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H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?


Jungle Girl
Feb 13, 2015
Reputation score
I've been surprised by how many people have said that they dislike male protagonists in games, so I'm curious about what people like.

Of course, your answers might depend on the type of sex scenes you like to see and what you're used to.

For example, if you're really into monsters you probably are used to playing VNs and platformers that have female protagonists.

A game might have a male protagonist that sees females get raped in the background or during sex scenes, but you'd rather just look at a female protagonist. Or you might want to have females getting fucked by a lot of monsters instead of just a single monster protagonist.

But you also might like to be the monster and have control over catching and raping the girls (or guys?), or to be a male protagonist who has to watch his girlfriend or friends get raped or corrupted. (Maybe you're into NTR.)

Or maybe you like to identify with a female character, and you play otome games.

If you have different thoughts depending on the sex type or game type, please answer for each type.

Example types:

RoR (run or rape) - e.g. Angel/Shinobi/Witch Girl
GoR (game-over rape) - e.g. Iris Action
VR (victory rape) - e.g. Himegari Dungeon Meister
BF (battle fuck) - e.g. Erotical Night
BS (sex during battle gameplay) - e.g. Vitamin Quest
RS (reward sex - like affection systems) - e.g. Harem Collector
SS (story sex - scenes that happen because of narrative choices) - e.g. Tsuki: Possession

Point & Click (like a typical visual novel)
RPG (including Strategy RPG and Action-Adventure RPG - like FF:Tactics and Zelda)
Action-Adventure (like GTA and Hotline: Miami)
Platformer (like Metroid)
Sidescroller (like the original Golden Axe)

Monster protagonist (e.g. orc, tentacle creature), Alien protagonist, Futanari protagonist, Male protagonist, Female protagonist

Again, why is that your choice?


How many females and males and monsters do you want in the game?

Harems or no harems?

Do you prefer the non-player characters to be in the sex parts just for sex, to be corrupted, to be enslaved, to be romantic partners, or something else?
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Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I generally like a Run or Rape protagonist, male or female, but I prefer if they're helpless and they "need" to avoid the enemies or they get raped. And I've only seen it once in an H game, but the gallery mode basically was the protagonist being led around a dungeon prison in shackles and you choose a cell and drop the protagonist to be raped by one of the enemies in the game. Stuff like this just turns me on.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Same as Iggy. I like punishment, not reward. I think that adds something to the conflict of the game, in that it kinda pushes you into not only fighting to win, but also fighting the desire to lose. I hate reward, especially in RPGmaker settings, cuz it often feels like, to me, any shitty rpg game that could have been made with CG's thrown in at the end of stupid fetch quests, just feels lazy.

I don't think I've ever seen anything with a non-human protagonist being raped. I have to go with male or female, and I think I'm one of the few that enjoys male protags getting raped (though monster girl has quite a popularity)
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I generally like a Run or Rape protagonist, male or female, but I prefer if they're helpless and they "need" to avoid the enemies or they get raped. And I've only seen it once in an H game, but the gallery mode basically was the protagonist being led around a dungeon prison in shackles and you choose a cell and drop the protagonist to be raped by one of the enemies in the game. Stuff like this just turns me on.

Thanks for the response. That sounds like an interesting game. Do you remember what it was called or what type of game it was?

My answers to the questions:

RoR, GoR - Female protagonist, because I'm not interested in seeing males or futas get fucked.

VR, BF, BS - Male protagonist, because I want a male to defeat/dominate the girls. For BS, it's also good if the player can make a party member (any gender/sex) cause a different party member (female) to be fucked by an enemy or ally.

RS, SS - Usually male protagonist, because though I don't always put myself in the character's shoes, I do usually want the male to be the aggressor/initiator. Also, male-protag games often don't focus on male graphics (the guy(s) are partly or completely invisible/only parts of their bodies show up).

RS, SS - Can be female protagonist if the game describes what she's thinking and feeling when turned on, and the text and images don't focus on how attractive (or unattractive) the protagonist perceives the male to be.

RS, SS - Futa is ok if it's Futa x Female.

P&C - Male protagonist. You're mostly looking at opposite-gender images, so male protag makes more sense to me.

RPG - Either male, female, or futa protagonist. It depends on what the writing and images focus on.

AA - Usually male, because the story and action usually focus on the protagonist doing things to others (fucking them, lusting after them, enslaving them, etc).

Platformer & Sidescroller - Male or futa if the protagonist does things to others and there's no Futa x M content. Female if there's little text, the protagonist has things done to her, and/or she watches things happen to others.

