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RPG [HellMOO Team] Text Based MMO HellMOO

Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

I still can't connect..can anyone else connect?

I can, turns out the player thing they have on the website is broken or something, I've been using simpleMU.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

No I can't connect
And I hate the part where I am only allowed one character. Because when one dies, I use the other to collect the leftover stuff. :(

that would be the reason WHY alts were banned

alt abuse is a huge problem, and unfortunately its a weird subject to ban people by and admins were using this excuse to ban people they didn't like

so they just decided to just get rid of all alts
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

I play there now too, names Jasperx, if you wish to gain babies for the shoggoth hand off for the nice xp, let me know, I'm waiting to get knocked up for live babies, won't be getting any mutations until I hit the full shoggoth quest completion, so get your live babies with me, while ya can. the way it works, is first live is yours, 2nd is mine, if 2nd is dead, you gotta knock me up again. :D
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

that would be the reason WHY alts were banned

alt abuse is a huge problem, and unfortunately its a weird subject to ban people by and admins were using this excuse to ban people they didn't like

so they just decided to just get rid of all alts

What's the problem with picking back my own stuff? The last time, if not for my alt I would have lost everything cause I was still new.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

What's the problem with picking back my own stuff? The last time, if not for my alt I would have lost everything cause I was still new.

Item loss is a game mechanic, circumventing it with an alt cheapens the game. Get an in-game friend to grab your stuff or hurry back with your clone. Alternatively, don't carry anything you wouldn't mind losing.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Because thats alt abuse duh.

If you loose your stuff and can't get back to it ask your corp mates, if they're a bunch of sperging cunts who won't help you then tough titties for joining a goon corp.

Also don't explore the world with all your shit if you dont want to loose it.

And if loosing text is so difficult for you then welcome to the glory of the abomination mutation!
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

if anyone wants to go fists, someone has to get boat riding skills to take us to coventry island

if any of you can ride a boat, please post, so i can message you or something ingame, i waaaaaaaant fist raws


most epic player kick off ever
admins exploded everyone off the server
i was one of the 4 still alive at the end of it all

looks like they're redoing the system again

or just quitting forever, whichever comes first
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Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

big double post news, supposedly the moo died and an admin is willing to take the game and host it himself

till then the game is deeeeeeeeeaaaaaad!

the code was also released

^ supposedly this is what the game ran on or something

if anyone knows how to use this.. there you go

i checked the file myself, looks safe, has a bunch of moo stuff, no idea how to use any of it though
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Heh thats real cute, badmins got cranky cause some players were apparently complaining about the changes. So they disabled player logins so its basically adminmoo now, the game is still up and running, just only admins playing it. (See: 30 admins connected)

For a bunch of guys who spent the past five years acting like douches and telling people to get over it, this is hell.....they are getting there panties seriously bunched up but whatever.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Apparently the admin bringing the game back is Mada.

Mada the admin that forced the no eating/drinking with your face covered mechanic into the game...
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

What's the problem there?

As long as he's reverting the free-xp-no-grinding-allowed thing, I can dig it.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Because it was a horribly pointless addition no one but Mada thought was a good idea

Btw, I ran that file linked above, seems to contain the database for a moo called cosmos not hellmoo
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Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

hellmoo was based off a free code released from another game, thats probably there base code i'd bet. And the having to remove stuff to eat was annoying, but made sense in a excessively realistic way.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

When i first started playing hellmoo just after it opened we used to have mechanic where you had to take off your pants to wank and piss, it was removed eventually due to player hatred and because it added nothing

5 years later Mada adds a feature for the other end, lots of players including myself point out the simulaties to the aforementioned mechanic and he's like "buhh duhh this'll be the best thing ever guys, really I'm working on things to make it easier to live with."

Edit: Hellmoo was based off Lamdamoo code
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Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Hi guys currently the reviving-in-progress HellMOO is here:

The Play Now button DOES NOT WORK YET.
I think we have to unzip the moo code some posts before and read the file called instructions.txt
Good luck people I don't have the time necessary to do this myself but I will tmr.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

There's a sorta-HellMOO up called HellMOO: After The End (wordplay!).

Bitches be on the moon.

As I understand it it's a placeholder zone until whoever gets the old city and shit edited and whatever to his preferences. No growing up and no mutations and stuff. On the plus side, you can be stranded in a tiny-ass station on the moon. If you can get a spacesuit, you can run around outside until a Moonite finds and kills you. Or, you could go outside without a spacesuit, and suffocate and/or decompress explosively!

Don't expect to find anyplace to cyber, though.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

There's a sorta-HellMOO up called HellMOO: After The End (wordplay!).

Bitches be on the moon.

As I understand it it's a placeholder zone until whoever gets the old city and shit edited and whatever to his preferences. No growing up and no mutations and stuff. On the plus side, you can be stranded in a tiny-ass station on the moon. If you can get a spacesuit, you can run around outside until a Moonite finds and kills you. Or, you could go outside without a spacesuit, and suffocate and/or decompress explosively!

Don't expect to find anyplace to cyber, though.

Its polite to give a link

Its not up yet though... telling us to check irc.synirc.net #hellmoo for official updates
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

The moo can be found by connecting your mud client to:
aftertheend.org 7777

If you don't understand that then gtfo.
You wouldn't last 5 minutes on the moo anyway.
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

I quite like the idea of a MUD sex/rp game, and liked HellMOO. However, the anti-rp based community is kinda ridiculous (I got hunted down and killed repeatedly by a syndicate--which was hilarious), and was wondering if there are any similar rp games I could find elsewhere?
Re: Text Based MMO HellMOO

Everything else out there that iv seen is either dead or less a moo(mush/mud/ect) and more a glorified chat room.

HM had the right idea, just the wrong people. Unfortunately the wrong people are the ones fallowing it around the closest heh so when it does get out of garbage reboot phase its going to be pretty weak sauce with nothing but exploiters and overly angst filled socially inept players that will constantly tell everyone new that they cant handle the moo and should be playing something else.