, using as few lines as possible. An trains pick up passengers as long as they get them any closer at all, even just a single station.
Of note is that when a train goes both ways, passengers will not get in on the one that heads away from their destination, instead waiting for a train that heads the right direction.

And once you're done with most of this, there is extreme and endless mode. Endless mode is a game without losing, so you can relax and build your subway system without worrying about losing. Extreme mode is similar to the original game, but where you can move and remove tracks and trains at will normally, they are locked into place in extreme mode.
On losing a game you can continue playing in endless mode.

In the end, it is a simple but worthwhile game to play. It doesn't have a lot of special mechanics, flashy explosions or incredibly detailed environments, but all it does have works towards the same goal - An enjoyable puzzle game you're sure to get plenty of hours out of.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You're lucky I've been lackluster in my daily challenge scores these past few weeks :p

Also that said, once you play it for awhile, you start to notice some more subtle patterns. There's some surprising depth, but it'll take hours and hours of play to actually notice. I'll let you find that in your own time rather than giving hints towards it ;)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've started re-playing Psychonauts on the computer. It took so long to get it to work though since my monitor throws a fit and gives me a black screen whenever a game tries to be full screen. Ended up having to download a third party program to force the game into a fake full-screen window.

Stomping around lungfishopolis like a giant monster continues to be as entertaining as it was when I was younger and playing on the playstation, as it would turn out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

XCOM 2 in a nutshell.


No but seriously, this game is beating my ass.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It is definitely harder than the previous game... There's not enough time to do everything that needs to be done, but I think that's kind of their point, heh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

XCOM 2 in a nutshell.


No but seriously, this game is beating my ass.

It may be life, but it isn't good game design. In my opinion, every game over screen should be the direct result of the player's failure at something. And it should be made fairly apparent what exactly the player failed at to lead them to the game over screen.

That is not to say that any game that is difficult is bad; but rather, the difficulty must always be surmountable. Unwinnable scenarios that are not created by the player's own mistakes are the result of poor design. If you never actually had a chance of winning, then there was no true difficulty.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alternatively, there are different reasons to play a game. I don't play games for difficulty, I play them for story and experience. In XCOM the difficulty is just part of the scenery, so to speak.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

TotalBiscuit was gushing about it something fierce after having played some 70-odd hours of it. Not my kinda game, but seems very well-polished for that sort of thing (ie. semi-RNG tactical, turn-based squad game).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It may be life, but it isn't good game design. In my opinion, every game over screen should be the direct result of the player's failure at something. And it should be made fairly apparent what exactly the player failed at to lead them to the game over screen.

That is not to say that any game that is difficult is bad; but rather, the difficulty must always be surmountable. Unwinnable scenarios that are not created by the player's own mistakes are the result of poor design. If you never actually had a chance of winning, then there was no true difficulty.

You should probably not be playing isometric %hit games then.

Don't get me wrong, I loathe RNG with a passion, but I go into a game like that knowing I'm going to get fucked on 90%+ shots and so on. So I save-scum the shit out of the game till I get through a specific corn-holing sequence. Though if I remember reports correctly (X-com has such a reputation for RNG fuckery I've never bothered to subject myself to it) x-com had some sort of anti save-scum, going as far as to have pre-rolled attacks in advance or something like that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's par for the course at this point.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You should probably not be playing isometric %hit games then.

Don't get me wrong, I loathe RNG with a passion, but I go into a game like that knowing I'm going to get fucked on 90%+ shots and so on. So I save-scum the shit out of the game till I get through a specific corn-holing sequence. Though if I remember reports correctly (X-com has such a reputation for RNG fuckery I've never bothered to subject myself to it) x-com had some sort of anti save-scum, going as far as to have pre-rolled attacks in advance or something like that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's par for the course at this point.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy it; but it's more like gambling (which some people do enjoy) than an actual challenge if your chance of success has more to do with RNG than with your skill level.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Our very own Ranger Princess here actually won on Ironman Classic (IE no save scumming) with no casualties. Skill DOES play a role in it. It's just if you make a mistake it's very, very unforgiving. Sometimes too the mistkae you made isn't obvious. I'm on my second game of XCOM 2 because it became pretty obvious my early game research strategy hadn't left me with the tools I needed mid-game. In other words, it's both unforgiving *and* a slow burn.

You should probably not be playing isometric %hit games then.

Don't get me wrong, I loathe RNG with a passion, but I go into a game like that knowing I'm going to get fucked on 90%+ shots and so on. So I save-scum the shit out of the game till I get through a specific corn-holing sequence. Though if I remember reports correctly (X-com has such a reputation for RNG fuckery I've never bothered to subject myself to it) x-com had some sort of anti save-scum, going as far as to have pre-rolled attacks in advance or something like that.

The RNG in XCOM depends on the actions taken for it's seed. In other words, if you reload a turn and do everything *exactly* the same, the exact same outcome will happen. Reload a turn and have one guy run to a different cover, shoot a different enemy, or do anything different at all and the actions reset. For example, say your first two people do excellent on a turn but the last four mess up badly despite good odds. Reload and let the first two attack again, they'll succeed as before, but take your remaining shots in a different order and you might have better luck.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And then there are moments when your soldier one-shots a Sectopod with a shotgun (Repeater weapon upgrades give them instakill chances). Gotta say, that was pretty sweet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just finished the mission you get when you research the blacksite vial, and that was the first sectopod I saw. Holy cow are they certainly something now. That said, I handled the mission very well. Aside from one soldier getting disoriented by a sectoid, which doesn't count, only had one soldier get hit. Sectopod still took two turns of all 6 guys shooting at it to take down though. Thankfully had managed to shred the armor a bit first.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Our very own Ranger Princess here actually won on Ironman Classic (IE no save scumming) with no casualties. Skill DOES play a role in it. It's just if you make a mistake it's very, very unforgiving. Sometimes too the mistkae you made isn't obvious. I'm on my second game of XCOM 2 because it became pretty obvious my early game research strategy hadn't left me with the tools I needed mid-game. In other words, it's both unforgiving *and* a slow burn.

The RNG in XCOM depends on the actions taken for it's seed. In other words, if you reload a turn and do everything *exactly* the same, the exact same outcome will happen. Reload a turn and have one guy run to a different cover, shoot a different enemy, or do anything different at all and the actions reset. For example, say your first two people do excellent on a turn but the last four mess up badly despite good odds. Reload and let the first two attack again, they'll succeed as before, but take your remaining shots in a different order and you might have better luck.

Well, if failure comes from poor strategic choices piling up, then the meme picture about losing without committing a mistake doesn't really apply so well to that game. I'm just saying, the meme picture is wrong when it comes to game design.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's like Dungeons & Dragons: dice-fuckery is part of the game, and a good player can usually still manage to find a way out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The meme is more about don't trust your UI ;)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game looks interesting. Some parallels with certain games we like around here are obvious, but I'm not one to lead people to such conclusions. You can see for yourself.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game looks interesting. Some parallels with certain games we like around here are obvious, but I'm not one to lead people to such conclusions. You can see for yourself.

Looks very interesting. As someone else mentioned, the theme is somewhat reminiscent of Papers Please.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing Legend of Legacy. Will keep me busy until Bravely Second (and FE: Fates) comes out, fun enough, but very much the definition of a SaGa game. Little to no plot, RNG skills and skill ups, and pretty grindy.