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Re: List of School Sex Slavery

Just wanted to do a quick bump. I added Shield High by Pudding Games. To let you know that it is mostly a text game and comes in two forms. There is the original that was on RAGS player (I think) but that was abandoned for the new version that has its own player. It is ok, not my favorite but some of you may like it. The link to Pudding Games' blog is on my first post. Again if anyone has any to share please do.

Also if I get in trouble with a double post...I apologize in advance.
Enemies that drain you of something

[Can I ask questions in this forum? Or is it strictly for game-release posts?]

So, I was thinking about this earlier, and how I'd go about searching for something rather complex and specific... Eventually figured, why not just uh... ask. So, here goes:

What are some games that involve enemies that drain health/mana/stats/abilities from you (ie. yours decrease as theirs increase)?

Bonus points if they corrupt the player character as they do this, and SUPER bonus points if they latch onto the player character while doing this.
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

There's a game request thread that you can use for questions like this:


As for answer to your question, I am not sure if there any h-games out there with such complicated combat mechanism. Heck, even in non-h games I can't think of one where enemies can steal your skills/stats/abilities.

Stealing HP and MP are quite common though. A lot of RPG games have life/MP stealing skills. For non-RPG games, I think fairy fighting has one or two enemies that can steal your health (someone correct me if I am wrong).
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Omg... Ive been wondering about this myself! I dont know if its a super duper rare fetish, or if its even a fetish at all, but enemies that drain you (the player) while making themselves stronger is just... basically non-existent! the best instance of this i have found is the Lencubus enemy in MGQ.

The enemy doesnt have to be anything specific for my tastes; Demon, Monster, Tentacles, Humanoid, Beast-robot-mannequin-thing it doesnt matter! but finding a game where these enemies gain strength by taking yours is just too rare! Any posts on this subject are welcome!

Ps. IS there a name for this fetish?@_@
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

if you know what ryona saga is, that game has quite a few monsters that drain/corrupt your characters by latching onto them

you have to attack them in order to pry em offa your characters even, its pretty great
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Ps. IS there a name for this fetish?@_@


Were you looking for me ?

is the closest that I can think of related to sex play and if you can consider that draining = bloodsucking. Not sure if there is a more general one.
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Re: Enemies that drain you of something

While i thank you for the attempt sir, I am afraid that Blood Play is not my thing :( Its not so much of a physical thing, but more an energy thing? maybe spiritual? i honestly dont know how to explain it too well because of how complex it can be.

In the Sailor Moon R movie there is a moment where this flower monster has trapped the Sailor Scouts and is draining them of their energy. While there was no nudity, intercourse, or erotica of any nature in the scene, it was a really big turn on to watch them be drained. If anyone is an avid reader and has read any of Manyeyedhydra's stories from literotica.com, most of those stories fall pretty close into what im trying to describe as well.

Thank you for the Ryona Saga idea! ill definitly have to check that out! +points if anyone would be kind enough to post a link to the game itself or a page that would lead to the same!
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Desire dungeon (dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ096876.html), that succubus dream game (dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ094663.html) and you can't escape the hero from illusion popped in my head.

There should be a few of those if you look at femdom/reverse rape tagged games I think?
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Something like Goma/Gora's attack in MvC maybe? Though non specific, there's some succubus enemy in Castlevania series (that Dawn of Sorrow, and Portrait of Ruin) that will suck your health.

And yeshh, I love this too (especially combined with the victim strangled/binded by something like vine/tentacle/etc)
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

There are a few I can think of which make it harder to break out of rapes, typically by making your character hornier as they proceed in rape.

For example: Hounds of the Blade and Space Escape. There's Nightmare Sphere, which corrupts your character and makes you hostile to otherwise-friendly characters.

Can't think of any off the top of my head where you lose stats if you get raped, but maybe there are some RPG Maker games that do this.
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

ILLUSION's Yuusha ( you can't escape the heroines ) is sorta similar?
You play as a prince demon, and heroines try to defeat you in battle and then rape you to seal away your demonic powers. If you lose to them, then cum into them, they drain your stats until you can't fight anything.