I don't like NTR, animals, anthros or furries, monstergirls, horror monsters (zombies and stuff), tentacle monsters, slime creatures, non-humanoid robots, etc etc

Orcs are ok protagonists if they look basically like humans (not like pigs or undead things). Basically, humanoids that look pretty much human are ok.

I like variety, so I like protagonist appearance customization, multiple girls, multiple monsters (ones that fit my preferences), multiple types of sex scenes, and so on.

I like harems full of females, but not males.

I play H-games primarily for the sex because they rarely offer anything else that I enjoy. A lot of them have bad writing and are more traditional-game-like - and I'm not a fan of grinding, Zelda-style puzzles, and so on. I'm also not a fan of affection systems or otome-style romance stuff. I like transitional corruption, sex for sex's sake, rape that isn't sadistic in any way (physically or verbally rough/abusive), and abduction for the sake of sex. I don't like "instant subjugation" or "mind break through cruelty" or characters that are evil, assholes, haughty, or behave like they're flawless.

Basically, I like games (and stories in general) that

- Have males who have consensual sex with girls or push girls' boundaries
- Have males that are affected by some sort of spell or power that makes them lustful and causes them to lose control temporarily
- Have males that have a mission that requires them to fuck women without their consent (for the greater good), but who don't hurt them and aren't mean to them (and who try to make it enjoyable, unless they lose control or get wrapped up in the sex/pleasure)

- Have futa who are in the same situations as the ones above

- Have females who are in the same situations as the ones above
- Have females who are overpowered or helpless (lust-crazed, or restrained physically or by a spell)
- Have females who are helpless to stop a female they care about from being overpowered or made helpless (like a girl watching (1) as someone pins down and rapes another girl, or (2) as a virgin girl who wouldn't normally have sex but who is affected by a lust spell gets filled for the first time)*

Potential reasons for the first girl being helpless:

- She's trapped in a room with bullet-proof glass
- She's pinned to a wall by a spell, on the other side of a gate
- She's handcuffed to a pillar
- She's being held down by someone
- She's at the far end of a long alley (and will be grabbed by someone else or run out of breath before she can intervene in the rape)

Same as Iggy. I like punishment, not reward. I think that adds something to the conflict of the game, in that it kinda pushes you into not only fighting to win, but also fighting the desire to lose. I hate reward, especially in RPGmaker settings, cuz it often feels like, to me, any shitty rpg game that could have been made with CG's thrown in at the end of stupid fetch quests, just feels lazy.

I don't think I've ever seen anything with a non-human protagonist being raped. I have to go with male or female, and I think I'm one of the few that enjoys male protags getting raped (though monster girl has quite a popularity)

I'd enjoy a game that had rape as a punishment if it was also an actual punishment for the player. Like, if you get raped during a level, then you get access to the rape scene for the first enemy that raped you - but you only get "Game Over" for the rest. But if you beat the whole level without being raped, then you get access to a gallery of all of the rape animations for that level.

Of course, the gameplay would have to be enjoyable on its own, or else I'd just wait until someone made a rip of the gifs and/or video of the sex scenes and just download those.

I agree that making sex scenes a reward is often done just as a selling point, because the rest of the game is just lazily made and is poor quality. As I'm making my own game, my focus is on the sex scenes as a fundamental part of the story or completely optional content, rather than a "light at the end of the tunnel" reward for grinding through a ton of monsters or solving a bunch of puzzles that aren't fun. Those Tetris-like games that reveal an image as you get a higher score and stuff annoy me, and "relationship systems" that involve pressing the right buttons or timing clicks or spending in-game money to get "satisfaction points" are even worse.
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Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Well I have no issue if the protagonist is male,female,monster/creature or inanimate object. What really matters is that the content is interesting enough to merit the game as a whole experience. But if I had to choose I'd be a 50/50 split for male and female until somebody makes a game where a haunted teddy bear, with a cursed strap-on must escape a mansion with people and monsters possessed by lust filled demons that screw anything they can use sexually.

I have to go with Ror/Gor games in any format the less ability to defend yourself the better, where progression only brings you closer to your safety or introduce new mechanics, losing rewards and takes from you. It's probably why I enjoyed games like dark souls, alien isolation and outlast lately it adds a certain edge to the experiences atmosphere.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I can't remember the game, but it was an awful RPG-like platformer.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

You might have been talking to the wrong people, but male protags aren't that hated if MGQ's big success has anything to say. I also prefer a male protagonist, but I hate the kind of male protagonist that is really dumb or pointlessly rapey. I kind of prefer if the male protagonist is capable on his own, but against female enemies he cannot just power house his way through them or else he's just gonna lose because they're stronger/faster than him.

