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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As she holds the stone out, Mina can feel the magic within it pulse strongly. At once, two of the goatman stand and bow before her. "We would be honored to accompany you, ma'am," one says. They each grab their weapons and follow behind the mercenary as she leaves the fey camp. One appears young, with dark brown fur and a light step, and in a friendly manner introduces himself as Jerr. The other gruff merely grunts his name, Akah, while he stomps along behind Mina. His greyish fur reveals him as somewhat older than Mina's other companion, but her sharp eyes can see he moves solidly and with purpose; a seasoned warrior, rather than a feeble old man.

Immediately upon exiting the small forest, Mina is surrounded once again by the human constructed buildings. As she steps out into the street, she notices that the sun is slowly rising in the east; it is still before noon. Having left the fey camp to the east, Mina is greeted by a number of two story high buildings, appearing to be small apartment complexes. Most of them appear to be intact, with only minor damage. From the map she had seen on the fey leader's table, she knows she should head east-southeast to reach her destination.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina looks to the sun in the sky, "Good, we still have plenty of daylight left left. Well met Akah and Jerr, I assure you I think very highly of your people, I will not confront you with any dangers that I won't throw myself into as well." As they walk she leans over to Jerr to whisper quietly. "There might be succubi with the weaker demons. Make sure Akah doesn't get distracted too badly. I've played many a young man with just my looks, I'm assuming young gruffs can be just as easily distracted?" She chuckles and resumes looking about making sure they are the ones who surprise the demons and not the other way around.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Perception: Success

Akah, the older gruff, grunts at Mina's suggestion, then replies, "Unless the succubus uses it's powers over us, we fey will never put our desires before the importance of our mission." Jerr laughs at the exchange, and then adds, "If she does work her magic on us, at least we'll be making sure she's out of the fight too!"

This close to the fey camp, Mina doesn't notice any demonic activity, though she does catch glimpses of kobolds and some of the large spiders hiding in various shadowy areas, watching the approaches. It isn't long before the mercenary and her new companions come to the exit of an alley between two apartment buildings. The alley opens onto a wide cobblestone street that runs east and west, upon which many stores open onto. This appears to be the town's main road.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"This road should be the easiest way to where they are gathering, stay alert...it's open and I don't trust these abandoned buildings." Mina took point stepping out onto the street first and looking around before heading east. "If we discover a demoness try to take her alive. I want to know what they're doing out here so we can warn your camp if they're plotting something." Mina kept quiet about any personal reasons for wanting to interrogate the succubus.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Perception: Success

Akah nods, and says, "As you wish." Jerr only shrugs, and both gruffs wait for Mina to choose her direction before stepping out of the alley to join her. Though the main road cuts straight through the town, the mercenary doesn't notice any threats nearby.

As they continue down the open road, Mina notices to the group's right that land slopes down further south, and she is able to get a look through the alleys at the tops of some warehouses, and the river to the south. As they continue, the buildings on the main street continue to be mostly shops, but the outer facades seem better decorated, if still in the same state of disrepair as the rest of the town.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina quietly unsheaths her swords, "I've always hated hunting targets in cities, too many hiding places...to easy to get ambushed. It's so much easier in the desert. You can see for miles, the sand hides any sound you make. I recall once I set an ambush at an oasis." Mina gives an amused chuckle. "I can only imagine the conflict of thoughts in his head when a naked woman leapt out of the water and ran him through with a sword. That was a fun job all around, my contact tried to enslave me after I got back. You'd think men would learn, at least I got to keep his gold after I choked him with his own cape." She looked back and gave a smile to the other veteran fighter in the group. "At least I won't have to worry about the fey trying to trick me, makes my task a lot easier."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Oh, you're one of the desert people?" Jerr asks excitedly after Mina finishes her story. "I couldn't tell, all you humans look alike to me!" The young gruff laughs, then continues, "I've always wanted to take a trip out there, but this fur coat is really better winter wear." Jerr laughs softly while he runs a hand over his lightly furred body. Mina's keen eyes catch the hand drift a little lower than the joke required before the young gruff asks, "So, naked you say?" He looks over the mercenary, and with a glint in his eyes asks, "The man you killed must have died with a smile on his face. Do you often hunt males while naked? That sounds absolute-" His questions are cut off by Mina's other companion, Akah.

