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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I met a person, who had never heard Princes of The Universe by Queen, one of the greatest bands of All Time.

I hate this person, and the culture that allowed this atrocity.



The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I met a person, who had never heard Princes of The Universe by Queen, one of the greatest bands of All Time.

I hate this person, and the culture that allowed this atrocity.

*Pets the wolf*

Not bad, but I never heard of them either. NYC is the home of hip hop, so these are the last things you hear people blasting on their cars. The song though is buenisimo , it hypes me up. :)


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Queen's pretty sweet, haven't heard that one in a bit though. There's one version of Another One Bites the Dust that is awesome:


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Hate Thread

Princes of the Universe sounds familiar, but I might just be remembering the Flash Gordon song.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Had the same problem last week. I get paid by the work I do, not the time I spend doing it. Wasted 5 hours waiting for someone do upload the data I needed to edit to the remote server, and then on trying to upload other data to a different server that wasn't saved properly (because no-one trained me, I've just been figuring it out as I go). Was particularly frustrating.

Today I come in and get an e-mail about something extra I need to do to that other data and spend a couple hours fixing that. Could be worse though, I could be in customer service... sorry Chibi, I feel for ya.
I fucking knew this would happen. I gave up waiting at 4AM this morning and went to bed.
got up an 9AM to a phone call, complainits. look at inbox, 63 new emails between 4AM and 9AM...

Fuck everything.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Know what I hate? More then anything? Incompetence. I shall explain, feel free to agree, disagree, believe, disbelieve, I am beyond caring.

Over the last month and a half, I'm in a fairly cushy position at work, do my job, there's a lot of it, but that's life, fine. Before Dipshit happened. Let me explain. My employer will hire felons (Doesn't matter to me) And Addicts, for several reasons, but the primary ones are basic. They'll work for less, and they have nowhere else to go. There are plenty of us who aren't carrying a criminal record around, we know how to listen to at least basic laws and possess a modicum of common sense. Dipshit Does Not.

Dipshit is an ex meth-head, Ex being questionable, and was assigned to my area to replace someone we had recently lost. He is Hopeless, breaking product, breaking his machine, constantly, missing work. Your usual place will give you 1 or 2 chances for a major fuckup, 3 if you're lucky. Dipshit is given well over 10, because he's a recovering junky. My manager is a reformed alcoholic. You can guess Why Dipshit is given so much leniency. This creates more work for me, fixing his machine, his mistakes, his remakes, and it takes 60 days of constant bullshittery for him to finally get shitcanned. Now we enter the last month and a half.

I now no longer have any help in my area, that's 5 machines, 3 of which are running, as a chokepoint in the production line. most everything HAS to come through my machines, and to my Shop manager's credit, he hires a replacement quickly. Good enough guy, smart, eager, lasts about 3 weeks because they don't pay him on time, he walks out. I'm Already pissed at my manager for the first guy, the second fuckup is Mind blowing. Who the FUCK doesn't pay an employee, and expect him to stay. I don't care WHAT the hangup is in payroll, you Fix it and get a worker his wages. On. Time. They were aware there was a payroll issue in this case, and let it sit. He walks out.

I'm left alone again, with not 1 or 2 stations of work, but the expectation to handle 3. My machine, the now empty machine, and by some cruel twist of fate, the station I worked at Before I was moved to this area, because no one else on days can do it. (There is no night crew for my current position, All orders that install the next day HAVE to be finished before I can leave) This leads to a regular shift length of 12 hours, 6 days a week to handle the load, some days running as long as 15 hours. I'm making overtime, sure, no one can deny that, large checks are nice. But having no life outside of my dreams? Since the only time I'm not at work is when I'm sleeping? Is unlivable.

I wait, for 2 weeks, for a replacement in both stations, doing the work without MUCH complaint (I definitely let them know I was mad about this. As I have every right to be. This is Monumental on the Bullshit Scale) And I get my third Guy. Guy is Great! Guy is EVERYTHING I needed. He does his work quickly, and well, with an absolute minimum of errors. We have the backed up work log cleared in a Day between the two of us. He lasts 2 days.

