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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"I've met a few other humans while I've been here, mostly mercenaries and treasure hunters and such trying to pick the bones of this place. As far as I can tell from what they've told me, the guy that runs the show around here doesn't much care about some demon invasion, and he's not about to let anyone else bring an army into his territory. They called him something weird and pretentious, like the Lich king or somesuch, if I remember correctly. He can't do anything about us though, we don't need roads or supply lines. And it's not like the highborn much care for mortal affairs anyway, so we're no threat to his rule." The kobold replies.

The area remains bare of life of any kind, whether fey human or demonic. All they see are the things one would normally see in a forest.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"It sounds like he might be half the reason for this entire situation. I wouldn't be surprised, it sounds like a perfect story. An evil power hungry ruler gets possessed or is secretly some demonic king and at the hour his triumph seems near a band of unlikely heroes appears and defeats him in an epic battle of good versus evil." Mina laughs, "Gods be, all we are missing is a kidnapped princess and a knight in shining armor."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"I wouldn't count on that. From what I've heard, he doesn't seem like the type to share power. And not even a demon would work with an undead. Vile creatures, they are. I'm surprised you humans put up with one ruling you." The kobold replies, apparently not sharing Minas humor.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I cannot speak for the people who live in this country but that is one reason I prefer the deserts of my homeland. So much barren sand between cities that there is little noble abuse of power. We have bandit problems but they usually stay in certain spots and are easy to work around, or in my case just cut through them." She took a deep breath. "I hope we find your fellow fey soon, I don't feel comfortable taking a break exposed like this and if my condition gets too bad I'll lose my edge if we're attacked." Mina shifts a bit as if her clothes are feeling too tight on her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"Ah! I thought you looked different from the humans around here. You're the first person I've met that's come from the burning sands, and most humans look the same to me, so forgive me if I seem a bit rude." The kobold replies, his voice a bit friendlier now.

The Fey gives a slight shudder when she mentions being attacked, and he replies; "I certainly hope that we don't run into anything, I've had enough trouble for one century."

As they walk, they both notice that the area is still completely empty. Not only are there no living things, but there don't seem to be any corpses in this area either.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"Indeed and I am beginning to miss the desert compared to all this mud and rain. Perhaps you should take a trip there after this is all over." She chuckled and glanced around. "It seems this area is deserted by both sides, tell me about your people some, I'd like to know more about the fey since I'm already somewhat knowledgable about demons and their ilk."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold shrugs, and says; "Not much can be said. I am a kobold, more or less the lowest rank of the Fey. My people have little real power in the courts, and we are usually brought in as fodder when we are called to war. I know little of the higher Fey."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"At least your leaders are actually here, human armies have their commanders miles and miles away from the actual lines usually. Actually....considering how quiet it is this is perhaps a good place to rest. I'm certain that you're in need of some yourself." Mina finds a suitable place to sit and pulls some dried meat out of her side pack and offers it to her new traveling companion. "My apologies for the delay, my condition is starting to flare up. It's hard to focus on swordplay when my thoughts keep drifting to lewd ones involving your company." She pulled down her mask and took a deep breath closing her eyes trying to calm herself after so much traveling and action without a break.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold only nods at that, choosing not to comment on human warfare practices. He plops down onto the street a few feet from Mina, and takes the offered meat with another nod. He scarfs the meat down quickly enough, and then says; "Don't worry about it, it's not like they're going anywhere. And if they are, I'm not so sure that I'd want to go with them."

At the mention of her condition flaring up, the kobold gets a very odd expression on his face, and he remains silent for a moment before saying; "Well, if it's going to be an issue... Why not just take care of it right now? Before it gets us into trouble later?"

(Edit: Last post as GM of this thread before handing it off to GM xivvix.)
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina smiled and almost seemed like a different woman for a moment, "You have a point and it would be so much easier than resting for a long time..." With a willing male nearby it was impossible for her to keep the curse in check and she took her belt off and lowered her pants as she sat nearby revealing her red swollen sex already dripping wet. "I'm all yours little kobold...." She grinned and beckoned him with a finger kneeling and spreading her legs invitingly.

