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Gordon (Sponge)

Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Gordon turned to rush at the two women tumbling about, but when he came to them, they were rolling so quickly from side to side that striking with his staff was difficult, for he did not want to hit Deana. The unavoidable hesitation was Gordon's undoing, as the wolf man, seeing his opponent divert his attention had immediately sprung towards him.

Crash tackling Gordon to the earth before he could land a solid blow at the wolf girl, the male Lycan bit down hard on Gordon's forearm, which had gone up defensively to protect the more vital areas. A dull pain shot through Gordon, but not so much as he expected.

Whereas a bite so savage should have resulted in a large dose of pain, instead it simply made Gordon feel more fatigued. He had felt similar when the mist demon had clawed at him, and wondered if this was the game's way of rendering a player unconscious without exposing them to unneeded levels of pain.

The howls of the other Lycans were getting closer, and unfortunately for Gordon and Deana, the two current opponents were doing a masterful job of delaying.

Well, at least he and the Lycan were in close quarters again. Though that meant that the Lycan could attack him too...

Male Lycan 4/5
Female Lycan 2/5
Gordon 3/5, MP 2/3 (bitten twice)
Deana 4/6

Lycan reinforcements are 3 turns away...
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

((ehh.. seemed like the smart thing to do at the time.))
Damnit! His mind cried, feeling the teeth sink into him yet again. How the hell was he supposed to fight back against these things!? He knew this was a bad idea! Yet he couldn't just let her go get herself killed, but instead of thinking logically like he usually would he tried to be a hero. Though, the bite did remind him this was just a game, and he could always try again next time he supposed.

The howls were louder, he knew he wouldn't be able to get away in time at this rate, then they'd be overwhelmed, then game over man! Game Over!

He was getting tired of being bitten too, like he was just some damn chew toy for these things.

Hopefully, the thing wouldn't let go of his arm as he tried to bring up his other arm and place it on the monsters head and release a blast of energy directly into it's skull.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

((I'm just rolling dice and then giving flavor to the results. If you write down a particularly interesting or fun tactic, I might give bonuses to the die rolls. You've been rolling poorly, for the last few turns.))

Gordon realized the problem with a mage getting into close quarters with a melee combatant quickly as the stronger, faster man shot his hand forward and gripped Gordon by the wrist, breaking his hold on his staff and forcing his clenched hands to the earth. The struggle was enough to make Gordon's attempts and weaving magic impossible for the moment - it was all he could do to wrestle free of the Lycan's jaw and not be bitten a third time.

Suddenly he heard a woman's high pitched scream beside him. It was quickly cut off and when he turned he saw Deana, smeared with dirt and clawmarks, straddling the body of the female lycan, having plunged her sword squarely down through the feral woman's heart. Even in the midst of the panic swirling over his own fight, Gordon found himself momentarily transfixed by the sight of the natural warrior woman, exultant in victory, looking the very image of female power and beauty combined.

Beyond her, through the trees in the distance, the shapes of three more Lycans came howling and crashing through the trees.

Male Lycan 4/5
Female Lycan 0/5 (DEAD)
Gordon 3/5, MP 2/3 (bitten twice)
Deana 4/6

Lycan reinforcements are 2 turns away...
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Comon! Give me a damn break! This damn thing wasn't fighting fair, everytime he came up with an idea the creature would defy physics with super speed or strength or something! Hearing a screech however, he was able to look back and see Deana killing the other beast. It was rather pretty in a twisted sorta way, how she stood over the monster in victory, a breeze flowing through her clothes.
"Hey, sorry I'm such a burden but I need some help here!" He shouted. This was stupid, he had come to help her but instead ended up being the one who needed help.
I hate feeling weak... Since he was currently in a grapple, all he could do was hold on and try to prevent himself from getting hurt.
And I'm tired of being bit! With that thought, he struggled to push the beasts jaw away from him, and decide to give it a taste of it's own medicine and biting him in the throat.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Anger and frustration welled up inside the young man. His tactics had led him astray and his abilities with basic magic were found to be wanting. Moreover, the girl he had tagged along with to support had shown herself to be as competent - if not moreso - than he when it came to dealing with these feral creatures.

