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RPG Loli [ゲームコロン / gamecolon] しかえしゲエム~射精させないと死ぬデスゲーム~ / Revenge Game ~Cumshot or Death~ (RJ365062)


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Author's Ci-En:
DLSite tags: Male Protagonist, Classmate/Colleague, Hand Job, Internal Cumshot, Breast Sex, Blowjob/Fellatio, Verbal Humiliation, Virgin Male

An interesting new Unity-based game from gamecolon. A game about getting back at your bullies through a Battle Royale-ish death game. Game only took me about 3-5 hours to beat, but it's pretty fun for how short it is, and the girls are pretty cute.

Story: You (the protagonist) have been getting mercilessly, viciously, and relentlessly bullied by three girls in school, each for their own reason. One day, you notice a new app on your phone, dubbed Revenge Game. When accessed, it prompts you to enter your name, and the ones you want to take with you. Inputting the names of the girls, the four are instantly teleported to an alternate dimension of the school. You find out you are now being pit in a you vs them scenario, where the loser dies. As you play the game, you get to learn about the backstories of each girl and their relationship with you.

Controls: The game is played entirely using the mouse

Gameplay: The game has quite a number of mechanics that make it a decently deep game, despite its relatively short length. The main objective of the game is to reduce the hearts of all three girls (four hearts each) before they can collect 50 crosses that are strewn throughout the school. You reduce their hearts by defeating them in a sex battle, in which they have 3 in-game minutes to make you climax while you do your best to defend yourself.

The game uses a day cycle, where you are given a certain number of action points (AP) to perform various tasks. You have an infinite number of days to win the game, but you will lose if the girls manage to collect 50 crosses at any point.

Each day, you can go through your home base to plan out how you want to spend your AP. Once you're ready, you move to the map screen, where you take action against the girls (or not; not spending AP actually has the benefit of rewarding you with RP, which is basically your currency/EXP in this game). Once you have spent the AP you wanted, you end the day. From there, the girls will take action, which really just boils down to them collecting crosses on the map.


1: Day counter
2: RP counter (your money/EXP)
3: AP counter (how many actions you can take per day)
4: The number of crosses collected by the girls. Leftmost number is the total amount (cannot exceed 50), while the numbers next to each portrait represents how many each individual is currently carrying
5. The menu (From top to bottom, Save, Load, Options, Exit to Title, and Exit Game). This is the only time in the game that you can save and load.
6. Phone (allows you to perform all your home base actions)
7. Exit to the school (Begins the next phase of the day)

Your phone has seven options when you're at your home base. From top to bottom, left to right:
Level up menu - spend your RP on various buffs for yourself.
Skill menu config - Manage what skills you have on your menu when fighting a girl. Note that to change what skill is on your menu, you must spend RP to replace one slot with your new skill. You gain access to more skills by purchasing the next set of skills in the level up menu.
Status menu - Mostly for changing the difficulty (which you can only seem to do after beating the game). You can also see what your current battle skills are
School map preview - You can use this to take a look at where the girls are currently positioned and what areas of the map hold crosses. This is useful for determining if you should spend some AP at your home base to level up, or if you need to save your AP for when you you're roaming the school
Girls' statuses - Gives you information on how many hearts they still have and how much max health they have. Also has some statistics on how many times you've lost to them in what sex position.
Help menu - I can't read Japanese, but I assume it gives you basic information on how to play the game
Gallery - This is where you access the scenes in the game. The entire gallery gets unlocked when you beat the game.

When you've done what you've wanted in your home base, you'll exit to the school, where you can now navigate the map. This is where you can spend most of your AP, either stopping the girls from collecting crosses, debuffing them, or engaging them in battle to take one of their hearts away.


Each square in the grid can be clicked on to move yourself into. It costs nothing to move in and out of rooms; only when you directly take actions (engaging in a fight, debuffing, etc). You can also choose not to spend some/all of your AP, which converts into RP (how much RP depends on how far you've progressive in your skill tree. You start off with a conversion rate of 3 RP per AP unspent).

After you complete your turn (select the bottom right button to end), the girls will get their turn. They will move one square to wherever the most amount of crosses near them are, and then collect the crosses on the square they are on. If the most amount of crosses they can get is in the room they are currently in, then they will not move. This is pretty important, as you will have to make use of this fact to manipulate them into picking up as little crosses as you can to avoid losing.