I like males when they're done right, and females are okay pretty much all the time. I didn't really enjoy the few games out there where you play as the monster.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

You might have been talking to the wrong people, but male protags aren't that hated if MGQ's big success has anything to say. I also prefer a male protagonist, but I hate the kind of male protagonist that is really dumb or pointlessly rapey. I kind of prefer if the male protagonist is capable on his own, but against female enemies he cannot just power house his way through them or else he's just gonna lose because they're stronger/faster than him.

I like males when they're done right, and females are okay pretty much all the time. I didn't really enjoy the few games out there where you play as the monster.

I agree and also prefer male protagonists. I especially enjoyed the protagonist in Repure Aria.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Strangely, I'm the same. I really want to like games like that, but I've found the few where you are the monster-rapist were just awfully made.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Strangely, I'm the same. I really want to like games like that, but I've found the few where you are the monster-rapist were just awfully made.

I guess it's because it's nice to be in control of how submissive the protagonist is.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I almost always will prefer story driven sex to mindless every enemy is just there to rape you type games.

If the protagonist (either gender) is meant to be good, I would prefer that the game is not one that has them doing raping. Rape is not a thing that good people do. At the very best case scenario, it would have to be a mind control/corruption/possession instance to make me feel comfortable with the game.

That being said, I do like monsters and villains getting their way, especially if there's some sort of moderately interesting reason as to why they want to molest these good types. I also only like "rape" if it's in the Hentai-fantasy sense where there's some sort of magic or soporific musk or what-have-you that makes the experience pleasurable physically for the victims.

Gore, vore, and instances where the female victim (I simply prefer female victims) is actually suffering in a manner similar to real world victimization is a complete turn-off.

If a game can cater to these issues in a positive manner, then I'll probably give it a go, regardless of its format.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I kinda like the Run or Rape with platforming style of hentai games the most personally, but I also like a good story in any game, even a hentai game, whether it's story driven rapes or various monsters or whatnot grabbing the girls and doing it. I prefer a futa protagonist for the most part, but wouldn't mind just a regular female one. Maybe the futa protagonist might be trying to escape from various monster girls on an Amazonian styled world or something and she's one of very few futa girls and they wanna use her as the breeder. I wouldn't mind a harem for said futa protagonist too, but that would work better in a visual novel or something more story driven I'd say.

But I like futa girls more because... well they just got more to play with. Well there's a couple of other reasons, but most folks on here know my main reasons. :p
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Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

The bottom line is, if I wanted to be a male in a h-game I would go to the local bar and play "how many of these women will i end up fucking tonight". Of course it usually ends up with be being slapped in the face more often than not, but none the less I can play that game whenever I wanted to. I may be exaggerating a slight bit, but I think the point I make is what matters anyway.

H-games to me are all about a fantasy that is not really possible within the confines of the real world. At the end of the day, as a male I derive no real enjoyment from being a male character that has sex with a female character within the confines of a computer game.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

The bottom line is, if I wanted to be a male in a h-game I would go to the local bar and play "how many of these women will i end up fucking tonight". Of course it usually ends up with be being slapped in the face more often than not, but none the less I can play that game whenever I wanted to. I may be exaggerating a slight bit, but I think the point I make is what matters anyway.

H-games to me are all about a fantasy that is not really possible within the confines of the real world. At the end of the day, as a male I derive no real enjoyment from being a male character that has sex with a female character within the confines of a computer game.

But I don't think your reasoning is really "I don't like male x female virtual sex" - I think it's more "I like ___ and I can only get that in fiction." It's a matter of what you look for, rather than what you intentionally/carefully avoid.

SoED said:
I want to make sure that my project has playable "versions", but I want to keep the content ever-expanding.

As for work getting finished, I'd kind of like for my game-in-planning game to never truly be "finished". Being in a state where everything is wrapped up and done makes it harder to expand on.

Not saying that I don't ever want the game to be "wrapped up and done" - but I do want to keep expanding it until I feel that all of the stories I want to tell are told. That will likely end up being a lot of content by the time I'm done (two years or more from now). That's part of why I'm asking questions about what people want to see - so that I can put certain things in early on (where they make sense with my vision for the game) or re-think concepts in my head, and see how people react to my ideas. Then, I can keep developing the game further over time if people like what they're seeing so far.