Not because he quit, not because he was fired. O no, someone else quit, so they moved him. Work Immediately backs up again. We are now at today. I've worked my own station clear, worked at my Previous station as requested, and am now running Guy's station, and looking back at his orders. There are 17. For your general knowledge, 1 order can take between 20 minutes, to several hours. These are Not small orders. And I realize, I had to wait over a week for backup, and that the only way I can avoid working 15 hour days, is to work 66 hours a week minimum to handle the load of 3 stations on my own on the HOPE they hire someone competent who I will have to train, for the 4th time. Throughout all this I've received no benefits for the work outside the overtime, no raise, no authority over the area I now basically own. It's MY stomping ground. Nothing.

I've had enough of this, it's ridiculous, and as I stare back at those orders, my mind blanks, and my arms literally go numb. I've reached the end of my rope, there is no more to give, I CANNOT continue like this. I let my secondary manager know that I've had it, I'm done. I'm walking, he tells me to wait, just a second or two, talk to my shop manager, talk to our hiring manager about anything that can be done. A raise, more help, something. I AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT! Do the Adult thing, and Wait, not because I expect much, but to give them the chance to placate what has gone from Numb Disbelief to Rage. I am now Justified in my Anger and my mind and body know it. But I'm not rude, I'm not about to blow up, I don't shout at anybody. I just go outside on my lunchbreak, have a smoke, and wait. Here he comes. Captain Incompetence Himself. It's His series of mistakes and mishandling that have caused this situation, he is admittedly the Last person I want to talk to right now. But alright, I'll listen. Points to him, he asks what the problem is and I tell him without being dramatic, without being angry, I'm putting forth my full effort to be polite, to keep myself under control.

His only response afterwords is "I did it for 2 years" I with a straight face and no emotion other then pity tell him "I feel bad for you then."

At this point he offers to bring Guy back to his station until we have a replacement, spreads his arms, and asks me what I want him to do. The first thing that pops into my head is I want him to resign. He runs around trying to micromanage everything, he's a disaster which is a shame, because he knows his shit. If he just slowed down, took a breath, dictated a little, he'd be great. I know it's a platitude, what he's offering, it's too little, too late, and that's not me being overly angry, it's that he's admitted to nothing, offered Nothing other then to lift some of the load, asked me to wait a little longer. I am beyond the point of waiting.

I hate very few things if I'm honest. I can handle most people, and most situations, I can put up with a lot. but the things I do hate, I hate completely, and 3 of them are basic. I hate people in positions of leadership they cannot handle (I will allow a good amount of time for someone to Prove they cannot handle it without judging. I've worked these positions before, I know what to look for) I hate having my workload increased because someone else is incompetent, and see no benefit to that increased workload, that picked up slack, no compensation for the effort or appreciation that it's being done. And I Hate Platitudes. I don't want a half measure to make an unlivable situation Slightly Less Unlivable. I don't want a band-aid fix. I want the Problem Solved. If he cannot hire somebody for that area and manage them into someone who can Run that station with a Minimum of Babysitting, Delegate it to Me and I will handle that person. I know at best? This is only half his fault, he's stretched too thin because he Wont Delegate Work, he's trying to shoulder everything himself. But I wont sink with him. This is My Hatred, placed in it's appropriate Thread. I am now unemployed, excuse me while I try and fix that.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Holy SHIT... You've got every right to be pissed off, sorry that that's happened to you. Did the right thing Wolf, just hang in there and get some rest while you can. Best of luck!

To hell with repeatedly incompetent people.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Know what I hate? More then anything? Incompetence. I shall explain, feel free to agree, disagree, believe, disbelieve, I am beyond caring.