When you select a room with a girl, you will see some options. Some of the options in this picture will not be available until after you've picked up the corresponding skill in your skill tree.


From top to bottom, left to right:
Fight - Spend 2 AP to fight the girl. Before you actually start the fight, it'll show you what her current max health is, and ask if you're sure you want to fight.
Talk - Spend 1 AP for a debuff that, when successful, lowers their maximum health permanently (until you reduce their heart counter)

Clear crosses in this room (phone icon) - Probably the single most important skill in the game. Spends 1 AP. When you enter a room that has crosses in it, you can use this option to completely wipe out all the crosses in there. This means that when you finish your turn and its the girls' turn, they will be unable to collect any crosses that might've been in there.

This is one of the most effective ways to prolong your life until you level up the next option. Later, when you level up, you'll have the option also creating a lure cross, instead of clearing the crosses. This forces the closest girl to go collect that cross instead, of going for the biggest pile of crosses near them. This is especially helpful when the game starts putting 4-5 crosses on one square, and you can't clear out enough rooms without them still making a net positive.

"Blame" (I think that's what it says) - Spends 1 AP. This is a two-fold skill that allows you to do one of two things, depending on luck (percentage of success, shown as a "temperature", is displayed when you try to use it). If successful, you will steal crosses from the girl, reducing the total number of crosses they have, as well as how many that girl was carrying. It starts at 5 stars, and can be levelled up to take away 10 stars.

Alternatively, if you "fail", you will instead have non-penatrative sex with them. This will allow you to debuff them more than talking does. The scene itself is somewhat interactive, allowing you to select either using your tongue, or your entire mouth, as well as the speed and zoom. As the animation plays out, there is a pleasure meter on the top left that fills up, as well as a numeric counter that rises as the meter does. You can fill the meter twice (select the top option on the bottom right menu after you fill up the pleasure meter) to maximize the counter. Then, when you end the scene, you'll debuff the girl's maximum health by however much the counter reads. You'll also receive a generous amount of RP for this, and you'll also reset their "temperature" back to 100%. The downside to this is that, you will NOT steal any of their crosses.

Status - You can see the girl's current heart counter, as well as their "temperature". As stated before, the temperature is basically their percentage that "Blame" will work. If at 100%, you are guaranteed to steal their crosses if you use Blame. At 0%, you will always have sex with them. The temperature is color coded at green, yellow, orange, and red, to indicate 100%, 70%, 40%, and 0%.

When you decide to engage the girl in a fight, you're taken to a new screen.


1. Time - The amount of time left until you win. You cannot actually defeat the girls in sex; rather, you have to wait them out for 3 in-game minutes to successfully beat them. Time progresses each time the girl takes their turn (NOT when you perform actions). It is important to note that as the time lowers to certain intervals, the girl will get more desperate and change her attack patterns. This means they're going to hit you with harder attacks. This is also where the different sex scenes come from.

2. The girl's health - "Health" is kind of a misleading term. Each time you attack them, you fill up this bar, not reduce their health. When you hit the maximum, this causes them to lose a turn and also lose 30 seconds on the clock. This is the main way you're going to burn the time down to win. It's extremely important to note that once you hit the max, the bar will reset. However, your turn has not ended yet. This means that, if you still have more SP, you can continue attacking them to stack an additional 5 seconds of time loss on them. This is where a big part of your battle strategy comes from; by managing your SP to bring their health to the max, while still having more actions, you can maximize the amount of time you can cut away while they lose a turn.

3. The girl's next action - This shows you what the girl is going to do to you next, as well as how much time it will burn when they take those actions. In this example, she is going to perform three actions on you. Each one will take 3 seconds off the clock, and each action is going to deal 2 hits of 2 damage each. As you progress in the game, they'll also begin using status effect attacks on you, which will have its own icons.

4. Recharge - This is a skill you get from leveling up your skill tree. Once (or twice, depending on if you level up the skill enough) per fight, you can hit this option to regain 2 SP, and also refresh all of your available actions. In other words, you'll have access to ALL of your actions for that turn.
5. Give up - This will end the fight in your loss.

