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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The troll doesn't even look back to acknowledge Mina as she rushes to catch up to the fey. "We have good reasons not to keep company with humans," the large creature says, his voice taking on a hostile tone. "We can never tell if you're going to talk to us or kill us."

"This one's okay," the kobold chimes in, "She helped me escape from some demons, and we've fought together all the way across this blasted town." The kobold turns to look back at Mina, then speaks to the troll again. "She's as likely a friend as we're to have here." The kobold is silent a moment, then decides to continue, though he speaks softly and sounds somewhat embarrassed. "And she needs to see our healers... for more than just wounds."

The troll doesn't seem to pay any heed to the smaller fey's comments, until his last one. "Oh, really?" the big creature asks, turning his head to look at the two, "Carrying a litter of pups are you?" The troll, laughs, then turns away, and Mina even notices the ball shaped fey appears to be shuddering in what might be laughter. Her kobold companion though, looks slightly ashamed, and says nothing. At the mention of the life growing inside her, Mina looks down to notice her belly has grown somewhat larger, the damage to her leather armor allowing a small bulge to protrude without resistance.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I have yet to face any fey in combat yet, I am not foolish enough to add to my list of enemies in this situation." She adjusts a bit for her large stomach. "Is there something wrong? I thought it'd be looked on as a good thing to have more fey in the world." She glances between the three confused and starting to feel her legs getting a bit sore from the added weight.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Nothing wrong, but if you want to contribute that much, we always need more trolls," the large fey says with a loud guffaw. The kobold shrinks further down, appearing very shy. "We were just wondering why he was so eager to defend you, now we know." The small ball shaped fey chitters, making it's odd noises, then shakes in laughter again, just before the troll let's out another laugh.

"They're just giving me a hard time," the kobold says to Mina, looking very uncomfortable at having had to explain their relationship, even through implications. The fey say nothing further beyond that, but continue their trek through the streets, taking many winding turns through alleyways that leave Mina a bit confused, though she can tell they are still moving roughly east.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I think I'll be able to contribute more to combat than I will as a midwife, and just remember...I won't be pregnant for much longer....." She leans down and gives a dirty look to the little ball while cracking her knuckles and smirks. "How bad are things here? Is there any prgress being made inwards, what kinds of demons are on the loose?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The small ball shaped fey leans away from Mina at her words and knuckle cracking, but makes a few more chittering sounds that makes the troll laugh once again. "Well you certainly work well as bait," the troll says with another, less mirthful laugh. He becomes more serious when Mina asks her questions. "The place is overrun, and there's plenty different types of demons. When we get to camp you can ask all the questions you want, I'm just a grunt."

After several more turns through a number of alleyways, Mina is surprised to find herself emerging from the narrow alleyways, into what appeared the be a small forest. A quick look around, though, shows her that the ground from which the many trees have sprouted from is actually the stone walkways of the town. Walking between the trees are a multitude of fey. Trolls, kobolds, goatmen, and the little ball creatures, as well as massive hounds and graceful humaoinds that seem to be part human, part plant, all wander the wooded area. Some congregate in groups and others seem content to sit by themselves sharpening weapons, preparing food, or resting. Among the branches of the trees and along the walls of the nearby buildings, Mina sees large white spiders spinning huge formations of webs, some of which seem to have large bundles stuck in them.

As the group walks into the grove, a pair of trolls walk out to meet them, a stern look on their faces as they gaze at Mina. The troll who had been leading them says, "It's okay, she helped us out. We need to see the healers." His last comment is said with a nod of his head down to the goatman held in his arms, and one of the trolls motions off to the side. The troll wastes no time heading in that direction, and the kobold gently places a hand on Mina's leg to guide her in following.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina looks around calmly, "This is quite a gathering you have, it's a shame my own people are content to ignore all of this, it would be an amazing sight...." She sighs with a hint of sadness, disappointed in the apathy of humans. "I feel ashamed that you must do this alone, if he were here I'm certain my father would have a few words about the faltering spirit of humanity of late..." She made sure to look to the side a moment to wipe a tear away.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The troll grunts but does not reply to Mina. She gets the feeling that he would not be impressed with a gathering of humans.

The group doesn't walk long before they reach what the fey recognize as the healer's home. Rather than a building or tent that Mina would be familiar with, a number of trees seem to have grown close enough together and angled just right to create a covered area large enough to stand under, and long enough for many wounded fey to lay on leafy mats. As they approach, a fey woman approaches them and guides the troll carrying the gruff and Mina to two nearby mats.

