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H-Game Design, My Problem(tm) and My Idea


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
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No, they actually want people (men specifically) tried as rapists for looking at them in a way they don't like and yeah retroactive withdrawal of consent IS also an absurd idea! It's almost as if my intent was to establish a pattern of flawed logic leading back to a source and not talking about actual legality in any way shape or form as it is irrelevant to the original dispute.
Dude, what logic? In your last few posts you've jumped from saying how men were asking to be raped by being drunk in public, to how modern society (as codiified by laws) makes people unresponsible for their actions, to attacking offences you thought were created by an extremist minority faction (when such offences either didn't exist or existed before said minority faction), and then to just attacking their views. I don't even know what points you're trying to make now.

Edit: As noted by JustLurksHere below, this conversation isn't going anywhere. I feel like I'm trying to make a decent effort at responding to the points you're raising, super_slicer, or at least trying to correct misinformation that you're stating as fact, but every time I say something there's a sudden massive leap. Maybe I just don't understand what points you're trying to make, or maybe all these leaps to different topics you appear to be making are the result of incoherent logic. Whatever the reason, I won't be responding any more on this topic.
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Jungle Girl
Oct 28, 2016
Reputation score
...funny: both parties talking about taking things to the natural conclusions are actually driving things into the opposing walls. Are they aware of it ?

The thing is...
Well, for example I live in a country where the black mafia is pretty much running unchecked. That makes things that are pretty obvious in most of Europe nearly unobtainable for the local feminist movement and that was even before our tin-pot dictator took over. Yet that doesn't stop the femi-nazi branch of the neo-SJW movement from making their share of nutty claims. Those have about as much to do with personal freedom as positions of their black mafia opponents.

What people seem to forget is that unless you're into the game of blaming the Jews/immigrants/whatever, either under delusion that it won't lead to pogroms and won't eventually open you to be next in the line of fire or plans to enact such pogrom, your social contract should be a net cast as widely as possible.

After all, in the cities there's only one (temporarily) plentiful source of food - the problem with it is that in its case the interspecies transmission barrier is literally non-existent.

The above statement is at least half-serious. Whether we like it or not, we've reached the point in specialization, that barely anyone has both skills and means to survive on their own, so we have no choice but to find a way to live with each other. I mean, pogroms might be fun, but only till you become the receiving party.

The other part of the problem is too much simplification. People tend to see such problems as lines, where actually closer to hyperplanes, each subtly different from any other. So, we're stuck in a situation where often the only agreement possible is that we disagree with each other.

The way I see it, that means regulations must affect as small fraction of the field as possible. Yet, everyone has different priorities, so the crucial areas differ too...

And all of that on top of climate and neo-socage crises too...


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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...funny: both parties talking about taking things to the natural conclusions are actually driving things into the opposing walls. Are they aware of it ?
Sure, however what else can I do when the opposition takes my logic to an absurd extreme then ignores my refutation? I certainly won't capitulate. It's not like we were ever going to agree anyway.

Edit: As noted by JustLurksHere below, this conversation isn't going anywhere. I feel like I'm trying to make a decent effort at responding to the points you're raising, super_slicer, or at least trying to correct misinformation that you're stating as fact, but every time I say something there's a sudden massive leap. Maybe I just don't understand what points you're trying to make, or maybe all these leaps to different topics you appear to be making are the result of incoherent logic. Whatever the reason, I won't be responding any more on this topic.
Honestly I feel quite similarly, you continue to prattle on about unrelated legalities and ignore clear refutations of your arguments. Though it's not the way I'd like to win, a victory by default is still a victory. There IS always a choice.


Well-known member
May 7, 2018
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Holy cow, people actually responded to this. I feel somewhat honored. And a bit baffled that somehow, people managed to decrypt my late-night ravings that I was sure would be totally ignored.

So, thank you all. I'm going to try and acknowledge your contributions and answer some of the questions directed at me.

Beatru: Thank you for chiming in! Your game sounds interesting, and I wish you luck on it. Your comments are quite prudent! Certainly, adding polish quickly adds a great deal of expense for this system, and it's been pointed out to me that even the numbers I quoted as a bare minimum still qualify as a good deal of work. I believe you're also likely about a 3D engine? That makes a lot of things easier, and other things harder - As I'm sure you know. Regardless, thank you for chiming in, your perspective on this is quite valuable.