Over the last month and a half, I'm in a fairly cushy position at work, do my job, there's a lot of it, but that's life, fine. Before Dipshit happened. Let me explain. My employer will hire felons (Doesn't matter to me) And Addicts, for several reasons, but the primary ones are basic. They'll work for less, and they have nowhere else to go. There are plenty of us who aren't carrying a criminal record around, we know how to listen to at least basic laws and possess a modicum of common sense. Dipshit Does Not.

Dipshit is an ex meth-head, Ex being questionable, and was assigned to my area to replace someone we had recently lost. He is Hopeless, breaking product, breaking his machine, constantly, missing work. Your usual place will give you 1 or 2 chances for a major fuckup, 3 if you're lucky. Dipshit is given well over 10, because he's a recovering junky. My manager is a reformed alcoholic. You can guess Why Dipshit is given so much leniency. This creates more work for me, fixing his machine, his mistakes, his remakes, and it takes 60 days of constant bullshittery for him to finally get shitcanned. Now we enter the last month and a half.

I now no longer have any help in my area, that's 5 machines, 3 of which are running, as a chokepoint in the production line. most everything HAS to come through my machines, and to my Shop manager's credit, he hires a replacement quickly. Good enough guy, smart, eager, lasts about 3 weeks because they don't pay him on time, he walks out. I'm Already pissed at my manager for the first guy, the second fuckup is Mind blowing. Who the FUCK doesn't pay an employee, and expect him to stay. I don't care WHAT the hangup is in payroll, you Fix it and get a worker his wages. On. Time. They were aware there was a payroll issue in this case, and let it sit. He walks out.

I'm left alone again, with not 1 or 2 stations of work, but the expectation to handle 3. My machine, the now empty machine, and by some cruel twist of fate, the station I worked at Before I was moved to this area, because no one else on days can do it. (There is no night crew for my current position, All orders that install the next day HAVE to be finished before I can leave) This leads to a regular shift length of 12 hours, 6 days a week to handle the load, some days running as long as 15 hours. I'm making overtime, sure, no one can deny that, large checks are nice. But having no life outside of my dreams? Since the only time I'm not at work is when I'm sleeping? Is unlivable.

I wait, for 2 weeks, for a replacement in both stations, doing the work without MUCH complaint (I definitely let them know I was mad about this. As I have every right to be. This is Monumental on the Bullshit Scale) And I get my third Guy. Guy is Great! Guy is EVERYTHING I needed. He does his work quickly, and well, with an absolute minimum of errors. We have the backed up work log cleared in a Day between the two of us. He lasts 2 days.

Not because he quit, not because he was fired. O no, someone else quit, so they moved him. Work Immediately backs up again. We are now at today. I've worked my own station clear, worked at my Previous station as requested, and am now running Guy's station, and looking back at his orders. There are 17. For your general knowledge, 1 order can take between 20 minutes, to several hours. These are Not small orders. And I realize, I had to wait over a week for backup, and that the only way I can avoid working 15 hour days, is to work 66 hours a week minimum to handle the load of 3 stations on my own on the HOPE they hire someone competent who I will have to train, for the 4th time. Throughout all this I've received no benefits for the work outside the overtime, no raise, no authority over the area I now basically own. It's MY stomping ground. Nothing.

I've had enough of this, it's ridiculous, and as I stare back at those orders, my mind blanks, and my arms literally go numb. I've reached the end of my rope, there is no more to give, I CANNOT continue like this. I let my secondary manager know that I've had it, I'm done. I'm walking, he tells me to wait, just a second or two, talk to my shop manager, talk to our hiring manager about anything that can be done. A raise, more help, something. I AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT! Do the Adult thing, and Wait, not because I expect much, but to give them the chance to placate what has gone from Numb Disbelief to Rage. I am now Justified in my Anger and my mind and body know it. But I'm not rude, I'm not about to blow up, I don't shout at anybody. I just go outside on my lunchbreak, have a smoke, and wait. Here he comes. Captain Incompetence Himself. It's His series of mistakes and mishandling that have caused this situation, he is admittedly the Last person I want to talk to right now. But alright, I'll listen. Points to him, he asks what the problem is and I tell him without being dramatic, without being angry, I'm putting forth my full effort to be polite, to keep myself under control.