"Be quiet," the older gruff growls, his hand dropping to the mace hanging at his side. When the younger gruff turns to protest, Akah holds his hand up and hisses. Immediately Mina hears the sound of people talking from up ahead. Two voices, one deep, and sounding threatening, the other high pitched, and obviously scared. The voices seem to be coming from a ruined house up ahead along the road and to the right. The rest of the buildings along the street seem empty.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina simply smirks at the young gruff beginning to fantisize already halting immediately when the eldest alerted them, taking a moment to listen she lowered her voice. "I go see what's going on, hide nearby and I'll call out if it's something serious. These shops aren't made for cramped battles with innocent people involved..." Mina crouches and slinks towards the nearby door trying to peer into the shop without alerting whoever was doing the threatening. Though if there was an innocent person in there then this mission would get a bit more complicated.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The two gruffs nod silently, sliding up on side of one of the buildings for cover as Mina moves forward to investigate the noise. The two stay far enough away to not be noticed by whatever might be in the building, but close enough to come to Mina's aid should she need it.

Stealth: Success

Mina quietly approaches the source of the voices, which continue the conversation. As she gets closer she starts to make out the conversation. "I'm just looking for more friends!" the high pitched voice whines, just before Mina rounds the corner and peeks into the remains of the street-side shop.

The front wall of the building is completely gone, the rubble strewn about inside and outside. Whatever furniture was arranged inside now lays in pieces throughout the space, creating an open, but uneven, floor. Three figures stand inside, two with their backs to the mercenary. "And I'm looking for your traitorous mistress!" the demonic knight yells at the cowering naked woman. The ant beast beside him stands still, but waves it's tentacles around randomly. "Tell me where she is, " the knight continues, "or I'll have this thing tear you limb from limb!"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Hmm, this would be a perfect time to test my new skills on this unaware knight...." Mine grinned and quietly stepped out behind the demons pointing one of her blades at the knight, in the blink of an eye a shimmer moved down her blade and then erupted out aimed directly at the knight's back.

(Energy blast, 8 points, single target flat footed demon knight)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 38/47, P = 40, EP = 43/51

Stealth: Partial Success
Damage: 4 + 1 + 6 = 11 x 8 = 88. Killed
To-Hit (Tentacled vs Mina): 38 vs 35. Hit
Damage: 15 - 6 = 9 HP. Armor takes 15/3 = 5 durability damage. 5/30

As Mina steps out, she sees the armored knight stepping towards the cowering woman, his hand moving down to the weapon at his side, completely oblivious to her presence. As she raises her weapon to channel her spiritual energy through it, the beast beside the knight suddenly turns and lets out a series of loud clicks and chitters in her direction. Undaunted, the mercenary releases her energy into the now turning demon, hitting it in the side, just under it's arm. The streak of energy easily passes through heavy armor, and smoke can briefly be seen wafting through the circular hole in the metal as the knight falls backwards, unmoving.

The beast, however, reacts quickly and swings it's many tentacles at Mina. So many of the appendages come hurtling at her that Mina is unable to find a good place to dodge to before she is struck. Several of the bladed tentacles swipe across her body, cutting deep into her, as well as slicing up her now almost completely destroyed leather armor.

