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Re: A good game recommendation?

Also, if you're looking for games, it might be helpful to tell us what themes or fetishes that you like or what you are looking for in a game. Some are great as far as story, but the H-content is low. Others have great H-content, but have terrible story and/or mechanics. So if you tell us what you like and it would be easier to suggest things you might like?

Well, if i had to look for a game that satisfies my fetishes i wouldn't bother asking here. I can easily spend some time on DLSITE and going to obscure sources to procure download links. If it's H Content i wanted i don't even care if it's translated.

Right now, i just want a game with a good storyline like Ariadne. So it doesn't matter if it's non-H, or has whatever twisted things the human mind can conjure up. Just a good story and a full translation is the only requirement here.

I am open to all good-story recommendations and can cross-reference the names on the translations thread myself.
Re: A good game recommendation?

though that's a suggestion from someone who isn't super into RPGmaker games.

We have that in common. I mean i just play them for the CG, so i mostly use saves from this website. But Ariadne was a decent experience. So i don't mind another game like that.
Re: A good game recommendation?

Also did they have combat? I have a faint memory of them being just a VN in RPG maker or something.

LoQO has combat. Standard, turn based RPGmaker combat, but it's there. As for downloading them, the loqo wikispace main page appears to have working links for 1 & 2 as well as Episode 1 of Origins.
Re: A good game recommendation?

If you look at the translated games thread in the translation section, there lists a few games that have been translated by this community, as for games of similar style to Ariadne, the creators also created "Magika" which Ariadne shares many similarities with. Since you gave only Ariadne as an example I'll assume you like the following things

Combat Rape
Heroine Corruption
Multiple Endings

In which case, I can also recommend Sacred Eyes, Arms Devicer+, Emma and the Ancient Empire, and Mature Quest.
Re: A good game recommendation?

If you have not played it, Virgin Island. Excellent game, lots of CGs, well drawn artwork, and fully translated. I can't recommend it enough.

Beyond that, Sangeki of Gear is a good translated game with an interesting battle system, slow corruption, minor animation, lots of scenes. Also, it is fully translated.

I recently translated Hunter's Quest, which is a short 3-4 hour game with a decent story. I'd recommend the first two far more, but it's not a bad game to play and enjoy.

There are more, and a recommendation list would be pretty awesome. Especially with all these new games coming out.
Re: A good game recommendation?

You could find all the game threads with 5 stars. They tend to be generally, highly liked games.
Re: A good game recommendation?

There are more, and a recommendation list would be pretty awesome. Especially with all these new games coming out.

Just check daily rankings on dlsite with some filtering. If it stays in the top 3 for more than a couple days, then it should be at least okay. If it hits top 3 in monthly or yearly rankings, all the better.

Also, download count for torrents on nyaa. You're looking for around 8000+ for small games.
Re: A good game recommendation?

Frankly, the best fully translated games you might find are:

Sengoku Rance
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Bunny Black

Those 3 are H.

As for non-h, there are too many. A few of my favorites, tho:

Metro 2033, Dragon Age, Wolfenstein: New Order, Half Life (you'd be surprised at how many people haven't played this yet), Kingdom: New Lands
Re: A good game recommendation?

Translated/English games with good storylines are a bit hard to find on this forum since they're not tagged well and the translations section doesn't fully represent the translated (or English) games on the rest of the site.

I'm also not a fan of the star system because on most threads very few if any people vote, which biases results. That said, when I was looking for games like these I just sorted ULMF by view count (you could also sort by replies, but tend to more accurately represent the population). Since this is an English forum, the top threads are usually translated. The primary down-side is new games will take a while to bubble up, but by the time they do you know they're solid. This method should be a good start as a new user.

Here are some games you may be interested in based on that info, and some slightly less popular games I've played. Still, filter and sort these based on your preferences.
Dungeons and Prisoners - as far as I'm aware, this game isn't done, but it has a huge following, and I think is one of the primary reasons random people end up on ULMF if you monitor web traffic.
Monster Girl Quest - not the new paradox game, the old series is translated and is more story based as there's no need to grind levels.
Virgin Island - an ok story, but the game can be a bit challenging.
Alone Amongst Demons - has a ~169 page thread on TFGames. The spelling/grammar could use work, but it's fully understandable. The story has interesting twists, but the game can be a bit challenging at points.
Ouroboros - a different (and short) game, where the focus is purely on the story. Some love it, some hate it. I found it quite enjoyable, but the beginning is frustrating. Sierra Lee's other game The Last Sovereign is also popular, but incomplete as far as I can tell.
Overwhored - fun little game, pretty straightforward story.

I've heard a lot about the Legend of Queen Opala and Parallel Fantasy (Original and Zero, IF is partially translated as of this post) series, though I haven't played them completely to give a recommendation.
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Re: A good game recommendation?