His only response afterwords is "I did it for 2 years" I with a straight face and no emotion other then pity tell him "I feel bad for you then."

At this point he offers to bring Guy back to his station until we have a replacement, spreads his arms, and asks me what I want him to do. The first thing that pops into my head is I want him to resign. He runs around trying to micromanage everything, he's a disaster which is a shame, because he knows his shit. If he just slowed down, took a breath, dictated a little, he'd be great. I know it's a platitude, what he's offering, it's too little, too late, and that's not me being overly angry, it's that he's admitted to nothing, offered Nothing other then to lift some of the load, asked me to wait a little longer. I am beyond the point of waiting.

I hate very few things if I'm honest. I can handle most people, and most situations, I can put up with a lot. but the things I do hate, I hate completely, and 3 of them are basic. I hate people in positions of leadership they cannot handle (I will allow a good amount of time for someone to Prove they cannot handle it without judging. I've worked these positions before, I know what to look for) I hate having my workload increased because someone else is incompetent, and see no benefit to that increased workload, that picked up slack, no compensation for the effort or appreciation that it's being done. And I Hate Platitudes. I don't want a half measure to make an unlivable situation Slightly Less Unlivable. I don't want a band-aid fix. I want the Problem Solved. If he cannot hire somebody for that area and manage them into someone who can Run that station with a Minimum of Babysitting, Delegate it to Me and I will handle that person. I know at best? This is only half his fault, he's stretched too thin because he Wont Delegate Work, he's trying to shoulder everything himself. But I wont sink with him. This is My Hatred, placed in it's appropriate Thread. I am now unemployed, excuse me while I try and fix that.
Congrats on having the willpower to resist for so long, I would not have been able to, as there is nothing I despise more than the people above my position being incompetent.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Know what I hate? More then anything? Incompetence.
Well... i had to read this about 8 times over the last few days to allow my memory to atleast attempt to latch on to some of this post.
(This is why i hate long posts)

I feel bad for you man, but i congradulate you on the willpower you showed in this harsh situation.

I had a "similer" issue happen to me a while back. I was doing the work of 2 people for about 4-6 months before i walked out the door. I walked past the builfing 3 weeks ago to see it had closed, the company went bust... FUCK EM!


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I'm streaming something for my project and my laptop dies.

Do you guys also hate it when your boss ask you to do a double shift, even though they know you got college or other crap to do the next day. >.>


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I'm streaming something for my project and my laptop dies.

All of that. Considering a home pc just for the stability it has by comparison.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how one of my favorite h-artists has stopped making works. Kagami, if anyone is interested. Several of the games he created art for became my favorite. Worked for both Bishop and Lilith.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Lilith has great art, sorry to hear that. All the greats eventually fall...

Hate how I'm so damn tired starting to feel physically unwell. Only a month into semester too :(


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the new male protagonist game "Parade buster"..

It looked so promising, and to a degree it was everything I ever wanted..
But it just didn't have enough going for it because it was too busy pandering
to people with female-dom kinks.. (I have nothing against people with female-dom kinks)
All foot-jobs and cold glares and stern-talking-to's.. A meager three hand job and one blowjob animations, and nothing else given to the "everyone else" demographic..

I got my hopes up because their last game (onesyota) was wonderful, and
had a HUGE variety of enemies.. But this game is just.. ..Eh.. It felt like
getting promised a truck for my birthday, but when I ran outside on the
day in question, it was a forklift.. .. I can still have fun with it, and I will,
but it's.. Just not what I expected/wanted, and no matter how much I
drive it around and pretend it's great, it's never going to live up to what I
felt like I was initially promised..
Last edited:


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when my sibling borrows my stuff and misplaces it. >.>


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Imma hating I'm a hater ;)

No though, hate staying up for damn projects