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.hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm also heavily considering joining, but I'm going to wait to see what the times are before committing. Sadly, looking at what other people are good for, I'm not sure I'll be able to swing those, but we'll see.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Character Sheet Redux:

Will write a background and stuff tomorrow.

Also, I can't play tomorrow night because of a business seminar I have to go to.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

My stats prior to the +2 from human, which went into dexterity.
Str: 16
Dex: 15
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 13
Con: 8

Costs: 2x Wakizashi, 35 GP each
1x Composite Longbow, 400 GP
Common Arrows, x40, 2 GP
Lamellar Leather, Free
Backpack, 2 GP
Common Blanket, 2 SP
Explorers outfit, 10 gp
Silk rope, 50 feet, 50 gp
compass, 10 gp
chalk, 5 cp
Total: 543 GP, 2 SP, 5 CP
Leaves me with 456 GP, 7 SP, 5 CP
Unless I derped on math.

Rolled a 3 on my first HD, so I should have 17 HP.
Edit: forgot favored class bonus. Gimme 2 more HP!

Character sheet
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

My stats prior to the +2 from human, which went into dexterity.
Str: 17
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Con: 8

Costs: 2x Wakizashi, 35 GP each
1x Composite Longbow, 400 GP
Common Arrows, x40, 2 GP
Chain Shirt, Free
Backpack, 2 GP
Common Blanket, 2 SP
Explorers outfit, 10 gp
Silk rope, 50 feet, 50 gp
compass, 10 gp
chalk, 5 cp
Total: 543 GP, 2 SP, 5 CP
Leaves me with 456 GP, 7 SP, 5 CP
Unless I derped on math.

Rolled a 3 on my first HD, so I should have 17 HP.

Character sheet

A 17 + a 14 costs 18 points. A 15 + a 16 costs 17, I believe.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Player Background
The digital ninja Kozue is played by a middle-aged woman name Margaret Fletcher. She 'works' as the Senior Director of the Company Expenses' Department at a large insurance company. She has successfully set up an elaborate system of delegation and automated emails that has allowed her to merely show up at her office for appearances, and rack in a seven figure salary. She started playing the internet game from her office in her abundant down time, since anyone glancing through the sound proof window would think that she was having a very animated conference meeting with other company managers.

Margaret plays the game like an accountant. Calculating and efficient. She spends a considerable amount of time not actively playing the game doing statistical analysis of it, looking for little ways to maximize the numerical output of her character. That said, she has a poor grasp of actual strategy and tactics, but is slowly learning them.

Tactical Notes
Kozue is a mid-range ambusher. The build is centred around the sneak-attack ability and stealth, gearing the Ninja for guerrilla style combat. As levels are gained, this character's first-round offensive output will increase in quadratic bursts. Kozue benefits greatly from allies doing dick-moves like blinding enemies.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Notes about Bob the Mighty:
In-character Bob appears with a long and messy blonde-ish beard and a hair to match it, a breastplate protecting his chest, sword hanging at his back, quiver at his belt and a longbow in his hand, the rest of his noticeably overweight body covered with dirty clothes little better than rags. Out of character Bob looks much the same, sans armour and weapons, though his clothes are a little better.

Bob plays a happy-go-lucky fighter who adventures for the sake of adventure and has too many beers on occasion, much like in real life. His tactics rely on shooting his opponents from range until they die, though he's not shy of going into melee if it comes to that. "Optimizing character" is something he may have heard of, but he obviously doesn't do that very well.

He claims to be a student, though if asked what he studies, he mutters something about "social sciences" and tries to change the subject. If one looks at all the time he spends in the game, it's clear that he can't be doing much studying.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Oh yeah, that stuff. Also, what did you mean spider?

I'll edit that into this post once I get around to it.

Edit: Steve's in character appearance is fairly generic, being a man of slightly above average height, with dark hair and dark eyes. His lamellar armor is the plainest available in the game, and his weapons are a pair of identical, black sheathed short-swords, and a simple looking longbow. This is mostly do to James, the character's creator, not particularly caring what any of it actually looks like. In the game, he is usually fairly quiet, rarely speaking at all. He never answers questions about himself in real life.

In game, so far Steve has relied mostly on ambush tactics, scouting out an enemy position and delivering reports on them to whoever he's working with at the time. In combat, he uses his bow right up until the enemy is about to close to melee, and then uses both of his blades at once.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

OKAY! After haggling with Spider, we worked out a deal. Game will be every Friday that his game isn't, not including this week unless all the players can get their sheets in within the next 12 hours.

That is to say, it will be Saturday Morning at 12:30AM, or Friday Night if you prefer. Same diff.

Also, Campaign info:
You just started up the game. You're excited. You've created your character, selected your class, and are ready to go. All that's left is to select a faction. There is one faction that just seems to stick out to you, calls to you almost. They are the Mori, Masters of the Waves. And they're in dire need of players. Currently, their territory is the smallest in the entirety of the game, and it's your task to push their neighbors back and conquer the nearby lands for your faction's ruler. The game starts with all the players being dropped into the game at the northern roads out of the Capital, on the road to an Amako city to the north, one of the Mori's enemies.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Feel free to start without me, if need be. My character concept doesn't fit that, so I'll have to drum up another one. been procrastinating about the sheet anyways, so not much was lost XD
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Been a while since I did anything DnD, so forgive me if there's anything wrong. Just tell me and I'll correct it.

I'll edit this post later on as I get a background and stuff.