6. Action menu - This is where all of your abilities are. These abilities can either damage or debuff the girl, or buff yourself. Skills have an SP cost, show at the top right of each skill. Extremely important to note is that each turn, the abilities you have access to are randomized. So on some turns, some skills are greyed out, while others will be selectable. Therefore, your fights will always have a bit of RNG in them; you'll have to manipulate your odds a little when you're in your home base, customizing your menu with multiples of the same skill to even out the odds that the skill you want will be accessible at any given turn.

You're going to spend the majority of the fights calculating how much SP you want to use and what order you want to use your skills, in order max out how much damage you deal to the girl, or how much time you burn.

7. End turn - After you've taken all the actions you want to take, hit this to end your turn. Ending your turn will give you three more SP when your next turn starts. This means you can choose to just burn 1 SP, instead of all of it each turn, so that you have a bigger pool of SP for your next turn.

8. Your health - If you let your bar fill up to your max, you lose. You'll be able to increase your max health by defeating girls, and upgrading the max health skill in your skill tree. The penis icon also represents your "shield" when you use the shield skill. It will display the amount of damage you can tank without increasing your bar. So if the icon shows 25, you can tank 25 damage before the rest of the girl's attacks begin affecting you.

9. Your SP counter - Actions in your menu have a corresponding SP cost. You can keep track of how much SP you have with this counter.

The game continues like this, where you start each day, planning out your moves, then going out to the school and preventing the girls from gathering too many crosses and eventually fighting them to reduce their heart counter. You absolutely do not have to choose to fight them every single day; in fact, that's a surefire way of losing quickly. Instead, you probably want to spend a little time gathering RP, either by choosing not to spend any AP, then buying yourself some skills from the skill tree to allow yourself to stop them from collecting crosses. Simultaneously, you'll want to start debuffing their health so when you finally are ready to fight them, you'll have an easier time stunning them.

Since there's no time limit, you can take your time in gathering up your resources, while reducing theirs, before confronting them. The game ends when you reduce each girl's heart counter to 0. From there, you can choose to spare or kill the girl. SPOILERS: There's really no reason to kill the girls, as doing so will just leave you alone in the map, with only a gallery to view. Sparing the girls will complete the game as well, but instead of you alone on the map, they'll still wander around, this time naked, and you can choose to have sex with them as well. In other words, there's a genocide and a harem ending.

The actual purchasing of skills and actions isn't too complex, though there's a bit of a language barrier for a majority of them. Like I said, I don't know Japanese, so I'm not going to tell you what they all do, nor do I feel like replaying the game to individually list out what everything does. The game is very lenient in saving and loading, so just experiment with the different skills and you'll find your own build that'll take you through the game.

Note that, as stated before, each time you want to replace one of your battle skills, you will have to pay RP to replace one slot.



The sex scenes in the game are pretty vanilla; nothing out of the ordinary or out there. There's some humiliation fetishism going on at the beginning, but it's countered quite a bit by your own maledom as you start winning your fights. As you win more, the girls begin to get more desperate (obviously because they don't want to die), and start taking more and more lewd approaches to get you to climax. At first, it starts with dirty talk/humiliation, then handjobs, footjobs, paizuri. Eventually, it gets to blowjobs, sex, 69ing, etc.

And yes, the flat-chested girl is loli, so no download links, please.
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Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
Full save. You don't have to kill the girls either. When the time comes just select the non-red option when using the heart stopper app. The girl will be submissive and breedable after that.



New member
Jul 1, 2018
Reputation score
Here's a translation for the skill tree:
Row 1:
Skill Unlock 1/2/3 - Unlocks the2nd/3rd/4th set of skills on the skill page.
Row 2:
Provoke - Allows you to provoke the girls, reducing their max stress (making it easier to stun them).
Limit Persecution 1/2 - Allows you to reset the Lust gauge during a failed Persecution event, and reduce stress further. 1 allows you to reset on Breast event and 2 allows you to reset on Clitoris event.
Row 3:
Ejaculation Resistance 1/2/3 - Increases max life by 10/30/50.
Row 4:
Rouse 1- Learn the Rouse battle skill, instantly giving you 2 SP and making all skills available during battle for one turn.
Top Branch
Panel Advance - Increase the number of skill options per turn from 5 to 6.
Panel Master - Along with Panel Advance, the middle skill will always be available to use.
Bottom Branch
Rouse 2 - Allows you to use Rouse twice per battle.
Rouse 3 - Increases the amount of SP restorced by Rouse from 2 to 3.

