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Games Discussion Thread


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

No Man's Sky is officially a scam according to Steam, and they will refund even if you have more than 2 hours on it
Now the official owner count is going down, more people are refunding than buying

It's entertainment I didn't even have to pay for


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can I see where they say it's a scam/allowing you a refund?


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

No Man's Sky is officially a scam according to Steam, and they will refund even if you have more than 2 hours on it
Now the official owner count is going down, more people are refunding than buying

It's entertainment I didn't even have to pay for
Good, the more this happens, the better. EVENTUALLY producers will figure out which way the wind is blowing and stop forcing buggy half-done titles out the door.

Which is apparently the problem with a much bigger title that just released: Mankind Divided. For 20 hours of gameplay it's not even worth the bandwidth to pirate it!


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wonder if I could get my money back for The Forest and Savage Lands.
I totally feel the same way about those. xP

Well more The Forest than the other one.

I was expecting an intuitive interface like Skyrim but instead I get Surgeon Simulator: Lost in the Woods.

BTW I knew No Man's Sky was crap when I saw the first trailer. I learned my lesson after The Forest.

"Oh but look at it! It's so pretty! And you're in space! And there's all these infinite-"
No! Bad trailers! Bad marketing! Bad bad bad!

Who cares what it looks like? Show the features. Show gameplay elements. Show how the inventory works.

Good reason to always watch youtube let's plays before you dive headfirst and buy anything.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

This is why most my purchases are either older things or full packaged releases anymore. Just makes much more sense once there's a lot of coverage or decent opinion on it.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Furi. I figured it sounded neat so I gave it a try.

I hate it. Instead of a spectacle fighter I ended up with a succession of gimmicky boss fights filled with bullet-hell sequences (OH BOY, I SURE LOVE THOSE!) with nothing but long walks in between! (So long that the devs set it so you could press the a button and your character will auto-pilot to the next boss) Sure you get story during the long walks but... just so fucking boring.

I was kind of digging it though, thinking it would be awesome if the devs made enough money to make a full game instead of just a boss rush mode, until around the third boss when I realized exactly how little choice I had in going about defeating these guys. They shoot an energy orb? Dodge, shoot it down, or parry (This is the MOST options you'll get to choose from BTW). They fire off an energy wave? Dodge. You can't interrupt their charge-up, they'll ignore the 3 feet of steel going through them and fire it off anyway. They charge attack you? Dodge or parry, yet again no way to interrupt. They throw a melee combo at you? Dodge or parry, good luck dodging since they'll teleport next to you to complete the combo though so really it's just parry, you can actually damage them while they're swinging but no interrupt (because fuck you, that's why).

Etc, etc. Maybe I've been spoiled by modern games, being able to tackle boss battles with multiple viable strategies, having bosses that AREN'T INVULNERABLE FOR OVER 90% OF THE FUCKING FIGHT.

As I said, I hate this game. Which is quite a shame, the world and story seem very interesting and I probably would have loved it as a film, manga, or anime. But as a game it's been made so inflexible that I can't find any fun to have with it.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I tried it when PlayStation Plus offered it for free. Couldn't even get the hang of it. I much prefer Asura's Wrath for that kind of game.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well... I gave up. After getting to the 7'th bosses' 5th phase and having her go perma-invincible then just stand there with her AI broken 3 times I had enough.

On another note: Hyper Light Drifter is a fun little game. Not keen on the dumbass chain-dodge timing especially when it's so important to be able to do it. Really, why punish people who aren't good at this stuff any more? Other than that I really like this title, as do many others... Tons of upgrades and secrets to search out, rather well balanced yet difficult combat, and a really great art theme.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, at least by today's patch I can say that Eternal Crusade's shaping up to be a decent enough team shooter deal, even if it's gonna be short some of it's lofty goals it had. Been really digging into it today and toying with the recently-added advancement and gear mods for everyone. Kinda surprised at how in-depth they went, you can muck with the power fields of power weapons and motors for chainswords for example. (Though there wasn't any options when I looked, not sure if that's locked in Advancements or not implemented fully beyond a category yet.) At the very least, to make the sniper-rifle Stalker Bolter for the Space Marines you need to put it together with mods now instead of choosing it as a slot, so that's kinda awesome.

