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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"It's my pleasure dear," Kathil replied generously. She settled as Chloe asked her how she had come into Lord Aaron's service, pondering how to answer for a few seconds before saying; "Well, such as the story is, I worked as a junior maid for another branch of the house for a little a while at first. I was a bit more brash back then, perhaps too headstrong for my superiors at times, and eventually it got me into trouble. Luckily Lord Aaron, much younger than he is now, thought he could use someone a bit more willful and had me transferred to his staff instead."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Ah well lucky for me then." Chloe smiled and let her curiosity about Kathil's magic drop. For the rest of the meal Chloe would talk of small things such as the current mood of the city and anything interesting that she should check out while here. Of course she would answer questions if asked though it seemed Kathil was going to leave it well enough alone. Once her meal was done she would thank Kathil and bow before heading up to her room to study a little then call it a night. She had a busy day coming up after all.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Kathil proved both a wealth of information and a shrewd negotiator when it came to idle gossiping, and by the time she opted to retire Chloe had learned of no less than a dozen places she might like to visit for entertainment or learning and divulged the names and nature of her friends, her favorite school subjects, and all manner of other, minor things. The woman was personable about it the entire time as well, taking an interest in everything that Chloe revealed about herself without any apparent judgement and seemingly comfortable discussing any given subject with ease. If Chloe asked, she would get an answer as to the woman's apparent skill with sorcery, a rare talent for a maid, but that would depend on whether or not she thought to take the initiative on that front.

Retiring to her private chambers, Chloe had much to think about, from secluded libraries in private gardens to fancy clubs to public instructors in any number of subjects to centers of art. She would sleep well, and awoke with the dawn fairly well rested. She had work today, her first shift, but that wouldn't be until the early afternoon. She would be free to take breakfast in her bedroom or eat downstairs, in the kitchen or at the table. Lord Aaron was up late and looked tired if Chloe opted to stick around waiting for work, but would smile in a grandfatherly manner at her upon sighting her. Of course, she was just as free to take off and find something else to do for a while.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Kathil was easy to talk to and pleasant easily getting Chloe to give up the goods about herself as much as the maid gave of herself. By the end of their conversation Kathil had learned about her on and off again relationship with Nina her long time friend Grace as well as her other friends Tesyna (I so butchered that), Carly, and Stephany. Thankfully it did not branch into why she was here.

On the topic of school Kathil would learn that Chloe favored healing arts and was skilled in use but still learning in application. Of course bringing up magic lead Chloe back to the topic of her companion's use of magic. "Kathil..... if you can use magic...... why are you a maid?" Chloe blushed feeling embarrassed for asking and expecting at lest a mind your own business from the woman. Surprisingly she answered but any further questions were stymied by the toll of a clock. "Oh I have to go to bed I have work in the morning!" Bolting upright Chloe gave Kathil a bow before rushing off saying sorry for leaving a mess. Once in bed she would quickly fall sleep her dreams devoid of faceless ooze monsters. It seemed her offering at the shrine was accepted.

In the morning Chloe would greet Lord Aaron in her uniform politely and share a small light meal with him if he was wanting. He seemed tired so Chloe would make sure that she didn't bother him overly much only asking him about her disguise to make there was no obvious flaws that would give her away easily. Once that was done she would bid him a good day and head out to work showing up early to see how things were done and picking up on the the general type the establishment catered too.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

(You switched the y and the n in Tesnya, that's all.)

"Oh, why that's simple dear! Lord Aaron taught me the basics while I was working for him. All of us know it, though some are better than others," Kathil explained, a hint of smugness entering her voice towards the end. It was gone completely following a brief piece, and she continued; "He makes sure that all of his servants learn the basics of fire magic. I wouldn't dream of leaving Lord Aaron's service, he's been the best master I've ever served! Sure, I can use a bit of magic, but I'm no proper mage like yourself milady!"

She would graciously refuse Chloe's apology when she hastily departed, bidding her goodnight and pleasant dreams, allowing Chloe to get to bed. When she awoke, Lord Aaron would welcome her to share his meal, though he didn't eat much. He complimented her disguise, stating that it was an excellent bit of magic and would certainly do to fool anyone who might come looking for her, though he didn't seem to think that such was likely.

