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RPG RPG Maker [hakkaku] テイル・アンダークラスト -ハスミと最後の7日間- / THE TALE OF UNDERCRUST ~The Last 7 Days of Hasumi~ (RJ212896)


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
It's probably something you can get either in the underground base (second-to-last dungeon) or a shop after completing it. As far as futa scenes, it only works on enemies in that dungeon as well as one extra scene with the nurse. It's not that great in terms of what you can do with it since it simply applies the effect that the fat guy uses in said dungeon, and can't be used in the gallery or other dungeons.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Ok, bumping since I have a request this time.

I'm wondering if someone out there is willing to translate the documents in the abandoned lab with the details on the DOS enemies. For a while now I've been wondering what the deal is with that lab and why it has all these rogue sex machines roaming about. I've also been wanting to know what those documents are saying about the enemies themselves.

I'm not sure if they're just images or text over a background image but if need be, I could go in and take screenshots for someone to translate if someone is willing to do that.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2014
Reputation score
Ok, bumping since I have a request this time.

I'm wondering if someone out there is willing to translate the documents in the abandoned lab with the details on the DOS enemies. For a while now I've been wondering what the deal is with that lab and why it has all these rogue sex machines roaming about. I've also been wanting to know what those documents are saying about the enemies themselves.

I'm not sure if they're just images or text over a background image but if need be, I could go in and take screenshots for someone to translate if someone is willing to do that.
They're text over a background image, but it's probably going to be rather hard going for a machine translator to work on.

IIRC the laboratory itself originally should be a forward-base laboratory researching the outerstellar lifeforms you've been beating up on the way there, but it's been abandoned and left to rot until the Eye of Aquarius, the shady organization filled with shady ninja guys you've also been beating up on the way there, took it over.

I'm not very good at Japanese, so I'll be paraphrasing a lot of stuff. Take this with a lot of salt.

Some kind of personal diary. The writer says that some professor has been claiming they're developing "new weapons" with sound reasoning, but they're fooling nobody; it's clearly just the professor fulfilling their twisted hobbies. The transparent box is filled with nothing but sex toys. They've been testing on girls yesterday, and at the very least the results are there (though whether they are even good results are up for debate). The writer, checking test parameters, notices the DOS machines' autonomous-operation scope is way too high, and expresses concern that they'd go out of control and they should consult with the professor tomorrow.

「 を踏まえて開発されたのがDOS-01を冠する試作機だ。 一度対象の胸部に固定されれば引き剥がすことは容易では ない。 その上でバキュームカップの根元から乳腺に直接ホルモン を注入し、母乳の分泌を促す。装着から効果が出るまでは 2分を待たない性能がマークされている。 ホルモン注入後はカップ内を強力に減圧し母乳の分泌を促 す。もし乳管が未開通であっても弛緩剤の効果によって通 常の産後と同程度の噴乳量が期待できる。<3.対象の反応> バキュームによる搾乳で対象の年齢、性経験を問わず絶頂 感に近い性的快楽が得られることが確認されている。 一度の搾乳でも性経験の少ない女性は脱力状態になること があるが、継続的に搾乳され続けることで射乳快楽の虜に なり、自らバキュームを求めてしまう事例も確認されてい る。後に続く試作品の中でも射乳による快感の中毒性は特」

The legible parts are technical information about the DOS-01, how it latches on a target's chest with a powerful vacuum sucker and injects lactation-stimulating hormones that work in under 2 minutes before starting to milk the target. Even if the target's milk canals are underdeveloped, relaxant drugs ensure at least as much output as a postnatal mother. It also says the milking action provides near-orgasm levels of pleasure regardless of age or experience, and that there are cases where targets are drained to exhaustion and/or become addicted to the vacuum sucker. It cuts off after mentioning something about the most addictive milker among the prototypes.

「 の形態からも分かる通り、DOS-02は女性器に張付くこ とを前提に設計されている。接触と同時に強力なバキュー ムによって吸着し、対象が引き剥がすのを困難にする。 本体の裏側にはバイブレーションとともに快楽波動を送り 込む振動素子が取り付けられている。直接的な摩擦刺激に よらず、振動によって対象をじわじわと蕩かし、腰砕けに してしまう。身体の奥にも快楽波動が絶えず届くので一度 高められた性感を鎮めるのは容易ではない。 一方長い尾の先はプラグ状になっていて、取り付いた後に は直ちにアナルに挿入される。外骨格内部の無関節構造が バイブレーションと柔軟なピストン運動の併用を可能にし ている。通常前部の振動素子に合わせて対象を刺激するが その反応を観察して、開発が進んでいればより容赦のない 責めへと自動でシフトする。  ※開発初期の段階ではプラグの最大径は3.5センチで   あったが、被験者の意見によりサイズアップ修正が施」

