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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43, Pregnant

Stealth: Success.

Mina waits a few minutes, and the wolves move off, going past the house she's in without trying to enter. Apparently they were going to leave her alone.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Once she's sure they're gone Mina sighs relieved and resumes her spot against the opposite wall attempting to get some rest again. "Either I'm the only person insane enough to be around here or I'm the only one that hasn't become.....demon wolf food."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43, Pregnant

Mina gets another few hours of sleep before she feels a pain in her belly, which wakes her up. Apparently, her burden was ready to come out and meet her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina jerked awake and laid herself on the floor placing the hilt of her sword in her teeth to bite on and muffle any unintended screams should the ordeal turn painful. She took slow deep breaths trying to remain calm as the unholy thing emerged from her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The creature came soon enough, the pain increasing until she could barely stand it, the newly born tentacle monster having trouble freeing itself from its petite mothers body. After a few minutes, a slimy creature covered in tentacles slips free of her womanhood. It waves its tentacles and starts dragging itself along the floor, looking quite grotesque.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina's anger helps her quickly bounce back and she yanks her sword out of her mouth and leaps through the air and slams her blade down into the creature embedding the sword well into the wooden floor. "Since the real thing isn't here you'll just have to do!" She gives a violent twist of her blade as she rips the sword out of the floor and monster panting as her rage subsides.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The creature has no way of resisting or escaping, and her blade splits it clean in half.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina gathers her things and puts on her dry armor and clothes again, spitting on the remains of the creature as she heads out the door and continues the way she had been traveling up the road feeling renewed and satisfied after her rest and revenge. "I hope to send you a lot more company in the abyss you disgusting thing..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

As she steps outside, Mina can see the dawn coming in the East. She doubted she'd be able to find any tracks after the rain, but soon she'd be able to travel more freely in the light of day. She could go either left or right down the road, or try another side street.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina quietly looks between her options, "Any large groups would probably stick to the main road....and the smaller side streets would lessen the angles I may be ambushed from." She nodded to herself and decided on the side road knowing the main road was probably devoid of anything non hostile anyway.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Stepping onto a side street, Mina immediately spots a wolf, feeding on the corpse of a fallen gruff, one of the Fey goatmen.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina doesn't hesitate in the slightest rushing forward as silently as possible she places both hands on her blade and aims for the base of the creature's neck intending to decapitate the beast before it could howl and call any pack mates nearby. "You will be avenged brave fey...." She thought to herself, the rising sun glinted down her blade as she went airborne, the only sound coming from her being the fluttering of her cloak as she decended on the wolf.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: 3 + 42 + 3 = 48 vs 20 - 10 = 10 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16 damage.

Her attack catches the wolf by surprise, though she fails to kill it in the opening blow. It recoils away from the attacking warrior, though it doesn't attack.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Knowing that pausing could invite death Mina lunges again as soon as she sees the wolf isn't dead stabbing at it's midsection feeling in her element again finally, a silent emotionless mercenary.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

To-hit: 3 + 42 + 3 = 48 vs 20 == Hit.
Damage: 10 + 7 = 17 damage.

Minas stab guts the wolf, and it yelps in pain as she yanks her sword free. It collapses on its side, its guts spilling out onto the ground. Mina spots a small red glowing stone amongst its entrails.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina kneels down and picks up the small glowing stone. "I wonder if this is what is corrupting things? Or if it's just the concentration of corruption in a being....." She puts the stone away deciding not to linger thinking on the question and continues down the road feeling much better after her first kill.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

(Gain 1x Darkheart, and 2 exp.)

Turning away from the sight of the dead wolf and gruff, Mina immediately spots the other four Fey corpses, which had all been killed by swords rather than by wolves. Strangely, all of them had had their horns chopped off. Mina remembered that some people would pay good money for such things, and decided that whoever it was, they were surely human.

Continuing on, she found the bodies of the other wolves she'd seen last night not far down the small side road, all of them mutilated and some of them badly burned.

She spotted movement out of the corner of her eye from inside a nearby shack.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

As she looked over the devastation she had to wonder if all this was done by an overzealous adventurer....or something worse. All the questions stopped as soon as she noticed the movement nearby and approached the shack slowly hoping she had seen it before it saw her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Slowly creeping into the shack, Mina hears a scurrying from the shacks small bedroom. Rushing in pursuit, she finds the room empty, but with no exits that she could see.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

She looks around weapon ready. "Is there anyone in here?" She quickly looks up at the ceiling after seeing no exits out.

(I've seen the alien movies a lot, I have a severe paranoia of ceilings.)