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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


Rika's sister brought Kita down to a women in a compartment of the warehouse. She was surrounded by medical supplies, though just the basics, nothing fancy, and the door was guarded by two. She looked up as they grew closer, a tired look on her face. She didn't say anything, just shook her head as if this wasn't the first time it had happened.

The guards sat Kita down on a small table in the room. "She'll get you fixed up, just don't move around too much" She stepped outside with the other guards as the medic got out her tools to begin working on Kita's arm. Yes, a medic, Kita noticed this woman was wearing some military clothing. This was a strange development! However, the woman wouldn't look at her at all, just the wound, something was wrong...


Well, you see, while I do want a little personal revenge, and I will have it, I assure you, that's not the only reason you're here. You see, not all the military fled. Theres a good number of them in a building about two and a half kilometers from here. All men for the most part. They want to rebuild society, but need a way to repopulate the planet, see where I'm going with this?" Rika rolls her eyes as she says this. She doesn't let Suzy or Abi reply, but keep talking. "Several of our people have been taken. We need your weapons and knowledge of the area. They do have one or two willing military women, no doubt you're with them. So, as you can imagine, I'd be very happy if you could tell us all you know about them." Rika circles around both girls, not getting close enough for either to try anything. Abi remains silent, ready to let Suzy take the brunt of this interogation.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy looked at Rika, her jaw dropping at the explanation. It. Was. All. So. Wrong! Suzy's face turned red with rage again as she stared furiously at Rika. "What... The... FUCK!" she said, yelling her curse at the end. "What the fuck's wrong with you? You're out of your fucking mind! Why would we want to help people like that!? We're in your fucking position, you bitch! Where are Alexis and Sara? Let me see them now!" she shouted, writhing in her chair madly. This girl was going about it all wrong, and if she could just get free... Then Suzy could... Correct her... She knew full well that none of them, not even Abi, would align themselves with such bastards as Rika talked about, but the ginger girl was plenty sane enough to realise that argument wouldn't work here.

Suzy straightened in her seat, looking Rika in the eye. "We are not your fucking enemies, yet. We are not here to fucking capture you! We're here to fucking well get our shit and get the fuck out!" she snapped, glaring coldly at the woman.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita silently mulled over what she'd been through, letting the medic work in undistracted silence for a bit. The fact she was in military garb made her wonder.... perhaps there was alterior motive to this whole military hate thing... still, if the leader wouldn't talk...

"Nice camo, what was your rank?" Kita asked, almost as if it was quite casual to speak to a military personel as they dug into one's arm.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


The medic ignored Kita, or so it seemed. She kept tending the wound, and doing a pretty good job of it. Before too much time had passed, Kita noticed a note slipped infront of where she was sitting, though.

Not allowed to talk
Guards will get mad
I'll try and contact you later​

The medic finished with her arm and applied a liberal ammount of painkiller. More then was strictly nessisarly, considering how low on supplies these people probably were. Either a good sign or a bad sign, but a sign none the less. The woman motioned for Kita to go back to the guards, who were peaking in just now to see what was taking so long. Rika's sister looked mildly annoyed at her time being used in this manner, and she roughly started hauling the girl back out down this hall.

This hall was lined with bedding materials. Sleeping bags from a sporting goods store seemed to be the norm. Kita was led the the end of the hall. The last room had a bit more furnishing to it, probably Rika's room. She was placed on the bed roll, and even tucked in. "Just rest. Rika will be by soon. Don't try anything, we're posting a guard." With that Kita was momentarily alone and given time to reflect.


Suzy's continued outbursts were rewarded with hard slap across the face. "Quite down, people are trying to sleep or enjoy themslves out there!" For some reason, Rika didn't notice how out of place that sentence was. "Well, if you don't want to help those people, then why don't you just tell us everything you know, eh? I have half a mind to rough you up first for your attitude though."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy recoiled instinctively from the slap, her cheek stinging immediately. Looking now at the floor, Suzy spat a little blood out, and turned back to look at Rika. "Go ahead, 'rough me up', bitch. Do whatever the fuck you want to me, as long as the others are fine. I have nothing to tell you, unless you want me to lie to you so that you can convict us of crimes we aren't guilty of. As for your people sleeping or whatever, I don't give a flying fuck. You're holding us fucking hostage, on no legitimate grounds, and want us to do what you want. Well, fuck you." she snarled, trying to spit again, this time aimed at Rika. She didn't realise how stupid her words might've just been, furious beyond shouting at the woman standing smugly before her.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As Kita rested- no doubt waiting on the overuse of painkiller to kick in- she thought long and hard over the dilemma before her. Yes, the girl seemed mad about the military, and yet her sister was a part of it, odiously it wasn't the military in general... and yet, she didn't want to wait and listen to the people trying to tell her she had made a mistake, odiously leading to believe whoever she DID have beef with were some nasty idiots in uniform... she sighed to herself. What would she do if this was one of her games, she thought, trying to categorize her dilemma into simple to understand bullet points into her mind. Eventually, she came up with a few options-