A player who donates to a game on Patreon doesn't expect to start donating once the game is finished (generally) - they're donating because they want production on the game to continue. They care more about who is making the game and how it is coming along than about having a complete world/story that they can take offline, and then unsubscribe from Patreon. They aren't "paying for a game", they're "paying for further development".

So, I think it's fine to have a Patreon for that purpose. Allowing people to buy "versions" of the game outside of that makes sense for people who don't want to donate to development over time.

So, yeah, I don't think that "finished" is necessarily an important goal.
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Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Only Freeko, a user on an adult forum, doesn't know what pornography is.

The REAL bottom line is everyone has different tastes, and people ask for different things. If you're good, you make a game you enjoy making because you enjoy making it, and the people who like that kind of thing will like it. There really is enough out there for everyone, so it's not like you need to garner to certain demographics, especially if the only important thing is that your work gets finished.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Pretty sure Toxicshock, a user on an adult forum, doesn't quite understand humor (or at least my brand of it).

I agree with the whole if I make a game, I am going to make the game that I want to make part. If someone happens to like it then good for them.

@SoED: That's basically what it is, though there are some things that are an auto turn off for me. Throw futa into a game and i become 100% disinterested. Or I attempt to hack the game so that the futa element isnt there anymore in the case of fairy fighting. I think that one monster hunter game has it right when they allow the deselection of futa right from the start in their game. I may not be able to enjoy the full game, but I can enjoy what I want to enjoy without having to worry about anything that is a complete turnoff for me.

Now on the other hand, I probably can not get enough games ever that have a girl fighting against whatever. That her clothing gets annihilated in the process is a welcome bonus. That she gets raped in the middle of a battle, more bonus. That game with the thread title "enokifu's new heroine rpg" game was surprisingly good with that.

Will I eventually make a game that has that? Probably, but I am not there yet. From a coding level I could do it fairly easily, but that whole art thing is gonna get in the way here for me. Plus I have been changing around the way I try to produce music so that I can go straight to making digital mp3s for bgm. It is more just a matter of getting all the components lined up so that I can do it right (at least what I decide is right) than anything else.

For now I will continue to make games that remind me of my youth and add a few HCG to them until I find myself at a point where I feel ready to try to do something more. Right now I am looking at going back and doing another cg based fighter. I think I might try that Ren'Py engine as well just to see how it works compared to rpgmaker.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Gotta agree here, just make what you want/enjoy. It'll come out better quality in the end.

As for your question, anything goes as long as it's not phallus going into male orifice. I'm not a sub and I'm not attracted to guys (futa though, THAT'S okay. Thank you so much internet, I HATED it when sexuality was so clear cut), that's just the way it is, no offense meant to anyone who is, I just don't know a more tactful way to say it.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Well, I did make music by simply getting the band together and recording stuff. Being that is just unwieldy I have been trying to mess about with a MIDI keyboard as of late to lay down beats that when put together turn into decent sounding music. I had just gotten a MIDI keyboard as a gift so figured I would try to put that to use. Seems to be more than enough places to convert a midi to mp3 for the purposes of bgm. I have a few soundboards for making miscellaneous sound effects.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

I really am trying to read what you're saying, but I can't seem to get past these two

As for work getting finished, I'd kind of like for my game-in-planning game to never truly be "finished".

So, yeah, I don't think that "finished" is necessarily an important goal.

And that right there is a major problem, with no matter how you want to pitch it. Gaming, from the low independent H level to the high triple A titles, every consumer in the entirety of the world hates your idea.
Re: H-game protagonists: What type do you prefer? Why?

Online MMOs are by definition never actually finished. Pretty sure that pokes a minor hole into your statement toxic, yes? In truth, I am not sure where I stand on this argument. Though in the context of what was said, I see the validity of the argument. I would want a game I paid for to at least be finished on some level.

Lets say I made a game, lets call it Suck and Fail. In this game I have stuff that both sucks and fails. There are 4 worlds and some number of other things that make it a game. I release this as a game that I expect people to pay lets say $5 for. Here is the catch, I plan on releasing extra worlds.

Should these extra worlds just be added into the game as they are done? How about the whole, how much should it cost for the extra content?

I wrote the story to originally end on world 4, so now what do I do? How can I justify the game not ending on world 4 and instead now magically ending on world 5 or 7 or 10 as the game grows?

Now I could understand the other side of this, with the game just ending with a thanks for playing. Next world coming in 2 months and it will cost you some random number of dollars too. I would hate that game developer with every fiber of my being first for not releasing a full game, and second being stringing me along almost forcing me to get the next part of the game.