Technical info about DOS-2. It latches onto female genitals with a powerful vacuum effect. It does not cause direct frictional contact, but vibrates rapidly while sending out pleasure-causing vibrational waves to gradually melt down the target (figuratively speaking). The pleasure-waves always reach all the way into the body, making the arousing effects difficult to cool off. The plug at the end of the tail is inserted into the target's anus as soon as it latches on, the jointless exoskeleton allowing synchronized use of vibration and flexible piston movement. It reacts to the target's reactions, automatically escalating its assault depending on the target's condition. The prototype has at most 3.5cm of anal plug diameter, but by the test subjects' opinion a size-up is (cut off).

「 DOS-03はその性質上Cクラス以下の被験者にはテスト させてはいけない。< 2.規格 > ・挿入部(露出部分)21.5センチ ・最大径4.7センチ ・ピストン振幅8.0~9.8センチ メンテナンスには専用の洗浄液を使用し、使用前にはロー ションを十分に塗布すること。他のユニットとの併用は性 感後遺症の恐れがあるので研究員の監督下以外では推奨さ れない。 DOS-03は一般的なピストン式ディルドと異なり、対象 の膣内状態を常にモニターし、現在の状態に合わせた最適 の刺激を与えることが可能である。仮想空間を利用したイ ンタラクティブな試験では、人間の成人男性と同等かそれ 以上の評価を得ている。 ただしリミッターを解除した場合は話が別で、機械による」

Says that DOS-3 shouldn't be tested on C-rank subjects and below. Technical specs: inserted portion (exposed part) 21.5cm, maximum diameter 4.7cm, piston amplitude 8.0~9.8cm. A special cleaning solution is used for maintenance, and enough lotion should be applied before usage. Usage alongside other units is liable to cause (sexual) after effects, and is not recommended when not under researcher supervision. DOS-3 is different to normal piston-type dildos, continuously monitoring the target's intravaginal state to determine the optimum method of stimulation. Virtual-space interactive tests show it has greater performance ratings than equivalent human adult males. The text cuts off after mentioning that without the limiter it's a different story.

「 を無力化させる際にその抵抗を抑える目的で開発された。 DOS-04は対象の四肢に取りつき、あらゆる戦闘行動を 封じる。この時固定用のリングは対象の体格に応じてジョ イント部を伸縮させ、四肢を捉えると同時にロックがかか る。拘束性能は全方向に3.4キロニュートンで、生身の 人間が脱出するのは困難である。 ロックの解除は被験者自身では不可能なので、試験の際は 必ず2名以上で扱わなければならない。万が一補助員が不 在で拘束されてしまった時は直ちに救助を呼ぶこと。また 前項で挙げたユニットと合わせて拘束された際は救助を呼 ぶこと自体が困難になるため、DOS-04を含めた複数ユ ニットの実験には最大限の配慮を要する。 もともとDOS-01やDOS-03のみでも対象を無力化でき ることは確認されていたが、DOS-04の拘束ユニットを 組み合わせることでその効果は格段に向上した。またDO S-04自身が対象に攻撃行動をとることは無いので非戦闘」

Information about DOS-4, a tool to suppress resistance apparently. It latches on to, restrains, and simultaneously locks down all 4 limbs of the target using self-adjustable rings to prevent all combat actions. Restraint strength is omnidirectionally ~3.4 kilonewtons, so escape is difficult for flesh-and-blood humans. It's impossible for the testee to escape by themselves, so at least 2 people must participate in testing; on the unlikely chance the assistant is also restrained, call for help immediately. When used alongside other units calling for help itself may be difficult, and so testing of multiple units including DOS-4 must be done with maximum forethought. DOS-1 and DOS-3 alone has been confirmed to render targets helpless, and so usage alongside DOS-4 dramatically increases performance. DOS-4 itself does not take offensive actions against the target, and is such non-combat (cut off).