Heading out to her temporary job, Chloe would quickly be handed off to another longtime worker by the man overseeing the rest of the serving staff, a woman with long dark hair and a regular smiler's wrinkles named Temry. She was nice enough, and ran Chloe through the basics while recommending that she be friendly and patient with customers, some of whom could be difficult she warned. As she briefly shadowed the other woman, Chloe would find that most of the place's clientele seemed to be upper class workman, accountants and the like, as well as merchants and the occasional noble, many of whom seemed to be young.

At about noon she was handed off to her first customer, a surly looking man with hanging jowls and eyes that never seemed to have seen a smile, sitting by himself and huddled in a dark coat. She was free to figure out her own way of approaching him.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"I'm not so sure Kathil you seem very handy with fire magic. I might even be able to pick up some pointers. Fire was never one of my strong skills." Bidding Kathil a good night Chloe would retire for the evening.

In the morning she would share a meal with Lord Aaron and get his thoughts on her disguise. Hearing the kindly man out she thought about what he had said. Maybe she was being overly cautious. Still she had to keep the guise up a little longer and slowly over time ease it back to her normal self. That way she could just explain it as her dying her hair blonde and it finally working its way out. The eyes would be harder but that was a worry for another time.

Once at work she followed Temry around learning some more about being waitress before she was thrown to the wolves. Or rather given a most disagreeable looking customer. He didn't look pleasant but letting him sit and stew over there would be bad for business. Grabbing a tray and a little notebook Chloe would approach and keep a respectful distance as to appear pressuring. "Hello Sir can I get you anything today?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The surly looking man turned his head to look at Chloe, hunching slightly over the table. "Coffee, one sugar. And a breakfast sandwich with ham and cheese," he grunted simply while glaring at her sharply.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Of course it will be a few moments." Jotting down the grumpy man's order Chloe headed back to relay it to the cook before bringing the man his coffee and one sugar. Setting the cup down gentle Chloe looked at the man. "Is there anything else I may get you while you wait for your food?" She half expected the man to dismiss her right away and her eyes where already wandering for another customer to head too but waited a moment to see if the "gentleman" needed anything else.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The man grunted his thanks when she arrived with his coffee, but when she asked if he wanted anything else he seemed to rise from a fugue and look up at her. His eyes were sharp, penetrating, and for a few long seconds he simply gazed at her with an unreadable frown. "No... Thank you," he said, letting Chloe go to her next customer.

It turned out to be a pair of men, both older than her but not yet middle aged, engrossed seemingly in a conversation about business. Both were dark of hair and possessed similar features, including slightly pointed ears, and stopped as Chloe approached. "Oh, hello!" said the one, taller and somewhat thinner in his facial features. "Tea, if you please," the other, stouter and pudgy cheeked of the pair added, to which his companion nodded. "Anything you'd recommend? We're looking for something light for an early lunch," said the first.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe nodded to the grumpy man and moved on to the elfkin. "Hello my good sirs what can I get you today?" Listing in Chloe thought about the menu and what would fit the light early lunch the one gentleman wanted. "Perhaps a salad and some bread. Not as heavy as grilled or fried meat but should make you feel full." Chloe also offered some other option if the salad didn't take and would promptly fetch the tea and see of the other man's order was ready.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"That sounds lovely!" the more gaunt of the two said immediately, "don't spare the crust on the bread, and bring us the house jam... Don't worry, we're not picky~" He winked at Chloe, and the stouter brother rolled his eyes. "Nothing hot on mine if you please... Radishes and onions and things give me indigestion," he said coolly, causing his compatriot to chuckle.

The first man's order wasn't up yet, but Chloe could at least get them their tea. A third set of customers popped up, this one a harried looking woman, her too enthusiastic looking husband, and no less than three children, one who looked no older than twelve and the other two younger by far, one barely past diapers and the other still in them. They wore somewhat unfashionable clothes, and the olivine tint of their skin and accent placed them as Southerners from Badaria. Trade with the place had bloomed since the liche king's tyrannical rule had ended, but many in Crolia - particularly in Therion who had been first in line when the empire sent its riflemen and undead into the Pass of Ghosts - still held ill will towards their Southern neighbors. The bunch were obviously trying to pass for locals, and well to do locals at that, and maybe they'd hold up... If one didn't look too closely.

