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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Yeah, and we'll have to cross it again, to take the package to the next floor."
Indeed, Himari notices at the feet of the two four-armed guards a wooden crate.
"That'll be the last shipment of vials for a while, because of the ruckus downstairs. Do you remember the way?"
"Of course, I remember. I go down the trapped hallway, and turn right while leaving the breeding pens to my left and the hatchery behind me. Then I deactivate the golems' security and..."

The male Shokan finally notices the slighty open door.
"Did you close the door after entering?"
"Of course." answers his female counterpart.
"Then we have an intruder!"

The male four-armed beast rushes towards the door, his comrade following behind. Will Himari take the Shokans head on, or does she have another plan in mind?

Himari - 0/13 AP - 2/2 DP
Faeryl - 0/13 AP - 2/2 DP

Male Shokan - 7/7 FP
Female Shokan - 7/7 FP

Assault group situation

Petrick (human male)

7 people (7)
The surprise attack failed (-2)
Hard difficulty (-2)
Gorma, Lonka and Isabelle are together (+2)
Agatha flanks the enemy (+1)
-> 6

The assault group attacks (2d6 + 3 ) 5 vs (2d6 + 5) 13 -> miss
Isabelle escapes (3 vs 3)
Lonka cannot escape (5 vs 10)
The plant takes care of one of its preys:
Lonka is caught in a flower!

The assault group attacks (2d6 + 4 ) 8 vs (2d6 + 5) 10 -> miss
The plant launches a cloud of pollen
Lily is unaffected
Isabelle is unaffected
Gorma is unaffected
Aria is affected

The assault group attacks (2d6 + 3 ) 7 vs (2d6 + 5) 11-> miss
The plant launches his vines
Lily is caught
Isabelle evades
Gorma evades
Aria is caught

The assault continues, but the plant proves to be too much of a foe. Isabelle manages to struggle out of her binds, but Lonka gets the flower treatement, after Petrick. The vines bring her to a flower specifically tailored for hermaphrodites. As Lonka sinks inside, she meets both a sucking hollowed vine, and a thick stalk which spreads her pussy apart. The stalk is coated in pollen, and the direct application of the stuff in the orc's twat sends her rapidly at the start of a chain of orgasms, like Petrick not far from her.

The next part of the battle is a mess. The plant covers the area in aphrodisiac pollen, making Aria flinch as her pussy and herm-cock drool with juices. She becomes easy prey for the vines which come after, who capture Lily as well.

"Well, time to switch to plan B. Do your best, men, and don't worry, I'll get you out of this."
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari remained there listening to the two talking, hearing about the shipment of vials of some sort to be delivered to the next floor. That meant that she and Faeryl needed to take said shipment from them before they left. Listening also gave her info about the hallway being trapped, which she mentally noted for later use. When they noticed the door finally open, Himari cursed herself for not pulling it a bit more closed as she looked over at Faeryl.

"Quick, hide, ambush them, starting with the guy, hit him with everything you've got," Himari whispered quickly to Faeryl, pushing her to the side of the door leading back down to the others and motioning for her to crouch.

Himari quickly jumped and caught the door seal, drawing her sword quickly and embedding it in the fleshy wall above the door which she used to pull herself up with to hang from there. When the guy came through the door, Himari pulled the sword free and fell on top of him, aiming directly for his head to go for an instant kill, which with Faeryl's help in distracting them from below she'd have the perfect shot she knew. Assuming it killed the guy, Himari would ride his corpse to the ground and turn to look at the female.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

The shokan bursts the door open. Seeing no one in front of him, he quickly looks to the side, but still gives Faeryl a few seconds to act.

Dice rolls said:
Faeryl ambushes the male shokan - 8 vs 8 - success (-2 hp)
Himari ambuses the male shokan - 6 vs 8 - normal hit (-1 hp)

The drow stabs the muscular male on the side, inflicting him a serious wound. Still unnoticed, Himari lets herself fall. Unfortunately, the Shokan took a few steps to the side in reaction to Faeryl's aggression, and thus the witch hunter only grazed her opponent.

"Gurrg! You! Little!..."
"Rogo! You are making"
"Shut your trap, Reeva! Take care of that cat for me!"

The female Shokan engages Himari, leaving Faeryl to Rogo.
"I'll break you in a lot of ways, scum! First your mouth, then your pussy, then your ass!"