「 DOSシリーズの自律稼働技術は開発の度に見直されてき たが、DOS-05に至ってようやくその完成形を見ること ができた。昆虫をモデルとした4枚の羽による高速飛行。 音を立てずに対象に接近し、たちまち取り付いてしまう能 力は目を見張るものがある。 DOS-05は従来のシリーズとは異なり催眠波動によって 対象にアプローチする。頭部に内蔵された水晶球からは対 象の神経に直接作用する波動が放たれ、これに晒された対 象には教団のHY-050と同等の催眠効果が表れる。無力化 の性能も高く、DOS-01及びDOS-03による性感試験を クリアしたクラスBの被験者もそのほとんどがDOS-05 の装着後数分で催眠状態に陥った。 一方で、その耐久性については依然改善の余地が残る。試 験では平均的な成人男性でも一度取りついたDOS-05を 外すことは容易ではなかったが、構造上強い衝撃には耐え られないため素材の見直しが検討されている。全身を拘束」

The DOS-series' autonomous operation method was under review, but by DOS-5 it could finally be called complete. It is capable of high speed flight using 4 insect-like wings, with the astonishing ability to approach and latch onto the target without making any noise. Different from the previous models, it uses an internal sphere to send nerve-affecting hypnotic brainwaves to the target, equivalent in hypnotic function to the organization's HY-050. Has high capability to disable targets, easily hypnotizing most class-B subjects, who have cleared DOS-1 and DOS-3 tests, within minutes. It says durability is still improvable; Though it's difficult to remove for average adult men, its structure makes it vulnerable to strong impacts, so possible replacement materials are under investigation. Whole-body restrained (cut off)

「 団で従来使用されてきた洗脳装置を分離・自律稼働するよ う再設計されたのがDOS-06である。< 3.動作性能 > DOS-06は対象の頭部に取りつくと外部からの知覚を遮 断し、視覚・聴覚に作用する強力な信号を送信する。ほと んどの試験で被験者は数分以内にトランス状態に入り、暗 示が解除されるまで洗脳状態を示す従順な態度を取り続け た。洗脳の強度及び有効時間は従来の装置とほぼ同等で、 今後さらに柔軟な運用が期待できる。 洗脳による無力化の他にも部分的に感度を高める信号が対 象の脳に送られる。これによってDOS-01,DOS-03等 と併用する際の性能が飛躍的に向上し、DOS-06を含む 計4つのユニットを同時使用した試験では対象を完全に無 力化出来ることを確認した。 この信号は男女、年齢を問わず有効で、アンドロイドにも 十分な効果を発揮することが分かっている。今後増えると」

DOS-6 is a result of separating and automating the brainwashing device used by organization members so far. It latches onto the target's head and obstructs their senses, while sending strong visual/auditory signals. Most test subjects are sent to a trance within minutes, becoming docile until the mechanism is released. Brainwashing strength and effective time is now almost equivalent to currently used equipment, but is expected to be more flexible in the future. Aside from disabling targets it also sends sensitivity-enhancing signals to the brain, rapidly elevating the performance of DOS-1/3 etc. Usage of 4 units including DOS-6 confirmed to completely disable targets. The signals affect men and women of all ages, demonstrating sufficient effect even on androids. It cuts off after mentioning something to increase afterward.

「 ※DOS-07の運用については現在計画が見直されている。  敷島様の許可が下りるまではDOS-07を用いたいかな  る試験も実施してはならない。 DOS-07はDOS-04を超える拘束性能を追求し開発され た。堅牢なボディと対物電子縄によって対象は全身を伸ば した姿勢で拘束され、抵抗することは困難となる。最大拘 束性能は8.9キロニュートンで、強化スーツを着た成人 男性であっても脱出は不可能である。2098/10/6 補足 管理庫で保管中のDOS-07が不明な電波を発しているこ とが研究員から報告された。後日行われた調査では他のD OSユニットも同様の電波を発しており、互いに信号を送 り合っているようである。研究所もこのような事態は想定 しておらず、担当研究員の分析では隕石孔由来の汚染電波 の影響によるものと現段階では結論付けられている。これ」

Says that DOS-7 usage is still under review, and tests are halted until permission from some head honcho. DOS-7 is an upgrade to DOS-4, restraining targets' entire body using its solid body and anti-physical electron ropes. Maximum restraint force is 8.9 kilonewtons, impossible to escape even for an adult male wearing a body-reinforcing suit.
2098/10/6 report: researches reported the warehoused DOS-7 is emitting strange EM waves. Further investigation reveals other DOS units also emit similar EM waves, sending signals to each other. Even the lab has no idea this can even happen, but the researcher on duty's analyses reveal it's caused by an effect from the contaminating EM waves sent by the meteorites. This (cut off)

