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Re: Hate Thread

Well survival of the fittest is a theme from nature, humanity subverted nature a long time ago. If you want to go back to survival of the fittest let's start with the abolition of unnatural products.

Unnatural hmn.. What exactly is unnatural to you, because for me, we are a product of nature thus everything we do is based on nature.

Survival of the fittest still plays an active role in partner choices, as we select for a companions fitness primarly if male, social aptitude primarly if female. Unless you claim that the statement 'it's hard to get guys if you don't look good' is untrue you can't simply dismiss the concept as 'We're beyond our simple natures now!'

You know what else I hate?..

Political discussion/arguments..

But you kinda kicked one loose with 'All mods are corrupteds!'
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Re: Hate Thread

But you kinda kicked one loose with 'All mods are corrupteds!'

There's a notable difference between "A bunch of arrogant meat-heads with the ability to click someone into oblivion", and "People who may or may not be directly contributing to the way a country is ran"..

One's just a casual rant about the former, the other, is politics.. The ability to take an issue and somehow convert it into your mind as political is considered a bad personality trait, and puts you on the same intellectual level of "those awkward in-laws who sternly question your opinions on the current president and visibly judge you if you answer incorrectly."

We have a whole nice plump thread just for that kind of thing, so let's keep it there, and don't use me as your excuse to do that again, please.
And pre-emptively shame on you if you bring me a wiki-entry on the exact definition of politics, just to try and prove me wrong..
Surely you can tell the difference betwen "Country-running folk" politics, and "the kind that doesn't count as politics so long as you aren't that awkward guy in the room who cares just a bit too much about politics" politics..
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Re: Hate Thread

There's a notable difference between "A bunch of arrogant meat-heads with the ability to click someone into oblivion", and "People who may or may not be directly contributing to the way a country is ran"

Is there? Is there really though?
Re: Hate Thread

I will post whatever it is that I feel like, thank you very much, nobody is forcing you to read or participate in that part of the conversation. I only brought up the term "classic liberal" to describe the actual definition of the word liberalism before it was claimed as a label, "willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas" in other words you don't get sent to the oblivi-zone just because you said something somebody didn't like. That in and of itself wasn't "political" in the way you identify the word political, but as a matter of fact the way sites are run is an extremely political subject in the first case, I understand if you aren't interested in politics you might not know that, but as a matter of another fact it is a rather large point of contention in certain political spheres.

Unnatural hmn.. What exactly is unnatural to you, because for me, we are a product of nature thus everything we do is based on nature. '

It's true that there are elements of nature present in our society, obviously. That we are derived from nature is so far an immutable fact, but I don't really think one could say that a test tube baby with custom designed genetics is really something that is natural, and that is a future that we could very possibly be heading towards.

The term "natural" and "unnatural" are man-made ideas to distinguish the effects of the cyclical stabilizing nature of nature itself, to the "nature" of mankind's very deliberate and occasionally planned out behaviour. I think it is pretty clear that while nature has within itself a great capacity for temporary self-destruction, and *eventually* more permanent expressions of destruction with the death of suns and planets, mankind easily has the capacity to completely boggle the regular rhythm of these events in ways both good and bad.

The term unnatural often gets brought up to criticize the negative effects of bungled decisions made by mankind that would not have likely been possible if not for their influence. The complete monopolization of almost every biome outside of the water to the point of annihilating literally most of everything else(Over 50%) above land is a good example. And we're arrogant enough to squibble over taking land from each other as if it's some high crime when it's done to us afterwards, standing atop the corpses of an innumerable amount of wildlife that was not only ended, but failed to make way for any new form of nature outside of "mankind" and a few species of insects and animals that are either our slaves or pests(In the case of dogs and cats, both) that we try to kill or relocate into crowded conditions. If we ever considered animals to have rights comparable to our own, it would be irreconcilable, people would come to look at us today the way that we look at slave owner's from the past in the future. A certain troll from Homestuck comes to mind.

Survival of the fittest still plays an active role in partner choices, as we select for a companions fitness primarly if male, social aptitude primarly if female. Unless you claim that the statement 'it's hard to get guys if you don't look good' is untrue you can't simply dismiss the concept as 'We're beyond our simple natures now!

Yes, elements of nature are present in our society, but they are not the primary vehicles through which we make decisions, they are just a piece of the puzzle now rather than being the whole picture. People can become couples over nothing other than a shared fetish or interest, and our courting system defies logical convention by any natural standard not just sometimes, but often. If you disagree, feel free to explain to me how tentacle porn fits into our evolutionary design, unless you think that porn addiction is nature's solution to overpopulation lol.
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Re: Hate Thread

I don't really think one could say

Interesting opinion, quite clearly created by a moral aversion, which is created by the by, by your evolutionary adapted senses to distrust unnatural things as innately wrong.

Wheres your facts. 'Heres my statement, this is why my statement is true' is not the same as 'Heres how I think the world works!'

but they are not the primary vehicles through which we make decisions

People can become couples over nothing other than a shared fetish

You state this as if you didn't know that paraphilia in itself can be an evolutionary beneficial construct. I'll use simple deductive reasoning to show you how.:
If mommy loves daddy lots Daddy might still go and provide for other children which is not in mommys best interest, but if mommy is a sadist and daddy is a masochist whilest everyone around them is all vanilla daddy is sure to stay with mommy lots and thus their descendants have a higher chance of survival.