Dice rolls said:
Faeryl vs Rogo 7 vs 7 - hit (-1)
Rogo vs Faeryl 9 vs 3 - hit (-1 DP)
Himari vs Reeva 4 vs 9 - miss
Reeva vs Himari 4 vs 7 - miss

Not impressed in the least by the brute's threats, Faeryl swipes her daggers at her foe, scratching him some more. Growling in rage, the Shokan's arm reaches for the drow and grabs her leather top by one arm, preparing to punch with another one. In a prompt display of agility, Faeryl slides off her top cloth and steps away, unharmed but also half-naked.
Meanwhile, Himari and Reeva stare each other down, each one trying to find an opening in the other's guard.

Himari - 0/13 AP - 2/2 DP
Faeryl - 0/13 AP - 1/2 DP

Rogo the male Shokan - 3/7 FP
Reeva the female Shokan - 7/7 FP

((OOC: I'll add an update for the assault group later; considering how the fight is going, I may as well narrate what happens after the fight :p))
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Seeing Faeryl stab the large male in the side with her daggers, Himari took that opportunity to drop down right on top of him. Because of Faeryl's attack though, he stumbled a bit in pain and her attack only hit him a bit unfortunately, leaving him still alive. "Dammit, should have dropped on him first," Himari cursed inwardly at her decision to have Faeryl attack first.

Himari flipped off of Rogo, the male one, where the female one Reeva apparently her name was attacked her. Hearing Rogo's threats to her and Faeryl, Himari chuckled softly and stared down the female one for a few moments, darting to the side and wildly swinging her blade to drive Reeva back a bit. Out of the corner of her eye, Himari noticed Faeryl lose her top, but that she had done so willingly to avoid getting punched by the powerful Shokan, which would likely have hurt quite a bit and may have put her out of commission for the rest of the fight.

"Come on big girl, you think you can catch this pussy? I doubt it, as large as you are," Himari said as she paced around Reeva, positioning herself so that if Reeva charged at her taunting, she could either jump to the side or roll between Reeva's legs and jump to stab Rogo in the back while Faeryl had him distracted.

(That's fine with me, might as well finish this fight, as it would likely end around the same time the assault group's fight ends too.)
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Dice Rolls said:
((Would you believe me if I told you the dice app I use gave you 2s three times for your attack rolls o_O))

Faeryl vs Rogo 0 vs 6 - miss
Rogo vs Faeryl 10 vs 7 - hit (-1 DP)
Himari vs Reeva 0 vs 5 - miss
Reeva vs Himari 9 vs 6 - hit (-1 DP)

Faeryl vs Rogo 0 vs 9 - counter (+1 AP)
Rogo vs Faeryl 4 vs 6 - miss
Himari vs Reeva 5 vs 4 - hit (-1 FP)
Reeva vs Himari 6 vs 8 - miss

Faeryl and Rogo clash again, but this time, the Shokan is much better prepared. Stepping out of the daggers' range, the male guard grabs the drow with his upper arms, and makes short work of her leather skirt with his lower ones.
"Shokans can stay hard and mate for hours. Let's see how much it'll take for me to break you." he says while throwing Faeryl on the ground.
The drow rolls on her legs and charges at ther opponent, but Rogo's four arms take hold of the lithe dark elf as if she was a mere bag. One of his big hands hold Faeryl's wrists above her head, while another one forces her head into a french kiss with the giant brute; finally, his two lower arms start playing with the herm's unprotected breasts.

Meanwhile, Himari and Reeva exchange taunts and blows at the same time.
"I'll put my hand on it, and then my entire arm." callously answers the female Shokan. Joining action with words, she suddenly lunges forward, reaching for Himari's skirt. The nekokin pulls off at the last minute, but her cloth stays in the four-armed warrior's hand.
"Here... Kitty, kitty..." provokes Reeva.
In reaction, Himari leaves the Shokan a mark as one of her attacks connect.

Himari - 0/13 AP - 1/2 DP
Faeryl - 1/13 AP - 0/2 DP

Rogo the male Shokan - 3/7 FP
Reeva the female Shokan - 6/7 FP
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(It wouldn't surprise me one bit honestly. :p)

Himari watched as Rogo yanked Faeryl's skirt off as well, revealing everything now to the two and Himari. Seeing Faeryl in dire straits, Himari muttered a curse under her breath and turned to Reeva, knowing she needed to get Reeva away from her a little if she was to have any hope of attacking Rogo to free Faeryl.

"Heh, Shokan's can mate for hours eh... people after my own heart. Turn on the witch and you can both fuck me for a couple of hours or until I faint," Himari said to the two, a slightly dreamy look in her eyes at hearing they could mate for hours.