Maybe it was just his imagination, but the humiliation of the whole experience made the edge of his vision tinge with red. If playing dirty and savage was the way these wolf people were going to go about it, then so be it. Two could play at that game.

With a sudden snarl of his own, Gordon slipped his perspiring hand from the Lycan's clawed grasp and sent the palm of it straight to the man's slightly distended jaw with a sudden crack, then as the man reeled momentarily, Gordon gripped the man's mangy hair and yanked his neck down to within reach of his own bite.

The taste was awful, as he might have imagined, but the man howled in pain at receiving a taste of his own medicine. Then there was a flash of steel and the force of impact reverberated through Gordon's teeth as Deana's sword bit into the man's side. Immediately he rolled off of Gordon and groaned loudly, spasming in pain as he writhed in the dirt, close to death.

Deana pulled Gordon to his feet and they both turned to look at the oncoming trio of Lycans.

"We've lost the element of surprise, we should retreat!" Deana said, though disappointment seemed to be etched across her face as she spoke the words. Casting a glance at Gordon as he retrieved his staff, she asked him for confirmation. "Shall we go?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He grinned widely, finally able to land a blow up into the lycan's jaw, and he immediately when in for the kill... so to speak. His teeth were only human, but he tried his best to tear his grip, shaking his head side to side like an animal would to do the exact same thing.
UGH! This thing tastes like... ugh! Smells like wet dog too!

Still, it was satisfying returning the favor to the bastard. Suddenly hearing a loud yip from the wolf, it fell to the ground as Deana killed it off. Spitting out hair he raked off his tongue with his hand. He then stomped on the Lycan's throat.
"Yeah! How'd you like that!? Biting me all the time you bitch, using your super speed ass powers and I still make you choke!" He pants, now gathering his senses.

"We've lost the element of surprise, we should retreat!" Deana said. "Really? No shit! Lets get the hell out of here, I told you this was a bad idea!" Grabbing his staff from the ground he sprinted in retreat.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"It was a fine idea until they heard you!" Deana snaps back as the two of them start hoofing it as fast as they can through the woods, "And of course you'd let yourself get bitten!" She scowled and shook her head as they dashed off with the Lycans hot on their heels.

The pair crashed wildly through the woods, with inhuman howls chasing them.

"They're heading us off!" Deana shouted, pointing ahead to where more figures - this time very large wolves - were darting ahead on their far left, down the path that they had come by.

"We have to find another way!" she shouted, just as a half wolf-half human face ran up to growl over he shoulder, holding a clawed hand menacingly above her head. With a wild stab, she thrust her sword backwards and pierced the creature in its chest, forcing the creature to drop back.

Cut off from the path back to the village, the two in their haste move down further into the forest. Deeper into the entangling undergrowth. A wolf snaps at Gordon's heels, and he quickly jabs at it with his staff, scraping its nose and forcing it away.

"Keep going!" Deana said, "They're starting to lag behind."

Looking over his shoulder, Gordon saw that it was true. After minutes of all out sprinting, the wolves and lycans seemed to be fading off back into their territory. After another minute, they stopped the chase completely.

Coming to a stop to catch his breath, Gordon took a look around. They had run into deep forest. Trees were lush, green and plentiful about them, and the air had a sweet, dark quality to it. Small irregular columns of sunshine glittered through the gaps in the canopy ceiling, and the waft of flora permeated the air. A thick ivy seemed to run up the trunks of every tree.

Deana put a hand to her head and sighed, then found a seat on a nearby rock.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Holy Hell! How much longer are we going to have to run!? He'd always considered himself to be of average fitness, but to run full speed like he was playing track? And not being able to see so much around himself being who knows how deep in the woods didn't help one bit either.....