The advancement system's basically a mix of character rank (aka exp you gain in matches for various things) and advancement points that you gain at the end of a match. Parts of the trees are rank-locked so you won't get certain options until the right rank, like melta bombs, or making certain weapons cheaper for your loadout. There's also occasionally prerequisits too- you can't make other melee weapons cheaper until you get the Chainsword Mastery one, for example. Thoughout the rest you get various trinkets to make slight buffs for your character and new abilities like offensive Psyker powers for Eldar/Chaos and so on. Chaos naturally has it's marks, which each mark acting as a mini-tree of bonuses and trinkets as well (a bit boggling to me is Khorne's marks, true to tabletop, protect against sorcery, so no healing from Aspiring Sorcerers on your side...) Eldar get small trees for each of the represented aspects, so if you like a certain Aspect you can basically dump all your points just in that aspect and be OK, Ork's tree's a bit chaotic but basically is a constant progression of bigga booms and cheaper, bigger dakka, and the Marine tree's a bit uniform where like the Orks, unless it's a weapon tree for a class you get stuff uniformily better.

All and all, kinda happy with the game thus far. Need to work up to them elite classes at the end of the trees though, see how OP or not those are once you get them X3


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, at least by today's patch I can say that Eternal Crusade's shaping up to be a decent enough team shooter deal, even if it's gonna be short some of it's lofty goals it had. Been really digging into it today and toying with the recently-added advancement and gear mods for everyone. Kinda surprised at how in-depth they went, you can muck with the power fields of power weapons and motors for chainswords for example. (Though there wasn't any options when I looked, not sure if that's locked in Advancements or not implemented fully beyond a category yet.) At the very least, to make the sniper-rifle Stalker Bolter for the Space Marines you need to put it together with mods now instead of choosing it as a slot, so that's kinda awesome.

The advancement system's basically a mix of character rank (aka exp you gain in matches for various things) and advancement points that you gain at the end of a match. Parts of the trees are rank-locked so you won't get certain options until the right rank, like melta bombs, or making certain weapons cheaper for your loadout. There's also occasionally prerequisits too- you can't make other melee weapons cheaper until you get the Chainsword Mastery one, for example. Thoughout the rest you get various trinkets to make slight buffs for your character and new abilities like offensive Psyker powers for Eldar/Chaos and so on. Chaos naturally has it's marks, which each mark acting as a mini-tree of bonuses and trinkets as well (a bit boggling to me is Khorne's marks, true to tabletop, protect against sorcery, so no healing from Aspiring Sorcerers on your side...) Eldar get small trees for each of the represented aspects, so if you like a certain Aspect you can basically dump all your points just in that aspect and be OK, Ork's tree's a bit chaotic but basically is a constant progression of bigga booms and cheaper, bigger dakka, and the Marine tree's a bit uniform where like the Orks, unless it's a weapon tree for a class you get stuff uniformily better.

All and all, kinda happy with the game thus far. Need to work up to them elite classes at the end of the trees though, see how OP or not those are once you get them X3
How nice of the dev team to not use shitty random drop mechanics! Seems like it's shaping up to be the best WH40K game to date.