And skills as well, left to right per row (only listing effects and cost):
Row 1:
Deal 4 damage (1 cost) | Deal 3 damage (0 cost) | Deal 8 damage (1 cost) | Deal 4 damage 4 times (2 cost) | Deal 0 damage 7 times (1 cost) | Gain 5 barrier (1 cost) | Remove bottommost skill of girl's skill list
Row 2:
Deal 14 damage (1 cost) | Deal 7 damage 4 times (2 cost) | Deal 32 damage (2 cost) | Gain 1 Attack Boost up to 3, causing next attack to do more damage per hit (2 cost) | Remove girl's barrier (0 cost) | Remove all debuffs (2 cost)
Row 3:
Deal 7 damage (0 cost) | Deal 20 damage (1 cost) | Deal 10 damage 4 times (2 cost) | Deal 9 damage twice; if debuffed, damage dealt is doubled | Gain 16 barrier (1 cost) | Reduce girl's ATB boost by 2 (1 cost) | Remove top most skill of girl's skill list (1 cost)
Row 4:
Deal 60 damage (2 cost) | Deal 0 damage 9 times (1 cost) | Deal 9 damage 3 times, take 5 own damage (cannot lose from this damage) (1 cost) | Gain 2 Attack Boost up to 5 (see above) (2 cost) | Gain aroused status for 3 turns (Take 5% damage per turn) (1 cost) | Remove all debuffs (1 cost)
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Demon Girl Master
Mar 26, 2012
Reputation score
If he's getting bullied than he must be a fat ugly piece of shit right? Nope, just the usual wish-fulfillment.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
If he's getting bullied than he must be a fat ugly piece of shit right? Nope, just the usual wish-fulfillment.
You do realize that people get bullied all the time just because they're in the outgroup. They don't have to be fat and ugly. Simply being male in a heavily female environment is enough.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Row 3:
Reduce damage done by girl by 2 (1 cost)
This is wrong. What this skill does is it removes one stack of attack buff for the opponent. If the opponent does not activate the attack buff, this won't do anything. If she has multiple attack buffs (e.g. x4 and more), then the skill will reduce this by one stack.

Not a bad game, takes at most 1 1/2 hours to beat once players figure out how to farm skill points. The writing is chilling, as the reason for the male protagonist's bullying ranges from accidental peeking, unsubstantiated accusation of molestation and intrusion of privacy. By the end, the protagonist has good reason to press the kill switch, especially when his life over the last six months in-game consists of constant extortion, drinking of toilet water and beatings.

The one-heart battles are a bit tricky because of the constant attacks. There's only so much tanking one can do before the limit is reached, so clever use of the action regen is essential to provoke a stress attack to skip the attack barrage.

From the patch notes, the latest 1.02 version makes a few changes to the skills. Summary below:
Attack boost-breaker: Cost decreased from 1 to 0.
Observation 2: Damage increased from 7 to 9.
Sniff: RP required to learn decreased from 25 to 20.
Aphrodisiac: RP required to learn increased from 15 to 25.

Anyone who likes this kind of gameplay can try this game:

Itself inspired by another game called Slay the Spire. The abilities are so similar I thought it was a copy and paste when I played this game.
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
It's the same dev lol
No, it isn't.


"Purging Sapphire" is a collaborative work with Circle Haganken.
I (Gamecolon) was responsible for the framework, game design and programming.
Haganken did the character design and 18+ CGs.
Responsibility for game sales was with Haganken.

Gamecolon did the game design for both, which is why the skills are a copy and paste.
The artists are completely different, as is the right to earn revenue from each game.


Feb 13, 2019
Reputation score
Overall very fun game. It felt cathartic at the end. Game isn't too difficult and it's nice to see how the girls go from a cruel smug to uncertain and fearful. Pretty much no pity for them.


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
"Purging Sapphire" is a collaborative work with Circle Haganken.
I (Gamecolon) was responsible for the framework, game design and programming.
It's the same dev lol


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
It's the same dev lol
I'm sure you like ignoring the fact another circle was also involved in that game.
I didn't realise it was a joint project until I looked it up. The earlier game made enough of an impression for me to check.