I'll grant that the more extreme fetishes like autoassassinophilia are maladaptions, but those extremes are just as rare as trisomy 18, you wouldn't use that as an average example either.
Re: Hate Thread

Interesting opinion, quite clearly created by a moral aversion, which is created by the by, by your evolutionary adapted senses to distrust unnatural things as innately wrong.

mankind easily has the capacity to completely boggle the regular rhythm of these events in ways both good and bad.


I'll grant that the more extreme fetishes like autoassassinophilia are maladaptions, but those extremes are just as rare as trisomy 18, you wouldn't use that as an average example either.

Well maybe you haven't been a porn addicted pervert as long as I have, but let me tell you that counter-productive mating habits are one of humanities most treasured pass-times. From only being attracted to 2d waifus or furry art, to needing somebody to piss in your mouth to get an erection, any of these individual fetishes will be rare sure, but all of the fucked up fetishes combined together make up a very large part of the population, and the popularity has only been growing ever since the popularization of the internet.

And while things like humiliation play are healthy enough behaviour amongst consenting adults, when it bleeds out of the temporary bedroom arrangement and infiltrates the average every day life (Shockingly common in BDSM communities) it can be pretty counter-productive to their everyday life. Like people unpotty training themselves for their "daddy", and what not, while it's not the end of the world or necessarily going to make their lives unhappy, it's also not healthy. Don't get me started on extreme bdsm communities, because the most extreme circles of bdsm are more or less indefensible imo.
Re: Hate Thread

Ok whats your point? I mean you talk here as if you know more about BDSM from soft to TPE than I, so clearly you are saying something thats supposed to contradict what I stated, but all you basically say is:
it can be pretty counter-productive to their everyday life.

Evolution doesn't care about your every day life, it cares about your reproductive adaption. If a behaviour is socially inacceptable but reproductively beneficial thats the ultimate nature vs nurture, really. I feel like you haven't changed your position, but either you are bad at this or agreeing with me, I can't tell.
Re: Hate Thread

Living a dysfunctional life has everything to do with reproduction. You're only focusing on the part about fucking, but at some point children come into the equation if we're talking about nature, which we are. Having a mother who intentionally acts like a toddler who can't help but shit herself constantly is not exactly ideal, for obvious reasons. But moving past that, let me also remind you that we're talking about qualifiers for making a relationship work, you're the one who said that survival of the fittest plays a part in partner choices, which is only true *sometimes*, not to mention women being attracted to rich and successful men regardless of health or body type being a common enough occurrence to be a meme (Gold-digger, first used in 1911) for over 100 years.

And let me just say, the very sentence "Evolution doesn't care about your every day life" just in general is the opposite of true. Evolution literally derives it's ingredients from the every day experience, trying to equip it's target with the means to cope with those experiences.
Re: Hate Thread

i'll provide evidence from individual, quite an esperienced dom I talk to: Yeah I luv whpping her in the bedroom, but when it comes to changing diapers, it susually my duty.

Know what I'm going at it?I dare say you haven't develed enough itno RL BDSM relatoionships. Usuaully rp is off limits.. excapt fo ra few kinkies. yes there extres but.. tfisomy 18.
Re: Hate Thread

i'll provide evidence from individual, quite an esperienced dom I talk to: Yeah I luv whpping her in the bedroom, but when it comes to changing diapers, it susually my duty.

Know what I'm going at it?I dare say you haven't develed enough itno RL BDSM relatoionships. Usuaully rp is off limits.. excapt fo ra few kinkies. yes there extres but.. tfisomy 18.

Are you having a stroke or something?
Re: Hate Thread

i'll provide evidence from individual, quite an esperienced dom I talk to: Yeah I luv whpping her in the bedroom, but when it comes to changing diapers, it susually my duty.

Know what I'm going at it?I dare say you haven't develed enough itno RL BDSM relatoionships. Usuaully rp is off limits.. excapt fo ra few kinkies. yes there extres but.. tfisomy 18.

Oh shit! Pervy, don't die on us! You need to live! At least until you finish your game. Then feel free to kick the bucket. :p
Re: Hate Thread

Yeaaaaah, weren't just trying to escape a losing argument or anything like that.

Dunno why you didn't just use the counter-point he tried to head off, that it's such a small % of the population it doesn't have the ability to influence the species' evolution, and that often enough couples with extreme fetishes don't reproduce.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeaaaaah, weren't just trying to escape a losing argument or anything like that.

Dunno why you didn't just use the counter-point he tried to head off, that it's such a small % of the population it doesn't have the ability to influence the species' evolution, and that often enough couples with extreme fetishes don't reproduce.

I like losing arugments, means I learn something new. You by comparison seem so scared of losing arguments that you keep bitching on until EVERYOne is tired of your points. But W/e, you do you. Some people like salad, some like potatoes, some are secure, some aren't.
Re: Hate Thread

It's terrifying being right all the time and having no-one listen to you!

Besides, I learned a long time ago that around here unless you win arguments everyone hates you.
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Re: Hate Thread

Lol, I think that's just you suffering from social anxiety.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this glitch I have with my Bookmark favicons. For some godforsaken reason blank favicons sometimes get replaced with Patreon's favicon. It happened on this site once and I manged to fix it somehow. And now it's happened again on another site and nothing I do is fixing it. It's such a minor issue but it irks me so much.
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