Attack On Titan: Wings Of Freedom. I was hoping to catch up on AOT's story playing this game. As I can't stand waiting for new chapters of the manga to be published, and the anime's stupid far behind it, I had just put it out of my mind. Unfortunately the fucks only went up to the appearance of the beast titan with the story. Horrible disappointment there. Gameplay is rather fun for a while, and mimics the anime quite well (though you'll find yourself wondering how it's so hard for the characters to get through a battle alive when you're felling titans left and right.) mimicing a DW style game for each mission, but gets repetitive after 10 or so hours. I could say more, but really that's all you need to know. Would have put up with the repetitive gameplay to get more of the story but it's just not there, why? I can't fathom.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

How nice of the dev team to not use shitty random drop mechanics! Seems like it's shaping up to be the best WH40K game to date.
It could certainly be that, but I fear like Starbound or some other recent games it's going to have a rocky launch. This patch certainly helps out a metric fuckton, but I've been having server hitchups all day especially today and I know at the very least cosmetic stuff isn't in. They're projecting the first major patch in December after the end of September launch to implement the Terminator equivs, so hopefully by then we'll have a better idea how everyone is taking it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ammendium @Slicer - apparently too soon on cheering about random drops, there's a not-yet implemented system for 'war loot' and the tokens we're getting now that are useless that is how you get the advanced weapons past the base gear apparently. As it's not in yet, can't say much about it, but I'll keep y'all posted.

And in more important news? Sony has 100% axed modding for Playstation 4's copy of Fallout 4 and Skyrim Definitive Edition...

What the hell Sony?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wrote another review. Sadly it turned out negative. Already know what I'll review next, and it will be a positive one

The Storm Guard: Darkness is Coming
The Storm Guard: Darkness is Coming is an interesting mixture of many ideas brought together in a single game, yet combining many good ideas is not always a good idea itself.

I find myself conflicted, since I want to like this game, but I am considering to refund it while I still can. Nobody will see the screenshots and go in expecting good graphics, but I will say that the graphics and animations are actually quite decent. Though the screenshots featured put them in a good light, in game you will find that most models are less pleasing to look at close. That said, they aren't why I was considering refunding.

The reason for that is that for everything this game does, there are other games who do it better. Nothing here is very bad bad, but nothing is exemplary or exceptionally good either. During most of my time playing this, I thought back to other games who did as this does but arguably better. Sure, none of those games combine all the features offered in The Storm Guard, but they focus on making those few that they do offer great.
There is a village and narrator, Darkest Dungeon style. But less interesting to listen to, and the village appears less complex and with some interface quirks that are not very intuitive.
The combat itself is interesting, but ultimately it just doesn't offer that much depth past 'Put the guy with a shield up front'. Maybe this will change further into the game, maybe not. I can't say I'll make it that far when it takes more than an hour to gain a single level on a hero, and with them potentially dying I would certainly hate to have to re-train them.
Another thing you will quickly notice seems to be directly from Darkest Dungeon as well is the dungeon map system, except it simplifies it even further. Move from encounter tile to encounter tile, eat food along the way. Dungeons are simply encounters connected together through minimal narration- Like a DnD game ran by a newbie DM, rather than actual dungeons and a world full of story it feels like a string of random encounters, followed by a semi-random boss fight that often may as well be a regular random encounter.

As a whole, and in individual parts, it just doesn't have the complexity to justify the overal average-ness of the game. It's certainly not bad, but I feel very much like there just isn't anything for me to do aside from positioning. Deciding what hero goes onto a mission didn't feel very important, and then there is no inventory for me to bother with either, nor complex armour or weapon management. The interface is slightly clumsy, that's not really an issue- You can learn the quirks. But one of the big things in a tactical combat game is that you need to see, at a glance, what's going on. You can't do that as there does not appear to be much of any indication that for example your hero's movement points are reduced until you get to his turn and find that he can't move as far. All the combats appear very similar, with no significant changes outside of scenery. Outside of combat the repetitiveness doesn't fare much better. All missions appear to be of the 'move to tile and kill stuff' variety, even if their description and reason for killing these things are different.

In conclusion, I had expected a somewhat quirky turn based tactical combat game, one with interesting maps and a lot of interesting combat scenarios. In the end, I didn't get any of that. While I can see the potential, The Storm Guard is most alike a string of fights generated by a random encounter generator, with some narration about why this is happening and sometimes a choice which encounter you want to fight.
Perhaps if it goes on a sale it's worth it, but there is no way I can recommend this for 20 euro.
I think I just convinced myself to refund it.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Late with this one because I'm actively trying to avoid following information about it as the wait is already torture.