Himari felt one of Reeva's hands on her skirt, with Himari managing to pull away, though not before she lost her own skirt. As her skirt came off, Himari's dick sprang free from its prison. Swinging her sword, Himari caught Reeva's arm that reached for her, knocking her back a bit. "Damn... got to help Faeryl. If Rogo beats her I'm fucked... literally," Himari thought to herself.

Himari waited for an opening, where she would then slipped around and stab at Rogo to get him off of Faeryl. With any luck, her blade would sink into Rogo's back, where she would hold on for dear life and refuse to let go until he was dead or knocked out at least.

If Reeva grabbed her though, Himari would whisper to the female Shokan so Rogo couldn't hear her. "If you turn on the witch, you can fuck around with Faeryl and I, as well some of our friends and we'll definitely satisfy your desires," Himari would whisper to Reeva if she got grabbed by the female Shokan, trying to entice her to turn on the witch and maybe Rogo if he didn't agree to the first offer she'd made aloud.
Last edited:
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Persuation roll said:
Difficulty - 8
Roll - 1d10 - 10

Reeva stops a moment to consider her options. Here eyes go to Himari, to Rogo and Faeryl.
"Mmm... Our boss is an asshole, and so is that moron over there. Y'know what? Deal!" says the female Shokan as she turns towards her former ally.

Dice Rolls said:
Faeryl vs Rogo - 4 vs 10
Rogo vs Faeryl - 9 vs 2 - critical (+2 AP)
Himari vs Rogo - 4 vs 4 - hit (-1 FP)
Reeva vs Rogo - 7 vs 7 - hit (-1 FP)

Faeryl vs Rogo - 5 vs 2 - Rogo is knocked out

Meanwhile, Faeryl tries to get out of Rogo's grab, but the powerful arms of her opponent prevent her to make any move. Totally vulnerable, she is manipulated by the shokan, arms exploring her body before one of them introduces a big finger in her cunny, making her squeal in reaction.
He is brutally interrupted when Himari delivers a dropkick to the Shokan's unprotected back. He turns around, furious.
"Rrrg. Reeva. What the fuck are you..."
He is not able to finish his sentence as two clenched fists jab his face.
"Something I should have done a long time ago." the female shokan says.

Staggered, Rogo lets Faeryl go, and the drow does not wastes time before launching a kick in his nuts and have him double over in pain.
"That should calm you!"

Beaten, Rogo stumbles over and falls on the fleshy ground.
"Damn that feels good." declares Reeva while pumping her arm.
She goes back to the room while dragging Rogo, and picks a small metallic rod. She approaches the rod from the ground, and under Himari and Faeryl's eyes the flesh material retracts, revealing the stone underneath.
"Watch closely, girls. That's a rod made of mythril. It's quite ironic, that a holy metal helps us in our jobs, but that's the only way to navigate this floor with "some" danger instead of "great" danger. The perk, though is that you can be creative with it. Now, to make sure you don't get away when I'll come back to vent off six months of frustration on you."
Reeva kept the hole open and put one of Rogo's arms in it, then retracted the rod. Immediately, the fleshy bits returned, trapping Rogo's arm up to its forearm. She did the same for her three remaining arms and his legs, and as a final result the male shokan was litteraly stuck in the floor, his front body totally vulnerable.

"As for us, let's negociate. I want to leave that tower a free woman once everything is over. Also, I'll take you on your offer from earlier. It'll be nice to have a change from Rogo's piece of meat. We could have some fun with that moron first, though, or we can do all of this at the same time...
Nevertheless, once you're done, I'll leave you the rod, the contents of the crate if you want, and then I'll get the hell out of here.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari was amazed that her words got through to the Shokan woman, her eyes going wide a bit as she considered it. When she replied and whispered back her agreement to Himari's offer, Himari nodded and turned. As she turned around to look back at the male Shokan and Faeryl, she heard Faeryl's squeal as he probed her pussy with a finger or two on one of his four hands.

Himari moved in and drop kicked him right square in the back, with Reeva following up and smashing him in the face with a quick one two punch. As he staggered back from the punches, Faeryl took that opportunity to kick upwards and right into his unprotected nuts. He doubled over clutching them in a hand or two and fell unconscious to the ground.

"Whew, that was close. Faeryl, meet Reeva... our helper," Himari told Faeryl, gesturing at Reeva as the Shokan woman used the mythril rod to manipulate the flooring so that Rogo was trapped within it. "Huh, that is ironic and odd. You'd think the witch would have unholy means of doing this," she went on to say about the mythril rod.