Habisain, thank you for pointing out some of the games that do similar things! I'll be sure to examine some of them, thank you. Lack of control as a mechanic is quite underutilized, I agree, especially when we're talking about the contrast between control and lack thereof. A few noteable examples I remember that did use this to some extent are Corruption of Champions and its modern corollaries - Trials in Tainted Space from the same dev, the sequel COC 2, and Lilith's Throne, to name a few. There's a sad shortage of art in the games (text-based) and it's all entirely turn-based, but they're definitely there and definitely doing the thing you're talking about.

As for QTEs, the main issue with them is twofold: First, being disconnected from the game mechanics make sit so that you sort of have to learn a whole new set of mechanics, and then the consequences are either far too drastic for a player in that situation, or appropriately scaled but laughably weak. Games like DDR get around that problem by making the entire game about it, giving you plenty of practice. Another way to tackle it is to tie the controls of the QTE to the mechanics of the game - Instead of them telling you which button to press, which buttons you press affects what happens in the QTE, as an example.

Another example is Paper Mario's rather compelling use of QTEs to boost your attack power - The consequence is interesting but not wholly dire (at first), and pulling it off makes you feel like you got away with something. And a lot of them have degrees of success, instead of just binary failure or success - You can do poorly at an attack and end up dealing the enemy a glancing blow that still does some damage as a consolation, do relatively well and land a solid hit, or, if you're very skilled and a bit lucky, you can max out the attack and basically get the equivalent of a critical hit. If you design a relatively high skill ceiling into this kind of system, guess what? You get skill based progression instead of/alongside normal progression. Paper Mario was actually sort of the inspiration for this, weirdly - Not a hentai game, but it's good to take notes from normal games, as they tend to have a larger diversity of mechanics since there's just... More of them. And a lot of those can translate quite well.

Yes, the code complexity seems like the main issue, unfortunately. Honestly I'ms tarting to see how it might be difficult to put something like this together, and if not handled carefully it could end up being very niche. Even so, it does seem like an interesting challenge, nonetheless.

Tenma, you seem to have caught on later in the discussion, but the general idea here would be something like (Overworld/Movement Gameplay)->(Combat Gameplay)->(Struggle Mechanics), which then branches off into looping back to combat, or in a few cases ends combat and winds up back at Overworld/Movement. You have a good point about there being a fine line between this and torture porn - Or in some interpretations, this basically being torture porn. If I was to try and do something like this myself, I'd probably try and avoid as much of the really dark and hopeless stuff as possible. That's kind of what I don't like about the bad ends/game overs that a lot of games tend to plonk at the end of a combat failure - It actively encourages savescumming which breaks immersion, and makes it impossible to play through failure, which has some really dismal implications for... Life in general. I believe Habisain made some of those same points, and while I can understand Slicer's perspective on not wanting to play through rape, there are plenty of games that cater to that already. As for your commentary on the affects playing through rape has on the narrative, I believe you've realized that that largely depends on the game's structure both narratively and mechanically. And yes, playing a battlefuck game as a female would be very interesting ;P I've had that same thought, as it happens.

I wish I had been here while there was some discussion going on, I... Honestly wasn't expecting any response at all, given how terribly put together the original post was. I lament the direction the thread has gone, but at least there's some good discussion in here so far. Again, thank you to everyone who contributed. Your perspectives were enlightening, and your enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.


Jungle Girl
Jun 12, 2013
Reputation score
Honestly, I have a similar problem with most HGames. Why is the point of the game the fail state? Should we not design games where the point of the game facilities the gameplay? Lord knows I'd love to play as a thirsty girl going on a conquest for once, if nothing else than because I'm the one doing the sexing, and being good at the game is being rewarded instead of being punished. To keep things interesting, you could retain some sexual hazards if nothing else than for tradition's sake. Classic use of tentacles instead of spikes, maybe some plant-based environmental traps, but I'd love to be the girl taking on man, woman, and beast, and just getting my jollies off on a level.

I think I've seen this done once with a female protag? Played as a succubus, and the success/failure state was handled as domming/subbing, so you got sex either way. Don't remember the name of it, but I'd love to see more like that.