The cowering woman shrieks and curls up into a ball to protect herself as the fight breaks out. Behind her, Mina can hear the footsteps of the two gruffs approaching, and soon hears the younger goatman yell, "Finally! Time for some action!" as he rounds the corner and takes stock of the situation.
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Ow! Well at least what I meant to kill died. With me!" Mina shouted as she decided to repay the cuts she just recieved tenfold to the ant. "I just killed a demon knight in one blow, I doubt you have a chance." She grinned lunging at the beast with the gruffs close behind.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 31/47, P = 40, EP = 43/51
To-Hit (Tentacled vs Mina): 50 vs 35. Hit
Damage: 5 + 8 = 13 - 6 = 7 HP. Armor takes 13/3 = 4 Durability Damage. 1/30

The ant like creature does not respond to Mina's taunt, nor does it even seem to recognize that she spoke. It's head swivels around as the gruffs come into view, but if their appearance worries it in any way, there is no sign. Instead, the creature lashes out with it's tentacles again, the flailing bladed appendages once again too fast for Mina to dodge. The demonic ant's attack slashes at Mina again, very nearly destroying what remains of her armor. After the attack, all that remains are strands of leather straps, barely holding together whatever bits of cloth had covered the armor.

To-Hit (Mina vs Tentacled): 18 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 63 vs 25. Hit
To-Hit (Mina vs Tentacled): 4 + 30 + 3 + 14 = 51 vs 25. Hit
Damage: 1 + 10 = 11
Damage: 9 + 12 = 21
To-Hit (Jerr vs Tentacled): 47 vs 25. Hit
Damage: 17
To-Hit (Akah vs Tentacled): 53 vs 25. Hit
Damage: 21

Recovering from the attack, Mina lashes out with her weapons, scoring two hits that nearly slice the monster in half. Not ones to hold back, the two gruffs leap in alongside her, swinging their own weapons that collide with the beasts carapace. The creature wobbles on it's legs for a second after the attack, before finally collapsing forward, a string of clicks coming from it's mandibles before it finally falls silent. "That's it?" Jerr asks, looking around for more demons, his eyes ignoring the cowering woman in the back of the ruins, "That was barely even a workout!" Akah, on the other hand, stares hard at the woman, his grip on his weapon firm.

With the knight and the creature destroyed, the woman peeks out from behind her hands and trembles as she looks at the mercenary and the fey. She doesn't move from her position curled into a ball in the corner, obviously still afraid despite the demons having been dispatched. "Please don't hurt me," she says, "I'm no one important!"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I apologize Jerr, next time I'll let the demon knight bat you around a bit before I blast a hole in it." Mina smirks and twirls her swords sliding them back into their sheaths. "Who are you? What is a naked girl doing in this city alone and being threatened by a knight?" She glances to her older companion, "Is she a demon as well? You seem on edge."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"One knight or a dozen, I can handle anything!" Jerr laughs at Mina's joke, before relaxing and sheathing his own sword. Akah on the other hand, keeps his weapon ready, not taking his eyes off the woman as he answers Mina's question, "She's no demon, but she's certainly spent plenty of time with them."

Now that the battle is over, Mina has a chance to look over the woman more closely. The woman's body is very curvy, and her skin, though stained with numerous streaks of fluid, looks flawless. The presence of a spiked tail though, surprises Mina, as does the tentacle wrapped around the woman' waist. The woman, seeing one of the gruffs and Mina putting there weapons away, seems to relax a bit, though she keeps a wary eye on Akah as she presses herself against the wall and slowly rises.

"M-my name... Cherry," she says, a smile on her face as she answers, "That's what my mistress calls me. I like that name." She looks at Mina for a second, obviously admiring the mercenaries body through the tattered remnants of her armor. After a few moments, she turns her attentions to the two fey, her eyes sliding over their forms just as they had Mina's. "That knight was looking for my mistress," the girl continues after a moment, "He was very angry with her."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Whoever she and her mistress are the demons want them dead. That makes them useful for us. Who is your mistress uh....Cherry." Mina motions Akah to lower his weapon. "Why are the demons angry with her? Is she one of them who deserted?" She rubs her chin thinking. "That could explain the small gathering in this area. It might not be an attack, it could be a manhunt....er...womanhunt."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Akah keeps his weapon out for a few seconds after Mina motions him to lower it, glowering at the naked woman before grunting and assenting to the mercenary's command. As soon as the gruff's weapon is put away, every last bit of tension disappears from Cherry's expression and she smiles happily. "My mistress?" she asks sweetly, "Mistress Mistellah is my mistress! Hehe, mismresmismella." She giggles innocently at the sound of her 'words', while one her hands begins to stroke her breast.