Surine, the player character:
Surine is a travelling merchant that will always sell to those who are willing to buy. She's always on the lookout for anything she could possibly sell, be it rare artifacts or simple and commonly traded goods. She has a keen eye for value, and her training to be a well to do merchant has also given her a good diplomatic background. Regarding her personality, she isn't very outspoken but will speak up if she has something important to say. She's kind and gentle, and very friendly. Being a merchant, one would think of her as easy prey, but that wouldn't exactly be correct. Trained how to use firearms (mostly muskets and longarms), she is a force to be reckoned. Above all, though, she a merchant.

Appearance-wise, Surine has long, straight black hair to the middle of her back. She has an average curve to her, and has a fair face. Her clothes consist of typical merchant cloaks.

Tactically, she would rather not fight if she has a say in the matter. But when she does, she'll use her trusty old musket from afar.

Lynne, the player:
Lynne is a 24 year old, Filipino otaku girl living in New York, she works at a neighborhood store called "gamerS" as an assistant manager. She enjoys where she works, and has been told she'd take over the store whenever her boss retires.

She was introduced to this game through her workplace, as her employer had given it to her for free as an incentive for working there. She is very much similar to her in-game character, with the only real differences being how they do their hair and clothes. Lynne dresses in a more modern fashion, and wears her hair in a stylish ponytail.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Took me a while, but here's Izumi, my character.

Player: SableKitsune (Alice Parker)
Alice is a shy, withdrawn biochem major at Cornell University. Having been shy and withdrawn for 20 of her 26 years, Alice got used to going unnoticed, even enjoying being ignored at times. Though not poor, Alice's family was far from wealthy, and it was only due to her winning a scholarship that she was able to get into Cornell. However, a few months ago, Alice found out that her eccentric and reclusive uncle had passed away and named her as his sole heir. It turned out that crazy uncle Earl was actually a stock market savant and had amassed a massive collection of stocks that were worth billions.

Though she was now a billionaire, Alice didn't want others to know about her new fortune and continued her life mostly as normal, though she did get a number of big ticket items for herself, including moving to a penthouse condo and, of course, the game she had heard so much about, but never had the money to play. Buying a premium membership, she toyed around with some of the exclusive options before settling on a rather normal character. Combining her interest in chemistry and biology with her desire to be more outgoing, she made Izumi Takenaka, an eccentric wandering alchemist.

Before her windfall, Alice's only real passions included her studies and swimming. If she wasn't so withdrawn, she probably could have been a professional swimmer.

Character: Izumi Takenaka
Izumi is a busty, somewhat crazy alchemist. Basically, she's everything Alice wishes she was herself. She wears an outfit that mirrors her eccentricity, a mix of high-class fashion, road-ready gear and bits that just don't make sense.

Alice didn't care much for numbers when she made Izumi, instead going with what she'd want herself to be like. She does think unconventionally, however, and often comes up with bizarre strategies that may or may not work.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

So, characters approved, and game this week. So look sharp, people.

Chat room we'll be using is on Rizon IRC, #BaconRoom

12:30AM Saturday Morning/Friday Night, whatever works.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

So, overall, a good game.

The party logged in, and met up. Bob remained completely emotionless the whole time, and Izumi seemed to be excited for the adventure.

The group decided to act on two missions at once, and head north into the forest. There, they encountered several amateur traps and a bumbling idiot dressed like a ninja. The ninja tried to slice Steve, only to be immediately killed and sent back to his capital. Bob dodged a shurikan like a pro, and Steve lunged at the one who threw the shurikan. He claimed to be a master, but was promptly sliced and shot like his pupil. But not before scratching Steve with his sword. Overall, the party did well in combat, and hey, they even got a ring of Cure Light Wounds from it.

They continued northward until they emerged from the forest on a hill, overlooking a vast plain, which seemed to be engulfed in conflict between their own clan and their rival clan, the Amako. The camp was nearby, so they decided to head there first. Once there, a passing player told them to go see Commander Puff, and pointed the way. Inside the tent the player pointed at, was a samurai who was sleeping the day away, and bearing the nameplate "CmdrPuff'n'Fresh". Steve decided to yell at him to wake up, at which point he nearly cut half the party in half, before realizing they were on his side.

He began to explain the situation, which was essentially that someone fucked up with one of their cannons, and the entire line of siege engines was broken now. The party was given the mission to reload and repair the siege engines so that they could have some kind of advantage against the Amako.

And that's where we left off.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

*Ace Ventura voice* ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLrighty then!

We're on for this friday night, so now commencing roll-call! Same time as last week, with intent of at least hurting one of you fuckers :/
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm in, for now. If something comes up, I'll let you know.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm in.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm in.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Looks like I'm going to be in.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

In today's session...

To start with, we found out that two of the five players had logged out at some point, so it was only Bob, Kozie and Surine. To finish the quest at hand, Surine worked at the cannons and Kozie used his cart to haul ammunition next to them. After finishing with that our heroes(Bob and Surine) got a new mission: assassinating the enemy commander. Since it was obviously going to require stealth, Kozie was allowed to tag along. Bob and Kozie sneaked past the enemy lines while Surine was providing distraction with creative use of two mooks and a cannon(in other words, having the mooks shoot at the camp with the cannon). The enemy commander turned out to be a magus, but despite being higher level went down easily in large part thanks to a couple impressive damage rolls coupled with a critical from Bob. This broke the enemy and they ran. The group re-grouped at Surine's cannon and got compliments from our commander. Oh, and we got some sweet loot, too: A masterwork katana, likely to be magical, and a ring of CLW(2/day) and some gold(which we split fairly and justly with the party getting 30% each and the mooks sharing 10%). Kozie also looted some maps and tactical notes which he gave to the commander. And a table.

We went back to the commander's tent and were tasked with scouting mission towards an enemy city.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm sorry I missed it! People randomly showed up, and it devolved from there.