Don't play queen opala without cheat engine and a x3 game speed. Seriously. You will either lose your sanity and ragequit, or lose 60H of your life for nothing (I played the 2 recently, the game had 90H played when I 100% it with a x3 speed).

Also, Yumina the Ethereal is not heavily H-focused, but the game is really great.
Re: A good game recommendation?

Don't play queen opala without cheat engine and a x3 game speed. Seriously. You will either lose your sanity and ragequit, or lose 60H of your life for nothing (I played the 2 recently, the game had 90H played when I 100% it with a x3 speed).

Also, Yumina the Ethereal is not heavily H-focused, but the game is really great.

Are the legend games that long ? Or just have a ton of dialogue.
Re: A good game recommendation?

Another couple of games to enjoy:

Virgin's Protection Magic

Both of them are currently being translated, and they're pretty good games.
Re: A good game recommendation?

Are the legend games that long ? Or just have a ton of dialogue.

The maps are really huge (when they could be 1/2 or 2/3 smaller without any problem) and the character can be outrun by a turtle. For instance, every location (EVERY SINGLE LOCATION, including towns) has a "useless" map with nothing in it, no item, no monster at the very start. Just for the fun of making you wasting time.

Also, if the game has TP, it make it tedious to use (always at the very start of the twn, and not in the center).

So basically, you will walk a LOT, and since the character is fucking slow, you will waste a lot of time walking everywhere.

In x3 game speed (= x3 walking speed), I wasted a huge amount of time running everywhere.

The game is good, but that + the fact they could do much more (they have the CGs, why they didn't do more scenes instead of making this treasure hunting???? Not every CG could have been used into a scene, so it would have been fine...) gives the feeling the game could have been a master piece. Too bad.

Also, the game is really grindy, but since I use CE for exp/golds (and here, for the first time, speed), I didn't really mind. But if you are playing game "legit", be very careful^^
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Re: A good game recommendation?

Oh i forgot to mention about that im looking for RPG maker/sim games with female protagonists.
Re: A good game recommendation?

RPG Maker:
-Arms Devicer +
-Noxian Nights
-Virgin Island
-To H (Not a RPG)
Re: A good game recommendation?

The best game H game I have ever played is Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi, the translation just recently hit the 75% mark thanks to TNT90 (Its really worth playing even if its not fully translated).

I enjoyed this game so much it kinda ruined H-games for me because it set the bar so high, only thing that comes close to it in style is SNEAK IN DESPERADA but it is a shadow of Swordswoman Asagi.

if you like GoR, bondage, sexual training etc you really can't get better than this.
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Anyone know about this game? Seem fun but i could not find any working dl link
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

hi i played an adv long time ago was about a curvy blonde girl who was a prostitute and u started to date with her, u have the chance to interact with people to move forward and u have a long variety of chat options to keep forward and win the scenes the good ending is about u get the girl and she quits prostitution, had some netorare and dilf tags she wears hot pants and a white tank top and in the intro shes like getting off her tank top
Re: A good game recommendation?

Don't play queen opala without cheat engine and a x3 game speed. Seriously. You will either lose your sanity and ragequit, or lose 60H of your life for nothing (I played the 2 recently, the game had 90H played when I 100% it with a x3 speed).

I totally agree, Queen Opala I and II are for RPGMaker grindy games lovers and there is tons of bestiality, so if you're not into it, you should just avoid it.

I tried both, stopped playing the first after getting "lost" in the first city, almost 100 houses with nothing inside; as for the second, i played it a bit more, almost to the end (with cheat engine ), it's ok, i was just annoyed by the amount of bestiality.

Still, Queen Opala Origin is very good, looks like they're greatly improving.

If you prefer english games, you need to be patient, many amateurs game makers are producing very good games, the only problem is they didn't released them yet, it's still under construction.

Under construction (and still in progress)

- Aylia story (short demo, promising, chapter 1 will certainly be released soon)
- Taras's Adventure (demo version, quite a lot of stuff already )
- Chronicles of Leridia (demo, really promising )
- Road trip (short demo)
- Claire's Quest (short demo, very promising )
- Milf's control (v0.3/0.4, interesting gameplay )
- Lily of the valley (v0.3 )
- Coceter chronicles (chapter 1, very promising )
- Dragon throne (chapters 1, 2 & 3, great story )
- Officer Chloe (v.25 really promising )

Those are my favorites in terms of gameplay / CG there is a lot more, some with great CG, some with good gameplay, i might have missed some.

Some games translated in english i really enjoyed : (outside of the ones everyone talk about )

- Holly knight Olyana
- Hypnosis Aristocrat (very good in terms of weird situations )
- Sangeki of gear (it's possible to find translated versions )
- Green Shadow Rachel (Quite original, you need to lean how to dodge the scat scenes )
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