*Escape by herself (Heartless and cold, but she'd definitely not be too well thought up for her survival allies thus far...)
*Convince this gal she wasn't trying to kill her and accept her response, in order to escape that way (Could probably smuggle the others out if she tried too, though she didn't like that one either...)
*Somehow overpower some gun-happy ladies and free them herself (cause that ALWAYS works...)
*If the gal came in here, demand what the flying fuck is going on, and demand their ticket out again. (She tried it once, it seemed to have some effect, if not a attempted fatality, but still, with her and psycho-gal alone....)

"Seriously, if I keep thinking like this is there anything I can't figure out?" Kita smirked to herself through a tiny little twinge of pain. Guess it was only one clear option...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


Kita layed in the bed for many minutes. Rika must be busy with something. The meds were starting to kick in, and she had trouble keeping her eyes open. However, there was a sudden burst of activity from out in the hall. Kita couldn't make out any words, but the tone of voice was quite mocking. Every one in awhile it would stop, and a quieter voice would say a few words, then the others would stop. Eventuall the medic emerged around the corner, carrying a tray of food. She sat down next to the injured girl and set the food down. She still wasn't speaking but covertly slipped out a notepad when the guards wern't looking, as well a first note.

Still can't talk
We need to get out of here somehow
I know where they're keeping everyone else
Not safe to get them now

The woman slipped the pad and a pen over to Kita, hiding it on the far side from the door, blocking the guards line of sight if they just peaked in, and gave Kita a look that hopefully made her get the picture.


Rika did a one two punch to Suzy's face. "Don't you understand! Just tell us about their set up over there! She seemed to remember there were two girl tied up at that moment. "And what about you, what do you know." Rika stared deeply into Abigail's eyes. "You know anything usefull?" The Private just stared back. While rather stoic, their time together told Suzy that Abi wanted to say something, but didn't have anything to say. Rika punched the girl right in the jaw, hard enough to tip the chair over. She then turned back to Suzy, giving a death glare.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita took the hint. Grabbing the paper, she wrote down:

Two questions:
What's the beef with the gal and the military?
What can I do to stop all this insanity?
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy flinched again, sinking into the chair, a crunch and spurt of warm blood down her face telling her that she'd had yet more damage done to her nose. She groaned, and hung limply, only looking up at another crunch and Abi being knocked to the ground.

Blood streaming down into her mouth, Suzy had to spit again before she could speak. "We know nothing, now leave Abi the fuck alone!" she yelled, her voice slightly blurred as she spat out blood. "She knows less than I do, if my experiences so far with her are anything to judge by, ya little whore!" she snarled, glaring at Rika coldly. She wouldn't usually care for Abi, but she felt loyal right now. Probably because running away wasn't an option.

Regardless, for some reason, she didn't want Abi getting hurt. Possibly it was because she was under the impression the girl was now under her protection, while Alexis looked after Sara. Goth girl was... Fuck knows, somewhere else. Suzy then considered. Neither of them knew anything, and she knew that full well, but whassisfacebitch wouldn't accept that. So she'd do the only option available to her. Try and keep Abi from taking the blows. She already felt like her nose had broken, may as well take the rest. So Suzy stuck her tongue out mockingly at Rika, and snapped "OK!? We don't have anything to tell you. If we told you anything about whatever they're called, then we'd be lying. We are not part of them, and cannot for that reason tell you anything about them. So fucking untie us, give us Alexis and Sara, and we'll get the fuck out, bitch."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


The medic took the note, but also pushed the tray of food closer, as if she seriously did bring it for Kita to eat. She started scribbling on the notes.

Colonel White abducted three of the women from here
Including Rika's other sister
I don't think we can stop her
Just escape

As she was writing, one of the guards came in, the medic quickly hid the notepad. "What's taking so long." The medic responded in a quiet voice while looking at the ground. "I have to observe her eating, to make sure she's alright." Kita could almost hear the unspoke "because some idiot shot her" tacked on at the end. The guard seemed to accept this reason, but slowly walked over. He slapped the woman harshly across the face. "I hadn't given you permission to speak." With that he walked back out and joined the other guard outside the door.