Hearing Reeva's request, Himari nodded to her as she finished speaking. "Leaving the tower was always your choice Reeva. Unless you'd like to stay and help us out, I won't tell you that you can't leave. But if you can wait for a few minutes until our companions finish with that flower down below, then a genuine succubus and a couple of... large orcs will be here to help please you. Among a few others," Himari told Reeva, accepting the rod if offered the thing and waiting to see if Reeva minded waiting for just a few minutes to get hers, where Himari would take them all back to the exit to the floor below and check on the others progress, jumping in to help if things seemed to be going downhill for them.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Orcs, huh? I guess that green-skinned girl must be along them. They are in trouble, though. That plant is tougher than it looks."

The assault group had been decimated. One by one, the warriors had been picked and trapped in a flower. Their protests and cries became a cacophony of moans as they were fucked by the plant. Little by little, the flowers' insides filled with their captive's fluids, who stood ou amongst the petals like they were living stalks. All of them were lost in the throes of pleasure, except one person.
Lily was having the fun of her already long life. Bringing a succubus to an orgy was like invinting a gourmet to a three-stars banquet. Lily and her experienced body rode the waves of pleasure which drowned every other witch hunter present. And little by little, she began to sap the giant plant of her substance. It would take some time, though

Back to our heroes...
Rogo groaned as he regained consciousness.
"Reeva, you... Bitch."
Reeva stepped on the big male's groin with a satisfactory grin.
"You have no idea, my little Rogo. Or not so little now, is it?" she taunts as she massages the shokan's loincloth until his growing dick starts pushing the fabric.
"Time to reverse roles. And your little friend doesn't seem to disagree, doesn't he?"

Leaving alone Rogo for a moment, Reeva throws the rod to Himari.
"You sure you don't want to have a little fun first? Despite appearances I know how to handle my partners. It's a requirement for the job."
Reeva streches out, crossing her upper arms behind her head while putting her second pair of hands on her hips.
"Whelp, feel free to ask any questions now, 'cause once I'm gone it'll be too late. And don't hesitate to check the vials in the crates. I know you're that kind of witch hunters and I'm sure you'll like what you find inside."
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Well shit, let's get going then. Those are my friends and I'm not going to leave them to a fate like that," Himari said when Reeva said the flower was more dangerous than they were thinking, drawing her sword and preparing to rush off.

As Rogo regained consciousness, Himari stopped for a moment and looked back to the Shokan male. Catching the rod when Reeva tossed it to her, Himari contemplated for a few moments before shaking her head. "Nah, I'm much more attracted to beautiful women such as yourself cutie," Himari said about having some fun with Rogo. "When I come back, and I swear I will, I'll have Lily and the others with me, she's a succubus and knows how to handle her partners too. So don't go anywhere alright, I make good on my promises. Unless you'd like to come help us that is. If so then come on. Faeryl, do you want to stay here while I go back? If not then come on, let's get back and help them take care of that flower," Himari said, winking at Reeva and rushing out with Faeryl if the drow wished to come too back to the flower.

On the way out, she checked the crate too to see what was inside, grabbing one of those vials before heading on out. When she got back to the flower, Himari would rush in and hack at the stem of the thing, sinking her blade into it in an attempt to free her friends.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Faeryl rushes after Himari.
"Oi... Not so fast!" protests the drow.
Reeva watches them leave, and turn towards Rogo.

"Well, why don't we pass time together until the whole lot comes back." Rogo whined.

While going back the hallway, Himari had the time to check the handful of vials she took. They were filled with differently colored liquid, from creamish white to blood red. Their labels read as such:
  • Equinuum
  • Canistum
  • Gelum
  • Bovinium
  • Arachnovum

Alongside the product's name, every vial had this message underneath:
"For use on test subjects only. Please do not use this product for recreative use. Mixing products may lead to unexpected secondary effects."

This seems intriguing. Would Himari halt a moment to give the vials further investigation, or would she put this at a later time?
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Alright, I won't run too fast, but we should hurry. If something's happened to them I'd never forgive myself Faeryl," Himari told Faeryl after taking a few of the vials, leaving Reeva to hopefully not free Rogo, though from the sounds of it she wasn't going to yet at least.