"Ahhh, excuse me!" the man said, gesturing to Chloe enthusiastically such that his bushy mustache bounced and his expensive looking dark clothes mussed up further. His wife, a woman of raven hair and a longish nose, gave him a long suffering look but didn't bother trying to stop him while she bounced the toddler on her lap. The man smoothed a hand through his salt and pepper hair, pushing it back, and if Chloe approached the group he would continue; "Could I, ahhh, how you say... Trouble you for some fruit juice for the children? And wine for my wife and I, the best vintage you have on hand if you don't mind."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe had never really held a grudge against the Bardian's then again she hadn't lost loved one's in the constant fighting. She knew several of her classmates had less than savory things to say about them, but she never let that sway her opinion. Smiling Chloe heard the man out and jotted down the order before heading back to place it and check on the others. It seemed business was picking up.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Her first customer's order was up, and all of her drinks were ready in short order. The elven brothers had their orders up only a few moments after that too, forcing Chloe to hasten her steps if she wanted to keep up, though luckily she didn't immediately get another table.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Speeding up wouldn't be a problem at lest till her belly got bigger so Chloe picked up her pace. Placing the drink and meal for her first customer Chloe curtsied a little. "Enjoy your meal good Sir." The eleven brothers would receive similar treatment as she delivered the drinks and then the food. Thankfully no one else had shown up and she was able to deliver the Bardian's drinks and get their order if they were ready.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The rest of her first shift would pass in similar fashion, Chloe acclimating herself well and not suffering any of the indignities that women in her position were famed to suffer. Of course, it was morning, and everyone coming in was sober. That didn't seem to be a regular problem here, however, and while on lunch break Chloe received some compliments from the other servers. The second half of her shift went much like the first, and when it was over she went home with the tips she'd accrued, some twenty two coin, and tomorrow's shift.

As she was halfway home, however, Chloe felt like someone was watching her, even in the crowded Therionian streets.

(Gain 22 denarii and 2 exp.)
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe kept up the good work thanking anyone who gave her some praise. It was hard work physically and while hardly not a challenge for her mentally it still kept her busy. Slightly sore from being on her feet that long Chloe gave a cheerful wave to her coworkers before heading out and hefting her tips. It was a good haul and if she was just as successful as today tomorrow she would be able to pay back the small loan Lord Aaron had given her. So pleased with herself she almost missed the eyes following. It was unnerving to say the lest. Her mind raced threw her day trying to pick up any strange things that happened. Frowning the only person that came to mind was the man in the morning and his coffee. Moving along with the rest of the crowd Chloe seem to wander hoping the mass of people would help her blend in for her next move. Once she was in a large enough group Chloe would cast her Illusions spell to make several copies of her self to move in separate directions and then cast invisibility on herself and taking a alternate and longer route to Lord Aaron's estate.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 15/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Chloe's diversion worked more or less without a hitch. There was a bit of a start from some nearby when she seemed to change into multiple copies of herself, but that quickly faded as her illusions melded into the crowd. People naturally avoided directly touching them as they would anyone else, and only a few looked confused when they accidentally brushed past an empty shell. Going invisible would let her slip away, forced to drop the illusions after a bit but able to return to Lord Aaron's tired but unmolested after a longer than usual walk. As she approached the house, everything seemed normal, but she would have to decide just what she wanted to do about what she'd felt going home.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

It had taken a good deal of her energy and coupled with working that day she was tired. Still it was good to share this information with Lord Aaron after all he was taking the Risk of sheltering her and it was only right if she was putting him and his house in danger. Feeling it was safe to enter Chloe moved up to the house entered to seek out Lord Aaron he should know what happened for sure.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 15/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

It was just after dusk by the time she entered, and Lord Aaron was downstairs, sitting out on the patio watching the fireflies dance through his garden. Many of the flowers were wilting, but the amazonian moonbeams - silvery blue flowers that sprouted and bloomed late in the year and emitted a soft white glow at night, but only bloomed under a full moon - were in high season and filled the garden with an ethereal glow complemented by the flashing gold of the small insects, which would likely soon enter hibernation.

"Hrm? How was work today my dear? It's a bit late isn't it?" he said jovially. He sounded tired, but when he noticed Chloe's distressed and exhausted appearance he perked up and frowned. "You look disheveled... Did something happen?" he asked, concern in his voice.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Leaning slightly against the door Chloe nodded yes to Lord Aaron's inquire. "I felt someone watching me as I passed threw the square. I managed to lose them with some illusions but it took a lot out of me." Chloe would right herself trying to stay calm. She might have over reacted and she hopped that it was the case but she knew Lord Aaron should know after all it is his house and his household on the line. Still Chloe knew the man had dealt with his fair share of trouble and would listen too his guidance on the matter.