(Allow the kobold to have his way until he's worn out)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The kobold's eyes widen and a grin lights up his face as she agrees to his suggestion. As Mina undoes her belt and lowers her pants, the kobold's eyes lock into place on her crotch, and he slowly steps closer to her, reaching his small hands up to her knees and he steps between her spread legs. "I... uh... have to admit," he begins haltingly, inching closer and closer towards Mina's womanhood as his member quickly grows larger and larger, "I'm not all that experienced with human women." When he finally approaches her dripping sex, the small kobold lowers his face to her flower, sniffing a few times before driving his mouth towards it. He hungrily laps a few times, his tongue dragging between her folds and over her sensitive clit, while he moans in arousal.

Finally, he looks up at Mina, her wetness smeared on his face as his hands grab at her hips and he hoists himself up. After taking a moment to line himself up with an apologetic and embarrassed laugh, he slowly pushes his member between Mina's nether lips. The kobold may be small, but his organ is large enough to rival any humans, and as he begins to pump in and out, Mina's curse quickly sends her brain reeling with pleasure. "Big... but... good," the kobold says between gasps as he quickly brings himself to a powerful climax, his warm seed spilling into Mina's womb.

The kobold pants for breath for a few seconds as he recovers from his orgasm, but before long he is thrusting into Mina again. He pulls himself further up onto Mina, swinging one of his legs over hers, freeing his hands. One dips toward her crotch, teasingly rubbing circles over her clit while the other snakes up to paw awkwardly at her breasts, even if they are still covered. With the kobold's continued attentions, it isn't long before Mina orgasms herself, her inner walls tightening so much that the kobold cries out as she does, before breaking out into his own climax. He shoots more of his spunk deep into Mina, before collapsing down to rest on her lap.

As the kobold rests, he turns to look up at Mina, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he asks, "So, did that take care of your condition?" In addition to the creature laying atop her, his warm seed slowly dribbling out of her, and the post-orgasm relaxation, Mina can also feel a tingling in her belly. Between the Fey's reputation for fertility and Mina's condition brought on by her would-be husband's poison, she is certainly carrying the kobold's child now.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighed contented and smiling, "Indeed it did, I should be fine for the rest of the day unless we run across something like a real succubus." Mina chuckled and cleaned herself off a bit before reclothing and standing. "Though now it's even more important we find your allies before I go into labor, most likely this little lark will result in another kobold...." She stretched and stood up picking up her small companion to allow him more rest and continued the exploaration of the outskirts of town. "I never thought it'd be so hard to find an -army-."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold slides himself off Mina's lap as she begins to cleanse herself, grabbing a nearby rag to do the same for himself. He gives a small chuckleand says, "Another kobold, or five or six. We're small, so we usually have a lot kids." The kobold seems rather happy, discussing his potential children. When Mina picks him up, he flails about for a second before settling down on her back. "You really like doing that don't you?" he asks with a grin. "It's hardly an army like you humans are used to. We Fey don't have quite the number of soldiers as the demons, so we have to hide. Having a smaller group means it's easier to remain concealed too."

Perception: Success.

Their light and airy mood almost causes the two to be caught off guard, but the kobold suddenly yells, "Stalkers!" Mina spins to face what the kobold is warning her of, and sees three creatures with strange shimmering skin that almost seems to blend in with the colors of the buildings they stand in front of. More alarmingly is the claws on each of their hands, and the members sticking out from each demon as they approach the woman.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Well it's much easier to keep track of you if something urgent happens if you're on my back." Mina chuckles but goes stone faced as soon as the enemy is spotted. "Damnit! Stay on my back. It will make it harder for them to hit you and you can stab any that attempt to restrain me." Mina draws her two blades and strikes them together quickly causing a small spray of sparks. "Approach and join your disemboweled comrade in the depths of the abyss! Kee'lah Selah!" She shouted her battlecry in her native tongue and stood her ground.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43; Grappled x2.