She decided to put the vials up for now, figuring that she might not be able to figure out what they would do to her if she drank one, but from their names she could imagine just what they could and would do. Shaking her head, she rushed onward to get to the others, hoping they were okay. "Let's hurry up," Himari said, looking over at Faeryl.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari arrives and witness a rather chaotic situation. The entire group was caught by the plant and used as nutriant and pollen-carriers by the flowers. While they were milked and/or stuffed by the vegetal, hornets were buzzing around, landing and latching on the trapped witch hunters.
They licked their bodies with their long tongues and groped them, amassing as much pollen as they could. Those who couldn't stop moaning had already fainted, still used by the plant as their body stood out of the plants, slowly bobbing up and down.

Only Lily had not yet broken down. Actually she seemed to have a lot of fun out of this. From the corner of her eye, she notices Himari and Faeryl looking at the scene.
"Oh... Hey girls... (mmm) How did it go? Has it been one hour already? (ahn) As you can see things didn't go as planned but (Mmm yeah right there) I'm taking care of the situation. I haven't had so much food for me since that orgy 76 years agooo (nnf). Mind waiting twenty minutes or so... It shouldn't take long by now."
Himari could see that, indeed, the plant was getting considerably weaker as Lily parasited on it.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

When she and Faeryl got back to the flower, Himari gasped at the sight of everyone trapped in the flower's grasp while some of the hornets from before buzzed around and licked up all the pollen and whatnot from them. Her heart sank when she saw several of them had fainted from their hypersensitive dicks and or pussies being sucked on or stuffed full of plant pussy or dick. Lily noticed her and Faeryl and Himari looked over at her as she spoke in between her moans.

"N-No Lily, it hasn't been an hour yet. The others can't take this kind of pleasure. You've got to drain that thing faster dammit. If you don't I'll... I'll never forgive you, and you can't have my dick anymore," Himari called to Lily with a sad look on her face, trying to spur her into finishing this thing off quicker. "I've made us a new friend and she wants some sex too Lily, so hurry up dammit," Himari added to Lily.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"O... Okay. Give a moment... Damn."
A dark red aura starts to shine from Lily's body. The plant withers at an astonishing speed until it dies of the same death one gave to its preys in her uncorrupted days.
The captured hunters are softly squeezed out of the flowers, while the hornets leave with their load of pollen.

Lily stands up. For a moment, Himari would see her face distorted into a slasher smile, and her eyes all black, a reminder of their demonic origins; however, the succubus' face lightens up quickly and Lily fondles her stomach, letting out a loud burp.

"Urrrp! Damn, that tasted awesome! I think I'm filled for a few days." Turning towards Himari, the succubus adresses her comrade.
"Sorry, dear. You know us succubus from experience. When we find a good meal, we can't stop. Help me bring everyone here, so I can give them some of my energy. While doing so, you can give me details about what happened upstairs."

After everyone is brought around Lily, either unconscious or in an aroused half-conscious state, the succubus starts to emit the same dark red aura than earlier. Himari knew that showing such black magic skills would have had Lily killed on the spot in other branches of the guild.
For now, the cat-herm watches as her friends' breathing progressively calm down.
"There. I fed them some energy. We should let them rest for now, unless you want to wake up someone specific. Otherwise, we could head up upstairs and question your new "friend" about what's waiting for us."

Noticing Himari's vials, she whistles as she checks their contents.
"Oh my, is that body-change potions? I guess we'll put a few smugglers out of business by taking that witch down."
Smiling at the witch hunter, she ponders "Say, what do you say about tasting some of them?"
"I wouldn't mind myself" comments Faeryl. "Which one would you advise me?"
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Seeing Lily drain the thing dry as the hornets all buzzed off back to their nest, Himari watched the flower withering and hoping that the others were all alright after that. When Lily was done and told her to help get the others down, Himari nodded and motioned to Faeryl to help her get everyone out of the plant's grasp and laid them down nearby, their heads propped on the vines covering the ground.

"Remind me to never piss you off enough to do that to me Lily. And thank you for that, sometime soon when we're done in here, you get to fuck me silly one night. And I know, thank you for listening to me," Himari said to Lily, helping Faeryl get everyone down.

When pulling Gorma, Lonka, and Isabelle down, whom Himari decided to get while Faeryl got Agatha and Petrick, the neko looked at their poor cocks and almost felt the urge to take a lick at them all, licking her lips as she beheld the shining shafts. In the meantime she told Lily about what had happened upstairs and smirked at Lily, winking and telling her about Reeva who had turned on the Witch in exchange for getting sexed up to complete satisfaction. If Gorma, Lonka, Isabelle, or Agatha any one were still awake, Himari would smile at them and lean in to kiss their dicks and ran her tongue up from base to tip teasingly, giggling as she did at their reactions.