"Of course you know about what they're up to. Before the Colonel started taking our people, he sent a trade party or two to lure us into a false sense of security. We also know from a reliable source that just because he's been found out, the Colonel will still try and infiltrate us." Rika had taken note of Suzy's protectiveness, and walked over to Abi, setting her back upright. "So, you won't talk if I threaten your own person, but what about your friend here." Rika brought out a small knife, flicked it open, and started to trail the blade down Abi's restrained arms, not cutting, but letting her feel it over every inch of her arms. Abi's eyes went wide, but didn't say anything. She knew Suzy couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear, but that didn't stop her from staring at the other girl with terrified eyes.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy spat out another mouthful of blood, and glared at Rika. This bitch was going to pay. "Fuck you. She's innocent, you bitch. We're all innocent, and you're going about this the wrong fucking way. How the fuck do you know your source is reliable? Because for your fucking information, this is the first time I've ever heard of these bastards, though I reckon you guys are just as fucking bad from this." she snapped, eyeing the blade on Abi's arm. "Don't worry, Abi, you're fine. Nothing they do to you is justified, and they'll get it back at them." she growled this time at the terrified brunette. Suzy straightened her legs, making another attempt to stand up and give herself a bit more height.

"Fucking put the knife away. Because we know fucking nothing, so you're going to murder her in cold fucking blood, and gain nothing except a guilty fucking conscience when you finally get convinced we're innocent, and a fucking body or four to bury." she snarled viciously, though not moving towards her, just standing there. If Rika decided to stab or slash Abi anyway, then Suzy would charge her, reckless as it was, because she wasn't putting up with the bitches bullshit. Abi didn't deserve this shit unless it was coming from the ginger girl herself, so Rika had no right, as far as Suzy was concerned, to be doing this.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Stuck up little twat..." Kita muttered as soon as the guard got far enough away. Starting to eat some of the food now, Kita scribbled Look, I'll do anything I can do to get them out, short of shooting this place up Rambo-style. Seems the only other option is to tell the good guys about the bad guys so we can save the others. If I can get out of here, I should be able to reach the sewer base these gals came from. Can ya help me with that? It was a bit wordy for her, but it hopefully was as clear as she could risk.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic looked around anxiously for a few seconds, before scribbling furiously on a note. This one was larger then the others. Kita could get a glimpse of it here and there, it wasn't writing, more of a map. After a long time, she handed it over face down to Kita, there was a small written note there as well.

I don't know what all I can do
This map might help a bit
The dots are where guards are ususal at
These are not ALL the guards, however

(You might have to save the map at the bottom to hard drive to see it well enough)


Rika looked pissed at Suzy's latest display of defiance. She stoped tormenting Abi for a second to kick the girl square the chest, knocking her over backwards. If anything, Rika was quite flexable, and being tied to a chair didn't exactly lend Suzy a good footing to stay upright. The pain in her chest was only bad for a moment, before it was eclipsed by a ringing in her ears as she hit her head on the floor.

Rika wasn't done quite yet, however. She lifted Suzy back up, much as the guard had done earlier, but roughly. She made sure to twist the chair a bit, and Suzy's wrists made a sickening snapping sounds behind her. Not broken, but sprained at the very least. With the chair firmly on the ground again, Rika held Suzy by the hair with one hand, while giving her another good punch in the cheek. "You're a masochist, aren't you. I be you're getting turned on by this you sick bastard!"


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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita nodded, looking both ways furtively before sliding the sheet of paper into the first safe place she could think- the upper part of the glove covering her shot arm. She nodded her thanks, before mouthing a 'thank you'.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's only reaction to the kick, and the smack to the floor, was to snarl ferally, and kick out to balance herself, and try and get back to her feet. She flopped forward a little as she was pulled up, and then stiffened, a loud whimper of pain heard over the horrible sounds of her wrists spraining. The red haze lifted from her eyes so she could find herself with her hair twisted painfully in Rika's hand, and she was staring into the blondes eyes. Her head snapped to the side as she was punched again, a tooth flying to the floor along with a little more blood.