After what seemed like an of running hour into the forest, he panted deeply, resting himself on the floor and collapsing. Geez, maybe I really am out of shape. Least I have plenty of adrenaline. Flipping himself onto his back, he looked at Deana.
"Damnit, you can't just go out there into things like this. I know them hearing us was my fault, but the chance that if they heard you had you come out alone, those two things back there probably would of killed you."
The fight was still pretty fresh in his mind though, it didn't matter what kind of martial arts he knew, he wasn't fighting people. He was fighting monsters, things that defied physics and outdo his every move.
"I'm a worthless mage, without any spells I'm a guy with a big stick, and that's it." He stared up into the sky, squinting as the rays of sunshine bore into his eyes.....
Wait a second... sunshine? But even in the village it was always dark and foggy regardless of the time. Does that mean...?
"Deana, look at the sunlight. When's the last time you saw it in your village?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Huh?" Deana looked around, still panting from her run. "Oh... you're right. It's the sun. But how?"

She started to get up, but then wobbled a bit and sat down to steady herself. "Woo... do you feel that?"

Gordon did not feel anything particularly out of the ordinary.

Deana cleared her throat and smoothed her skirt with her hands, looking about her and sniffing. Then she brought her hands across her chest, resting them on the opposite shoulders. She rocked a bit back and forth.

"I feel... itchy. And... I don't know..." Gordon noticed that Deana's face had begun to flush a bit.

Birds began to chirp nearby and then interspersed with that natural music, Gordon heard a voice, a feminine one, singing amongst the trees. It seemed to be approaching them.

~La da da di di da.... la la di di daa...
My tree grows in shade dear... twixt the stones and the stream...
It's leaves hide a hidden fear... neath the waves of your dream.
I call for you night and day... drink deep of your love...
Yet still there's a price to pay... no hope from above...
I'll lie here and grow dear... and think only of you...
In my heart there is no fear... my roots drink your dew...
I'll call to you on a happy day... in your arms will I know...
You're worth the price to pay... and I'll drink deep and grow.
La da da di di da... la la di di daa...~

And then, as the song came to a close, Gordon spotted a figure twirling and dancing slowly through the sunlit trees, her skin green like spring grass and her hair dark like the shaded forest leaves. Out of her forehead jutted two curved horns, like those of a goat and she wore no clothes, displaying a pleasant body to look upon, even if it was not fully human, all the important bits were. Her arms and lower legs were wrapped in ivy, not unlike some of the trees that grew in this place.

She suddenly spotted Gordon and Deana and stopped her twirling. After a moment's assessment, she smiled, showing pearly white teeth, and she put her arms behind her back and rocked her body side to side, as though waiting for them to start a conversation or approach.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

She seriously didn't notice that? He shook his head to her question, "No, I don't feel a thing. Itchy? Maybe you got poison ivy on your." He did tense though as he heard some sort of song go through the forest.... "But I do hear something, I don't think we're safe yet." Getting off the floor with a tired moan, he wields his staff, ready to fight-

A hot naked chick!? No, it was something else. It had the figure of a woman, but resembled a... saytr? No that's just cause of the horns he'd be considering that. He was always into that mythical crap in books, so seeing she was singing a hymn to the forest, and was walking around completely.. um.. nude. Glancing downwards, out of modesty and also out of embarrassment he tried to communicate.
"Um, hello there! Could you perhaps tell us where we are? We were running from some bad people and we got lost, we don't know how to get back home."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Well of course you're lost," the green girl laughed, "No one can find this grove if they look for it - not unless the trees here want to be found."

The green woman half skipped, half danced her way over towards Gordon. It became difficult to ignore the way her body bounced when she moved in such a fashion.

Deana stayed seated and rocking herself, grabbing an pinching at her skin. Her face seemed to be sweaty, and she was squirming uncomfortably.

"Something's wrong," she muttered.

The forest woman arrived to within arm's reach of Gordon, and he had noticed by her spinning that she did also have in fact a tiny wisp of a furry tail, not unlike a satyr that he had first thought her. But she did not possess the goat legs that were so iconic of those creatures.