Yaaaaaay, because I wanted to wait 10 more years to play the entirety of the remake? Oh and buy another 2 consoles in order to do it.

If they cut the cross-dressing though, all is forgiven. The comedy was never truly to my taste, it's pretty hard for me to believe that cloud couldn't just kick in the door and chop these motherfuckers in half and it's not as if there's any moral quandary here, they're sex traffickers!


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I kinda lost interest when I found out that it will be more of an action RPG, rather than turn based as it was originally. I did enjoy Dirge of Cerberus, but that's different. Hopefully party control will be more like Kingdom Hearts (you do almost everything and have weak allies) or something new, because I haven't liked any of their assignment style systems.

I really don't think an action system will go over well. Materia just won't be as much fun to play around with. Oh well.. like I said, not really looking forward to this. Just another FF13 trilogy.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I swear I've seen enough hallways to last me a lifetime. I recently replayed FFX and found that you are on a similar linear road but at least there were diversions and the scenery was nice.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I kinda lost interest when I found out that it will be more of an action RPG, rather than turn based as it was originally. I did enjoy Dirge of Cerberus, but that's different. Hopefully party control will be more like Kingdom Hearts (you do almost everything and have weak allies) or something new, because I haven't liked any of their assignment style systems.

I really don't think an action system will go over well. Materia just won't be as much fun to play around with. Oh well.. like I said, not really looking forward to this. Just another FF13 trilogy.
Try crisis core (or maybe before crisis? been a while) to get a feel for what the combat should be like with the new system. You could always watch it if you don't have a PSP or emulator...

Or you could wait till 15 comes out and get a look at that, should be pretty much the exact same system with any updates based on feedback.

I highly doubt that they'll have a gambit system as complex as 12 or the others though, alot of the hard-core crowd HATED them vehemently.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's good to know I'm not the only one that hated the systems used in FF12 and 13.

I have a PSP and Crisis Core actually. I never played it much though. I was hoping to somehow play it on a larger screen. Never happened though. I might just go ahead and play it on the PSP sometime.
If I remember correctly you only control one character and nobody else is around to help.

I know I've made this argument before, but I just feel like party based games should be turn based.
It gives you more time with the characters, rather than them just being a lackey that you don't interact with much at all.
If we wanted games like that then we could all just play Human Resource Machine.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh no, no, no. You'll be able to switch between controlled characters from what I've seen. There's a video that shows them playing as a character other than the main through the same segment using a VR headset (waste of time/money current VR is, but whatever) for 15.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh no, no, no. You'll be able to switch between controlled characters from what I've seen. There's a video that shows them playing as a character other than the main through the same segment using a VR headset (waste of time/money current VR is, but whatever) for 15.
That sounds promising. I'd enjoy playing through the majority of the first game as Aerith.

Probably couldn't do that for the rest of the trilogy (or however many they're making).
... Probably. :p

Eh, who am I kidding? I would probably buy the games just for the new high def Aerith. <3

It might have just been me, but I always thought the game was a bit depressing and uninteresting after losing Aerith.
Maybe they can make it more interesting now.

I kinda remember something about a train chase and the Ruby/Emerald Weapon optional fights, and a big fight with Sephiroth at the end.

Earlier though, I remember Midgar being lots of fun, and Red XIII and his hometown was interesting.
I think I recall Aerith wanting to go on an airship (not sure if she ever got to, before she died).
I also remember the snowy mountains (Aerith's hometown?), a haunted house (where you get Vincent I think), Yuffie and her hometown.
I also recall the date at the fair bit. It was kinda silly, but I've heard you could get lots of different dates (including Barret!?) if you played a certain way.

The materia was always fun, regardless of what disc.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with some of the more silly monsters in the game, like those living house things in the Midgar trash dump.
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