"'Mnot a fuckin' masochist, bitch. Go down an' fuckin' check if ya want!" she snapped, nodding down slightly to her opened legs, before spitting some of her blood onto Rika's face. She was past caring now. Held helplessly, all she think to do was piss off Rika more, since she couldn't be convinced of their innocence. She could deal with physical pain, though her face was ghostly white, even more than her normal skin tone, beneath the blood, as she struggled to deal with the pain in her wrists. She hoped they weren't broken, but that wasn't as important as keeping Abi safe, which in turn, wasn't as important as rescuing Alexis.
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

(Yeah, the time differential is back for awhile. Rika isn't really in two places at once)


The medic waited for Kita to finish eating, and was about to pick the tray up and take it away when one of the guards stuck his head in again. "Rika wants a word with you." He looked slightly ticked off. The medic gathered the things, the notes and whatnot already being hidden, then shuffled out the door. Kita could hear a one sided conversation going on outside, but not make out what was being said. The two males guards tried to object to what she said at one point, but were quickly silenced.

Soon, Rika came into the room and sat down on the bedroll next to Kita, checking out her arm. "How are you feeling?"


Rika was about to do more, when there was a knock on the door. "Ahh, good, time to see what else will happen to you if you don't cooperate." She went and opened the door, there were several guards outside. Rika took a step back and four guards hauled the completly naked forms of Sara and Alexis, signs of what had happened leaking down their legs, faces, chests, backs, everywhere. Alexis' red hair was mostly white now, only one reason for it really. She looked to be still awake, but broken, not struggling at all. The guards just dropped her face down on the hard, damp floor. The girl didn't move at all.

By contrast, Sara seemed to be unconscious. She was drug along in much the same manner as Alexis had been. The guards flopped her down right next to Alexis, almost on top of her infact, but the redhead didn't react.

Anticipating a bad reaction, guards moved behind the two girls in the chairs, making sure neither could get up again, and everyone stayed well back from their legs.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita stared almost impassively at the gal. She figured that she'd allready had messed with her allies, but she had to do something about it. "I heard about the bloke who you got beef with," Kita said, almost sharply. "You do realize those women you probably just tortured are from a base located in the sewer instead? Or did you never think to ask nicely?" She was making it quite clear she wasn't too cheerful about the turn of events, and if anything she hoped the bombshell of mistaken identity would cause her to at least flinch.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy was steeled, quite ready to take more hits, even accepting that she might take a broken bone or two, but the sight of her girlfriend, and of Sara's naked forms made her stop. She stared for a few seconds, locking eyes with Alexis' blank ones, and tears sprung up in her eyes.

Then, she started thrashing madly, legs scrabbling for purchase on the floor, and tears cascading down her face from the sight, and from the excruciating, but mostly ignored, pain in her damaged wrists. The mental trauma was far worse. "YOU BASTARDS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM! ALEXIS! SARA! ALEXIS! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THEM, YOU MONSTERS!" she screamed, pulling as far away from her chair as her bindings and torturous wrists allowed. This was far, far worse than any amount of injury they could inflict on the small ginger woman, to be forced to see what they'd done to the only person she loved, her beautiful, strong Alexis... This couldn't be happening... Why couldn't it have been her instead!? She would have willingly given herself over to save the others from this...

Regardless of the guards behind her, Suzy tried to stand up again, no longer concerned with them, only with reaching Alexis, screaming again, in wordless agony as she impressively managed to lift the chair a couple of inches off of the floor.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


"You've found out somehow... hmmmm, I bet I know how..." Rika was imply that Kita had just gotten the medic in trouble. "Well, then, I assume you've heard how cunning this man is. Frankly, I'm beggining to suspect you're really part of the military, only posing as one of us to lower our guard. I'll let you be, for now, but I'm not inclined to believe you. I'll have you know I questioned your friends, and their answers were less then convinceing." Rika relaxed a bit, not afraid of an injured girl. She leaned back a bit on the bed roll, then called to the guards. The same one popped his head in. "Looks like you two will be getting your fun tonight after all. If you want, you can use Mike's room right now, don't think he'll be needing it." The guard perked up and went back out in the hall, saying something to his fellow guard, who laughed in response. Kita could hear them walking off down the hall.


Amazingly, the guards let Suzy work her way over to Alexis. The sight was almost comical, considering she was still tied to a chair. For her part, Alexis simply curled into a ball, not very responsive. Rika let the solider lay next to the girls for a moment, before yanking her up by the hair again. On the way up she could see Abi crying buckets over in her own chair. "One last time, tell me what you know, or you're next!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"You got no idea what kind of mistake you're making! They're not lying, and you're just being a paranoid BRAT!!!" Kita growled, angrily looking at the door they had left. Still, she mentioned the guy that let them in, Mike... perhaps he'd be more understanding then his so-called friend. Still, she had to get out of here first. Thinking slightly to herself, an odd idea came to her, as she looked around the room, for of all things, a moderately-sized crate...