"I am Jasamine, a dryad of this grove." she introduced herself, and then looked sidelong at Deana with a smile. "Your girlfriend seems to be reacting to the lust lillies. They tend to have that effect on human girls. My father's people are always planting them. Silly satyrs..."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

His eyeballs were glued onto the mystery girl, she was bouncing and dancing all the way over here. A man's eye could not look away, no matter how hard they tried. Oh damn... that's so hot. I'd do so many thi- NO! No, nows not the time! He was finally able to grasp his sanity, and glanced away. He hadn't been paying attention to Deana the whole time, so he didn't seem to notice her condition.

"Something's wrong," she muttered.
Yeah no kidding. Naked chicks just don't go bouncing over to random guys.

He listened to the girl explain herself, and his mind caught on. Dryads! Spirits of the forest, of course. Protectors and such. And satyrs are creatures of insatiable lust for woman, chasing nymphs and dryads through the forest just to pin them down and 'play' with them. Though now thinking back earlier what she said, he could only remain glancing at the floor, his face blushing intensely.
"OH! No you have the wrong idea. This isn't my girlfriend, I'm helping her kill demons, that's all. And um.. if these lust lilies have an effect on woman, is there someplace you could show us that would either be safer or someplace where their effects aren't as strong?"
Lust lilies? Seriously? I could understand poison flowers emitting toxic pollen, but this is just insane. We got to get out of here.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Jasamine seems to brighten even more when Gordon denies being in a relationship with Deana.

"Oh! So you're single then, that's great! Yes there's some place I can take you both." She clasped her green hand to Gordon's, and in her other she lifted up a flush and moaning Deana, who had suddenly pushed a fist down to her abdomen and was turning her knees inwards, clenching her thighs close to one another. He had been so distracted by the appearance of the dryad that he had failed to notice the exact nature of Deana's condition. She appeared to be getting horny. There was really no other word for it. She was looking literally both hot and bothered, and she was actively doing everything in her power to stop from staring at him hungrily - which she was involuntarily doing every few seconds.

Gordon felt like a piece of meat being eyed by a starving animal, and was nervous about the huntress possibly jumping onto him at any moment. It was a bizarre experience for him - unused to having to fear a woman in the throes of lust flinging herself at him - yet there it was.

Jasamine seemed blissfully ignorant of Deana's stares and discomforture. She too was looking at Gordon with interest, though hers seemed of a more playful variety.

"You have a mage's staff. Are you a mage?" she asked innocently as she led them down a suddenly visible forest path deeper into the grove. The path seemed to literally open up before them as forest undergrowth parted and folded itself aside to let them go by.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Wait single? Why would she care?! Not even the same species! Whatever, he had bigger problems. He had just noticed Deana's condition, and for the first time in his life, he was afraid of being raped. She had the strength and combat knowledge to know how to subdue him quite easily. He'd be basically powerless to stop her if she decided to pounce on him.
You know, normally I wouldn't be so disturbed by a woman throwing herself at me, but a warrior that can kill wolves is something else. We need to hurry! He had to try to avoid eye contact with her. Shifting his gaze to the other woman's he gave a nervous smile.
"Why yes! I am a mage, um, you wouldn't mind hurrying would you? It appears my friend is getting more and more sick by the second." He practically started pulling the Dryad woman by the hand forward faster, hoping the destination would elevate the affliction plaguing Deana. His eyes did occasionally glimpse at the Dryad's bare front, but arousal was soon lost every time he made eye contact with Deana.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Oh?!" Jasamine seemed to be surprised by Gordon's desire for speed. "In a hurry are you? What are you afraid of? The wolves can't get you in here, they know better..."

It was then that she seemed to recognize Deana's glances. "Oh! Riiighht. I forgot that you humans have such hang-ups over little things like sex. There's no way she'll get free of the fragrance where we're going. One of us really should relieve her willingly. It's the kindest thing to do."

Deana squeaked in surprise. "Nnnn... no. I'm nnn-not like this. Can't you just destroy the lillies?"