「  [CLASSIFIED]----[][]------------------------------------------<<<<< 2099/11/2 DOS-00が完全に教団の制御から外れたこと を確認した。敷島様の命令で各階にはセキュリティロック がかけられ、4階の電波塔への立ち入りは禁止された。 現在DOS-00は電波塔の制御室に半ば寄生し電気系統を 自身の支配下に置いている。最後の突入が試みられた10 月28日には4名の戦闘員が犠牲となり、以来制御室に通 じる扉は固く施錠されている。本日をもって、教団はこの 研究所を放棄することを最終決定した。 また既に教団の制御外で自律稼働している各DOSユニッ トについても対処は断念することが決められた。  [NEED DELETED] このメールは内容を確認後、直ちに破棄してください。」

2099/11/2, DOS-0 is confirmed to be completely out of control of the organization. Head honcho goes "lock down everything", forbidding access to the 4th floor transmitter tower. DOS-0 is currently halfway parasite-ing off the control tower, putting the electrical system under its dominance. Last breakthrough attempt at 10/28 resulted in 4 combatants becoming victims, and henceforth the control room is under strict lock and key. As of today, the organization abandons this laboratory, and gives up on eliminating the out-of-control autonomous DOS units.

TL;DR: lab was formerly researching ALIENS, but got abandoned from danger, then taken over by shady ninja guys. Sometime down the line some damn pervert (probably shady ninja guys) made autonomous sexbots because they can, but AI plus ALIEN EM WAVES equal crapshoot, sexbots went out of control, the lab gets abandoned for good.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
@4lurk3r Awesome. Those enemies were the reason I wanted to play this game and I rather like all the details that went into this area specifically. It feels like all the other areas were just a bunch of generic enemies but this area is definitely my favorite.


Jun 3, 2009
Reputation score
Is there a save that's like right at the end game but before the gallery room? That'd be appreciated thanks.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
If you use my save from before and leave the gallery room you'll time travel back to the last day.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Well I had lots of time to burn today and yesterday. I felt like learning a lot of new things for the sake of modding this game. First, I learned how to crack the game images and then I learned how to use GIMP to mod the images so I have something of customized game for myself. It's not perfect and I'm no artist so there are some flaws which are a bit hard to spot but this was the end results of my work. What I spent most of my time doing was taking the DOS enemies and removing the blue holograms so you can see more of the action, but I also added the unused Jellyfish enemy to the blue slime's animation. Lemme know if you guys are interested in the changes I made since they replace the animations rather than add to them.

A few other changes I made:
-I added the bondage harness from the doll mansion to DOS-4.
-When DOS-6 grabs your head, DOS-5 also joins in!
-Swapped DOS-2 and DOS-3 so that the DOS-7 fight would have the plunger rather than the vibrator!
-As a side effect, DOS-0's plunger arm becomes a vibrator. But who ever bothers fighting him from the gallery anyways?!
-Actual boss fights with those two is untested. I suggest viewing from the gallery instead.
-Made the SWIFT mode weapon "transparent" when grabbed to make it look like she lost her weapon, because that's the weapon I use in my complete save file.

Last edited:


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Alright, I didn't bother in the last post because I hadn't actually made instructions or anything to patch it in. But here it is.



Jungle Girl
Jul 17, 2011
Reputation score
So I am probably asking a stupid question, but if anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
When starting a new game, what do the two sets of options do? the first option has 50% in the top choice and H in the text of the bottom one, so I wondered if it was a difficulty option. the second set of choices are to play the intro scenes right?


Demon Girl
Mar 13, 2016
Reputation score
I'm stuck here.
How can I pass this boss with no BADEND???
You need to lower your "pollution level", which goes up when your character experiences H stuff. That text is saying that you will get a Bad END if you continue past that point with a pollution level over 80. To lower your pollution, go to the hot spring in the first area. The orange number in the dialog when you check out the hot spring is your current pollution level, and every time you use the hot spring, your pollution level will go down by 10 (The dialog says as much). So, just use the hot spring a bunch of times, and you will be able to progress.


New member
Sep 13, 2018
Reputation score
You need to lower your "pollution level", which goes up when your character experiences H stuff. That text is saying that you will get a Bad END if you continue past that point with a pollution level over 80. To lower your pollution, go to the hot spring in the first area. The orange number in the dialog when you check out the hot spring is your current pollution level, and every time you use the hot spring, your pollution level will go down by 10 (The dialog says as much). So, just use the hot spring a bunch of times, and you will be able to progress.
Thanks a bunch!