"Just lay him down here, please," she says to the troll, as she waves for another fey to assist her. She looks over Mina, then says, "You are badly injured human, but you will live." The fey woman lays Mina down on the mat, then runs her hands over her injuries, and Mina can feel the woman's magic spreading through her. "Oh my, you seem to need more than simple healing," the woman says as her hands run over Mina's slightly bulging belly.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Feh it will take more than a few claws to stop me forever, but yes it would seem we found our way here just in time, I'd rather not give birth in the middle of a battle, it's just foolish." She smirks and lays back, "Please don't mind me for now, focus on the goat over there. He needs much more attention than I." Mina removes most of her equipment and gets comfortable, "I just now realize it's been almost two days since I last slept decently. What can you tell me about the situation here? Who is winning."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Oh, a strong warrior are you?" the fey woman says with a smile as her hands continue to run over Mina's body. "Don't worry, he's in good hands," she responds to Mina's insistence for her to help the gruff first, as she gestures to another fey, a half man, half plant, using a similar style of healing magic on the gruff.

As Mina gets comfortable, she notices the pain from her wounds swiftly fading, and the wounds themselves quickly seal themselves, not even leaving scars upon her. Her belly though, begins to feel strange, and she realizes that it is the young fey inside her moving around that she feels. "Easy now," the fey woman says to her, smiling as she looks at Mina's now visible bulging belly, "You're safe here. No reason to get too worked up about the situation, the demons have been probing the camp for weaknesses in our defense, but have found nothing yet."

Soon after the fey is finished speaking, Mina notices that she has ceased spreading the healing magic over the mercenaries body. "It will be time soon for the little ones to be born. I know well what the experience is like," she says with a grin. "If you wish for sleep, I can allow you that respite until the ordeal is over?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Sleep would be a welcome my body is at it's limit after trying to sleep being soaked in cold rain..." She looked over at her kobold friend with a smirk, "Try not to get yourself killed while I'm down alright?" Given the chance to finally relax Mina's body completely gave out without any aid needed leaving the mercenary completely exauhsted and unconcious.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The kobold laughs at Mina's joke and places it's small hand on her forehead. "Enjoy the break, you need it." The fey gives the woman one last smile as her hand passes over the mercenaries eyes. Immediately, Mina drifts off to sleep, leaving the demon filled city behind her. A great sense of peace and relaxation fills her mind as she begins to dream...

When Mina opens her eyes again, the first thing she notices is soft sunlight spilling into the healer's tent. She has slept through the night, completely at ease. After a few moments, she realizes that the bulge in her belly is gone, the fey apparently having taken care of her birth during the night. She lays naked on the leafy mat, though she feels completely clean, and she sees her weapons and armor neatly stacked on the ground next to her. Nearby she can hear the fey woman humming as she looks over the other wounded fey.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubbed her face and sat up. "I trust everything went smoothly?" She stretched out popping a few joints and slowly putting her gear back on. "You undressed me while I was asleep, impressive, every man that has tried that so far has at least lost a limb." She tied her hair back chuckling and double checked everything, "Might you point me to your leaders? I am currently a free agent after all."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Oh yes," the fey woman replies as she turns to face the mercenary. "You were so peaceful I almost mistook you for one of the young ones." The fey woman laughs, then helps Mina stand and rearm herself. "Of course, our lords reside in that grove over there," she says, pointing to a nearby stand of trees with low hanging branches that managed to obscure anything that may lie beyond. "They seem to always be busy planning out what to do next, but I'm sure they will welcome any assistance you might offer, especially with so many of us falling each day..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina bowed thankfully, "Thank you for healing me, I hope those kobolds turn into skilled fighters." She walked calmly to the grove and entered bold. "Greetings, I am the Red Asp, I am a mercenary from the deserts to the west and I am willing to use my blades to solve any problems you might have. I believe my regular fee is also waived for the moment." She glanced around at the gathered lords wondering how they would react to her offer.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As she boldly enters the grove and announces her arrival, Mina takes in the area, a small clearing with a large stone table in the middle. Seated at the table are several men and women, clad in heavy armor, as well as a few goatmen. They all turn to look at her as she approaches.