Jasamine looked appalled at the suggestion. "I most certainly will not! The lillies are living plants, just like me! I would no sooner destroy them than you would destroy a silly human child uprooting innocent flowers in a garden! Really... if you weren't so desperately addled right now I'd -"

To this Deana gripped Jasamine by the shoulders. "I... I can't hold out any longer... I need someone." Her eyes shifted to Gordon, and the hunger seemed to be fighting against all of Deana's reason, modesty, and self-control.

"Please..." Deana said weakly, this time past the dryad and directly to Gordon.

Jasamine frowned. "Y'know I could do it, if you're not willing to. She's not your girlfriend after all."

The huntress began to walk unsteadily towards Gordon and hooked her thumbs on her skirt and underwear as she did so, pulling them down to expose a dripping wet pussy, with strands of nectar connecting her puffy lips to the sopping wet panties that now hung around her thighs. Her erect nipples threatened to pierce through her top, and Gordon found himself certain that he was about to be used.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Gordon glanced over at the two conversing, he was really starting to feel sorry for Deana. She looked like she was dying, like she was starving to death or something. He tried to hurry them up, make them go faster, when all the sudden some words were uttered from behind him, and it didn't sound like a woman. It sounded like an animal, hungry and desperate for a meal.

"I... I can't hold out any longer... I need someone." She said.

Gordon's blood stopped cold at those words, turning his head slowly like he'd seen so many times in horror movies. He now understood why they did that, they were afraid to see what was behind them, but they had to know. But the result was always the same, terror upon discovering the monster behind them. His gaze finally met with Deana's figure. While it was very attractive to look at, but instead of marveling beauty he was scared stiff.
"Please..." Deana said weakly.
Oh hell... I'm going to die. She's going to tear me apart, limb from limb, and fuck me senseless. I'm dead.. must.. run.. NOW! Sprinting away he ran in even more fear then the lycans. At least he would of DIED to those, instead of being raped! His breaths grew heavy as he dashed for his life, running and jumping some bushes and fallen branches.
God help me please....
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Gordon found himself running away from Deana in an outright panic, not daring to look back.

It was several hundred yards of crashing through the forest before he realized that he was not being chased as he had feared. The sunlight had faded from his vision, and he was back in a dark and overcast woods. Alone.

A howl of wolves was in the air.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

At first, looking behind him, he was glad that he had made it. She was nowhere to be seen. Of course, only later did his mind scream at him, Your all alone.

Alone in the woods, filled with who knows what. Maybe he had made the wrong decision. And what about Deana? Would she be safe there? He couldn't just leave her alone.
"I'm going to get myself killed aren't I?"
He then proceeded to run back from where he had fled.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Gordon soon realized that there was something definitely odd about these woods. The path that he had been running along was no longer evident, and the very sky above the deep canopy of trees was no longer sunny. He didn't see a sign of Deana or Jasamine anywhere.

"Hey!" came a sharp, feral female voice from nearby. He turned and saw a tall anthropomorphic woman with wolf ears, tail, eyes, and claws leap up onto a fallen tree and stare at him with rage. "Looks like your all alone," she said. "Little village boys shouldn't go wandering in these woods. A big bad wolf might snatch you up..."

She prowled closer to him. "We thought we lost you in the dryad grove, but I guess you failed to make a good impression on the wood nymph. Her loss and our gain, I suppose."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Hey!" came a sharp, feral female voice from nearby. Gordon turned his head to see behind him one of the werewolves You mean lycans.Whatever.

Damnit can I ever get a freaking break? She looks awfully pissed too but...

Oddly he felt rather calm. Maybe it's because he got caught before he could reach Deana. Honestly he was afraid she would still be in that same state she was before. Still.... I hope she's ok. Deana, where are you? He turned to face his aggressor, giving a sneer. "Lady if your trying to intimidate me, I got to let you know I was running from something much worse then you and your friends." This is game over, isn't it? How was I supposed to know it would be one of those damn hidden forests things. I thought it only existed in Zelda and Mario RPG.
Trying to remain calm, he kept his smug look and wielded his staff.