After Lily gave everyone some energy back, Himari sat down and showed the vials to her and giggled at her suggesting they try one out. "Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt since Isabelle can help change us back afterwards probably. I'll try this one here," Himari said, picking up the one labeled Equinuum and trying it out, while handing Lily and Faeryl whichever ones they wanted to try.

(Is Gelum a slime one? I know what the rest are, just curious.)
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

((Yup it is))

As the thick potion passed in her mouth, Himari felt a pulsing warmth grow in her stomach. Quickly, the warmth descended to her sexual organs, which started to tingle. Himari's penis begins to swell, gaining several inches in lengh and thickness. Its form changes too, the tip becoming flared like a horse. The new horse cock deflated and began to retreat half-way in a newly formed sheath. Her balls changed as well, becoming bigger and fuller, while her pussy changed as well, not in size, but in capacity.

"Well, that's interesting. I'll take... This one then." said Faeryl as she swallowed the content of an arachnovum vial.
As quickly as Himari, the drow's body changed. First her face, with small, black eyes opening around her real eyes and her upper canines growing into small fangs. Meanwhile, on her lower side, her herm cock changed forms, becoming more tubular like an ovipositor. Eventually, she discovered that she could produce web from her wrists.
"Wo... Wow. That was radical." simply said the spiderified dark elf.

"Some people react more strongly to specific potions, it seems. Good thing we have a druid if you don't want some of the changes"

((feel free to ask Faeryl to change some things if Himari is freaked out by them))
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(Thought so. :p)

Drinking the vial down she'd chosen, Himari felt warmth growing out from her stomach and down to her loins. She watched as her dick swelled up larger than it was, her eyes widening as it lengthened three inches or so and thickened up to around the same size as Gorma's. She watched as it reshaped itself into that of a horse cock, flaring at the tip as a sheath forms and her shaft softens up and shrinks slightly as it finished forming. When her balls engorged further, Himari yelped a bit and reached down to cup them and give them a tentative squeeze as she hefted them up to test their weight.

"W-Wow... this is freaky, but... a little nice I guess. Now I'm as big as Gorma, heh. And my pussy feels... different too. It's all tingly and stuff," Himari said, giving her new horse cock a stroke.

Watching Faeryl's change come on, Himari was a bit amazed. "Wow, I guess these big babies down here are full of eggs now then," Himari said, reaching down and cupping Faeryl's balls and kneading them a bit. "You want Isabelle to... take care of those eyes Faeryl? Maybe just keep the dick and the webbing part on your wrists," Himari then asked Faeryl when Lily spoke up, suggesting letting Isabelle change her back to mostly normal.

"Alright girls, Lily, let's head back up and I'll introduce you to Reeva so you and I can have some fun with her. Faeryl... do you want to come too? Or would you rather stay here and protect the others, maybe help them up to the next floor a ways," Himari said to the two after a few moments.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Well I..." begins Faeryl, trying to get used to the new feelings. "I'd like to come with you, if you want to. I have that growing urge to plant eggs in someone, and I don't want that someone to be one of my friends."

After having everyone woke up and having Isabelle adjust Faeryl's change, the three of them begin to take the path upstairs. They meet Reeva by the hallway.
"Finally, here you are! You look... Different, though. You drank the vials, did you?"
"Oh my, a shokan. So many arms, so many possibilities."
Flustered, Reeva tried to keep her bravado "Are you a succubus? Well, a cock is a cock, herm or succubus."

The four-armed woman approaches, with a surprisingly feminine walk.
"So... Why don't we get to... Know each other better while Rogo recovers from the little "punishement" I dished on him while waiting for you all this time?"
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Hmhm, you could plant a few in Rogo's ass just to be mean to him for what he was doing to you earlier... or his dick, heh," Himari said with a chuckle, winking at Faeryl as she suggested one thing she could do.

After the others woke back up and Isabelle fixed Faeryl up and everything, the trio went on upstairs while the others recovered for a bit on the path up.


"Yeah we kinda did drink them... I was curious. What can I say," Himari replied to Reeva when they entered and the Shokan asked if they'd drank some of the vials. "And I'm up for some fun with you too Reeva, I'm not gonna let my fellow captain get some fun and me not get any," Himari said with a playful giggle as her tail swished in the air behind her.

"Faeryl has some eggs though she wants to offload. You think it'd be too mean to give them to Rogo while he's asleep, hmm? Or maybe you'd like them yourself perhaps," Himari said after a few moments with a chuckle.