"The Red Asp," one of the women says, "I do believe I've heard of you,as well as heard of your deeds assisting our soldiers in battle yesterday. It is quite generous of you to offer your services without payment in our time of need." She leans forward against the stone table, putting her armored hands down on it. "As you may have noticed, this land has many problems that need solving." She pauses for a second, looking over Mina, then asks, "Have you ever fought an ogre?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I cannot say I have, it would certainly be a challenge. Though I will be honest that something that large and slow would not be my strong suit. I have no ability to attack from afar and no magic to speak of. Your soldiers seem to be lacking in the stealth and speed area of warfare. Perhaps I could help by reducing the numbers of the clawed, goblins, stalkers and succubi. The less of those they have the more of your specialized forces you can commit to overwhelming the ogres with sheer magic barrages." Mina walked over to the table and looked over the map, "Have there been any areas where your soldiers and scouts have vanished without a trace? I've heard the succubi act as lieutenants, the fewer of them the more disorganized the lower ranks would be and the more hassles those damnable knights would have." Secretly Mina also had a desire to track down some demonesses to finally confront the source of her curse, even possibly discover a cure if she could.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The fey woman calmly listens to Mina's reasoning, before leaning back in her seat. "I can understand that you fear encountering an ogre. They are quite powerful, and we have lost many soldiers to them. Each one that falls would assist our effort greatly," she says. "But if you think you could serve us better by disposing of the lesser demons, it will free us up to pursue more important matters."

Mina approaches the table expecting to see a cloth map of the town, but is surprised to see the stone table covered in a mossy green covering with rocks and twigs strewn about. It doesn't take her long to figure out the fey's particular method of map-making, and she soon works out the position of the fey camp, marked by a green gem surrounded by gray rocks.

As Mina looks over the map, the fey woman leans forward again. "The succubi do not generally command other demons, that we have seen. Usually they work by themselves, or personally serve a more powerful master, such as a demon knight or one of the lords or ladies. I would advise against seeking out demonic nobility." After a pause, the woman waves her hand over the an area slightly to the south-east of the green gem. "There have been no reports of vanishing soldiers, however our scouts have noticed a number of smaller demons congregating in this area. Not large enough to be a camp, but enough for us to take note of them." She stares at Mina for a second, though her expression is strange, almost as if she is looking through the mercenary rather than at her. "I think it very probable that at least one succubi is with them."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Hmm, a gathering so close might mean a raid or a diversion for something else, either way best to stamp it out before it becomes a problem. Very well, I'll get rid of that distraction......one way or another I suppose." She bows politely to the gathered fey. "I will set out after a moment to prepare myself...." Mina found a quiet spot to meditate in the camp a few minutes, she felt stronger, she's not sure how but now was not the time to question additional strength. Her clothes were shredded almost beyond hope and she only had one set of clothes left on her, they were skimpy and din't hide her chest armor well but it was better than nothing. After feeling more focused Mina stood and walked slowly out of the camp, she has a brief pause as she leaves as she hopes that she'll be able to return in one piece later after handling this task given to her.

(Finally spending some xp, adding changes to sheet, and found a picture I liked for her)
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As Mina turns to leave, the fey woman calls out for her to wait, then tosses something. The agile mercenary easily catches the object, then opens her hand to reveal a small, flat, white, shell. "Generosity is one thing, and recklessness another," the woman says, leaning back in her chair once more. "That bears my mark, and any fey you present it to will know you enjoy my support. If you wish for assistance for your mission, simply show it to any fey you come across. Be warned though that the magic in the shell is weak. It can't be used many times." Mina can feel a weak magic pulsing from the shell, though she sees no mark upon it. As Mina leaves the leaders' grove, the assembled fey bow their heads slightly to her in respect, then turn back to their conversation.

Mina finds an open spot to relax and takes advantage of the relative peace of the area. The various fey around her give the mercenary her rest, seemingly no longer interested in the human who had spent the night in the care of their healers. She even notices a few humans and elves around the camp, though they too pay no attention to her. The various denizens of the fey camp seem to all be fairly self sufficient, tending to their weapons and armor with great skill. If Mina needs anything from the camp before she leaves for her mission, the fey woman's shell will likely provide it for her.

(changes noted, and nice pic. mind adding the spell descriptions to your sheet?)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina pauses and looks at the stone, aid would be appreciated. The small ones would be too fragile for her to protect by herself, a troll would attract the attention of anything in a mile radius.... She glanced around the camp and spotted the perfect choices to ask, Mina walked over to a small group of gruffs gathered around their weapons and presented the stone to them. "I've been asked to go wipe out a cluster of demons. Shouldn't be anything beyond our skills and you'll get to bring back some nice trophies. Do any of you feel like striking with the red asp?" She put a foot up on a nearby rock smiling confidently, regardless of how many decided to tag along Mina would immediately head directly towards her objective now that she had a good idea of the surrounding area from the map she shouldn't get lost.