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ADV [hentaicook] Aching Dreams 2

Re: Aching Dreams 2

Someone who plays the full version:

Is the rest of the story better, some or worse than Jane´s story?

If someone could give me user and pass I will be very grateful

Have patience, our time shall come and someone shall give to us this game.Sooner or later.There is not a thing on the internet that can't be obtained.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I was looking for it whole august and whole september and I didn´t find it. No user and password :(.

I won´t buy it because I think that 10$ is too much for that game. If someone find a user and a password, please let me know.

Thanks you
Re: Aching Dreams 2

So, does anyone care to give us this game?
Enough time has past, so that people that wanted to pay for it did, and sharing it now won't hurt the author in any way.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

So, does anyone care to give us this game?
Enough time has past, so that people that wanted to pay for it did, and sharing it now won't hurt the author in any way.

Fuck you. Seriously. Go find someone else to leech off you parasite.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

And people wonder why it's hard to find quality hentai on the internet...

People just don't wanna pay for it. Never said there isnt demand, but the demand is "Free", "Quality" and "Now", probably in that order.

BerryPolter, I salute you for your attempt to troll an entire industry. And I condemn you for bringing it onto our forum.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

And people wonder why it's hard to find quality hentai on the internet...

People just don't wanna pay for it. Never said there isnt demand, but the demand is "Free", "Quality" and "Now", probably in that order.

BerryPolter, I salute you for your attempt to troll an entire industry. And I condemn you for bringing it onto our forum.

that last line is epic
Re: Aching Dreams 2

1. Request a game on a hentai board centered around free content
2. Get flamed
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I find it rather hilarious how abrupt an 180 turn can be.

"Yay, thanks for the free porn!"

"What? You want free porn? GTFO!"

I, myself, can definitely go on without this game. I played the first one and liked it, but I sure as hell don't think it's worth paying for. Not even just 10 bucks. The only reason I played through the whole of the first was to see how the story (However little) played out. Not the porn which was mediocre at best.

So meh, we got enough "free" porn already that's way better.

*Returns to lurking*
Re: Aching Dreams 2

it isn't the issue of free or not. its the way he asked for it. getting free porn is wrong, and knowing that i take free porn knowing im doing the wrong thing. don't try and justify it to convince us to get porn for you. simply ask for it knowing your doing the wrong thing, and you can expect less flaming.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

it isn't the issue of free or not. its the way he asked for it. getting free porn is wrong, and knowing that i take free porn knowing im doing the wrong thing. don't try and justify it to convince us to get porn for you. simply ask for it knowing your doing the wrong thing, and you can expect less flaming.

You're partially right. It's also the fact that he continues to make posts every couple of months asking for a free copy. If you're going to be that persistant about getting it, it's only $10, christ!
Re: Aching Dreams 2

You're partially right. It's also the fact that he continues to make posts every couple of months asking for a free copy. If you're going to be that persistant about getting it, it's only $10, christ!


Re: Aching Dreams 2



JUST PAY FOR IT it's only 10 bucks which isn't a whole lot of money i mean it's not like he/she is asking for much money it's not like a 70 buck game ......... take for instant a new game like metal of honor so quit your complaining and buy it besides nothing is always free
Re: Aching Dreams 2

JUST PAY FOR IT. it's only 10 bucks, which isn't a whole lot of money. i mean it's not like he/she is asking for much money. it's not like a 70 buck game, for instance a new game like medal of honor. So quit your complaining and buy it, besides, nothing is free

^^^ fixed
Re: Aching Dreams 2

JUST PAY FOR IT it's only 10 bucks which isn't a whole lot of money i mean it's not like he/she is asking for much money it's not like a 70 buck game ......... take for instant a new game like metal of honor so quit your complaining and buy it besides nothing is always free

A smile is for free. ;)
Re: Aching Dreams 2

BerryPolter, Noskcaj... (jackson backwards btw)

If you guys can't pay for the game but manage to beg for it for a month, then sure, I'll let you guys have the game. It's not like you were ever going to pay for it anyways, so no bread off my table. Just PM me your email address and I'll give the game to you guys.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I like your style. Makes me almost want to buy your game. But since I didn't particularly like the first one(no offense, just not my type of game), I'll pass.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

The demo lets you try the game and complete one of the characters, so you can make a good judgment on if the new game's not to your taste (honestly the second one is better, but not very different)

I'm also making a space station alien survival game next year. If you like kicking ass for a piece of ass, stay tuned.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

BerryPolter, Noskcaj... (jackson backwards btw)

If you guys can't pay for the game but manage to beg for it for a month, then sure, I'll let you guys have the game. It's not like you were ever going to pay for it anyways, so no bread off my table. Just PM me your email address and I'll give the game to you guys.

This sounds kinda scary...:rolleyes:
Re: Aching Dreams 2

This sounds kinda scary...:rolleyes:

I KNOW! (bulblight momment)

Fake an account and just get the game! then post it here!

okay kidding, the guy sounds too nice (no sarcasm intended) to be pirated(did i spell this right?) off.

that said... im only 17, and have not yet earn my own keep and hence shall not use(not waste ;D) my mom's money for such things. So i cant support my fave games out there and have to resort to downloading..... so maybe i can justify myself by saying okay i get the game for free now.... and in future I'll support such game makers by buying their game.... secretly haha :D

cheers to PORN, for every guy has at least seen it once INTENTIONALLY, or are going to EVENTUALLY.