Though I expect you want a game where you are a girl and then get drained/raped by monsters?
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

ILLUSION's Yuusha ( you can't escape the heroines ) is sorta similar?
You play as a prince demon, and heroines try to defeat you in battle and then rape you to seal away your demonic powers. If you lose to them, then cum into them, they drain your stats until you can't fight anything.

Though I expect you want a game where you are a girl and then get drained/raped by monsters?

Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Anyone know rpg game, that dog id the protagonist in the game...?

please care to share...

Re: Enemies that drain you of something

The Japanese term for what you are seeking is "吸収". At least, it's a close approximation.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

been digging where I could, and have had no luck whatsoever, so here I am and may I ask, does anyone know of a good game with pregnancy in it? :confused: preferably an action type
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

This reminds me of something from The Black Company books. I think it might have been the 2nd book? But the title was definitely Shadows Linger. I'll put this in spoiler tags just in case anyone here is currently reading the series and hasn't read that far yet.
There's a black castle that actually feeds on the energy of corpses, but there's actually an instance where a live girl is sold to the mysterious occupants as well.

They actually offer her back to them at one point, but it's never told just exactly what type of effect this had on her. It's definitely not good though, as the two are rather horrified. Oh, and they decline to take her back. xP I can only imagine that the draining effects on her were both physical and spiritual.

I'm actually kinda interested in this as well, but I doubt I could do something like this with FSA or if it would even fit in the story.
Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Omg... Ive been wondering about this myself! I dont know if its a super duper rare fetish, or if its even a fetish at all, but enemies that drain you (the player) while making themselves stronger is just... basically non-existent! the best instance of this i have found is the Lencubus enemy in MGQ.
YES! Lencubus is my favorite. I also enjoyed the fact that she converses with you about it, and tries to tempt you into allowing her to begin the process, instead of defaulting to nondescript aggression.

Ps. IS there a name for this fetish?@_@
Not that I know of. "Draining" yields some results on Google sometimes, but not really.

In the Sailor Moon R movie there is a moment where this flower monster has trapped the Sailor Scouts and is draining them of their energy. While there was no nudity, intercourse, or erotica of any nature in the scene, it was a really big turn on to watch them be drained.
Exactly. Even in totally non-sexual contexts, the notion of 'draining' is somehow... intimate? It's hot in and of itself. Even when it's in something non-sexual like Dragonball Z; every time someone was getting squeezed and drained, I felt weird (probably because all the characters are male so all my sexual energy had nowhere to go haha). Oh god, and Cell with his tail? The noise... Whoa.

if you know what ryona saga is, that game has quite a few monsters that drain/corrupt your characters by latching onto them

you have to attack them in order to pry em offa your characters even, its pretty great
Ryonasaga is so old and buggy and confusing.

ILLUSION's Yuusha ( you can't escape the heroines ) is sorta similar?
You play as a prince demon, and heroines try to defeat you in battle and then rape you to seal away your demonic powers. If you lose to them, then cum into them, they drain your stats until you can't fight anything.

Though I expect you want a game where you are a girl and then get drained/raped by monsters?

I think I prefer males getting drained by females. I don't know for sure, though.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Does anyone know if this is oblivion mod or skyrim?

Re: Enemies that drain you of something

Exactly. Even in totally non-sexual contexts, the notion of 'draining' is somehow... intimate? It's hot in and of itself. Even when it's in something non-sexual like Dragonball Z; every time someone was getting squeezed and drained, I felt weird (probably because all the characters are male so all my sexual energy had nowhere to go haha). Oh god, and Cell with his tail? The noise... Whoa.

Please stop ruining my childhood memories. :eek:

Does anyone know if this is oblivion mod or skyrim?


Apparently it's made by a Japanese modder but the actual mod was never released. If it's any consolation, I suspect the tentacle are not animated.

if you know what ryona saga is, that game has quite a few monsters that drain/corrupt your characters by latching onto them

you have to attack them in order to pry em offa your characters even, its pretty great

I never understood why people like that game. It's pretty terrible imo.
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I never understood why people like that game. It's pretty terrible imo.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure it's ancient.

Also, does anyone know how to use this "Yuusha" game? It's the one with the dark prince and the weird duels with girls, and you can kinda wobble all the models around and ragdoll them if you try hard enough.

It has zero explanation of its mechanics, and cites a bunch of links to wiki pages that are now derelict and closed.