"O-okay" the kobold says, keeping a form grip on Mina's back as she draws her weapons and stares down the demons. The stalkers seem unimpressed by her show of force, and quickly advance, their attempt at stealth forgotten. Mina's training allows her anticipate the demons' moves, and she lashes out at the nearest once before it can attack.

To-Hit: 10 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 55 vs 28. Hit.
Damage: 12 + 10 = 22
To-Hit: 2 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 47 vs 28. Hit
Damage: 3 + 10 + 2 = 15. Killed.

The first demon's eyes open wide as the blades slash through it, ending it's unholy life in seconds. The two other stalkers pause, looking at each other, then lunge for Mina, still betting on strength in numbers.

Grapple: 12 + 24 = 36 vs 31. Hit
Grapple: 8 + 24 = 32 vs 31. Hit.
To-Hit: 2 + 12 + 12 = 26 vs 28. Miss.

The pair of demons each grab a hold of Mina, one on her left and one on her right. The kobold swings his axe at the one of the right, but misses by inches. The struggle throws the kobold from his perch on Mina's back, but he quickly gets up, ready to fight again. The two stalkers seem focused on restraining Mina for the time being.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina curses loudly as her arms are restrained, she wrenches around trying to find any angle to fight back. "Unhand me beasts! I won't be a toy for disgusing creations like you!" She turned back to look at her fallen companion, "Are you alright? If things go badly I want you to flee!"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43; Grappled.

Escape Grapple: 9 + 30 + 3 = 42 vs 17 + 19 + 12 = 48. Fail.
Submission Hold: 7 + 4 + 12 = 23 vs 10 + 30 + 3 - 43. Fail.
To-Hit: 6 + 24 = 30 vs 28. Hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 = 9

Mina struggles violently to free herself, but the two demons have too strong of a hold. She is successful, however, in keeping the stalkers from bending her arms behind her back, maintaining a fairly balanced footing against the two creatures.

"Flee, flee, flee!" the kobold yells mockingly as he swings his axe towards the demon on Mina's right. The blade bites into the stalkers leg, causing it to growl in pain and turn it's attention to the fey, freeing Mina's arm. "Why do you think it's okay for you to get hurt in my place? I'm a soldier, damn it!" the small fey yells as it stares up angrily at the stalker.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Because they'll try to take me alive, they'll just kill you outright!" Mina strikes as soon as her arm is released. "You will pay dearly for that folly beast!" She takes her free weapon and lashes out at the stalker before it can harm her companion.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43; Grappled.

(Mina) Grapple: 16 + 30 + 3 = 49 vs 3 + 24 = 27. Hit.
Damage: 11 + 10 + 2 = 23.
(Stalker1) Submission: 11 + 24 = 35 vs 4 + 30 + 3 = 37. Fail.
(Stalker2) To-Hit: 4 + 24 = 28 vs 15. Hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 = 11.
(Kobold) To-Hit: 18 + 24 = 42 vs 28. Hit.
Damage: 7 + 4 = 11. Killed.

Mina lashes out with her sword, cutting a nasty gash in the back of the stalker who had let go of her to face the kobold. The hit causes the demon to stumble forwards, it's claws raking into fey's face, but also causes it to fall on the smaller creature's axe, ending it's life. The demon on Mina's left desperately tries to claw at her other arm, but is unable to restrain the mercenary.

The kobold hisses as he holds his bleeding face in his hand. Grunting, he pushes the fallen demon away from his weapon, but seems largely unphased by the attack. "I'm not sure being taken alive by these things is much better than being killed," he says, turning to face his struggling comrade.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Yes but you can escape being captured...." Mina calmed down a bit now that the odds were in her favor again and stabbed at the last stalker with her free hand, "You can't break free of being dead."