The question of the demon's anger causes Cherry to pout. "The other demons are so mean to mistress, it's not fair!" she cries indignantly while continuing to knead her breast and pinch her nipple. Assuming a fake deep voice, Cherry mocks the demons, "Your supposed to find more girls and bring them back to be sluts for us!" She laughs again, then says, "Mistress is just smarter than all the rest of the demons, and she knows that we need to leave before the portal gets closed." Whenever Cherry talks about her mistress, her voice takes on an unmistakable tone of admiration, as if her mistress is the greatest person the girl had ever met. Mina notices that Cherry's tail has begun swiping back and forth at her crotch, the tip softly sliding across the sensitive area, but not penetrating inside.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubs her nose watching the girl fondle herself and snaps a few times to get Jerr focused again off of Cherry. "I see, so your mistress is still on the side of the demons. What do you think Akah, should we perhaps stay here and try to catch her? She might have helpful information, then again she might be a fairly strong demoness to be traveling alone. If we stay here we might need to get some cold water for Jerr from the river..." She clears her throat before smirking.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(lol, nice)

Jerr jumps in surprise at Mina's unexpected snapping, looking at her and then away sheepishly, obviously having enjoyed Cherry's show. Cherry likewise is surprised at the sudden sound, though she has a different reaction. She immediately stops her lustful motions and instead stares at Mina's hand before giggling and exclaiming, "Snap, snap!" She laughs more, then says, "You're fun! I think mistress would like you!" She reaches out a hand towards Mina and softly holds it, her thumb gently caressing the mercenary's hand. "Mistress stopped working for the other demons cause they're too stupid! Now she's looking for a way out of this town, but all the meanies won't let her!" She pouts as she says the last statement, but cheers up quickly again, her arm slightly swinging as she continues to rub Mina's hand. "She's not alone though, Cherry is here! We have more friends, but mistress says we still can't get out of town without help. She told me to find help so we can leave! Do you want to come with us?"

Akah's expression remains full of disgust as he watches the corrupted woman's actions. "Our call as Fey soldiers is to destroy any and all demons, to prevent them from corrupting this world," he says, "But having the Lady's favor means we will do as you wish. I believe if this demoness were truly powerful, she would not send this minion out to seek help." The older gruff looks over at his younger companion, huffing when he sees Jerr eying Cherry lustily again. "Youth's eternal companion, foolishness, suits young Jerr well. At least he seems just as eager to fight as to make longing eyes." Jerr makes a double take at Akah at his comments, then blushes and clears his throat, taking a few steps away from the group and making a show of checking the street for threats. "All clear out here!" the younger gruff calls, then eagerly adds, "Let's go find that succubus!"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina facepalmed watching Jerr's antics, "I understand your reluctance but I've actually run across some demon tainted women who were resonable and kind. Sometimes allies come from odd places and this woman could tell us a lot about their goals, leaders and formation in the city. Perhaps showing us a weakness in their flanks we can exploit. This girl seems....odd....but I believe she is being truthful. We must take every opportunity we can to diminish their ranks and add to our own." She places a hand on Akah's shoulder. "Do not fear my friend I will not foolishly trust a demoness without some proof." She turns and smiles to Cherry, "Very well Cherry can you take us to Mistellah? We may have a solution to your need to escape the city. And no Jerr we will not be leaving you by yourself when we get there." Mina smirks and shakes her head.